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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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19 Jan 2023
News / War propaganda - are we really THAT retarded? [12]

Kania - it is possible to organize both

I am 99% sure you're joking.

EDIT: Make that 95%.


People deserve reliable information. The primitivism of propaganda on both sides starts to annoy me. :-/
19 Jan 2023
News / War propaganda - are we really THAT retarded? [12]

Perhaps we should hire Pan Warzecha to head our information warfare efforts

Warzecha is a good Polish patriot; he would rather have sexual intercourse with a hedgehog than work for Putin, but I suppose you meant it as a compliment. ;)

Yes, he's a good, objective journalist - a rarity these days.
19 Jan 2023
News / War propaganda - are we really THAT retarded? [12]

Thanks, Novi. :)

Anyways, propaganda has always been a useful tool but it shouldn't become too primitive and obvious, and access to different points of view should never be denied to people (as it, unfortunately, is the case in Poland).
19 Jan 2023
News / War propaganda - are we really THAT retarded? [12]

Łukasz Warzecha's makes a couple of good points in his article in the recent issue of "Do rzeczy"*. We all know how detached from reality is the Russian propaganda but what about our own - the Ukrainian/Western one. Why don't we demand higher standards of information coming from the war and why do we fall for the same bulls*it over and over again?

1. How many times did we hear that Vladimir Putin is on the brink of death (all the cancers and other deadly diseases)? On Polsat News Victor Suvorov made a prediction that Putin will be dead by Christmas (true, he didn't mention which Christmas - maybe he meant Christmas in 2047?).

2. How many times have Russians practically ran out of ammo (especially rockets - they ran out of them at least 20 times now)?

3. How many times the Russian conscripts rebelled and refused to fight? How many times the distant republics of Russia were on the verge of declaring independence and Russia was practically falling out into pieces?

4. How many times was Russian army totally disorganised and withdrawing in chaos?

5. How about general Ben Hodges' prediction (made in March) that Russians will run out of ammo and soldiers in 10 days?

6. In September "Die Welt" wrote that Russians only have ammo stock until the end of the year.

7. We keep getting information about exorbitant Russian losses but somehow we receive almost no info about Ukrainian losses.

I could go on, but you get Warzecha's point - we hear the same bullsh*t over and over again. When will our societies finally start to demand sensible, reliable information about the war? How come so many people who until February 2022 did the job of journalists have so suddenly transformed into primitive propagandists? Are we really THAT retarded to believe the same lies repeated over and over again?

Let's make a prediction about what will be happening in the front in the coming 3 months according to our media. I'll make an educated guess:

- Russians will be withdrawing chaotically, abandoning weapons to which they don't have any ammo left anyway;
- Vladimir Putin will contract three more cancers and will be dead by Easter;
- Thirty seven (possibly thirty eight) Russia republics will practically rebel and leave Russian Federation.

Any other predicitions of media news in coming months?

* Łukasz Warzecha, "Wojenni podżegacze", Do Rzeczy 3/150, 16-22 January 2023
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

draconian abortion laws, lack of affordable nurseries/childcare facilities, mass emigration of young people over a couple of decades, reliable contraception and job insecurity

You might be onto something here, Feniks. It is worth noticing that by and large godless Czechia has significantly higher birth rate per woman (1.71) than overwhelmingly Christian (at least in theory) Poland (1.38). Looks like social/job security, free nurseries and playschools, proper health care and much lower emigration rate worked better for Czechia than rosaries and holy water did for Poland. Go figure.

That's why we need a whole new system. But I repeat myself.
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

That's all sweet and dandy, but that's an utopia.

Well, at least it's worth trying. We don't know whether it will work or not if we don't try.

Wow... That's "romantic"... lol

Women aren't romantic. At all. There's not an ounce of romanticism in most women.

Men are, by and large, a romantic bunch.

If a man likes a girl, he doesn't care about her education or material status. If he falls in love with her, he will marry that girl no matter what - that's romantic.

Women, on the other hand, are very reluctant (to put it mildly) to date/marry men who are lower than they are on the social ladder, have worse education, lower social/material status. One very often sees men "marrying down"; women - not so much. That's why we have all those 30-40 year-old spinsters, still waiting for their Prince Charming to arrive on a white horse and take them to a fairy castle... lol But that's not romanticism, that's stupidity (easily confused).
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

At 37 the last one is in full time education. And the women receives 1,5 of a nice wage for the rest of her life...

