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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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9 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

I don't understand these jokes about women not wanting to clean snow or fight wars.

It's normal for a human being to change their mind.

Yesterday, she "wanted it all", today she maybe does not "want it all".

Do you think we should take away their right to vote, and make them second class slaves again?

Their "feminism" movement, yielded some concrete results. Good for them.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

The word Palestine is more Slavic than the word Israel.

I know what I don't like about all this pro-Israel talk.

Its subcurrent, is that the Jews are just such better stewards of the land.

"They made the desert bloom!"

"They have more start ups than San Francisco."

"They just wanna live in peace, and discuss philosophy."

I don't like this. It's like Germans saying that Silesia is richer, because it was German, or Kaliningrad because it was Koenigsberg. Some German or Englishman could do so much more with the bounty of land in Russia. In other words, Russians are spoiled by land, and don't deserve what they have.

I hate this. If I want to live in an irradiated wasteland, using my outside toilet, and saluting a portrait of Putin every morning - that's my God given right. No Jew, or German, or Japanese is gonna make my dump bloom.

I'm like Shrek. I love my swamp, and I don't want Prince Charming coming and fixing everything up.

Even if it takes Palestinians 10,000 years to live like Jews in 2023, that's their right.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [315]


Do you sell shoes?

Why do you love shoes so much?
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

Yes, not always cold capitalistic calculus.

Palestine is such an example.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

Good thing you don't read the Old Testament.

Where the hell do you think the Book of Genesis comes from?

BTW - I hate all religion. Maybe not equally, but the hate is there - in my heart.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

Really - I don't know why this thread continues to exist, after I posted my Biblical truths.

Who here wants to debate the Book of Genesis? I want to see this bold man.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

I don't know why, but I do know a little bit of military history in this regard.

When NATO invaded Afghanistan, the Czechs trained to fly jet fighters in Israel, to get accustomed to desert conditions.

Israel provided this opportunity, because the first Israeli pilots were trained in Czechoslovakia.

So there is at least some armament cooperation, that survived the Iron Curtain and everything since.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

it's not really an ethnicity, because ethnically they are simply Arabs

They are Arabized, but certainly not just plain Arabs.

When you find the rare pro-Israeli Saudi sheikh (yes, I was surprised too), you can hear some pretty incredibly racist things about Palestinians.

Some Arabs call them things like "Turkoman-Armenian" pigdogs. There is some truth to this, of course, hahahaha.

Probably no place in the world had such an amount of gene flow.

On the other hand, in support of your assertion - the size of the "Palestinian" population of Palestine was significantly smaller in the aftermath of the Islamic Conquest than in preceding Byzantine and Roman periods. The largely Christian population, consisting of numerous different ethnicities, was replaced with a much smaller, Arabized and Islamized one.

I think the way to think about Palestinian origins is as a sort of Macau or Singapore of sorts. An Arab main stratum, then some Greek, Armenian, Turkmen, Mongol, Kurds mixed in, and finally the very ancient lineages.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

As far as I know many of them want Israel to cease to exist.

Wow, really?

No, you're lying.

A people displaced from their homes, want their homes back?

Asking a Palestinian if he wants Israel to exist, is like asking a chicken how it would vote regarding the execution of a fox.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

how Ukrainians aren't "a real nation", and how Ukrainian is a "fake" language, etc., so it's funny to see what different attitude you have towards Palestinians

Are there Palestinians that claim to be the real Jews, and that David and Solomon were actually named Ahmed and Mohammad? Do Palestinians claim that Jews lived in the swamps of the Euphrates, when real Palestinians were busy building the Second Temple?

Ukrainians are all about stealing someone else's history, because they don't have any of their own.

Palestinians do not do that.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

They haven't created a country of their own though

Yeah, it's just that the opportunities for this were rare to present themselves.

It's what I alluded to with this list:

They stayed there through the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, Abbasid, Crusader, Ottoman, and British occupations.

Too bad Paulina was not around back then to advise them. In retrospect, it's kind of a no brainer. Just petition the Persian Emperor to opt out of the Persian Empire.


I must go to sleep now, but the bottom line of all my posts is - stop genociding Jews in Europe, and then complaining about their new living conditions in the Middle East.

