The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
14 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

80 years ago Poland barely existed

right... Second RP is just a myth?

And not a single mention of Hitler.

Hmm I wonder why?! But their Nazi's right?! They must be some kind of non-Hitler gloryfying Nazi's! It all makes sense!!! Wooooh!!
(sarcasm was used during my commentery)

I have an idea, why don't you all tell these damned Nazis that Hitler is Bad

Bah good luck! I hope you teach them something ;p
Mr Grunwald   
13 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]


Ehrm... I got no words for it...
Maybe you meant Poland 80 years ago?
Then they were "popular" but now their less then a minority!

Hooligans, obviously enough, show it. They

Hooligans are hooligans! They go anywhere there will be trouble! ;)
Ahh the days when I was at the stadium... I miss it
Mr Grunwald   
12 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

it's a big country. there are also people who believe in aliens and people who believe the blair witch project was for real or that evolution is a hoax. it doesn't mean any of that is popular here.

While Poland is a little country with a few thousand citizens and all pray to allmighty God so that they will have their revenge and are Neo-Nazi's? You know whre I am going with this?
Mr Grunwald   
12 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

I've seen these freaks with my own eyes.

Oh no no no nonononoono! Not the Helmet! Why the black beautyfull helmet whyyy?! Evil bast***s
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

they are not neonazis. They are ultra-nationalists. The Dmowski ideology heritors

Tried to explain it but HOW?! Pls God give me strength
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

never been there, never seen it, only Norwegian papers, and hollywood for me
Also sometimes in TV

with all due respect

Can't stop laughing lol
I can't forget how I sent my American infantry to slow down the German panzer once in CoH
"With all due respect sir but, are you high?"
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

I haven't heard anything recently about neo-Nazi here in the US.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

That the Slavic people were not part of their plan.

Yeah they only live in Poland and what would Poland know about WWII.
You are making excuses.

Excuses?! Okey I am done with this I let you all stay on here I amleaving this thread call all this Nazi's call me a Nazi! Call me a Communist! Call me an bloodthirsty monster from Rivendal! Bye bYE!

Because you didn't know any of this until I posted it.

What?! Now you are getting me mad, not only are you calling a bird an egg but your insulting me as well
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

You're opinion is flawed and so is theirs.

If a monkey is dressed up like a Nazi and does a Nazi salute i still call him a monkey!

pretty darn close, I would say

What one do or say is sometimes different then what they think! My personal opinion is that THEY don't know the WHOLE/TRUE story of the Nazi's that's why it's ok for them to copy it.

Had the Nazis had their way, the Polish nation would have been completely wiped out.

Exactly! If those fellas think the same way as the Nazi's then they wouldn't even call themselves Poles! It is moronic to even think that their Nazi's because They just can't

I can only think they are such idiots that they skip the bits where Nazi Germany attacked and killed Poles. That the Slavic people were not part of their plan.


Why do you even argue then?
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

Pls read they are N A T I O N A L I S T S
Just because their "behaving like Nazi's" doesn't make them Nazi's!!!

Nazi's were for an aryan dominated Europe or Germany, these guys are Polish nationalists with ELEMENTS of Nazi stuff I want YOU to stop lying!

"I never took you for a liar Mr. G"
I can Lie when it is needed like in Strategy games and so on, or to make a funny joke
But no in general I like the truth more, especially in terms of history or politics
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

You mean, all you've seen so far from my answers to your defending them?

If I was an dictator i would have nothign against enrolling them and send them on a suicide mission

LOL ! These were 2 sides of the same s*it, both are socialists.

Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

And they commemorate it with a march every year and make hitler salutes.

traditional morons lovely...

It has been banned.

VERY GOOD! Still it doesn't make them Nazi's until I am explained what their ideology is and what they follow and why! All I see are only some actions which looks like Nazi stuff


You are being very very anouying and very very insulting
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]


So they set ablaze Jewish shops and march, then their clearly anti-semites

and dont even try and defend them

You better watch yourself I am not trying to defend them I could have seen them hanged for all I care about them!
I just don't like calling bunny a horse and an idiot an Nazi and leftist extremists peacefull demonstrators!
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

Leftists call everyone nazis, fascists, racists, and antisemites.


and they are Nazis,

It takes a little more to be a Nazi then doing some parades, Hitler salute and hating Jews you know
Could just as be a Palestinian extremist doing stuff to **** of Jews. Doesn't mean he is a Nazi...

you shouldn't talk about things you don't know about.