Yip. That's the idea. The whole basis of the new system that I propose is to generously reward the women who bear and raise children, and to create a whole civilisation who appreciates their role of mothers (the most important role there is, way more important than any "career") and praises it. In other words a new matriarchate in which men work for their families and - through taxes and generous social system - also lonely mothers. Basically, it would be made easier for women in the new system to achieve material safety by bearing and raising children than by getting a job.

Of course, if there are still women who would like to pursue carrers or even remain minimum wage slaves in Biedronkas or factories, then by all means - let them knock themselves out (in more senses than one) but such life choices should be merely allowed and not rewarded by the society. As I said, it's a matter of survival of our civilisation - otherwise we will be replaced by Muslims and Africans in the not so distant future.

Down with the current patriarchate that turns the overwhelming majority of women into cheap workforce! Long live the new matriarchate!

I'm a genius. :)
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

@Paulina and Lenka

I gotta go, ladies. I'll answer your questions and explain the details of my brilliant new matriarchal system tomorrow.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Plus, would that be lifelong or just to the kids specific age? And would there be a chance for the men to go for it?

Lifelong and, of course, equal chances for men. As I said, a brand new system.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Would you just prefer to shove us back into the kitchen?

Yes, but only if that's what a woman wants and on much better economic conditions. Forget 500+ - it's not nearly enough to constitute a real incentive to have children.

A stay at home mum of two should get an average wage, so that it pays off more to have and raise two children than have a sh*tty, minimum wage (or slightly more) job instead. Mother of three - 1.25 average wage. Mother of four and more - 1.5 average wage (four children would be quite enough from the point of view of the society, also to "cover" for the women who would choose careers instead). All that regardless of whether she is a lonely mum or has a working husband (that way we would provide an economic incentive for a traditional family model, as a traditional family would obviously be able to have a higher standard of living).

The thing is you guys repeat the same mantra 'go back to how things were'.

Not me. I'm talking about a whole new system that appreciate mothers more than any other economic system in the history of mankind. It's the question of survival.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

There are plenty of women who have both kids and careers.

What does "plenty" mean? We are talking about concrete numbers - hard statistical data which shows that we have negative population growth rates in native European populations (not immigrants). If there were enough women who could reconcile having careers/jobs with bearing and raising more children, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

you can look at Muslim countries and Africa to see where those traditional roles are getting them

But that's the point - with current birthrates the future world will be Muslim/African. Is that what we want? OK, then let's leave everything how it is now.

How about you?

I get, roughly, 2.5 times the average wage in Poland, working my arse off. If I could get the same money for staying at home with my kids, then of course I would!!! I would most likely did a much worse job at it than my wife, so it would make more sense for her to stay at home (which she almost does - working only part time, more for satisfaction than anything else, but unfortunately not every woman is blessed with a husband like me :)); but we aren't a good example - our income is well within what we would call middle-class, and we have no mortgage or loans of any kind to pay off. I was talking about the majority of people who are struggling to make ends meet and who get jobs merely to survive. If the system doesn't accommodate them better, there will be no children. It's about numbers.

that the only thing they're needed for is bearing children and taking care of them

Not the only thing, but by far the most important thing.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Women had your system

No, they didn't. The old system was better than the current one, because more children were born under it, but it was even more cruel to lonely mothers than the current one. As I said, we need a system that would appreciate and reward the role of mothers in society. The old one was overthrown and the new one doesn't work (as we can see from the population growth rates in Europe). Men can do the engineering, medicine, science etc. but there's one thing that they cannot do - bear children. That's why we need a new matriarchal system - designed especially for mothers. It is either that or extinction.

And yes - as I said, if a woman wants a career, let her have it. But if a woman chooses to bear children instead, the society should reward her for it much more than it does the one who chooses career, because what the mother does is way more important.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

0.1% of the 4,000,000,000

Or docrors, headteachers, laborants, architechts, lawyers...

