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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / Live: 2 / Archived: 30
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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27 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]

Marriages are the seed of relationships ... only through a marriage do relationships of all form come out ...

Our problem nowadays in Poland is the failing institution of marriage. My own opinion would be due to the tendency of consummating couples before their marital bond. I am not a religious person who is strict and all ... but I think somethings had better remained intact.

Another thing would be the the tendency of men to shy away from their responsibility of having children. I dislike that. This ofcourse might be the reason why some Polish women prefer Eastern men (as this forum usually have so many stormy debates) as they seem to be more interested to take such responsibilities. Polish men also take the responsibilities, but unfortunately we are influenced too much from the western ways, and we have a growing drinking problem.

Economy is not an excuse, although many try to give it. I dont think it is. My father and mother have been together - the best of pairs ... and so have been my uncles and so have been my grand-parents ... and most of them had harsh financial times. Their marriage only increased in strength through hard times. Isnt that what marriages are all about.

Equality is good, but uniformity is not. The feminists have taken it too far, and the Males have forgotten their role which they need to focus while respecting their wife ... which doesnt have to be through oppression, but love and a proper understanding of each others roles.

Our society is supposed to be patriarchal ... but now its a mess (I am simply sorry to admit).
27 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]


Family situations are not too good generally in Poland as I mentioned. Not working, many. Eventually the Children become the women's responsibility.

Sometimes women lack the wish to go for a proper family themselves....

Western Influences I call it.

But alas ... families are increasingly uncommon in our land.
27 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Your "pure race" version

I have no such version. Hey! ... my own wife is not a Slav, she is a Korean!

I think I am simply getting misunderstood by you. Its not pure race ... it means a confederation with shared cultural heritage.

If we need to be with Germany and Romanians ... all together ... why another Union? ... EU should suffice!

Why dont you realize that its just a economic club with some selected members ... Romania, Moldavia, Hungary are all friends with whom we work with =) ... otherwise tell me where is our uniqueness or shape?
27 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

*rolls eyes*

Keep rolling =D


Yeah Yeah sure =D ... I ESCAPED ;-)

On your version of the union

Whats wrong in my version brate? ... care to explain? ... We'll work together to solve it if you dont mind? ... I am a man open to suggestions! Not stubborn or angry at someone who might have a different opinion.

Is it about Germany again? ... I told you that we can work with everyone as friends ... but dont you think that a little club/confederation etc should have some as members and others as friends? Otherwise we can take everyone from Japan to California =D ... 360 degrees =D ... why not? I LOVE ALL HUMAN KINDS EQUALLY =D ... =)

You can call me racist and trap me in some Siberian prison =D ... your wish =) ... I will escape again ;) ... but I know about myself, my family =), my love =), my beloved friends of different color/culture/language and their beautiful families with Polish spouse making everything Polonized ;-) and their children to grow up as Poles =) ...

I know how much I welcome Americans and Brits and even Germans who come Poland and want to make it their home with complete honesty and respect =) ...

But still ... I am interested to know what is EXACTLY YOU PURIFIED VERSION??
27 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Slavic elite.

Arent you the one who was trying to pour his pessimistic view on the Slavic union just two days ago?

People think that such a Union is ethnic and thus racist. I think a confederation of neighbors with similar heritage then is the way forward. Not to mention that in the very beginning post (if read completely) makes it clear about our harmonious ways (not only harmonious but welcome too) for other European nations, Middle eastern or Indian or Persian or Far Eastern nations who settle in our union/confederation and have families here.

But no ... we need to be undermined and mistrusted.

I am ok with Kosovans as our friends too ... we have our own Muslims (tatars) and we have had a wonderful history with them. They are gallant and very patriotic.
27 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

The arab christian population is gradually leaving the palestinian controlled areas because they are bullied by the Muslims

The Christians there seem to be more in cooperation with the Muslims then the Jews.

Now dont call me an anti-semitic for that because I am not ... its just something that I gather.

Why dont you guyz live in peace? You are their neighbor ... cousins infact! ... You are Asian and so are they! ... Middle East is as much a part of Asia as Scandinavia would be for Europe ... why dont you two patch things up? ... Why no give them their territories and spit the eternal dispute off?
27 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

£ódź, which part of Poland are you from?

Guess wise man ...

If Lithuania came in and annexed it to their country, how would you feel?

No one is coming to annex.
26 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

believe it or not but, i am more and more relaxed. All we need is time. Shifs would get Serbian answer same way as would all other Slavic enemies get answer

This is the biggest problem. This attitude is the BIGGEST PROBLEM.