A German should maybe stay quiet.
9 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]


A simple brain, is rarely brilliant. However, a brilliant brain, is often simple.

This is why I like Crow.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

Palestinians already claim the lands on which they're living, in case you haven't noticed.

Yeah, because they lived there for 3,000+ years. That's a pretty good claim!

They stayed there through the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, Abbasid, Crusader, Ottoman, and British occupations. Somehow they avoided being expelled during this entire period, though their dominant religion had to shift at least three times.

What finally did them in, was when a people called "the Germans" killed 6 million Jews some several thousand kilometers to the north.

It was a good run they had, but as you can see - in life some things are simply out of your control.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

There was. Long ago, but there was.

Yeah, and the ancestors of modern Jews helped destroy it after it existed for barely more than a century. If modern Jews can claim Israel, then Palestinians can claim Phoenicia.

Learn your Bible, Jesus!

Out of the Kingdom of David and Solomon (which historians say never existed), there emerged two successor kingdoms. The Kingdom of Israel, and the Kingdom of Judah.

The Kingdom of Israel had its capital in Samaria, while the Kingdom of Judah was centered around Jerusalem.

Relations between the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel were so great, that the Kingdom of Judah appealed to the Assyrians for military aid against its neighbor. The Assyrians obliged, and came and promptly destroyed Israel and deported its population. This is the origin of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.

The people that continued to live in what was once the Kingdom of Israel, mostly became known as Samaritans - as in The Good Samaritan. It was "the Good Samaritan", because by that point most Jews viewed Samaritans as slightly worse than dogs.

Oh, the twists of history...

So... there was no Israel between the 8th century BC and 1948. The Israel of the 8th century BC was destroyed in part, by the ancestors of the people claiming the name in the present.

9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

This is all in the 1917 Balfour Declaration which mentions Palestine by name but Israel isn't mentioned anywhere

Wow - I like this Poloniusz guy! Actual knowledge of historical facts is rare here in the "Emotion Zone".

Fact - whatever you want to call those people - they have been living there forever.

Even the Bible says, that the Land of Canaan had to be conquered.

In Genesis 12:1:

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.

Then in Genesis 15:

In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:

19 The land of the Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,

20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,

21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.

Doesn't sound like unoccupied real estate. So then maybe we should return Palestine to the Hittites and move on.
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

@Bratwurst Boy

Kurdistan never existed - but you still have Kurds.

Germany appeared yesterday, in historic terms, but everybody knew what a German was long before.
8 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

Can anyone tell me a date or dates in history when a free Palestinian country existed

Genetic testing shows that Palestinians can trace their lineage to Bronze Era Levantine peoples.

When they take the skeleton of some person that lived in Canaan 3,500 years ago - there is a substantial continuity with modern Palestinians.

In other words - Palestinians did not come from outer space. They have always been there, and without a huge period of absence like the Jews.

There are papers that link Palestinians to the ancient Phoenicians. So you could take that as their first state.

Alternatively, you can take administrative units of the Roman Empire, like Syria Palestina.

Palestinians are ancient, it's just like with most other places that fell under the Islamic conquest, their culture and identity has become substantially Arabized.

Blood wise - they are closer to Jews than Moroccans.
8 Jan 2024
History / Can a nation totally change its characteristics and national character throughout history? [79]

Azov Batallion was not only infected with the ideology but actually had many direct descendants of banderites in their ranks, and their put up a rather good fight against the Russians in Mariupol.

Azov IS made up of numerous Nazis. Unfortunately, however, there are very few of them that are descendants of Banderists.

Like I said, the Azov guys are all from Donetsk and Mariupol and nearby areas.

That's one reason they fought to the death in Mariupol. It's their home town. I can't imagine some Mykola from Zakarpatia doing a last stand in Azovstal.

Their origin was as the Ultras of Shakhtar Donetsk. Then, when the war started in 2014, skinheads ended up being the first to voluntary enlist.
8 Jan 2024
History / Can a nation totally change its characteristics and national character throughout history? [79]


Banderopithecus Troglodytus and Homo Sapiens Sapiens is not the same thing.

You are correct, UPA were a collection of murderous cowards grown in an Austrian lab called Galicia. They remain cowards and untermenschen to this day.