OK, 0.3%. But shouldn't we rather consider with more care the fate of the remaining 99.7% of women and create an economic system that would better accommodate them than the tiny minority of career-pursuers? If a woman wants a career - very well, let her have it, but if she wants to stay at home and raise children the system should make it as easy for her as possible and not condemn her, in overwhelming majority of cases, to financial hardship. Our civilisation as a whole needs to appreciate the role of mothers more, and then maybe - just maybe - Europeans can avoid extinction (because that's exactly what negative population growth rates mean).
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

The problem is that in life, you cannot have everything.

Also, another problem is that the kind of "career" that most of the 4 billion women in the world have are menial physical jobs, sales assistants, hairdressers or office workers, teachers at best. Of course, there is maybe 0.1% of the 4,000,000,000 women who are high level managers, scientists, famous writers, artists or whatnot but it's a tiny minority. Most of the women I know would gladly leave their so-called careers, if only they could afford to stay at home with their children. Unfortunately the economic system we're in practically forces most of them to get jobs.

When you try to fix what has worked, you usually just fvck things up, and that applies to everything.

16 Jan 2023
Off-Topic / Germany to Destroy Village in order to build Coal Mine [3]

But, but... ecology... green power... Mother Earth... but, but... :(

Poor Lutzerath - and all that to go back to the most destructive form of energy in human history. That sort of undermines (pun intended) Germany's ecological agenda.
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

too much emphasis on things and accumulating things instead in having a life

Spot on, PolAm. We created a civilisation in which success is measured with money and material possessions, and the entire media industry, brainwashing billions of people everyday, is built around this myth. Mindless consumers, binge watching TV series and playing video games are no longer teenagers - they are 30-40-year-olds. Childless parasites who claim that they can't afford children but have just taken out another loan to buy a new car (because the previous one was already 5 years old) are all around us. That's why the future of the world is African/Muslim - those who have children will inherit the Earth, according to God's promise and command to be frutiful and multiply, whilst retards who chase new cars and exotic holidays to put photos of them of Instagram/FB will be forgotten a month after they die (and rightly so!).
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

wanted to go back to work after maternity.

Wanted or had to?

9 out of 10 women I know would rather stay at home with kids, if only they could afford it. So the question is: do we create a system that accommodates the 10% that want to work or the 90% that want to raise their children properly.

If we choose the former, let's not be surprised that Europeans are dying out. Stupidity has a price - a very high price.
9 Jan 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

So did Piłsudski - he decided to use dirty radical methods to deal with them. No more velvet gloves.

Yes, he wanted to eliminate his political opponents like rabid dogs. So he was a bit like you in this regard! ;) Also, he was a socialist at heart, so there's probably his portrait hanging somewhere in your house, isn't there? :)

Anyways, Piłsudski will always be remembered for his role in the independence struggle and the Battle of Warsaw. In the future Bereza Kartuska and the May Coup will be discussed only by historians specializing in the period.
5 Jan 2023
Off-Topic / In Germany the Reichsbürger movement denies the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany [30]

...or.....developing a real european nationalism!!!! :)

Which would require, first and foremost, a united football team - and we are back at the same point of our discussion for the 100th time. ;)

we would be all foremost Europeans...who want only the best for Europe! :)

Something like Federal Republic of Europe. Hmm... not a bad idea. The only problem is that such project could only be accomplished by those woke green leftist peacenicks. If left to our favourite Bismarcks and Dmowskis the fighting and b*tching would NEVER end. So, we can either give up our life-long sympathies and life long abhorrences (of leftards) or give up the dreams of united Europe. A scary conclusion! I have to go back and see where I went wrong with my reasoning. *scratches head*

( chose the best european players for our european football team will be the horror, though....)

Now when I think of it, it definitely WOULD be a horror! *trembles at the thought*

splitting of empirial regions into hostile, small national states is a rather new thing

... it might be a new thing, but extremely difficult to reverse.
5 Jan 2023
Off-Topic / In Germany the Reichsbürger movement denies the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany [30]

nationalists are always heroes at home....and disliked by foreigners

That's why the only way of progress would be blending a huge block, like the EU, into one large country and keeping it that way until the old nationalisms die off naturally. Unfortunately, it's a utopia that can never be realised because some countries will always want to dominate and won't give up their position for others (and it applies, although to a different extent, to both Germany and Poland).

