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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 46 mins ago
Threads: 29
Posts: 1360

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4 May 2023

raging like a wildfire

There are worse things than war.

If Russia attacks Poland, the war will make your current altercation with banderopithecs look like a kindergarten brawl between retarded children.

Ukraine right now is many times stronger than Poland will be even after the completion of its program in the 2030

Don't be ridiculous. After the completion of the army reform we will be able to take on both Russia and Ukraine (if need be) with a finger in our nose.
4 May 2023


Not necessarily. Si vis pacem, para bellum etc.

However, I still think the most essential ingredient in strengthening Polish deterrent potential is missing: our own nuclear weapons. If Pakis are allowed to have, then Poland should join the club as well.
4 May 2023
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [258]

[login to read]
4 May 2023


It's such a nasty word. Let's better say Russoskeptic or Russorealist.

As for the weapons - we are getting them. If we have to eat stale bread and drink only water, so be it. No matter if it's PiS or PO after the elections, there is a nation-wide consensus that we can't fall into the hands of Mongol hordes ever again. And we are increasing the army in numbers too - it's already happening.

Poland's army is not a fighting army

Underestimating the enemy. Again. Brilliant :-)
28 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [226]

Thanks, but that's hardly a meltdown. Oh, well...

Anyways, here's a good Polish joke:

Polish lady goes to apply for a driver's license.
First, of course, she had to take an eye sight test.

The optician showed her a card with the letters

'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'

'Can you read this?' the optician asked.

'Read it?' the Polish woman replied, 'I know the guy.'
24 Apr 2023
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

British person (...) just popping in to agree with the OP and encourage Poles to go home.

Another poor wanker on a dole, annoyed that he's so worthless that he lost his dead-end job to some Pole who doesn't even speak the language properly. Hilarious :)
24 Apr 2023
Life / Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God? [155]

But religions absolutely do change over time...

Unchanging reference point doesn't mean that a religion itself will remain unchanging. It will, however, survive much longer than any other system of ethics devised solely by humans with humans as the only point of reference. I have no idea why but that's how it seems to work.
24 Apr 2023
Life / Do young Polish people believe in their religion and God? [155]

"Can human beings create a system of ethics without a supernatural element?" I say.... yes.

Such system of ethics, however, lacking a transcendent, eternal and unchanging point of reference would be unstable and subject to change (if men created something, men may as well change it). Stable ethical systems need a supernatural element.
14 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Curious Books of PF [50]

Here's one from my Russian collection...



unpopular books

I would certainly recommend this book to a certain bald KGB ars*hole, in his dripping-with-gold palace and stolen billions, as well as to his court and media wh*res. It would definitely be unpopular among them. :)
13 Apr 2023
History / Profound discovery - grievances towards Poland [6]

Or should we continue

We should definitely continue. There is something magical in making other nations feel bad about themselves whilst at the same time caressing our national ego.
13 Apr 2023
History / Profound discovery - grievances towards Poland [6]

feelings or fairness regarding historical moral standpoints and fairness

You have just discovered the great secret of Polish moral superiority. Well done. That is indeed a profound discovery, Grunni. It's a good thing you came to live in Poland (in Norway a lot of aspects of Polishness would remain alien to you). I am proud of you. *thumbs up*

leads to a tendency of feeling bad, mediocre or simply worse

But you see, our neighbours actually are bad, mediocre or simply worse, so it's only fair that we should make them feel so. If one day they choose to stop being bad, mediocre or simply worse, we will have no other choice but to acknowledge that. Until then, however...
12 Apr 2023
Life / What to do if the neighbors is too loud? [40]

you have no garden

That's the whole point - I'm not very much into cutting grass and weeding flower beds.

can hear the neighbours and they can hear you

Maybe in commie blocks. At my current address I heard my neighbours once in 2016 (a rather loud argument) - nothing since then. It depends on the neighbours, I suppose. :)

and then there is the fire risk...

Actually, there are way more fires in houses than in flats...

Blisko 70% z tych zdarzeń, to pożary w domach jednorodzinnych. Można więc śmiało stwierdzić, że pożary zdecydowanie rzadziej wybuchają w mieszkaniach.

transl. "about 70% are fires of single-family houses. We can clearly see that fires break out significantly less often in flats"
11 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

Germans and Russians always had Poles best interests at heart


...and with a smile caused by this good joke I shall now retire to my sleeping chamber.

