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Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]
Last month we had guests from abroad. They stayed at a local hotel. When we went to pick them up, we came across a group from Israel. Surprisingly enough, they weren't hiding from Poles.
I know guests from Israel often visit my town as Jews lived here for centuries. Their descendants come and visit. And they don't really keep a low profile. Quite a different mentality and temper compared to Poles.
We also went to Kraków. Kazimierz has a considerable Jewish population. I was told there's even a traditional Jewish kindergarten there.
In Teatr Żydowski in Warsaw there are plays in yiddish - one of two such places in Europe.
Yeah, Poland is such a terrible place for Jews. A claim from a person who knows Poland from anti-Polish propaganda.
Tyre-slashing? Hasn't it happened in the USA?
How about Jews being attacked and killed in France and the UK?
But I am told my family is responsible for Jedwabne - even though they were forced labourers in Germany at that time. Even though my grandma's brother never made it back to his wife and child. But Germans are ok to that American Jew whose family didn't experience the war.