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Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]
But it has nothing to do with vegetarianism/veganism today.
Never said they did - I stated they were among the first to form animal welfare laws which groups like PETA fight for. PETA stands for People for Ethical Treatment of Animals
hey're more likely to "save the world and end cruelty to animals" than the persons who don't act.
You don't have to be a vegetarian to put a dent into animal cruelty. Also, this is a practice that wouldn't end even if half the people in the world became vegetarians - for one you'd still have products and medicines being tested on animals. I think I'd rather have a new drug tested on a rat than a human being. I mean yeah it sucks, but it's a necessary evil. I'm not advocating cruelty to animals, far from it as I have pets and I love animals, but even other animals are cruel to each other. Ever see a cat catch a mouse? The cat tortures it for hours before it kills it. Also, some of the more extreme PETA types are against milking cows and many vegans are against drinking milk - but actually it's harmful for the cow if they aren't milked.
What are the pro's and con's though of being a vegan or even vegetarian? Vegetarian I can understand - there's hundreds of millions, perhaps even over 1 billion, vegetarians as many Hindus in India are vegetarians - plus add all the other vegetarians around the world.
Vegan though? I don't know that seems too difficult.
Here's a source arguing against vegan diets:
2 others -
It looks like missing out on vitamins and minerals, especially b12, are the biggest concerns. However, it does state that blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer risk is lowered. I'd imagine that vegetarians probably have no issues with fiber intake either.
See in North America, it would probably be a good healthy choice to be vegetarian or maybe even vegan. Our food, especially our meat, is disgusting. Unless you buy it from a deli, farmer's market, or some specialty shop you're getting hormone infused, antibiotic, processed crap, and even the meat in specialty deli's isn't even close to the same as that in Europe. The food in the EU is just so much healthier and better tasting - even bland foods like yogurt.
Quite frankly, I just can't ever see myself giving up meat, nor do I really want to. If I gave up eating meat
for even a week, I'd probably eat like pasta, potatoes, rice, etc. and probably gain weight thanks to carbs and still feel hungry all the time. I work out pretty often and I usually do cardio only as a warmup and mainly do 2 sets of 5-7 reps with high weights. I don't take steroids or creatine - a protein based diet is my steroid haha.
Human consumption intentionally kills over 1,000 BILLION animals every year. If this is not a massacre, what is it?
Animals eat each other too - it's part of nature. I don't think a wolf or a bear would be quite as satisfied with a bowl of tofu than a plump dead deer.
I don't know, I just don't see much of a point to being vegan especially if Poland already has such wonderful food that isn't treated with hormones, antibiotics, and all sorts of other garbage like the food in N. America.