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Joined: 10 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Jun 2010
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13 May 2010
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

She knows herself. Good for her.

It's her choice. But the only reason she can be like this is because UK Poles are white, and live in a (just about) white majority country. If Poles had dark or "non-European" skin, I imagine she would definitely feel differently about her "non-existent" Polishness.

Why??? If you think this way than you should move to Poland and embrace all things Polish.

So being proud of your origins makes you a Nazi, but telling me to **** off to a country I've never lived in (because I'm proud of my origins) doesn't? Poland has little going for it, so why on earth would I move there?

Poland is full of mutts

Who mentioned "purity"? Not me.

But like many of us over here, I'm sick of being told I can't have pride in my non-British, but European, ethnic origin, while the whole country bends over backwards to accommodate cultures which are not only non-European, and some of which are indeed very hostile towards European culture. I'm proud to be Polish AND British, and any leftie or Yank who tells me I'm not "allowed" to say this because it's too PC can **** off!
14 May 2010
News / The EU's 1 Trillion Dollar Rescue Package [144]

At least Poles are not sitting on their lazy asses and waiting for money to fall from the sky.

Where would Poland be without EU money?

They again proved they are resilient and hard working.

Then why can't they be "resilient and hard-working" in Poland, and turn Poland into a world economic power in the process? Exactly, they can't be... which is why so many go abroad and work in businesses created by others.
18 May 2010
History / How Polish history is viewed by other countries textbooks [124]

Well, you see most people dont quite understand why most large cities have buildings called "The Corn Exchange" or in fact their importance in times gone by..

Renaming them stupid things like "The Triangle" and turning them into faceless shopping centres doesn't help much, either ;)
20 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [241]

YOU CANT FIGHT MULTICULTURALISM - get a grip before you totally lose it!

Funny how this only applies to Europe!

I don't see much evidence of multiculturalism in Africa or Asia; most African/Asian countries are at least 98% Black/Asian, and are doing a good job of making sure it stays that way!

So when are African/Asian countries going to start "enriching" their countries with multiculturalism, and start allowing millions of white Europeans in?
20 May 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [241]

About 0.8% of Africa's population, or 7.5 million out of 1 billion, is white of European descent

So 99.2% of Africa is non-white, yet there are absolutely no "calls" from the usual "liberals" for more multiculturalism in Africa! If multiculturalism "improves" Europe, then why doesn't it "improve "Africa?

Also, a significant proportion of those whites you mention above are likely to live in the RSA. Whereas here in the UK, we've probably got close to 7.5 million non-whites in a population of only 61 MILLION! I rest my case.

Interesting stat about whites in Africa, tell me, is that number growing or shrinking? The middle class has long since left, tired of being targeted for being white. The rich and the poor are still there for their own reasons of course.

I think we would be hard-pushed to find anywhere in Europe where blacks are being slaughtered and thrown off their land because it's "white land". The same cannot be said about certain African countries where whites have settled, unfortunately.
20 May 2010
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

Is the word "Polack"rascist?

It's an ethnic slur, not racist (note the correct spelling :p ).
20 May 2010
Life / How Safe Are the Polish Cities? [179]

I know this is a year out of date and Yoshi doesnt come here any more, but the places he mentioned are shi**y ghettos full of foreigners and students and scrotes.

lol, spot on. I was going to jokingly say "you can join me in Northern Moor if you want, lol" but he's gone now and he probably wouldn't have got the message anyway, haha.

I live in a nice leafy burb and dont have any of these problems

Me too, no drive-by shootings here! :)
21 May 2010
Work / Trojmiasto Job Forecast in Five Years [8]

what do you think would be the sort of jobs that would be in demand, five years from now, in the trojmiasto area?

Clue: shipbuilding won't be one of them ;)

also if you can learn Chinese there will be demand for interrogators

tbh he would be far better off learning Mandarin rather than Polish, future wars or not ;)

manufacturing jobs will be in demand as world will be in war

I still haven't forgotten the skills I learned in the textile industry, so combined with what I'm doing now, I am pretty much guaranteed work during the next war, haha :)
22 May 2010
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

"Polak" isn't offensive, but "Polack" (pronounced "POE-LACK") is, but it's an American thing really isn't it.
25 May 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

This has to be a joke...2 people working would hardly earn this in a month.. Thing are really messed up if he gets anything near this(criminal)

Welcome to the EU. Did you really think that you would get all that money for motorways without some kind of payback? We've had to put up with this overpricing nonsense for years!

That said, I don't pay much more for a similar amount of space over here, and I've got outside space, too. I know where I'd rather live (clue: it's not Poland ;) ).

All that money spent on "trendy" furnishings and they still went and put net curtains in the living room!! lmao! Horrible colour scheme, too.