Why cant they live with us side to side and we convince a brotherly relations with change in both of us for a better adjustment with life for future of both our children?

THIS ATTITUDE is that will never let such a union have a future or solidarity.
26 Dec 2010
Life / Is/was Polish society patriarchal or matriarchal? [37]

The majority of today's Polish families.

Depends ... mothers are increasingly taking the front seats. But in the traditional families its the father who leads.

But then ... family structures in Poland is not doing well. Western influences.
26 Dec 2010

poverty is simply overwhelming...

I didnt spend too much of time in India, but in Bangladesh I have visited and I must agree to you. There is a class divide I would rather say. Some people are poor, and right the next corner live the lavishly rich!

My observation was that these unfortunate not being used by the rich to serve their purposes at remarkably low wages.

I got one friend living in India (a Pole) and she got 3 maids to take care of her. How is that? Her husband is not a King Tut either.

Everyone wants easy life ... and they use the poor for that.

I dont like this thing ... plus do you know that they are the much needed labor force to drive the economy and make the luxury life of rich people more luxurious. And if you make a comment against this kind of thing, they give you an empty look. What is more interesting is that the Polish friend who lives there gives an empty look ending with a cute - yet indifferent smile.

By the way, the poor are not considered a viable option for any deep emotions to be attached to them. They are a community of their own, not with the successful.

However, women among them are coming forward to improve their fortunes. I was in Bangladesh from my last job here, and I saw many women working in their Ready Made Garment sector ... and many enjoy the Microfinance revolution that started from that region.
26 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

we Poles did many times

We are not flawless. But doesnt mean we never remove as much flaws as we can.

I saw what I wanted to see. :-)

What did you want to see?
26 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Why do they collect money when Jesus wasn't known to do so?

Cuz its a business. There is nothing Jesus about it ... its all Catholic! Catholicism had risen out of materialistic Political ambitions of a King, who have been celebrated as a Hero. But there are better authors of history where you can find a good report. You know Gibbon and his likes dont you? ... Go though then and u'll know. If you investigate further you will start being able to measure things yourself. But a deep sense of unbiased attitude is needed (i.e. neither being in favor or against Catholicism), which is very difficult for some - because people are mostly dominated either by a negative or a positive image of something.

I've never read the Haddith or Koran/Quran so....

I've read. Those are magnificent Books. But just not upto today's time. There are alot of wrong information spread against them ... you need to read the book not a few phrases here and there. But its not for today, the laws or etc. Its not a bygone era.

there are Tatars

They are our good citizens, who have always been on our side naturally - Poles I like to call them.

English-language radio

I like English Language =) ... my English is good I think =)
26 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Islam is spreading

Dont get me wrong but sometimes I feel you are very attracted to Islam.

In any way ... I dont think its something positive ... even in its moderate ways, its nothing too different from Catholicism.

I would prefer a community which is not too intense on religions.

I know Muslims who give up on being too intense and prefer less intense, moderate, or ever a secular non-religious way of a spirituality which respects all and opts for harmony with family. This is very effective specially when you are in a European atmosphere, living among Europeans ... with a European...

By the way, Muslims like to have children, and our birth rates in Poland and the rest of Europe (the native ones) are constantly declining. Well I am not saying anything without solid evidence ... but I am not going for the links or data expecting you know this already. Plus, the eastern guys are family oriented - or so it shows till now.
26 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Listen people, anything peaceful is the way to go.

Try to find positives in things ...

Alright, if the term sounds too ethinic, it can always be changed. Also, little regional cooperation clubs is not bad. A cooperation club among the neighboring states will not harm. So what if Germany is not a direct member? - We can always work together in peace and harmony.

As for the KOSOVO matter - I respect their independence and freedom of choice for political and religious matters.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Good people are good people wherever you are.

I couldn't have said it better myself ;)

Yes ... I believe that one myself.


But the reason of my joining PF was learning English ... I joined years ago for that purpose. To better brush my English ... it was a good thing.

And I am in accordance with all kinds of peace and harmony. So what are we fighting against? There is a misunderstanding prevailing here. Maybe surrounding Germany and the Ethnic nature of the Union I am talking about.

Slavic Union does sound ethnic I suppose ... I need to think now, we become stubborn with our ideals ... but yes, it does sound Ethnic. Maybe there is where the problem lays ... its less regional and more ethnic ...

As for Germany ... I dont think they are everything about Europe. Some people just try to make them look like as if they are all about Europe ... and we are just there... around them!

No ... its not like that. I would wish a land where Slavs live to take a prominent role. How am I wrong in wishing that?

