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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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30 Jun 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]

Currently, it is one slavic tribe, called Mongol savages, which aggress other Slavs.

What Mongols?

Slavs are culture on intercontinental level since the beginning of time. Eurasia is heartland of the entire world. You control it, as Russia do, or you don`t.

Please. As if very purpose of NATO and EU isn`t to take over Eurasia. Now when Russians proving stronger you hate them. Yes, you can only hate.
29 Jun 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]

Thousands death on Italians and Greeks that polluted Sarmatian ie Slavic realm so our sons and daughters dies in their schemes continued by Anglos, Franks and Germancs. Those vampires are always eager to push Slavs onto Slavs, like always.

But not for long. Not for long. Not anymore.
29 Jun 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]

Birds speaks of this dialogue between Serbia`s President Vucic and Russia`s Putin >


a fragment where Poland is mentioned.

Vucic: Public in Serbia don`t wish to see Poland in ruins and Poles harmed.
Putin: Russia`s public neither.
Silence. Vucic only look at Putin.
Vucic: We have projects with them. Import of arms from Russia would be impossible without their cooperation.
Putin stand up and walk in the room.
Vucic: They shown immunity to significant level of manipulation no matter directly exposed for centuries.
Putin looks at Vucic. Nod with head once.
Putin: Sure. But nothing for those who mistake outside of Poland.

Serbian mass media, particularly N1 (USA media investment) says that 378 Polish fighters died in Ukraine till the 17th June, from 1.831 of them who entered Ukraine. Polish government isn`t behind them but knows about them.

If Serbian media that are USA investment in Serbia writes this its only because Serbian journalist wanted to publish those. Other mass media also speaks of similar numbers.

source >

So, I trust the news. Yes, Poles are there in Ukraine, manipulated by NATO and EU propaganda and they are being killed. They won`t be alive to defend Poland when Poland`s false friends and allies from NATO and EU betray Poland and move to grab Her resources. Exactly as Jan Lopuzsanski predicted in parliament of Poland back in 1999.

29 Jun 2022
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

Those fanatic catholics are a real nuisance for Poland. :):)

Problem isn`t in Catholicism. Vatican and Papacy are problem same as that acolyte of theirs Patriarch of Constantinople and their friend English Anglo High Priest Prince.
29 Jun 2022
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

About NATO in parliament of Poland

Back in 1999 in Polish parliament, Jan Lopuszanski from Catholic right-wing group, defending Serbs to whom are Poles historically and ethnically connected, made his explicit warning: /citation/ ``If, today, NATO's putative right to be a judge of other nations and their governments and to enforce these decisions by way of violence is recognized, this right may tomorrow be directed against any nation in the world, Poland included.``

Source: Eastern Europe After Kosovo, Splintered Unity: Polish Politics and the Crisis
by Konstanty Gebert
28 Jun 2022
News / NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland [136]

NATO expansion in northern Europe - great news for Poland

Quite idiotic news and topis as well. NATO to win with Poles and Poland in the first line. Like Ukraine?

Here is the list of Russian Baltic Fleet ships

And this is exceptionally idiotic. You presume to have list of Russian Baltic fleet. A public list.
27 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Fall of false state of Lithuania by the hands of Sarmatian finest > Serbian basketball players won the World Cup

Invincible Serbia on top of the world!



Serbian basketball players won the World Cup in Antwerp, defeating Lithuania in the final (21:16).

Serbia managed to win the fifth gold at seven planetary shows, and it also has one silver and one fourth place.

26 Jun 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

Poles are not stupid. Russia is far to be perfect but if Russia collapse the day after that Poland is no more. That much is Poland loved by Germany, France, Britain, USA and Vatican. They would take Russia`s resources and then grab Poland to conclude Drang Nach Osten. In a 10 years after Russia is no more, you would hardly find any Polish speaking person.
26 Jun 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

You non Poles here think that Poland said its last here? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Before this is over, Poland will fight NATO side by side with Russia, Hungary, rest of the Visegrad and Serbia. If NATO live long enough.
26 Jun 2022

I think it can be said that Russia has effectively diverted the EU's attention from Poland to itself.

Thank you Russia.

Yuk! I can`t contain that puke!

25 Jun 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

People, Lithuania still isn`t lost to Poland. Parts of Lithuania remain, same as Galicia and Eastern Germany, one of ways for Poland`s expansion in post WW3 world.

Russia seams to be only interested in Baltic coast and that way land connection with Kaliningrad. It will only take Estonia and Latvia and only partially Lithuania. Like controlling Black sea to the Moldova and Danube, to the Pridnestrovie.


I hope God have better plan for humanity.
25 Jun 2022

Poles should look at the development from the bright side. EU was ugly. Russia can be only better. No way it can be worse. At least no more gender joke, pachamama, banderists, ustashe, etc.

Plus, with time, working with Russia we- from Baltic to Balkan can hope to save our specific interests.

Let us pray.
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever. [93]

Vincent who is very particular about what is germane to PF

Vincent is German?

then there is your answer. If German he is in fact Serb. He would maybe never admit it publicly but, deep in himself, he knows there is the truth in my words. So, its not me who here fu*ks establishment. Those who hold me here doing that by letting me stay. Me? I only speak truth. In crazy way? Sure, how else. Spot Trump. You have to looks little bit crazy to get right to speak. Its world we live in.

Think about it.
22 Jun 2022

No guiding hand of the United States in ensuring that the mortar of the friendship will set.

How you people, as by the principle, forget to mention Vatican.

What about guiding hand of Vatican in this? Vatican would always tend to consolidate Catholic front against Russia and Serbs. Having good relations between France and Germany is definitely one of aims. Then also, Vatican have strong lobby in USA. So sometimes acts directly from Rome, and sometimes thru other countries.

On the other side, Vatican would do all possible to keep bad relations between Poland and Russia. Just imagine potential of it for the Vatican and reduction of maneuverable space for Vatican in case of good Polish-Russian relations.
18 Jun 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Dlaczego mamy się kłócić jak stare babcie.

W każdym razie zobaczysz, że w świecie słowiańskim nikt nie pyta poza Słowianami, czyli Sarmatami.
17 Jun 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Bracie, Ukraina toczy wojnę przeciwko sobie. A czym jest Ukraina? Czy ktoś pytał tych samych Serbów, Polaków i Rusinów, kiedy powstawała Ukraina? Jedni zostali uznani za Ukraińców, inni poczuli się, ale nie zostali zapytani. Jak na ironię, może zastanawiało się kilku Rosjan. Więc okazali się głupcami.

Ale już? Teraz Europa też nie jest kwestionowana. Ameryka chce zapytać.