The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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16 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

Its not wicked. Many people are just that. To pats, to their jobs, to their own children. They want pets, they want children, job, partner, ... then, they don`t give a shi*. Or just forget to take care. Not to care is mama of every decadence.
16 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

I hope the cat crapped their car. and enrolled and vomited in car. And tore the upholstery on the seats with her claws.
15 Aug 2022
Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate? [118]

Thanks. Seams that driver tried to makes his sit more comfortable, turned and lost control of the bus. Now they tries to save him from leg amputation and children goes better and better. Youngest injured child has 6 years.


BDW, I remember reading the article about year ago that Cardinal from Poland was involved in purging the financial machinations in Medjugorje.
14 Aug 2022
Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate? [118]

Sign from God.

12 Serbian children was today injured in Bulgaria in bus crash.
12 Poles died in bus crash in Croatia few days ago.

There was 12 apostles.

How I see this?

God telling to Poles not to travel to Medjugorje to adore the false miracle that is invented to cover horrendous crime. Even to celebrate crime. Miracle happened today that God saved Serbian children and sent message to Poles. Its sign because Medjugorje stays in correlation with Poles, Serbs, apostles and there is 12x3 in less then 9 days.

To religious person this should be enough of warning.
12 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Jews, same as Rome, harmed Poles during era of slavery. Let us not forget that. Its another question some Slavs are rather stupid to forget harms done to their ancestors.

In any case, I am for good relations with Jews, if they apologize. But then, Rome should also apologize.
9 Aug 2022
News / Does Poland support Taiwan`s independence? [25]

Poland almost always supports independence movements, Kosovo etc.

Poland did not support Kosovo. Back then PM Tusk said Poland recognized Kosovo to satisfy its EU and NATO partners. President Lech was against Poland`s Kosovo recognition. It was scandal during UNGA when Lech spoke openly in favor of Serbs. There were massive pro-Serbian demonstrations in Poland.

So Poland is country under occupation. But aware of that occupation. And live and resist.
8 Aug 2022
News / Does Poland support Taiwan`s independence? [25]

Poland is not only wise but also honest. Why only nice to Serbia, NATO, EU and Pope? Give nice to rest of the world, too. And Poland giving.


Wtf you taking about?
8 Aug 2022
Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate? [118]

First to say RiP to Polish brethren.

Then to note. Do you know where they traveled? They were pilgrims to Medjugorje. You know what site is that? Supposedly wonder happened where Orthodox monastery brotherhood was massacred by Croat clero nazi ustashe during WWII and very close to site where entire local Serbian village (man, woman and children) were thrown into the mountain pit. So some Croats reported miracle happened there in the wake of Civil war in former Yugoslavia when they wanted to mobilize world public against Serbs. Of course, Vatican declared `miracle` to stub its flag in the region, and since then people coming.

What I want to tell you.... What we see here is bad karma. Not visit to miracle but to the site of horror and utter political manipulation. BUT, somebody from above really looking all what humans doing.
7 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

Cats don`t have ethnic designation, my friend. They are useful to us same way as we are useful to them. Are they cute? Sure, as we are cute to them.
5 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

The cold winter is coming my virtual friend. Poor western Europeans would be happy to avoid cannibalism. Cats goes to elite.
5 Aug 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

As wise would say, have a pet that could be eaten at time of crisis. Cat belongs in this group. Good friend in good time, good food in desperation.
3 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

NATO utrzymuje część Serbii pod okupacją. I grozi.
3 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

NATO rozpadnie się, jeśli teraz zaatakuje Serbów. Ani Węgrzy, ani Polacy nie będą z nami walczyć. Zwłaszcza Polacy. I nie zrobią tego ani Czesi, ani Słowacy, ani Bułgarzy. To będzie koniec dla NATO.
2 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Mówić po polsku, aby cały normalny świat cię rozumiał. Nie bądź głupi.
1 Aug 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]


kocha. kocha. Historycznie tylko Serbowie nie schrzanili Polski. A kiedy Papież nienawidził Polaków, Serbowie byli z Polakami.
31 Jul 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]


Nazwij to jak chcesz, ale Serbia sprowadziła S-400 i inne ciekawe rzeczy (uzbroiła się jak Kaliningrad) z Rosji, ponieważ Polska pozwoliła na to przez swoją przestrzeń powietrzną.

Velika je Poljska i Polska kocha Serbów, bo tylko Serbowie tego nie schrzanili przez całą historię.
30 Jul 2022
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

Transylvania, yes. And Rijeka. As Hungarians call it `Croatian corridor to the sea`.

But we there coming to the problem. If you ask people in Rijeka (coastal city on Adriatic) and Istra (peninsula) to chose on referendum where would they rather belong- in Italy, in Hungary or in Serbia when Croatia collapse, most of them would chose Serbia, no matter its almost 100% Catholic populace. Then what would Hungary? Forcibly to take them? Or Italy? Add to it that Serbian army during WW1 liberated local Slavs (some of them considered themselves Serbs at that time) on Istra, Rijeka as in whole of Dalmatia, complete Serbian and Slavic Adriatic. I don`t say `Croatian Adriatic` because it wasn`t that. `Croat` thing is essentially Vatican`s invention.

So, exactly that `Croatian corridor to the sea` is only way to Hungary to get to Adriatic. Zagreb would want them and Karlovac (continental cities on direction) but Dalmatian coast would refuse Hungary. And Italy.

What I want to tell you, even if Hungary take part in division of former to be Croatia, if Trianon fall, Hungary can realistically count on certain continental areas but, won`t get access to Adriatic. I mean that could be possible only if world powers force populace of Istra and Rijeka and impose military pressure on those areas.

Its all very interesting.
30 Jul 2022
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

As long as it lasts, Hungarians hungry for recapturing their old lands will support Ru

Vatican often profited on Hungarian desires. Why wouldn`t Russia?

Some correction of border where it is possible, where Hungarian statehood precede statehood of some others, where is Hungarian minority threatened and where Russia can agree with Vatican on finite borders of influence. Like in case of Ukraine, Croatia, Romania and also Austria. Trianon was especially unfair on border between Austria and Hungary. Austria as older partner (therefore more responsible for wars started by AHE) in AH grabbed lands to Hungary that was younger partner in the Empire.