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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
Warnings: 3 - AAA
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 8224

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

charges against Presidents.

...or candidates. Then the real banana republics should be offended by calling the US a banana republic.
2 days ago
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

I will let you know if I need advice from you. Give it to somebody who gives a fvck.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

"I don't require love, respect is enough".

That's what men want from their women first and foremost.

Instead, when they get finally home, they get bitched at for what she was stewing on all day long or what she recalled he did ten years ago.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Terms of Ukrainian Surrender [67]

It's unhygienic to accept money from you.

...because it would come with preconditions:

1. Equal rights for LGBTs.
2. Equal LGBT access to Russia's school kids.
3. Gender-affirming surgeries for all kids from 1 to 17 without parental consent.
4. Trans women to be allowed to compete in all women's sports.
5. Trans women to be allowed in women's private spaces and in prisons.
6. Affirmative action for low-IQ minorities.

Anything else?
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

I have no problem with bringing such a case.

I do. That was merely a matter of custody.
If Trump had no right to take those documents he would be simply escorted from the White House empty-handed. The volume tells me that the SS loaded all that stuff onto a big truck for him.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Things We Love [129]

You can shrink them in Paint.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

The Biden saga fills me with sadness, not glee.

One day, I might be like him. That's why my secret wish is to die from heart failure or in a Corvette plunging from a high elevation.

The two things I never want to be is in a never-ending pain and a burden to my family.

I don't mind being a pain in the ass and that's why I am here.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / Things We Love [129]

I meant reducing a number of pixels by changing the resolution, not cutting off parts of the image.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

There is no Georgia case. Only an ugly black bi*tch who fvcked a black guy one time too many.
"Find me some votes" =/= create fake votes or a conspiracy to defraud voters since you cannot find what does not exist. They could be misplaced or uncounted.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

BREAKING NEWS: Mike Lee Calls To Invoke 25th Amendment On Biden After Presidential Debate 'Meltdown'
Nice but too late...There was a time to charge this POS with treason. Now it's a moot point.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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2 days ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

but without a specific accusation, it is worthless.

...but they will be repeating this crap without ever asking for specifics.
The same with "dangerous". If NYT had "Trump is dangerous" on the front page, before the sun goes down, a million morons will say: Oh, my God, Trump is dangerous!!! I can't vote for this guy!!!
They won't even read the article.
2 days ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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1 day ago
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [314]

They usually do that as a way of avoiding answering the question. Especially if they're wrong.

Avoiding answering questions is the specialty of Euro bootlickers like Barney and Nazitus, woke leftists like Lyzko, and that Polish-German moron.

How many times did I ask for the definition of a woman? Or how many dead Ukrainians are too many? Or how many fagots can a country have and still be viable?
The same goes for abortions and migrants...How many is too many? Those were not trivial questions as they must be answered before a country can form a coherent and sustainable policy.

Back to Covid. JR was correct. The idiotic Nazi-grade response to it was NOT SUSTAINABLE. Humanity must deal with such things in a manner that can repeated as often as such plagues happen. Lockdowns and printing money to keep people at home cannot last or be repeated with any regularity and that's why this last BS was the last BS,

There was one benefit...We have finally realized that we gave our governments too much power - with the best example being Australia - a fascist "democracy" at its very worst.

What a clever lie.
You are such a nuisance here jon, and ever so annoying.

That's what these azholes do here. Your patience and restraint are admirable. I have none left...
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Another excellent post from you PolAm

Such posts can come only from an American.

The obedient Euro bootlickers like Barney, Atch, and Nazitus would rather slash their throats than criticize their "leaders" and "democratically elected representatives".

These slimeballs are so fvcking scared of getting cops at their front door...3000 are arrested in the UK every year for posting "offensive" opinions.

No, azholes, Gulag Europe is not where free speech feels at home. That's why you come and are still scared...

now payday is not far off.

Few things taste better than revenge.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / USA News and Poland - part 9 [541]

Lower right: Sicko and psycho.

They havent much freedom in Europe at all and are brainwashed to believe that they do.

...and I will never stop mocking these stupid Orwellians...

I wonder if this black moron knows that she is hugging a man.
1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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1 day ago
Off-Topic / Random Chat Thread [467]

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