Good night.
11 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

is he a Prussian

A Prussian, a honorary Breslauer and a great friend of Poland - such unlikely combinations can only be found on PF (including Russian imperialists in love with all things Polish :)).
11 Apr 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

but of weak convictions

I have very strong convictions but only cows never change their minds!

It would be easier for me to have even stronger convictions if the atavistic inclinations of my heart were more in accord with geopolitical interest of my country. Alas...

My personal Top 5 would be: Bratwurst Boy, AntV, Bobko, Grunni (Kashub1410) and the-one-and-only Crow. Espana gets a honorary mention - a perfect villain. :)
11 Apr 2023
Life / What to do if the neighbors is too loud? [40]

one level flat is much easier to navigate than a house

True. I do, however, like my 2-storey layout - with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom in the upper level, where only family has access, and visitors are entertained on the lower level only. It definitely has its pluses. :)
11 Apr 2023
Life / What to do if the neighbors is too loud? [40]

living in houses like most normal people do!

Erm... I consider myself a rather (just rather :)) normal person and I quite enjoy living in my apartment in Gdańsk (2-storey, five rooms, two bathrooms, underground garage, 6-8 minutes from the city centre) and I wouldn't exchange it for a house. It's just too comfortable to live in.

but people prefer to live in houses

Not really. Not everyone is into cutting grass or fixing roofs and fences. Some of us prefer the comfort and laziness of living in an apartment. Maybe that's because we are and have always been city dwellers for generations. People with peasant roots understandably have soft spot for houses - they like to have their obejście even if they don't keep cows or chickens anymore.

As for Gdańsk, and I suppose most large cities in general, overwhelming majority of people live in flats/apartments of various kinds and I don't think you could describe them as "abnormal". :)
7 Apr 2023
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [226]

Polish guy yelling at a beaver

That's a definition of quality holiday time! Thank you for the link to this lovely nature documentary. The commentary is very emotional and rather limited in the lexical area but captures the essence of the beaver encounter perfectly.

I already downloaded the video from YT for later watching with family.
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

three Brits use to torment everyone on this forum that didn't agree with their Woke agenda.


I never agreed with any woke agenda and I never made a secret of my Christian views here. And yet nobody ever tried to "torment" me, even though I've been on this board since 2008 (under a different username then).

Most Brits here including Harry were sound fellows, even if I disagreed with them sometimes (especially with Harry about the victory parade :D).
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

I am a member of a very nice church with great people.

... and yet you are ashamed to tell us its name. You're so full of it.

When was the last time you went to church Gefrey ?
When was the last time you went to communion ?

I am not answering any of your questions until you tell us which church you belong to.

And who's Gefrey - your imaginary friend? Or one of the tame deer that you shoot when they trust you and come to eat in your backyard?

You are no more in position to lecture people on Christianity than you are to lecture them on hunting ethics.
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

Worse things can happen

Well, I was talking about a hell option for Johnny, not for you, Jon. :D

In your case, it would be eternity in a small provincial Russian town with Putin's portraits and monuments everywhere and obligatory watching of state TV for at least 8h/day. Scary enough?
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

you know Gods word and live Gods word the best you can, do you really need a denomination ?

Very convenient :)

That's exactly what I thought, Johnny. Exactly. Thank you for confirming my suspicions. You should find a local church and be a part of it, as all Christians should, receive sacraments and be subject to the church's teaching and discpline instead of relying on your "knowledge" and false assurance of salvation. You have been warned.

Should you choose to continue in your pride and self-righteousness then you will wake up one day in a hot place being sodomized by a bunch of well-hung and very horny demons. When that happens, don't say nobody warned you.
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

The Polish word sekta translates into English more accurately as cult.

Right. Thank you.

many/most do not believe in "inerrancy of the Bible".

RCC and most American evangelicals teach the inerrancy; as far as divine inspiration is concerned I can't imagine a Christian church not acknowledging it.
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]


I wouldn't go that far. As long as a church proclaims gospel, administers sacraments and preaches divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, I would refrain from calling it a sect.

There are, of course, sects disguised as Christian churches, that's why Johnny refusing to reveal his church's name (or even general denomination) is so suspicious.
30 Mar 2023
Life / Relation in Poland to Orthodox Christians? [117]

the name wouldn't really tell you much...

Oh, it would. Denominations are a bit of a hobby of mine (I'm an avid watcher of Ready to Harvest YT channel). :)

Besides, what's the worst that could happen if he says baptist, presbyterian or methodist? Unless, as you say, it's some sort of strange quasi-Christian sect.