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I saw Polish nationalism today [263]
Leftists call everyone nazis, fascists, racists, and antisemites.
and they are Nazis,
It takes a little more to be a Nazi then doing some parades, Hitler salute and hating Jews you know
Could just as be a Palestinian extremist doing stuff to **** of Jews. Doesn't mean he is a Nazi...
you shouldn't talk about things you don't know about.
Oh yeah?
Quated from:
The Nazis believed in the supremacy of an Aryan master race and claimed that Germans represent the most pure Aryan nation.[12] They argued that Germany's survival as a modern great nation required it to create a New Order - an empire in Europe that would give the German nation the necessary land mass, resources, and expansion of population needed to be able to economically and militarily compete with other powers.[13]
The Nazis claimed that Jews were the greatest threat to the Aryan race and the German nation. They considered Jews a parasitic race that attached itself to various ideologies and movements to secure its self-preservation, such as: the Enlightenment, liberalism, democracy, parliamentary politics, capitalism, industrialisation, Marxism and trade unionism.[14]
Now can you show me they claim everything of the above? If not then their not Nazi's but Nazi wannabies
So what would you call an angry crowd of skinheads with jackboots and uniforms waving home-made flags and shouting "Zydzi won" and "Zakaz pedalowanie" in the streets? Peace protesters?
mentally instable persons/Nazi wannabies