The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
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From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

There is plenty of video evidence of Londonistan on youtube from multiple different sources as well. You Brits live with blinders on hoping the problem goes away until it bites you in the ass. Perhaps, your Queen will save She doesnt care about her citizens, the homeless are still hungry and shes throwing another wedding party with your money..sad!
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

The revenues from TV networks worldwide (especially American ones) for using the live feed from the wedding will bring in millions

Its true, there are too many idiots in America that watch this royal crap. Obviously, you can count on me to turn it off:)

Hard to see how the forthcoming Royal Wedding relates to the racist Międlar

I was just responding to one of the many insults hurled by this Brit towards my country on this thread and others. See below for example.

You are talking about America, the land that worships the Dark Arts of Stupidity.

2 Dec 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

If so cultural enrichment brings also causes murder. Should thst be banned too?

Im sure the crime rate would be much lower without the criminal refugee/terrorist take over of Europe. At some point in time they will have to face reality and admit they were wrong, either before or after it literally blows up in their face.

Well then you only need tell the 86 percent of Poles who oppose gun ownershipthat they are not citizens.

Same thing goes as well in the USA

We don't need any expat Europeans dictating to us which laws of ours they do or don't approve of.

If Poles want guns, its up to them, not some Brit!
3 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [437]

Because they know that we are degenerate and weak and going extinct.

A Brit that speaks the truth! Its a good first step realizing your dire situation.

Only if your fellow counrtymen could grow a pair instead of being cowards and PC all the time. Perhaps, its not too late for Europe, if you stand your ground.
6 Dec 2017
Language / Harmless old-fashioned Polish swear words/phrases [159]

Oh dzieki, I mess up words all the time in Polish:(

I learned a new phase last week, she told its means something like biggest liar?

Quamca Perfydne

Or she could be trying to trick me again.....
6 Dec 2017
Off-Topic / American Jew Voice in Poland [93]

I'm not feeding, I'm debunking.

Are you happy the Trump is going to declare Jerusalem the capitol of Israel and move our embassy there?
6 Dec 2017
Off-Topic / American Jew Voice in Poland [93]

As usual, Trump's just being outrageous once again and trying to throw the proverbial monkey wrench

I first thought why would you throw gas on a fire?

indeed cannot, understand: DIPLOMACY!

However, they have been trying the same old thing for over 30 years and it seems redundant at this point in time.

Perhaps something good will result from this............
10 Dec 2017
Love / Polish guy offered me money for sex [18]

then he started offering me money, $500 a week

Thats more money than a school teacher earns in Poland!

I also know of a British queer bloke who works in Arabia and pays young Asian men for sex.

There they can exchange STDs with each other....

He`s just looking for a happy ending LoL
12 Dec 2017
Love / Polish guy offered me money for sex [18]

Unfortunately you'll be hard pressed to shake that stereotype.

That me so horny stuff will never go away
12 Dec 2017
Love / Polish guy offered me money for sex [18]

My friend just returned from the Philippines for a medical procedure. He claims to saved about $80K compared to having it done in California.

Vietnam has a booming economy and a growing middle class.

I would love to go there for a vacation, not for suckie suckie. They do look pretty hot though:)
12 Dec 2017
Life / Do you support Poland's frisk and search policy? [10]

It has been proven to reduce crime, then the nanny state took it away and crime shot right back up again.

How do you discreetly search someone?

NYC was a perfect example of how it works correctly when mayor Giuliani was in charge.
14 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / What I don't get about Americans vs Polish [39]

The guys are push overs and women do what they want wth them while they live in some big house and the guy works a lot and she gets pedicures

You watch too many movies. The liberal Hollywood elitists would have you believe this is reality and every white American behaves like a brain dead Californian.
14 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Not sure why every topic seems to turn into an America bashing.

Its because this forum is filled up with expat trolls that hate America.

The EU is crumbling and most countries except Poland are under an Islamic invasion and their leaders refuse to stop it.

These internet trolls are jealous bc we dont follow them down the same dark hole and America is becoming more prosperous every day.

I don't know of any of my friends, Polish American or not, who have ever said anything negative about Poland.

In the real world Poles and Americans get along great! I have many Polish friends as well and they are all happy to be living in America.

I wouldn't use this forum as a barometer at all regarding Polish- Americans relations.

