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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Na ja....without that "hatred" cheats like Lia Thomas would be cheered and congratulated by all the self declared progressive trans-supporter instead getting his ass kicked as he deserves.

So...actually the "hater" do the job the trans themselves are still unable to....I wouldn't diss it like you do!
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467] could be possible for such a trans-Black to apply for this "affirmative action" in the US, to gain financial support because of the new skin colour....what then?
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Michael Jackson.

Yeah.....but he said he had Vitiligo? usually don't need to surgically change your nose with that.....

This, if true, would make her a good guy.

I read that the anti-transracial arguments are similiar to the anti-transgender ones.....just changing undermines and destroys the achievements of a long fight for the "real ones".

Well....maybe they will now understand why a biological male swimmer stealing the victories from the real sportswomen is not such a good "progressive" thing?
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Noooooo......they all look brown....or even black!!!!

I still have to find a Black who transits officially to White though.....
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Thanks for your support, Novi! You would get a real high position if I had something to say! :)

But I value my boring life to much, I guess....

Look at this:
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

I googled that....

Being "transracial" is seemingly a real thing!

The Trans-Community shouldn't put up such a fight....when it's totally okay for a man to want boobs and identify as a woman, a White feeling and identifying as Black is not so far off of that!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

There are women's and open competitions. I am fine with that.

*nods* For a reason! It's no victory for the girls allowing men back into their sports....

Maybe we are on a better course now...lawfully!

'night all! *waves*
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Maybe a solution for that justice-problem? At least in sports...

World Swimming Federation tests gender-open category for the first time

At the World Cup in Berlin, trans people should be allowed to start in an "open category" on a trial basis. However, they are not allowed to take part in swimming competitions for women....

Lia Thomas would have to compete with other biological men then....the real women would be safe!

The swimming world association World Aquatics is the first major sports association in the world to introduce trial competitions in the »open category« at the World Cup taking place in Berlin in October. In this then also trans athletes can participate.

The open category will make its debut with 50m and 100m races in all swimming disciplines. More competitions could be added. Participants must belong to a national association, but can also compete individually for their club or association.

Participation of trans swimmers in women's races prohibited

....A scientific committee had determined that trans women still have a clear advantage even after drug-lowering testosterone levels. In the vote, 71 percent of the national associations voted in favor. ...
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

But she can now swear like a truck driver...

...or she will be extra "cute" feminine? ;)

I said before, some of these "trans" are totally believable...they even look good! :)

But others on the other this Lia Thomas....a caricature!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Just fu*ck off of kids!


Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures.

I wonder about these numbers too...."transfeminine" procedures are doubly the number of "transmasculine" surgeries. I have to ask if that has to do something with the advantages one gets when declaring themselves a woman now? As in sports (aka Lia Thomas) or being eligible now for any female quota in jobs and institutions?

Advantages a girl loses when she becomes now a man....
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Quite small

Astonishing small, I must admit! I had thought this number a lot higher....

BTW, most people are surprised when I tell them that the real rainbow is not gay since it does not include purple

There is an anti-trans and anti-queer movement growing in the gay community....I wonder where that will lead to!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

That reminds me always about that Bruce Willis movie "Surrogates". When such cases become known one has to regret that these people, who repent their transitioning to another gender, often can't get back so easily, especially not after alot of surgeries have altered their bodies so much.

It would be so much better for all involved if humans can play around with their individualities, express and change them at will, with no longer lasting problems...but we are not there ....yet!

But there are statistics already:

There is an unknown percentage of transgender and gender non-confirming individuals who undergo gender-affirmation surgeries (GAS) that experiences regret. Regret could lead to physical and mental morbidity and questions the appropriateness of these procedures in selected patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of regret in transgender individuals who underwent GAS and evaluate associated factors.

A total of 27 studies, pooling 7928 transgender patients who underwent any type of GAS, were included. The pooled prevalence of regret after GAS was 1% (95% CI <1%-2%). Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures. The prevalence of regret among patients undergoing transmasculine and transfemenine surgeries was <1% (IC <1%-<1%) and 1% (CI <1%-2%), respectively. A total of 77 patients regretted having had GAS. ....

