The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

again where did i say i human trafficked anyone or choked girls? or had snything to do with ewst asian east asian girls or human trafficking?

" Post your evidence or do not post BS."

i posted it before on this forum dirk saw it. or someone else posted it and i commented it. Here is a very quick search
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

ls studio or what i ever talked about was not human trafficking norm was i part of it you moron hence why none of those guys in Ukraine or non USA country or satellite state were prosecuted. and even if i was or made comment on human trafficking why do you have to lie and make things up to smear me or add things to it? because you're a retard ***** thats why and i dont give a ruck about human trafficking or third world Poland pollackistan or gold digging hos looking for mr sumbody american man like u. again where did i say i human trafficked anyone or choked girls?

Polish people do human trafficking in uk or london.

again where did i say i human trafficked anyone or choked girls?
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

if it was human trafficking like paulina claims why does ukraine disagree why was alexander churin or none of those guys chwrged and let go after arrest?
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

this retard paulina feminism claims i tried joining human trafficking because some guy oj this forum she cant even prove is me admired some of these guys' business practices who weren't even human trafficking as one of their models here is quoted saying what it was:

"In 2014, a woman going by the name of Maya posted a statement on a Russian Blog dedicated to former child models about her time with LS Studios, and what happened during that time.

[The following is a English translation of the source link] !! Sadly, the original link was not cited in the post.

[Note that Maya gives conflicting accounts on why she stopped modeling in 2004.]

"My name is Maya. I was born in Kiev in winter of 1992. I had a great family with lovely grandparents, and my parents loved me. I was an ordinary girl."

paulina is a freaking retard and a lier.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

what a ******* retard. its common knowledge or public what i wrote this ***** thinks i somehow wrote on here about joining some active ring or started one or some ****. look up ls studio regpay etch they're all public know,edge east European groups even google books exist on them. what a ******* retard to try smut me this way because i said i admired some of their business practices. retard. trying to say i joined them or some ****.

and i still do admire some of their practices and so do the girls many yrs later in those countries dont regret it:
i cant find it now but its an interview with dasha or i think this girl:

plus its not even human trafficking nor is what i was talking about nor east Asia retard pollack fem gold digger *****.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

Just writing about an ides for business or admiring it or what others before me did and actually doing it are two diff things. Secondly, never once have I ever mentioned east Asia. at most youd maybe have me if you said ls studio or Ukraine or me being curious about those guys business practices in places like Belarus but by adding Asia into it shows just how big of s lier you are because never not once under any username have i mentioned kr thought of Asia. just like your comment about choming girls. dirk said that not me that he likes to choke women during sex. all your statements are lies on me by adding onto some small bit of truth like me being interested or simply wanting to find out more about east euro online business practices in the 90s is not the same as you claimed me trying it or joining it or giving any effort into it.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

homis this Polish ultras guy and where exactly did he say he tried or is planning on joining some ring related to east Asia or east Asia girls?

"Yes, you wrote about human-trafficking "business" more than once and in one of your comments"

nah youre just a ***** and a lier and wont even admit to any or your lies. all you have to do is use the search function find me proof this guy Polish ultras ever claimed to traffic or join east Asian rings and that he claimed to like to choke girls. you on the other hand come here to find a mr sumbody american man because you're an east euro ***** fold digger bride groom.

you're back peddling and now covering your lies claiming you think he or me said this or that without proof. **** you and your american men you try finding *****.

If you say you cant find it or think someone said something why present it as fact you east euro gold digger pollack *****. and why make things up on someone to prove some point that isn't even valid? there is polish law where i quoted i will talk to a lawyer and ask the mods for your ip or find it myself and take you to court for making lies up on me it is actual law in Poland unlike USA criminal law to make false statements knowingly on people. you need more proof before smutting ppl online than i think he said it or he may have or I just lied to make it up you ******* retard pollack gold digger *****.

" Yes, you wrote about human-trafficking "business" more than once and in one of your comments you wrote about smuggling girls from Asia, as far as I remember."

nothing illegal twlking about such businesses existing, never happened or wrote about asia and you violated the polish law above and i will be looking for the a team of lawyers to find you tomorrow and vincent eill give me your ip or imwill subpena it. to find who you are. the law exists on the books so at the very least they csn **** with ur ****** ***** life. again where is your proof i talked sbout asia or anything of the sort or choking girls? you thinking something I may or may not have said under another user name or someone else womt help you in court. you cant just make **** on ppl you dont like.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

more lies from a retarded gold digger. you claimed specifically i wanted to join a ring or planned to related to east Asia. what proof do you have same thing with your lies of me saying i choke teenage girls. everything you say is just lies kaka garbage puto ***** you are. where whet the poster you quote mentioned east Europe or actually joining a ring? retard pollack slut gold digger ho. you on the other hand come here just to not feel like. A loser and finding a mr sumbody a mr american foreign man to gold dig and leech off of. not only did this ***** not prove i am this poster Polish ultras she even lied about his claims nowhere did he write about joining or actually trying to join a ring with anything to do with east Asian girls nowhere did he write about choking girls. why would anyone believe a pollack east euro *****? you have no proof i am even this guy you just quoted and like i said where is your proof he or i or anyone here said about actually joining some ring?