I do like to believe that the US would defend Poland if someone attacked it.

Of course we would!
14 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Low and behold the main troll has show up.
Ask him how many times he has been banned from here?

FYI delphiadope, take a look at our stock market... it's breaking records almost on a daily basis... haha

As for Europe crumbling all I need to do is point to Londonistan, Berlin or Paris as the prime example of failed PC policies that ruined your countries.
14 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / What I don't get about Americans vs Polish [39]

Are you predicting another huge liberal meltdown? Only this time the Hollywood version, oh they should film it! LoL

Ill get my popcorn for this one:)
15 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we rather friends or enemies?

Poles and Americans get along just fine except, sometimes on this forum where internet expat trolls try to split us apart.

In the real world we socialize and have good times together.

And they also have awesome food and hot women..........:):)
15 Dec 2017
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

The Brit Bully club is alive and well on this forum. They hate everything American due to extreme jealousy and have a penchant for constant trolling. Most of them dont have jobs and troll this forum 24/7. The ones that claim to have jobs constantly post during the hours they supposedly are working?

I dont view the opinion of expats trolling this forum to be representative of Poland either.

There are some anti-Americanish folks from the British Isles here and a few Putin-paid-trolls and a couple of permanent grouches

Its time to put an end to the rein of trolling by the BritBullies and their PC agenda.
15 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

As a Pole i find Hamburgericans harmless dumb@sses. :)

Thats why we should pull out of NATO and let you disrecptful degenerates fend for yourselves:)

Actually it was a World Monkey Day yesterday or 2 days ago. Late Happy Holiday 'Muricans.

Dont coming running to America then when Vlad decides to invade Europe. You would make a good commie again!

Oh yeah, Ill just wait until the Muslim terrorists finish taking over Europe. Nice going PC fools! LoL

Who's really the dumbass monkey NTF?
15 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Just wait until he brings up Pulaski Day! LoL

We have a Polish Constitution Day Parade in Chicago where 1000`s of these kids paint their faces red and white, drape their cars with Polish flags and drive around they city honking their horns.

Just because it annoys you doesn't seem to effect the Poles of Chicago or aren't they pure Polish like you?
16 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Kościuszko masterminded the British defeat at Saratoga in the American state of New York. He oversaw construction of military fortifications at West Point which is today's home to the US Army Military Academy.

Very interesting info, Thanks!
There is a huge statue of Koscicsko along the Chicago lakefront. A lot of Polish influence in this city despite what some foreign trolls would have you believe.

Check this old photo out 50,000 Poles in Chicago

Ya, I think we get along just fine with one another:)

Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

You neither Polish or American, so it doesn't include you
16 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Yes! It's an actual coin in circulation commemorating the British defeat at Saratoga in the American State of New York and all thanks to Kościuszko!

Thats a nice coin, it would make a great Xmas gift

Kosciuszko is an American hero just like Casimir Pulaski

Thanks for helping America defeat tyranny!
16 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies? [187]

Hey, theres one in Milwaukee as well. Many Poles immigrated to Wisconsin, there is a town named Polonia up there also.

I know about Pulaski. Ive been reading about Kosciusko, he sounds like a true patriot to me!

He helped defeat the British, a true friend to America!

Im glad the scavenger was arrested and the statue has been restored. Im sure he didn't have a clue who it was either.
17 Dec 2017
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

It's 'priests' like Rydzyk and his helicopter/maybach

So, its true. Ive heard that Rydzyk flies around Poland in his own helicopter.

He took advantage of this elderly Polish couple that used to own a little deli/store here in Chicago.

Rydzyk doesn't bless anything for free! It cost them a Rolex, besides a first class ticket and a swanky hotel room.

His blessing didn't work either. 3 months later they closed down the business.
17 Dec 2017
USA, Canada / What I don't get about Americans vs Polish [39]

But that's just it delph, it was not "devastating" as you keep spinning it as with your minnie orgasm that the Dems FINALLY won an election.

The only election they can win is against a flawed candidate that should have never been there in the first place.

Harder to understand why anybody would want to support such a candidate,

Who on this forum is supporting him Harry?

I haven't seen one person yet, keep trolling!

You act like it was the Presidential election itself....

Its going to be his only victory, hope he doesn't pee his pants!

Do you see how the left grasps for any little straw they can find and then blow it waaaay out of proportion?