The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Feb 2024
Threads: 32
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2 Mar 2023
Po polsku / Staram się polepszać się po polsku :) [85]

Witaj na PF, Olenko.

Polska stoi murem za Ukrainą. Z podziwem patrzymy jak dzielnie bronicie Waszego kraju przed agresorem. Sława Ukrainie!
2 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

It's not about moderating but a technical problem but I don't seem to be able to find the right thread for it, so: I can't start a new thread and keep getting the "Go back" message every time I try.
26 Feb 2023
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

Here, as a middle aged man.

"Wciąż bardziej obcy" video was made in 1983. Borysewicz was 27 back then.
26 Feb 2023


And let's not forget the 288 Korean Chunmoo launchers. Looks like Poland will have the strongest artillery forces in the world. Cool :)
23 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]

Babcia żyje i kontaktuje :)

Fantastycznie! Niech babcia żyje sto lat (co najmniej) i nadal daje Tobie i Twojej rodzinie swoją miłość i mądrość. Zawsze twierdziłem, że starsze pokolenia Polaków są ulepione z jakiejś innej gliny - wspaniali, dzielni ludzie. ❤️
22 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]

Wczoraj moja babcia miała wypadek

Straszne. Z tego co piszesz, to Twoja babcia jest wspaniałą osobą. Po śmierci mojej babci ryczałem jak bóbr, a potem bez jej mądrości trochę się pogubiłem w życiu. :-/

Mam prośbę - jeśli ktoś może, to niech się trochę pomodli za moją babcię

Oczywiście. Właśnie parę dni temu wróciłem z bardzo ważnego dla mnie miejsca, gdzie dzięki pewnemu księdzu, a prywatnie mojemu przyjacielowi, poukładałem sobie parę spraw w głowie (to była ta rzecz w moim życiu, o której wspominałem Pawianowi). Wróciłem też, po pożałowania godnej przygodzie z herezją kalwinizmu, na łono Jednego, Świętego i Apostolskiego Kościoła. No cóż... wygląda na to, że nawet ja mogę się czasami mylić.

Zaraz odmówię różaniec w intencji Twojej babci, Paulino.
5 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

*they should pay Kania for advertising lol

I would never propagate any point of view for money. That would be morally doubtful; besides I'm comfortable enough financially not to have to do such things. :)
5 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]


Sropagate. I'm just posting some interesting links to points of view from the other side, without agreeing with them. Balance of nature :)

A weak link in the chain of support for Ukraine

Oh, yeah? How have you been supporting Ukraine, apart from internet posts, Maf? Internet fora are for discussing various points of view, real life is for action. You wouldn't call me a "weak link" if you knew the extent of my help for Ukrainian community in Poland.
5 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

starting to partition Poland by her actions

Austria benefitted the less form partitions (and who the most lenient towards various elements of Polishness). It was Prussia who was the main engine behind partitions because Prussia's position as a superpower pretty much depended on the destruction of Poland and incorporating the stolen Polish lands.

God stands beside us, few others have.

As usual. When you look at our history there are many events that could be considered miracles, so it looks like we have the protection from above. But will we always have it?

As for the Stalingrad battle - one way or another, it's rather easy to see that the outcome of it was very beneficial to Poland in the long run.
5 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

How did it come to this???

Remember, Paulina, that what we, small people, know is a tiny fragment of political/social reality. We can only try to somehow put smaller pieces into a larger picture, hoping that we will understand what's going on. With Piskorski it's one of the mysteries - such heavy charges and such long proceedings with no decisive evidence presented, his seemingly pro-Russian activities and the fact he was Duda's wife translator etc.

Um... Nope... I can read it in a normal way without any "proxy gate" o_O

Very strange. I can't access it no matter from home of from work...

... oh, right - it says "część operatorów z terenu Polski". It looks like your Internet provided allows more freedom of information than providers in Gdańsk.

Kielce outperforming Gdańsk in freedom of speech - well, I never... :-/
5 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

... according to Polish historian, writer and politician, Jan Engelgard.

In 1941 the decision was made in the III Reich to completely destroy the Polish nation by means of executions, deportations and forced germanization. According to so-called Generalplan Ost, by the year 1952 in former Poland only 3-4 million ungermanized Poles were supposed to be left alive (all of them peasants); and those of them not willing to be Germanized would be forbidden to marry and denied access to any medical services. This so far is a part of well researched history...