It looks like human nature is what it is and we can't fight it - original sin, total depravity, desperately wicked, most deceitful hearts etc. John Calvin got it right. Or I should rather say: the Holy Writ got it right.
4 Jan 2023
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Wyluzuj. Ja na razie wyjaśniłem jak to się robi w Polsce pod rządami twojego ulubionego PiSu.

Aaaa... sorrewicz... nie zauważyłem edita - w pierwszej wersji Twojego wpisu nie było tych fragmentów.

Co do mnie, to już Ci tłumaczyłem - rozwalić wszystkie mury i obozy i niech każdy idzie gdzie chce. Takie jest moje chrześcijańskie podejście do tematu. :)

A więc - głosujesz na PiS i budujemy ośrodki jak obozy konncentracyjne, tak?

Z tymi obozami to i tak PiSowi nic nie wyjdzie, jak już tłumaczyłem wcześniej, a zagłosuję na nich po raz pierwszy (wcześniej byłem wiernym wyborcą PSLu - fajna, zdroworozsądkowa, centrowa partia, ale niestety zdegradowali się sami do roli przystawki PO), bo są po prostu mniejszym złem. Wielka Brytania nawet wyszła z EU, żeby bronić swojej niezależności, więc nie ma co jej zbyt tanio oddawać, a PO by nas sprzedała za czapkę gruszek.
4 Jan 2023
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Precz z PiSem!

No to nie rozumiem dlaczego popierasz PiSowskie mury i obozy zamknięte?

A co do tych obozów, to nie wolno w nich trzymać ludzi bez końca (karta praw człowieka ONZ) - to jest tylko rozwiązanie tymczasowe (przecież tych ludzi, matek z dziećmi, nie będą trzymali tam dożywotnio) albo na czas legalizacji pobytu imigranta w danym kraju (ale wtedy patrz #297 - powrót do Niemiec z prędkością światła) albo deportacji do kraju pochodzenia (ale to jest bardzo często niemożliwe, przy braku jakichkolwiek dokumentów u dużej części imigrantów i, tak czy inaczej, dotyczy tylko groźnych przestępców lub ludzi podejrzanych przez służby o terroryzm itp.). Więc żadne obozy tutaj nic nie pomogą.
4 Jan 2023
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Co, znowu wchodzisz w fazę depresji?? :)

Nie, mam to już dawno za sobą - trochę też dzięki Tobie :)

A co do tego obozu, to jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni i tego typu obozy koncentracyjne nie mają przyszłości w Unii Europejskiej, niezależnie od tego o czym PiS albo Twój wewnętrzny Hitler skrycie marzą. :D

Ludzi, których nie zatrzymało morze, bagna, mrozy itp. nie zatrzymają też żadne "obozy". PRECZ Z FASZYZMEM!!! :):):)
4 Jan 2023
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

w zamkniętych ośrodkach

Człowieku... nie osłabiaj mnie :)... ci ludzie ryzykowali życie i uciekali przez morze w drewnianych łodziach i pontonach; myślisz, że jakieś "ośrodki zamknięte" ich zatrzymają? Żeby zatrzymać tych zdesperowanych ludzi, to te Twoje ośrodki musiałyby mieć drut kolczasty, wieżyczki wartownicze i strażników z psami i karabinami maszynowymi, a takich obozów w UE, a już zwłaszcza w Polsce, nikt nie zbuduje - wiesz... ciężkie doświadczenia historyczne.

Ale to jest niesamowite jak z Ciebie czasami wychodzi taki mały hitlerek - a to fizyczna eliminacja przeciwników politycznych, a to polskie obozy koncentracyjne dla uchodźców. K*rwa, Pawian - kontroluj trochę tego swojego wewnętrznego Hitlera. :):):)
4 Jan 2023
Off-Topic / In Germany the Reichsbürger movement denies the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany [30]

I always had a soft sport for Bismarck

Oh, come on - the guy was basically a proto-Nazi, a filthy racist who called for the extermination of Poles and conducted a genocidal "Kulturkampf" policy. He wanted to not only eradicate the Polish language and culture but also exterminate Poles physically...

... I think that's the reason why his cult in Germany is being curbed by the current German government, and now the so-called "Bismarck room" in the Foreign Office is being renamed. The portrait of the former Chancellor in it was also taken down. In the future, the meeting room will be called the "Hall of German Unity"...


Please, BB, find yourself a different idol. ;)