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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 8281

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [487]

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2 days ago
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

Won't they all just come back again?

No, they won't come back if tell them what will happen to them if they do.

Do you know why nobody is trying to rob a Rolex store in a mall near me?

It's because that store has two cops with Glocks. Once I walked in there to chat and ask if those guns were real.

They were real and loaded. No takers...Hmm...funny how it works...In the meantime, stores with puppet "guards" are closing left and right.

Amazing how the prospect of being shot and killed works...
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [487]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / Things we hate [378]

...but not as bad as strange car noises dealers are unable to fix. I have one of those...
2 days ago
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

And a preference for choosing extremes to make a point.

These scumbags do it deliberately to take you off your point and force you to debate their deflection.
It's a known debating technique - just like calling you "racist" instead of commenting on what you said.

Yes, Milo, I like the idea of concentration camps with crematoria. Even better...Machines that can extract fat from the obese to make soap - while they are still alive!
1 day ago
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [507]

All the immigrants,

Migrants' best friends are pussified matriarchal men who are afraid to say no because "good" men are supposed to be sensitive, nice, kind, and agreeable to any idea no matter how criminally stupid it is.

Above all, men are not allowed to be factual and logical. If they are they are hateful and toxic. A patriotic man is a "NAZI".

I didn't mention women because most women are morons beyond repair. At least those we see in parades, demonstrations, and on YouTube.
1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [650]

of the international community by invading Ukraine.

Poland invaded Iraq for zero reasons. Russia had plenty of them to invade Ukraine.
Here is one: NATO crawling up to Russia's doorstep and salivating after Ukraine. Russia said no and invaded Ukraine. That simple.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

The only thing modern women love is money...



So how is that "strong and independent" bullshlt working for you? Need a new plan?
1 day ago
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

They are western European attempt to cope with costs of production.

Then you invite only men who will work for a limited time and out, not whole damn families that will forever be on welfare and will multiply like rabbits.
Grim is the future of the EU and Western Europe. No, not grim. Black.

White suicide in slow motion.

On the other hand, whites start world wars, consume a lot, invent all --isms, maybe it's time to die.
1 day ago
Life / Poland Is A Gem In Europe [48]

At least one voter wants Biden tried for treason and executed.
Opening our borders to the hordes, legal or illegal, is a peace crime against humanity aka Americans.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [487]

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1 day ago
News / Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland [507]

How did you raise your daughters?

Good question I don't have a snappy answer to... The best I can offer is that we did the same my parents did: nothing. Full autopilot.

We never asked them if they did their homework and what grades they were getting. It worked beyond what we deserved.

My contribution was telling them that money is not the most important thing. It's the only thing. When you have it, everything is easier...

They listened and put my managerial salary to shame.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

I watched enough crime shows to know this to be 100% true:

Men love their women. Women love financial security. Sex is what they have to do to get it.

This is not criticism. It's a biology-based reality.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

Trump has immunity from prosecution for official acts Supreme Court rules in monumental decision for presidential powers


Fvck you, leftist morons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Things we hate [378]

I hate LGBTs. Loud, in-your-face biologically useless, disease-spreading parasites. Some compose good music.
The rest should be aborted at any age which is consistent with their pro-abortion views for the reasons even they don't understand.
1 day ago

America anything in terms of fighting wars on land.

America doesn't need to learn how to fight wars on land because nobody is planning to attack America.
All wars America was in were voluntary and crimes against American people who had to pay for them and die in them.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

I wonder if that pos NY judge got a warning what will happen to him if he orders Trump imprisoned.
1 day ago
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

Head up. We`ll be just fine. Western Europe? Just forget it.

No, we won't. Western Europe is the pathway for migrant cancer. Once there, it spreads.
Europe needs Nazis to push that cancer back but will never admit it or do it.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [487]

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

Biden could officially order Trumps assassination and would have immunity

Now I can safely call you a moron. Go back to your rock.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

Kamala will assume the role of Head of State:-)

At the end of the 25th Amendment it says in plain English:

Stupid cvnts do not qualify as Heads. Only as Asses.
1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [650]

In Ukraine there was no war until Russia invaded in 2014.

Russia didn't invade until it was clear that, unless invaded, Ukraine would let Western warmongers in as NATO.

Russia knows what "enemy at the gates" means.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

Now officially admitted to the club of the Three Stooges, Barney

Ask him why he wanted more migrants. I tried...
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was raped on night of murder, Houston authorities confirm, making the two illegal immigrants charged in her death eligible for the death penalty

Hey, Euro cvnts, what should these two get?
1 day ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 12 [650]

Four "yous" too many.

Memo to all azholes: I will not respond to any post with an accusatory "you".

If you want to debate what I wrote I am cool with that.


Russia then occupied and annexed Crimea, and in August 2014 Russia's military invaded eastern Ukraine to support its separatist proxies. Because of this, in December 2014 Ukraine's parliament voted to end its neutral status, and in 2018 it voted to enshrine the goal of NATO membership in the Constitution.


Anybody who can GoogleNATO is in Ukraine's constitution can get the above quote.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [623]

Don't be such a Yank cvnt, they should get the death penalty of course.

When I say "cvnts" I mean women and pussified men. You are neither so why do you respond?

But tell us, honestly, how many American states still have the death penalty?


In the United States, capital punishment (killing a person as punishment for allegedly committing a crime) is a legal penalty throughout the country at the federal level, in 27 states, and in American Samoa. It is also a legal penalty for some military offenses.

In the pussified Europe, Hitler would get life without parole. Sick azholes...