Jan Engelgard claims, mentioning the works of professor Czesław Madajczyk, that it was the German loss in the battle of Stalingrad that made III Reich abandon the GO, and apparently many Poles back then (also anti-communists) understood what happened - that the fate of Poles, as a nation, was in a way decided there by the Volga river. Of course, nobody (or almost nobody) says it aloud today, because that would be stigmatised as "speaking with the voice of Kremlin".
5 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

The entire interview with Dugin is available here...

... if you are in Poland, you have to use proxy gate to read it, because our dear rulers try to decide what we are allowed and what we are not allowed to read. :-/
4 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

This well shows the inefficiency of PiS state

... or lack of decisive evidence. I bet they really want to find something on him, but it takes time.
4 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

Doesn't it mean that he can't enter EU countries?

Hmm ... if he's on the sanctions list, it will definitely be a problem.

He was charged with espionage for Russian and Chinese civil intelligence,

Apparently he was acquitted of those charges or he would be rotting in prison, not conducting interviews with philisophers.
4 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

he'll allow you to physically lick his ar*sehole

So far he did nothing to deserve such tenderness from me, quite the contrary. But seriously, amiga500, wouldn't you like to ask this guy a question or two in person?
4 Feb 2023
News / Alexander Dugin is coming to Gdańsk! [17]

... or at least he says he's definitely going to come. I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the 4th page of the latest "Myśl Polska"* (I know, I know... but I can't resist)...


... he's talking about tradition, Christianity, family, holiness etc. He says that continental Europe should be allied to Russia, mentions Polish Sarmatian tradition, his deep sympathy to Poland (even says that he is hypnotised with conservative-romantic aspects of Polish culture) - he's as nice and charming as it gets. Unfortunately, he is not as kind in the interview to the Ukrainians, even calls their country a chimera, accuses them of Polonophobia, and says that they practically don't exist.

In other words he is just being the same Dugin that we all know and love, apart from his newly found love to Poland. :)

One way or another, if there ever is a meeting with him in Gdańsk, I will definitely be attending (and I hope there will be questions from the audience allowed :)). I might even post photos in this thread, so watch this space.

* Aleksander Dugin, Mateusz Piskorski, "Obowiązkowo przyjadę do Gdańska", Myśl Polska 5-6 (2433/2434), 29 January - 5 February 2023, p.4
3 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]

Trzeba potrafić kłamać albo być częścią PiSowni by dostać się do wojska

Nie żartuj - teraz biorą wszystkich jak leci. Podstawówka i dwie ręce i nogi wystarczą. Może próbowałeś jeszcze przed wojną na Ukrainie? Próbuj jeszcze raz.
3 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]

Jak już pisałem w innym wątku - nasza propaganda czasami przegina, ale rosyjska to już jest wyższy poziom przegięcia...,nId,6573293

... :D
3 Feb 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [368]

This would have amazing potential, if it wasn't for this damn war.

Most people, myself included, are increasingly in their hawk-mode, so I don't predict much activity in this thread.

Pity. :(
28 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]


Dmowski was talking about the times of Polish-Lithuanian Union (Middle Ages).

I know that Germany has no territorial claims on Poland today.
28 Jan 2023
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]


Celna uwaga!

Chodziło mi o ten fragment...

"Fasadowe istnienie

Przyczyny tego, co dzieje się z Rosją i w Rosji tkwią w największej dezinformacji w dziejach ludzkości. Prawda jest taka, mówi Cheda, że Rosja nigdy istniała. Takiego państwa nie było i nie ma. Od 800 lat fałszywej nazwy używa wąska grupa kolonizatorów, która podbiła ogromny fragment Eurazji. Od tego czasu niezmiennym celem najeźdźców jest wykorzystanie niewolniczej siły roboczej do rabunkowej eksploatacji niezmierzonych bogactw naturalnych. Grabieżców i tubylców nie wiąże absolutnie nic."

... ciekawe jak dokładnie Cheda to uzasadnia w swojej książce. Chyba jednak kupię ją tak czy inaczej, bo mnie ciekawość zżera. :)
28 Jan 2023
Po polsku / Koszałki-opałki, trele-morele i inne duby smalone :) [1117]

Ktoś może czytał tę książkę?


