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Posts by trener zolwia  

Joined: 8 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 939 / Live: 202 / Archived: 737
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Me no speako Polandish
Interests: Llamallamallamallamallamallama...

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trener zolwia   
8 Dec 2010
Language / Nice Polish words to say to a girl [147]

Post exactly what you want to say and someone will translate it for you.

But be prepared for ten different variations. :s
trener zolwia   
5 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls and contraceptives [68]

I've been saying it for years that we need to license parenthood.
Over here you can't even catch a fish without getting a license but you can have as many kids as you want and dump them on society to pick up the tab of raising them. Crap.
trener zolwia   
4 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls and contraceptives [68]

Then who will look after it? You'd prefer the baby in state care programs?

The real insanity is paying losers for subsequent children after they're already on the public dole. No. No children if you've already shown you can't take care of yourself or the kids you already have. We need to take a hard stand on this. It might hurt for a generation... but people will get the message and change their behavior. Paying them more only encourages the bad behavior and we've seen where that has led.

One disability quickly leads to the other - i don't know the answer but where do we draw the line?

I say not being able to have sex is not a disability. Sex isn't a right. Plenty of people don't have sex, for whatever reasons. Me being one of them right now. :s
trener zolwia   
4 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls and contraceptives [68]

Maybe they were prescribed the wrong pill or the pills over here contain more hormones??

I should have added also that, contrary to the assumptions about my first statement, I have also found that being on the Pill actually makes girl more horny.
trener zolwia   
4 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls and contraceptives [68]

this might be what you perceive as a reality

Thus my preface...

he means they don't like sex anymore after the pill

No, that's not what I meant at all, Mr. Assumption. I mean that the Pill makes girls more emotional -like when they are PMS. This has been my experience and a number of girls I have known have admitted as much as well.
trener zolwia   
4 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls and contraceptives [68]

It's been my experience that the extra hormones in the Pill make chicks even more crazy.
trener zolwia   
3 Dec 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

I've always voted Democrat.

Then you've been voting wrong. You don't sound like a Dem. It's the Dems who are all about whining and casting blame; it's the Repubs that are all about personal responsiblity.

jobs are occupied by job migrants

Then I would say you guys need to reform your immigration laws. But then the whole EU thing... Gotta hate how that murdered nations sovereignty and their ability to control their own destiny and safeguard their own peeps...

a duty of children to take care of them and sending them to some specilized homes of care (I don't know how do you call it in english) is considered as something terribly wrong and the elders feel often grudges that family not wish to take care of them personally.

Nursing homes/ old folks homes. Same thing here.

On a side note, how can 20% of adult Poles live at home when they're all working overseas? I wonder if they statistically live at home, but actually work abroad.

Side note, shiite. I suspect this is key to the title and theme of this thread. Good catch.
trener zolwia   
3 Dec 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

Just keep your advice if you don't know how it works here, because it's less than useless. I can take care of myself, and I'm not complaining, trust me. Thank you.

Hey man, we're just trying to help. Don't put your sob story out there if you don't want feedback.

trener zolwia   
3 Dec 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

How about McDonalds?

Don't knock McD's. Over here their store managers make like 50K a year.

army. Here you learn to shoot, and to disable landmines. After a good long while you come back to civilian society, but of course your newly acquired skills are pretty useless.

With weapons and explosives training how about something with homeland security? Airport screening? Bomb squad?

You ever see Hurt Locker?
trener zolwia   
3 Dec 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

It's an option. There are ways of financing your own education.

There is plenty of government assistance for losers nowadays that nobody has an excuse. Poor folks just about get free schooling these days.

if you can't support yourself and have to live on welfare, you shouldn't have kids.

Right on. This needs to be law.
trener zolwia   
3 Dec 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

older people living with their children. Something to aspire to, IMHO.

Indeed. We should take care of family just as they took care of us.

understand that whining and blaming everyone and everything around them is not going to help. Get to work, think outside the box, stop being envious, stay out of trouble, and you'll get there too.

This isn't very Liberal at all. :)
trener zolwia   
2 Dec 2010
Love / 20% of adult Poles are single and live with Mummy! [241]

All men are mummy's boys...We all come out of the same place when we come into the world.

And we spend the rest of our lives trying to get back in. ;)

And the battle of the sexes continues.

I like to think of it more as a naked wrestling match.
trener zolwia   
1 Dec 2010
Off-Topic / Simple Things One Guy Wants.. (Parody.) [23]

Which one should I choose?
I can't have them all!

Sure, take them all in! The more the merrier! Lots of cat hugging then!
trener zolwia   
1 Dec 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]


Distraction. Not about a word but rather about the guilty party. Just identifying them...
trener zolwia   
1 Dec 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

So are you a pro-fascist?

Dishonest argument. Pointing out how the Left recklessly tosses around the label "fascist" these days hardly makes one pro-fascism.

The only real fascism today is the oppressive Liberal fascism.
trener zolwia   
1 Dec 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]

Its funny that nowadays every patriot gets called a nazi or a fascist... It's like you're not allowed to love your country

We get a lot of this over here. We call them the "Hate America First" crowd, of which our current president is a member. Feelings of guilt cause people to say and do all kinda silly stuff. These self-hating Leftists are nuts. It'd be one thing if they kept their idiocy to themselves but for some reason such people are determined to spread their misery and hatred to others as they seek to influence policy.
trener zolwia   
1 Dec 2010
Off-Topic / Simple Things One Guy Wants.. (Parody.) [23]

I want to know why people shield themselves with indifference.

It's a form of surrender, of giving up, of shielding oneself from further disappointment and hopelessness or injury. A form of coping with futility, of self-preservation...

There. Ya got one marked off your list. :)

"The Village"

Good movie. It was filmed right around here. My buddy worked on the set and my nephew was in the movie.
I of course had the secret figured out before it was revealed. B)
trener zolwia   
9 Nov 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

this tends to destroy cultural identity.... Be careful what you wish for.

So does Marxism. Marxism is never the answer.
trener zolwia   
5 Nov 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Every foreigner gets laid in Poland - it's very easy here actually. Foreign men are as appealing as water is in the Sahara desert.

Good fishing in that pond, eh...
trener zolwia   
2 Nov 2010
Life / My experience in Poland 15 years ago as an American trying to live and work there. [167]

The USA was one big disappointing lie.

It is The Land of Opportunity. But success is not promised to anyone.

What I do not like about Poland and US relations, is that we have always been allies. If we needed help or support, Poland rasied her hand. But the USA, well, we kind of **** all over that relationship. Sorry for that.

Now you're just ranting nutty.