The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Eurola  

Joined: 2 Dec 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Jun 2021
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Posts: Total: 1898 / Live: 270 / Archived: 1628
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

That's how it was in 1950's, 60' and early 1970'. America seemed to have been on top then. Those low prices are not working too well for Americans. Wages stagnated since 1970's and the middle class has been decimated.

The prices are still working well now, I just don't know for how long. The middle class was just fine until a couple of years ago. There were a few bumps in the past, but short - lived.

I'd say what big corporations have been doing for the last 100+ years doing is in fact Wild West.

It is the big corporations and big industries which employ people and pay good salaries. No mom's and pop's shop can ever accomplish that.
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

- trim import from China and shift towards production at home

yeah, everybody wants that but they don't realze that the hammer at Sears would cost them $14.99 instead of $1.99...

- refuse to buy anything from China until they stop keeping their currency artificially low

risk to get mad and call all the loans back or allow them all to move in instead? lol.

- abolish the Federal Reserve (hanging its senior administrators on lamp posts would be nice...)

Wild West style solution, huh? We would need to order some extra rope from China, y'know.

Buy Ford.

True. That 'Fix or repair daily" cars went a long way.
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

knucklehead for a President

Unfortunately the one before and now fit into the category and it is what it is but I believe that we'll survive. It is just a hard lesson to learn to many people and totally not necessary.

Poles in Poland grabbed their opportunities and some got rich... many people here are getting rich as we speak too. Crisis or not there is always opportunity for many.
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

Due to multiple mergers, some banks had difficulties to locate original mortgage created a mess for potential buyers.

Yup. There sure are secure jobs :)

you're not in banking or finance. Are you? :)
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

well, yes - unemployment when it comes to people out of work already, but the ones who still work and don't know how soon they are going to join the 'crowd'.
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

Yeah, the infrastructure projects are fine although a hassle to drive around! But, you see even though the interest rates are low people are losing homes and a very few are buying! Why? Job insecurity. It is a great time for people who have a few dollars or a secure job (is there such thing now?).
10 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

Polish borders are unattractive and boring

oh, come on..the mountains, the sea, the western rich soil, the eastern ...never mind..
The statue of Jesus everywhere would be just an icing on the cake! :)
I just don't understand why Jesus the King is going alone without Mary the Queen of Poland.
Argh, I'm so sick of the religious icons!
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

we need Government spending to keep people in their homes

it's not working. Google foreclosed homes in your town. I did.
Anyway, taking jobs abroad, allowing illegal immigrant work for less lowers the amount of jobs available and the pay for everybody, thus lowers the standard of living.There is nothing more controlling than the fear of losing a job.
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

You guys aren't even half as social as Holland is, not even if Obama totally had his way

and it will not happen, hopefully. I don't know about Holland being communist, but any country which expects the government to take care of its people and control them is getting Marxist.
10 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

So does Marxism. Marxism is never the answer.

So why is it accepted in America? When will people realize that we are half way there?
14 Oct 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

Some Poles are getting rich, most stay in the moderate or low income bracket. My friend went to Poland after 18 years and found her friends living in the same, small, dingy apartments...
12 Oct 2010
Life / POLISH MYTHS - let's debunk or prove them! [140]

Polish women have frown lines going vertical on the forehead, just above the nose. Polish men have mimic lines going horizontal across the forehead.

This is because women scoldingly accuse and men feign ignorance and innocence.

lol. Stop it people! I'm laughing so hard I'm getting crows feet (kurze łapki in polish) around my eyes!
12 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Can a Canadian Female Drive in Poland?? [30]

it is not as much fun as it is to drive in North America, when one can actually relax on the highway.

lol. I like the 'relaxing' part. It doesn't mean that you can doze off behind the wheel but the wide open expressways make it a pleasure to drive. I'm sure it will take some adjustment and getting used to the narrow streets and crazy drivers, but you're going to be fine.
11 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Can a Canadian Female Drive in Poland?? [30]

might want to practice your drinking and driving technique though just to be on the even playing field.

Thanks for the advice! :) I think the drinking and driving in Poland is exaggerated. Whenever I am in Poland 'my drivers' are afraid to even have a tiny sip of alcohol. I guess, it is the other drivers one should worry about.

that means I drive illegally since I still have not renewed the old driving licence and I carry the Canadian one in case I am stopped

Are you comfortable driving in Poland?
10 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Can a Canadian Female Drive in Poland?? [30]

Driving in Poland? Be brave. Be very brave.
I consider myself as an excellent driver, but I have goose bumps when I'm driven in Poland. I would not dare to sit behind the wheel. It scares me. What if I decide to retire in Poland some day? Should I learn how to drive all over again?
10 Oct 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

Many young adults are moving back to mom and dad. Either lower wages or unemployment are forcing them to do that. Welcome to Europe in America. Soon we'll have three generations living in a small 900 sq feet apartments.
9 Oct 2010
History / How Poland views Europe [44]

Yeah...funny. Too many people are really bored out there.
3 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

It means: no, they aren`t. It is not a topic of public interest.

I didn't think so and I hope not. People are not as gullible and superstitious as they were in the past. However, 'wróżki' or future tellers are still making a living in Chicago.. :)
3 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

Nope. Being nice is hard. Especially, when reading some posts.

Nah, dear're not jumping about and insulting people, you just make some readers jump. :) There is nothing wrong with expressing opinions, it however depends how it is done so readers don't jump.

Back to topic. In my childhood years in Poland i heard many times about 'krolowa Saba or Sybilla' prophecies. It was pretty interesting to read but since I was not a believer even as a kid, I don't remember much of the prophecies. I think there was a little, old and beat up book passed around with her predictions. I remember reading about a small country being the reason for the end of the world. Israel?

Are the predictions of Queen Sabah (Sibilla?) still 'alive' in Poland?
2 Oct 2010
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

Vasectomy illegal? That's what happens when the government and/or church are controlling their citizens. I agree that no 20 year old should do it, but illegal!? It is up to the individual and their doctor. What's next? Tattoos? After all you mutilate your body too...possible infection etc.
2 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

Well, the Internet is a place when I can say what I want without such trivia as social niceties and a human factor.

This statement is pretty sad. Just because you can hide behind the screen it doesn't mean that you can forget about decent, social behavior. Fortunately, not all people think like that.
3 Sep 2010
Work / CV/Resume style standards in Poland [17]

not unthinkable at all..

Really? Resumes are submitted on line nowadays, many employers want 'copy & paste' .txt file or .doc file. Anything with a picture would go to the spam folder. In the age of Identity theft people put this kind of information on the paper and the internet? wtf. Once again, unthinkable.

Maybe it worked 20 years ago, but not now.
2 Sep 2010
Work / CV/Resume style standards in Poland [17]

Wow. I took a peek at the CV link above and my jaw dropped to the floor. Omg, totally unthinkable in the USA, in color, with a picture, age? If any company requested it on the resume here they could get are not even supposed to say the year you graduated from college. Only your credentials count. I'm speechless.
2 Sep 2010
Law / I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen [44]

Your new name would be Dupy Burak, address would be 69a Smacznego Street in the nice Kurwa district east of the Wisla river, in Warszawa.

lol. love the address. Thanks. See you there.
29 Aug 2010
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

The saying is cute but the reality isn't as per above picture. Yet, the saying means exactly that and he's got lots and lots of 'laskas"!


Could it be 'smooshed'? Which would be 'squashed and squished put together' or mixed.