However, the Ukrainians that could and can fight almost all inevitably came from the Left Bank of the Dnieper. Right now, the hardened core that is resisting us is mostly guys that can only speak Russian and are mostly from Donetsk, Kherson, Odessa, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts. The Azov guys, which are the most capable unit Ukraine has - had their home base in Mariupol.

Russian state propaganda is attempting to use this against Ukraine, and in the same way Ukraine is trying to use it against us.

1) Russian Propaganda - "Kiev is using the war to exterminate its Russian population. Recruitment disproportionately happens in the South and East. Western Ukrainians can't be bothered to fight this war until it reaches Lvov. By that time all the Russian speakers will be dead. Stop fighting in this brotherly war."

2) Ukrainian Propaganda - "Ukrainian fascism is a figment of the Russian imagination. Most of the men fighting the Russian army, know no language other than Russian. Yet even so, they feel it is their duty to take up arms against Russia."

So when I say that the only people that can resist Russia are Ukrainians, I really mean that the only people that can resist Russia are other Russians.
8 Jan 2024
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

The starting point is the that all of you dreamers have to accept that Russia is definitely number 2 military in the world now, if not number 1.


1) Experience
2) Experience
3) Experience
4) Military industrial base

We have the most hardened and experienced storm infantry in the world. Your Navy Seals and Delta Force, would sh*t themselves, doing what yesterday's auto mechanic is doing now in Ukraine.

Anywhere we deploy them, in Africa, Latin America, or Asia - they will inevitably conquer the opposition. They are simply that hard.

Basically, nobody but Ukrainians can resist them. And Ukrainians are struggling.
8 Jan 2024
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

I watched this funny video on YouTube.

The first comment under the video, is from a Pole, who says "No matter what you think about Duda, the beginning of the clip was amazing".

I will admit, it even stirred my Russian heart, to hear Duda say "We are a nation that has lived here for more than 1050 years!".

I immediately felt an urge to throw a salute to the supreme commander of the republic!

Who knew Duda can be such an orator.

The only part of the video where I laughed was the aviation components. Poland needs some new aircraft.

7 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

Westerplatte, alongside the defence of Wizna and cavalry counter-attack at Mokra, is one of the most legendary battles of September 1939...

It shows the difference competent and selfless command can produce.
7 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

They were supposed to last 12 hours. They held out for six days.

7 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

greets everybody saying Hello, Doc! How are you doing?

Back home, there is a young guy who stands in front of a university with a traffic cop baton. He helps all the students park their cars.

In the beginning he had a pretty primitive stick, but eventually he got a real baton powered by batteries and with lights. One of the students must have made him a gift.

He's there every single day from probably 8 AM until 5 PM, helping people park. He takes his job extremely seriously.

Even a crazy Russian, craves bureaucratic power.

  • IMG_0517.jpeg

  • IMG_0516.png
7 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

The old lady used to haunt the new comers with her look but was harmless.

One aspect of cultural shock for me in America, is their treatment of crazy people.

There are so many of them on the streets, in the parks, and on the subway.

In Russia, it's very rare to see one by himself, out and about.

At first, I thought that this says something about how Russians are a shame-based culture. That is, people are embarrassed of their mentally ill relatives, and basically keep them locked up at home. Americans seemed more humane in comparison, taking them out, and even letting them roam about on their own.

Now I think, it must be something to do with how f*cked up public healthcare is in America.

So question is, what are Polish attitudes towards mentally ill people being outside unaccompanied?
6 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

Show some decent consistence and call Ukrainian heroes impressive guys.

Some of them have been impressive, for sure. I don't think it's wrong to admit this.

Azov, for all the hatred directed towards it, has earned respect in many corners for their stand in Mariupol. It's not unusual, in Russian telegram - whether MoD or old Wagner - to read positive things about Denis "Redis" Prokopenko - the leader of the Azov brigade during the stand in Azovstal.

They fought like Russians, which is what they are - however lost.

There are some other Ukrainian commanders that earned a grudging respect, but there's many more that are good only at executing the criminal orders originating from the Kiev PR machine.
6 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

No, Franciszek Łoś.

I enjoy learning these biographies.
6 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

decorated with Golden Cross of Virtuti Militari...

Just like Jaruzelski.

An impressive guy.