But when that happens these people suffer doubly because of what can be called self-mutilation...
IMHO especially children need to be guarded against an eventual wrong decision...I don't understand parents who write happily in the social media about their "transgender" always sounds to me as if that is more about them wanting to be seen as "cool" than the happiness of their kids. In the worst case these children will suffer their parents foolishness their whole lives!

A higher minimum age for every transitioning should be mandatory!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

But you are still not in the kill 'em or be killed club where I am the CEO.

...damn! :(

*takes helmet and scuffles away*
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

"Leftist morons" is better and more accurate.

Thing is your enemy could be easier convinced with your better arguments (or mine) when you don't insult's human to close up and stop listening when you are bad-mouthed at the same time, no matter the right and better arguments!

That counts for all sides...see the Ukraine thread....
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

So you wouldn't be against, for example, banning Lia Thomas from competing against women?

Not at all if the organisations that govern swimming galas consider that she has an unfair advantage.

Wow....maybe then it's all a bad case of miscommunication and we do agree in the end! As does the far majority of the people...:)

PS: Caster Semenya is a totally different case...a very unlucky case at that, as she never really had a choice, she was truly born intersexual. A Lia Thomas on the other hand is just a bad case of opportunism! A loser in men sports, using a still missing law to gain undeservedly successes.
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

No more or less OK than I am with match fixing, doping etc. we can agree at least!

And maybe we won't agree on that but I'm fairly convinced with ending these hugely infamous injustices trans people generally would have a better standing already....similiar to the other LGB's....hence the rising movement to differentiate themselves from the "t"....also in their rainbow flag....

That's where our opinions seem to differ!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

I'd fire off an email to whichever body overseas the competition.

Well...this case get's enough attention without my email....but tell me you are okay with that!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]


Without lawful interference, there will be a rising number of sportsmen claiming victories over you truly think people will get used to that?

I can't forget that one image made by that swimmer....heading over his/hers rivals (all biological females)....nearly two heads taller, a much broader torso, muscled like a well-trained male....the loser women nearly crying....but he/she was grinning inanely into the cameras, all happy of course....I felt that as totally mocking the women!

I for sure won't get used to that injustice! That's not about only being conservative, not progressive enough...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Only when the media whip it up and 'the rest' see near-endless headlines about it.

Na Germany the mainstream media usually support and further such cases more often than not. And still the surveys won't look any better I guess that acceptance won't change to the better in the near future...there is just some inner acute sense of justice which gets stepped on with every one of such cases!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Okay.....even when you yourself can live with all that and don't see a problem...a majority in most countries sees it differently. And even when it's only always a few cases, these cases sour it for all the rest...and IMHO totally unnecessarily so...that's just how it is! And it doesn't have to be...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

That's just sports matters.

No, it's not!

In Germany there is at least one politician only in his/hers (very well paid) place because he/she identifies as a female (including wig and lipstick). Many institutions agreed on a quota to support females in important positions, also the Bundestag...that's how he/she got her wholly undeserved mandate.

It's alot bigger than only sports....and important too! Quotas because of your sex could be described as sexist and discriminating on its own, chosing/denying a human being because of its tits or dick, and not because of its skills and experiences, as it should be.

But now everybody and his grandmom/grandpa can use this advantage at will.....that's just WRONG! And angers alot of people....souring the whole mood and atmosphere against trans people generally, a total fail instead of a social progress!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

...or maybe they have a point!

IMHO it would be good for all trans people when these unjust advantages biological males get only by declaring themselves as woman, are being officially ended by law and we can stop debating this topic...and the newspapers can concentrate on these dreary german tourists fully again! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

.....what I found interesting is that, at least in Germany, even far-right people have become astonishing tolerant concerning homosexuality....a survey showed that even for the AfD(party leader Weidel is a declared lesbian who lives together with a PoC woman!).

But these arguments against trans-women (biological males identifying as women and demanding women rights) are everywhere a sore spot. I guess much more than only a successful point to whip up hate against diversity generally...not only "hot air", I believe!

It's not even about trans-men (biological women who identify as men) or any other variant....only about trans-women, for good reason!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

Since neither you nor I take part in women's sports, it's hardly something we need to get worked up about.

Well....we are on a discussion board....of course we discuss things best we have no idea about! :)