Is it wrong to think of Slavs coming forward to aide other Slavs? ... Take a part in development?

If you guyz think the name 'Slavic Union' sounds wrong ... then go ahead give it another name. But the purpose is that the Slavs must come forward to help other Slavs. Its not US vs. THEM ... its like this, the brother helps another brother ... and its not wrong in any way!

Slavic Confederation

Maybe it sounds to ETHNIC ... lets think with a cool head. No use being stubborn here. It wont ring the string in Slavic hearts atleast in Poland Crow. I mean ... people with sound minds and good disposition hate the term of RACISM atleast I know I do! ...

There is perhaps an Ethnic element there which makes it all look unrealistic ...

I dont like to remain grumpy and stubborn even if I myself somewhere inside me feel that something is wrong perhaps ... this term is not very much fit for the Union I myself envision.

Maybe a regional confederation ... alliance ... something that is not describe in ethnic terms?

That sounds more sustainable too.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

You're only making it worse for yourself, racist.

U are thinking in a pathetic manner ... my topic post clarifies it all ... live in ur dream world.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Our Siberian anti-racist camps are very efficient. He will know all the Goethe's poems
and will say them with enthusiasm and love for German culture by the time we're finished
with him, the racist scum.

U'r going beyond limits or manners...

See my point of this thread have been hijacked by the real racist in PF ... and its unfortunate. But well ... this is what they do ... morons.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

You keep repeating that all the time

I cannot be, my relationship is with a girl of another race and I love her madly.

That capital letter is nothing but your joke ...

30-35% Slavic Germany out
of it at all cost

Its not keeping out of it ... its just that I am trying to make a rule ... well then 30-35% is a very high mark ... i dont think there are so many.

It doesnt matter we all can work together ... its not a segregation thing.

25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Sign of respect, eh?

=D ...

10-12 years in an anti-racist re-educational camp

=P ...

Oh ok ... its turned into a comic thread ... fine ... go ahead.

=) ... i dunno why i used capital letter ... didn't think of it that way. Why are you so obsessed with racism?

I am definitely not one ... I cannot be for many reasons. Its impossible for me =) ... 100% impossible =D ... ha ha
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

America and Russia just toy with Poland and how do you propose to change that?

Love, trust, progressiveness ... economic stability ... cooperative spirit... eventually REVOLUTION is necessary.

Russians are mixed Sean ... I dunno how you got the idea of them being a racist. Even if some derailed youths are then they are foolish. They cant be themselves ... they are far too mixed (which is respectable and good ... dont misinterpret this).

World needs to change for good ... I feel that the Slavic People might be able to give a boost to it.

I am always with anything that gives the world a better look.

Why not include China and India and Australia and Turkey to EU? ... maybe for everything there are rules...

Sean ... if there is something better than Slavic Union which does better for the world ... I am with it.... but why not try see if the Slavic Union can give something good too? Whats the harm?

We have special
re-education camps for racists like you.

Oh you dont know me ... I am far from Racist.

I have written I am not against Germans but German domination or racist education to our derailed youth.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

self-confessed racist

how the hell did she marry you then?

Anyways its then her life ... I got less to do in that.

Even racists?

I dont love criminals who dont want to change ... I've seen a skinhead head change into something very good. I like those who want to make a positive difference in their life.

Name them.

They are racists... read some history for a change. By the way I am not against all Germans ... I am sure there are good ones out there who regret their bad past seriously ... and are looking forward to good life being happy and sharing joy.

The judgement is still out on you. For now you are excluded. Let's listen to your explanations
and then we'll decide what to do with you, grazhdanin Lodz.

I forgot I'm in PF and nothing can ever be serious here ... how the hell after all these years! ... heck =D ..

SLAVIC UNION doesnt take Germans are a member ... but as a friend if they behave in a friendly non-destructive manner.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335] looks like you're a racist after all.

Listen .. Germans are not in because of other reasons.

I have mentioned how to work with non-slavic union members ... in groups or in joint commissions ... teams ... I love everyone in this world equally.

I therefore (as a non-racist Slav) exclude you from the future Slavic Union, Lodz.

I would love it ... if I were a racist ... I would love to be excluded. But I AM NOT.

Cant you see that my whole topic have been tried to be sabotaged? ... Racism is nowhere in my existence ... not even in great distances NO WAY!
25 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [178]

advocating a return to communism

No ... I like some form of a mixed economy with socialism elements there too.

Animal Farm, £ódź?

It was a good book.

Sean you really dont want to be optimistic about it yeh? Tell you wife tonight that there is no way Slavs can have a good things to give to the world without being RACIST.