But where's the photo of Pope John Paul II? How can you have a Polish flat without one of those??? :)
25 May 2010

I read on that more and more teenagers are turning to prostitution

Which certainly explains the awful dress sense of most young Polish women over here! :D
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Look at certain estates in London where there's gang war between different african immigrants

But that can't be possible, blacks are all "brothers"! ;)

And to imply that all Africans carry guns is just preposterous. It's the same nonsense as when I would say that all Poles are drunk, uneducated rapists only good for picking fruit.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of truth in the "drunk Pole" stereotype :)

Few people would be stupid enough to suggest that all Africans carry guns, but we (Poles) have been over here for 70 years with virtually no Polish crime problem until recently, and yet there is still NO sign of an "Operation xxxx" to deal with "Gun Crime in the Polish community". We also came from (and moved into) poverty, but we were taught to just get on with life and work hard to get out of poverty. Others could learn from our example.

But the rise in Polish crime is what happens when you start bringing over a country's worst, and that's what's happened since 2004. Unemployable and uneducated in Poland, unemployable and uneducated in the UK - just claiming more benefits!

Additionally, few people would be naive enough to suggest that gun crime is only a black thing, but it is certainly true to say that there is lots of glorification of guns in black culture. I've been to a lot of clubs/raves/festivals etc and I've seen a lot of bands/artists/DJs etc. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, there is only one group of people I've ever heard chatting about how they want to "cap" someone, who brag about the guns they carry, who wear gold Uzis around their necks, who actually carry guns onstage or in the crowd, or think it's cool to wear one of those "Longsight M13" t-shirts with the dead body outlined on the ground to show how "ghetto" their area is. No prizes for guessing who they are.

I'm sure that you or someone else will say "but what about Clint Eastwood and John Wayne?". Well, the difference is, I've never heard of anyone getting shot by a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood fan in places I've lived in the past, but I've heard of plenty of guns fired by fans of "urban" music!
25 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Same with the Italian communities who have been here for about 200 years, in a lot of cases they improved poverty stricken districts (little Italy in North Manchester?)

Oh, absolutely, but the Italian kids at my school still got called "Mafia Man", lol :)

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels wasnt a fairy tale :D

They were right about Scousers though :D
25 May 2010
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Do all Poles wear tracksuits and live in tower blocks?

That's mostly true though, haha :)

Do all Polish men have skinheads?

Polish homophobia and Neanderthal machismo always makes me laugh. Not because I agree with homophobia (I don't), but because you know what they say... those who are the most anti-gay are often the ones hiding a "secret" preference ;)

30 years ago, it was easy to spot gays over here by their Polish-style Wałęsa moustaches and tight jeans. Nowadays, Polish blokes sport shaved heads, short bomber jackets and tight t-shirts/vests. Walking into a Polish club these days is like walking down Canal Street on a weekend. Do they really not get it? :)
29 May 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]


spot on!

I say - bring back the mills, steelworks and mines - if the lazy and useless don't like it, then they need to be reminded of this: when there was plenty of work, a benefit culture didn't exist, and there were fewer muggers, drug dealers and ASBO scum.

So... what we need to do is this: We reopen the aforementioned industries, but we abolish the commie "nanny state" which makes it more profitable to get pregnant and date lazy junkie scum who sponge off the state, than it is to work and breed with hard-working, responsible, productive people. If you want money, you work - and if that means that you have to work 60 hours a week, then so be it. The alternative is starvation... just like it was when Britain was still "Great".

Obviously the Left will call me a "fascist", a "bigot", a "rascist" (sic) or a "Tory" for saying this, but I don't give a f***. Like every good Northerner, I speak as I find. And it was the North which made this country "Great", not the stuck-up cappuccino-sipping Southern chattering classes!
31 May 2010
Love / Can 'engaged' soon to marry Polish men say I love you to their female friend? [62]

It's strange to me how can somebody be so stupid - give password to the email account that has proofs of adultery on it.

Agreed. if you're going to cheat, or are cheating, you make sure that the password is as safe as possible!

However, I once went through something similar many years ago, in the days when I wasn't quite the computer expert (so I'm told, lol) I am now, and had an ISP with a particularly dodgy email system.

An email was addressed to my then wife, but managed to find it's way into my email box. She had been communicating with someone on Usenet, and one of the messages said "well, in that case maybe you SHOULD have an affair with that friend of yours".

I angrily emailed the guy, who of course claimed that I had taken the message "out of context", but clearly the damage was done. I had already suspected that something wasn't right, and lo and behold, 18 months later, she left me - again denying that anyone else was involved.

A few years later, I found out that she had married the guy I long suspected was "more than just a friend from work".
31 May 2010
Life / Electricity bill 1400zlt 5 months. [18]

You must have a flat full of cannabis plants to have a bill that high, my combined gas and electric bill is less than that over here!!! :)
31 May 2010

Hopefully by the time Poland catches up to the west....i will be dead...!

And so will the West! ;)

Actually it is a good thing. It would be much worse if Poland was where the West is today.

Spot on, a lot of us would prefer it if the West was more like it was 50 years ago.