Zastanawiam się nad kupnem - fragmenty brzmią ciekawie - ale nie wiem czy warto (mam całą stertę zaległych książek do przeczytania). Najbardziej zaciekawiła mnie teza, że Rosja tak naprawdę nie istnieje (chyba Iron też o tym wspominał jakiś czas temu).
28 Jan 2023
News / Polish-German Close Cooperation Plan [31]

As Milo says, SPOT ON!

Hey, I'm still all for better relations with Germany (as BB can attest). However, I do not shrink from gently and lovingly criticising our western friends and neighbours if such need ever arises in these difficult times.

Excellent! We will cross our fingers!

Notice the use of the modal verb "may" in the sentence you quoted above. This verb is used by our English-speaking partners to say that something is possible but not certain. :)


Huge disappointment. And to think that at some point I had such high hopes for them. Oh, well... życie.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

Sure, politician's words can be misinterpreted and very often are. It doesn't change the fact that the idea floated around, was debated and some nationwide newspapers and weeklies printed articles about it (GW and Najwyższy Czas, as far as I can remember, possibly others too).
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

When did Zelensky talked about creating Polish-Ukrainian Union?

I read about it some time ago but I'm not quite sure if it was said directly or was only inferred from his words. One way or another, such idea floated around and that's what Warzecha referred to.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

That link from PAP doesn't work

Hmm... strange, it works for me (try adding "www" in front of the link)...

... maybe Gowin, Przybylski, Gdula or Bielecki are not first-league politicians but serious enough, and that proves that the idea "floated" in the political sphere and collective consciousness, so to speak. Is it likely to happen? I don't think so. But is it possible? Never say never.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

You mean that tweet by Konfederacja?

Not only Konfederacja but also serious politicians and journalists...

... the whole hype died down with time but, as I said, the idea might come back and stranger things happened. Just saying.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

As far as I know Poland won't gain any form of direct/formal control over Ukraine so such worries are misplaced.

That's another thing Warzecha is wondering about - reminding us about Zelensky's and Duda's statements about there being no border between Ukraine and Poland, and about the plans of Polish-Ukrainian federation, expressed by some politicians and journalists, some time ago...

... sure, it's all political fiction at the moment, but hey - stranger things happened in history.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]



Yes, I think Warzecha is wrong in his anti-Jagiellonian fixation, but it's good to have such voices heard as a contrast. Hopefully, Do Rzeczy will not share the fate of Myśl Polska.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

Łukasz Warzecha is skating on thin ice again (skating in duet with the spirit of Roman Dmowski, to use a poetic expression).

In his latest article in "Do Rzeczy"* he gently pierces ever larger holes in the picture of Polish government's pro-Ukrainian policies. In the light of ever tightening Polish-Ukrainian ties, and plans of tightening them even more in the future, Warzecha starts with three questions:

- Does Poland have enough strength to take the burden of civilising Ukrainian corrupt public life?
- Wouldn't Ukraine joining NATO put the greatest strain of Poland?
- Are we able to support in even larger measure the ruined economy of our neighbour?

Not only does he criticise the Jagiellonian dream of Gieroyc but he seems to be even more critical towards the unconditional support for Zelensky's Ukraine. His other main points are that: Russia is far from being defeated, the war can last for a very long time and that closer Polish-Ukrainian ties can end up not in westernizing Ukraine but rather easternising Poland (I should probably use "occidentalising" and "orientalising" but I'm trying to use simpler language for the benefit of johnny_reb ;)).

Anyways, Warzecha is dancing with the spirit of Dmowski who always thought that Polish-Lithuanian union was the biggest mistake in our history, and that Poland should consolidate her gains in the West and stick to the West, instead of losing blood and resources on the eastern steppes. I don't agree with Dmowski, by the way; if history took the turn he would have preferred, Poland wouldn't be Poland today, but some sort of Northern Czechia.

I wonder how long will Warzecha be allowed to wage his little anti-Jagiellonian war. The example of "Myśl Polska" shows that sad gentlemen in black suits might pay him a courteous visit soon. ;)

* Łukasz Warzecha, Polityka jagiellońska na sterydach, Do Rzeczy 4/511, 23-29 January 2023, pp. 46-47