Oh yeah?
Quated from:

The Nazis believed in the supremacy of an Aryan master race and claimed that Germans represent the most pure Aryan nation.[12] They argued that Germany's survival as a modern great nation required it to create a New Order - an empire in Europe that would give the German nation the necessary land mass, resources, and expansion of population needed to be able to economically and militarily compete with other powers.[13]

The Nazis claimed that Jews were the greatest threat to the Aryan race and the German nation. They considered Jews a parasitic race that attached itself to various ideologies and movements to secure its self-preservation, such as: the Enlightenment, liberalism, democracy, parliamentary politics, capitalism, industrialisation, Marxism and trade unionism.[14]

Now can you show me they claim everything of the above? If not then their not Nazi's but Nazi wannabies

So what would you call an angry crowd of skinheads with jackboots and uniforms waving home-made flags and shouting "Zydzi won" and "Zakaz pedalowanie" in the streets? Peace protesters?

mentally instable persons/Nazi wannabies
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

I prefer that then black tattoes and anarchist wambo jambo... Atleast I can check what kind of uniforms they use and where they got them from. (Military equipment collector (although my collection is very very small at the moment) :(
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

trying to attackpeaceful counter-demonstrators at Plac Zamkowy.


Agreed. Boots and uniforms,

You on cracks?

dodgy flags and hate-filled slogans have no place marching through town on such a day.

That I do agree

Polish Nazis, how stupid can someone be?

Well.. Their not Nazi's... If their ONR then their Narodowcy I guess. They may have some Nazi-like stuff on them or something but calling them Nazi's is just.. well wrong...

Although I don't like them! Mind you!
Mr Grunwald   
9 Nov 2010
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

d in Western Europe as the


Oh right the globe...
I don't like the globe.. I like flat maps...
THE EARTH IS FLAT! There problem solved
Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

Good that you finally admitted SOMETHING
It would been an laughingstock if they didn't name it one of their own version as their so ardently nationalistic

It is afraid of letting loose those who not so much ago where trempling their freedoms, language and religion. Are you surprised? I am not at least.

One thing is to let every of your citizens or force them to learn the main language there other thing is REJECTING their right to speak/use their own language

Hey, this is in London...
Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

I sure your Lithuanian friends call BitwÄ™ pod Grunwaldem way Germans do.

Last time I remember they called it something else, something of their own, not German or Polish!

hallo Global Warming Effect is bowing

We have had colder and colder winters lately...
All our people go on vecations to Spain or Italy/Greece
For Goodness sake Christmas in Spain?! :((
There is no Christmas without tsunamis of snow and snowmen invading the football grounds at the schools....
Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

How do you Baltic States found their way to EU they were strict part of USSR

I am also at a loss, which country are you babbling about and 3,281 000 + 2,217 969 + 1,340 000 is more then 6 000 000 people, more then the Warsaw capitol!! Although it's very few people indeed... I didn't know there were SO FEW!!! I thought Lithuania had around 20 million people but around 3 million?! :o

Or wait a second...

Mr Tannenberg

Ey that is an differently other village and I got no connections with it what so ever!

Polish Norwegian


(to much time in Germanic country melted his brain bit)

melted?! HELLO?! I LIVE IN N O R W A Y THE MOST KNOWN REFRIGERATOR!!! (One of the most known, Sibir tops it pretty good together with Alaska)

I can only accept "His brain has frozen a bit living there" or something

(strongly and financially supported by Germany. The only major power in EU are Germany.

Yeah but Germany wants to have more of an role in the EU and if she misses the opportunity to enforce EU law? Then what kind of image will that give? Two sides sword my dear unfriendly friend

Plus Germans Norwegians and Lithuanian go mixture menatality of butcher and peasant.

Norwegians?! NORWEGIANS?! Their the most bloody pacifists I have ever encountered in my LIFE!!
(Some are not like that but a strong majority)
Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

He sees them as original Lithuanians he thinks their heritage is Lithuania and the Lithuanian language, so there

You are to nice Gruni! ;)

What can I say my mom said to always think of others
Although when there is a pizza I got hard time thinking of others... It's just sooo good!
Man I am messed up
Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [534]

PS next time don't force me think way you think

I am an manipulator I wanted you to think, it could only improve your IQ (I hope)

You are an idiot arsehole and now get lost!


There's no difference. In civilised countries people are not forced to forsake their ancestry. In civilised countries history is researched and protected, not wiped out.

Couldn't agree more
Mr Grunwald   
6 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Must be pretty common in Poland because almost anyone I've met there was partly a German too.

It is very common
There are a lot of Polonized Germans living in Poland and feeling themselves as Poles (I as an example, just that I live in Norway at the moment -.-)

and is widely seen as an ideology of Russian imperialism."


But no Suebi/Swabian would!

Swabians?! You mean the people/place which is the origin of the Polish swear/bad word for germans? Szwab?
I agree with BB their not Slavic and have no connection with Poles what so ever!

(My Grandmother told me how her cousin moved during the end of WW2 to Germany and was often in Schwabia she said "I now know why Poles call Germans "Ty Szwabie" when they get angry" their very provincial/nationalistic and don't like anyone else and are kind of rude to outsiders)

I concur, the Balkans have become an ultranationalistic shithole...

Join us in
You will be able to take over Serbia and the Balkans if you wish for it! ;)