Poland: PLEASE learn from our mistakes before it's too late!
31 May 2010
Life / Electricity bill 1400zlt 5 months. [18]

I know Manc. When i was in Manc land i use to pay the much for everything for 5 months.

Well nobody's saying Poland is the Garden of Eden, lol :)
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Has anyone noticed the large number of anti-English Polish guys in the UK?

No it's not, it's just that you haven't met as many Polish women as I have, and you've clearly fallen for the PF disease of putting Polish women on an unjustified pedestal.

Trust me, many have this attitude - including my last Polish ex, all of her female friends, and many of those who I meet as part of my job. My mum works as an interpreter for the council and she would also confirm this.

I have no doubt that many Poles are genuine, hard-working, and pay their own way, but FAR TOO MANY do not. What really gets me mad is when they start with their foul-mouthed anti-English/anti-England stuff and just expect me to blindly agree with them, just because I speak the language fluently and have Polish parents. You should see their faces when I tell them what I think of this, and where they should go :D

The sad thing is, I'd say that at least half of the Poles I've met since 2004 have this attitude, male or female. They bring shame on our previously well-respected community, and I have no time for them whatsoever.

Btw Gregy works and pay taxes. You want money from his taxes but you dont want equal rights for him, is that fair?

"Equal rights" would be if he received the same as I do after over a quarter of a century of full-time work - i.e., no right to council or social housing if I lose my job, minimal benefits (which I would have to wait months to receive, by which time I would be homeless) and it appears that I'll get no pension even if I work for 50 years either. Where are my "rights" to get the same as an immigrant who has only been in the country for five minutes?

If he doesn't like it here, he knows where he can **** off back to! I'm sick of Poles whining about how crap this country is - if Poland is so great, why didn't they stay there?

That cash goes on little minut things like running the country, building roads, providing drinking water, policing the state, things like that.

We have no idea how much he earns; however, if he does one of those jobs which "British people allegedly won't do", then it's probably minimum wage, and he would have to work here for 75 years to pay in as much as I have in 25 - and what's the chance of that?

if you go to any goverment institution that deal with any sort of benefit you find hundrets indians queing for council flats benefit ect.most of them do not even speak basic english!!!!firs thing they do once arrive in the uk in council flat aplication!!!!

Just like many Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, then :p
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Well, considering polish wasn't the most spoken language in UK I think they're doing well trying to find them.

There were around 1/4 million people of Polish origin in Britain even before 2004, many of us speak Polish.

I recently found out that it is possible to take GCSEs in Polish language in British state schools.

I took mine in 1990, it was nothing unusual even back then.

I don't agree with racism or bigotry BUT it is not surprising when this happens. If a couple of million Chinese workers came to Poland you would find a similar reaction.


The problem with a lot of Poles is that they just shrug their shoulders and say "no, this will never happen. Poland for the Poles!"

They will be in for a huge shock soon, I think.
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

I learn't French, then forgot every single word of it. Went to Paris and everyone spoke English ha ha

I found quite the opposite, no-one wanted to speak anything but French except in the hotel, good job I re-learned French before going lol
2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

Thats because you are on the public sector gravy train as a social worker.

Except she actually works in a sewing machine factory lol

Stayed in the Hilton though ha ha possibly why everyone spoke English!

2 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

been living in the uk for over 7 years and the only thing that keep me in this shi.. antipolish country is money.
british are most arrogant,fake cinical people i have ever they are bunch of liers racist antypolish

i think multiculturalism just does not work

You've got to love this guy; doesn't think multiculturalism works, but continues to stay in a foreign country regardless... lol :D
3 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

antipolish discriminatory policy

So you claim that there are many "anti-Polish" policies in the UK workplace.

In that case, can you explain why, between 1940 and 2004, so many Polish people have managed to to become nurses, teachers, social workers, doctors, dentists, plumbers, electricians, factory foremen, builders, engineers, pharmacists, or trained in many other skilled occupations or professions - some even became even politicians!

I have been two of the above.

If there is so much discrimination against Poles in the UK, how come we aren't all cleaners, at best?

It's hardly our fault that the country seems to be hell-bent on importing thousands of Poland's dresiarze these days - useless to Poland, useless to the UK!

And it's only really been since 2004 that we've had to put up with so much Polish whining!
3 Jun 2010
Language / Polish and other slavic language differences [60]

That's a good way of differentiating between the two.

Many Slovak words often sound similar to Polish and Czech words, but the Slovak word often sounds "closer" to Polish, yet somehow more "wrong-sounding" to me, e.g. airport (Polish: lotnisko; Slovak: letisko; Czech: letiště).

I've only ever studied Czech and not Slovak, though; I don't really like the latter, it just sounds weird to my ears (no offence to Slovaks ;) ) after learning Czech and already knowing Polish.

To me, Slovak sounds like a mixture of Polish, Czech and Silesian, what with its weird "ie" and "jo" endings, lol. I find Slovak difficult to understand, but maybe that's because of having learned that most of the Slovaks I've met were from the East.