so what will your response be when i find your post unless you edited it already or claiming i said i like to choke teenage girls that is a proof of one of your many lies? who is this Polish ultras guy btw?
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

what about niezaradnych kobiety like female versions of me with kids? who cant hold down a job or anything how do they function or get constantly rejected everywhere by everyone? i cant even survive on my own i don't even know how ppl do it with kids.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

What a specimen we have here a lier and a gold digger giving advice. trust me if i wanted to **** teens or anything like that id just do it here or Germany. i can go anywhere in the world i want i have a world passport and nothing you could do about it. if i wanted to i can travel to Africa tomorrow gold digger.,seksturystyka-po-polsku-stajemy-sie-europejska-tajlandia-a-polki-szukaja-czegos-wiecej-niz-romantycznych-uniesien

regarding the poster two posts up,

reported for "making lies about people and not being sble to back any of them up with any proof"
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

no for containent of liberalism which poland hates jgs that come along with that like mass migration, non white migrants, different religions or cultures ro challenge vatican, metoo, feminism, replacement of masculine men and tosic masculinity with female lead actresses, etc.
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

you are truly retarded. Ukraine is nest door and Germany has an age of consent of 14 and i was there and never ****** anyone. I dont go to countries to sea tour or based on age of consent laws. Poland is 15 so why would i even need to go below this when ive never even had a 16 yr old in my life? I go to places based on things like i mentioned if they have muay thai gyms. youre not gonna find many countries with an aoc lower than Germany which is right nest door if i wanted that. i dont even think Poland has such laws where if i go there **** a 14 yr old than go back im arrested since its European union. anyway why bring this **** up?

why dont you call that old guy who goes to all those Warsaw social and other events creepy for living in east Asia then?
21 Feb 2021
Off-Topic / Anyone into soviet synth wave music here? [21]

I just discovered this form or music recently and it is perfect for the digital nomadic life. when i am drawing something on my ipad i just tune in to the music on my big screen hdtv and my homepod wireless speaker and just zone out.

it also sort of reminds me of a better time before true capitalism in Poland took over and also as one of the songs is called "what could have been" if we allied or really became united with Russia.
21 Feb 2021
Life / Drugs in Warsaw [111]

i just dont see how i would hit the vain as im swuimish with needles and never even did heroin. like if you miss i mean seems like a given to me.
21 Feb 2021
Life / Drugs in Warsaw [111]

interesting - makes me want to try it just reading about it:
21 Feb 2021
Life / Drugs in Warsaw [111]

but isnt it easy to miss the vain fully. how do you prevent the swelling and rotting later? or even if you miss once but not a shitload of time sin the same spot youre good?

match heads mixed with some gasoline right?
21 Feb 2021
Life / Drugs in Warsaw [111]

id never sniff glue or farba paint. i wonder about krokodyl tho. if your try it once your arm shouldnt fall off right? how many of u would have the balls to try it once or if someone paid you just one shot of it? cant you make it with recipes online with off the shelf and pharmacy stuff? or is codeine not on sale in Poland and is only in Ukraine Russia and Armenia?
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

read the comments here below this vid in polish
21 Feb 2021
Life / Drugs in Warsaw [111]

where can you get it these days? the silk road?
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

no they join the feminist movement. or become lesbians.
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

lol i just found in polish about mgtow with an english youtube search its on the first page of the list:
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

peterson on mgtow:

here is him apologising
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

are hikimoris different from incels?
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

yea but why would anyone just choose to be tortured alive or burnt to death? i mean there are much less painful and faster ways to go if you have to no? or why not run away to another tribe or join another tribe and look for a new husband?
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

If I ever become a successful with long term sustained work entrepreneur or digital nomad im definitely out of here. if that ever happens...
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

didnt the viking women get burnt alive or wllow themselves to be burnt and put on a wooden ship into the sea like that movie 13th warrior showed after their husbands died?
21 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

how many of you were ever punched by a woman like at a bar or party? how did you feel or react to it? I assume you didn't hit her back or at least full force? so how do you deal with such unruly women who cant stand not to get their way? like how do you respond to it?
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

i think what would change is the power of influence or corruption being either temporarily gone or shifted in a new direction away from just western influence. maybe toward the east?
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Lets start with what would change in Poland if there became a separation of church and state and the power of the Vatican got eradicated? anyone?