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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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19 Sep 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

2) Was she married previously, does she have kids?

Sorry, thought that is an issue.

and both happened to last seven years

From what I heard/read that is roughly when usually the first bigger crisis hits.

Your dad criteria is not very sensible in my opinion as in our generation and geographical location there have been a fair share of dad's that were so bad it would have been better if he wasn't there. But I guess your 'good family' covers that.

What makes them amazing?

Young, pretty, intelligent and educated, multilingual from good family and good financial standing...
19 Sep 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

Virtually all the women worth being around, after 30, have been married and have at least one kid.

While I can understand not wanting to be a step dad (it is a huge responsibility right from the start) why would her being divorced matter?

And to be honest, why would such an amazing women be with you when, by your own admission, you can't even really love her?
16 Sep 2023
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

You are saying so coz

I see it the same way. I don't think he has the disposition of a leader.
16 Sep 2023
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

Poland's volleyball team won European Championship!

OK, I want Olympic gold. Long overdue 😀
14 Sep 2023
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

Semifinals for Polish male team in European Championship :)
14 Sep 2023
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Racism isn't a "hang up",

No, but the experience of blackface and resulting emotions are.

Perhaps you'd prefer that the media only report things you like.

No, I would prefer they would finally understand they are not the whole world, their world view is 'not the one,true and only' and certain things may have different implications in different parts of the world.

Quite frankly I find this attitude very imperialistic.
14 Sep 2023
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Trying to defend the indefensible.


Why push certain countries hang ups on others? We have enough on our own

they still think blackface is in bad taste.

The thing was it wasn't a blackface.
13 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

I meant only the part about working minimum full time.

What you said about financial independece indicates you don't trust him.

Trust him that he doesn't get sick or die?
13 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

I was thinking about all that yesterday, I talked to my wife, and I have to say that not everything you wrote was complete and utter nonsense

Enjoy your family :)
12 Sep 2023
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

Special for Crno:

Poland kicked Serbia's ass*s out of European Championship in volleyball:)
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

Why not?

Financial independence, not being able to stay at home completely for more than about 1-1.5 year, enjoying working. Hating being solely responsible for house chores. Need more?

I guess you would work some minimum full time.

Sorry but what do you mean?

Do you have to do heavy lifting yourself?, some DIY around the hause?

I enjoy DYI. Give me a flat pack and I'm happy.

And the crazy feminist tell me exactly what I feel myself- that I don't have to stay at home or be solely responsible for house chores. That there can be balance.
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

But men, in most cases, are absolutely atrocious when it comes to house chores.

Because they don't do it. Believe, girls are not born with the knowledge how to cook, clean etc. We learn. Do you want to tell me that an adult man is not capable of distinguish, vacuuming and following a recipe?

Why does it have to be this strange and unnatural "equal" division of earning and house chores?

It doesn't have to be but more and more women decide that they don't like that division. Plus unless a women is not working at all it makes it u fair.
12 Sep 2023
Life / Why is women-hatred and stereotyping so popular in Poland? [181]

If yes, the location is irrelevant.

It's very relevant.
We don't force people to donate Blood or organs even when it can save a life. But we do force women to be unwillingly carry a baby.

That being said I'm not a supporter of late abortions beside medical issues
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

that's not the point of homeworks anyway.

Of course not but you gave it as an example of how you have time for your kids.

rather work 2 jobs and bring in a lot of money into your hosehold or have your hubby do all the chores and rise kids

Neither. I'd rather we both worked and both took care of home and kids.

But tbh if the kids and cares were really taken care of I would rather work.

Somehow guys don't jumping on those 'not that hard chores'
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

usually work 7:30-19:30

So your kids do homework after 19:30?
In most homes I knew that was time when kids were having their bed time phase.

Get back to me when you have a husband and children of your own

How do you know she doesn't?
12 Sep 2023
News / Poland Sports News [1090]


At least our volleyball is good :)
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

I work over 1.5 full-time

I don't work weekends anymore

That means that Monday to Friday you work over 12 hours a day.
What time do you actually do that homework with them?

When, and if, you ever have children on your own,

Paulina never said if she has kids. It's possible she is a mother.
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

A big house and a private school have never brought happiness to anyone

Apparently it makes up for going to park with your Daddy. To each their own.

And yes Kania, I would rather have my kids going to state school than have their father being basically gone from their life.
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

Unless, of course those 95% of men earned enough in one job for all their families' needs.

Usually both work.

that's the kind of men you meet and live around, please accept the expressions of my deep regret.

I'd rather have less materiał things and have a father, partner etc that is actually there when I need him.
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

unless you have proof that women take care of finances in Polska "B" and men in Polska "A"

I'm Polska A and I see tge same you so.
12 Sep 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

While I do know of some man that may take a gig or two outside of their Jobs 95% of man I know and knew had 1 job. In fact it was my mom that at times worked more than one job due to the demand.
9 Sep 2023
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

has to take care of finances on top of all that, it means that there is something deeply wrong with the man in such family

Or maybe simply the women in those households are better at it? Or the women has better idea how to devide the money from all that 'homemaking duties'.
9 Sep 2023
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

the woman protects the safe while Kania knows the remaining 40% where the male spouse does it.

While weird that would be OK, but all that margines spoleczny crap?

As to the freil and emotional? Well, Paulina showed the best answer with the article.
9 Sep 2023
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

for me it's margines społeczny

Yyy, the couple's decision about who keeps the money is enough to assign somebody to margines społeczny. Not how they spend they money or even if they have any money to keep? Wow...