The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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Posts: 580

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11 Jul 2022
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

It's Russian propaganda - Donbass were shelled by Russian army. There are accounts of Russian soldier admitting it (which is why he left the army.

They are taking orders from a KGB agent, remember?
10 Jul 2022
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

He clearly doesn't know how the Polish were "liberated" and put in camps by Liberating Soviets. As to re-educate them about Soviet way of life, and how ungrateful those Poles are! Trying to sneak out of those camps or even bad mouth them! The horror!

Poles after all deserved everything coming their way right? They have no right to protest the liberation provided by Soviets. They were free from capitalistic oppression after all!

We should be grateful for @pawian and @Lyzko to remind us of it all the time! How would it be without them telling it us all the time? We would been soooooo stupid
10 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

Beginning of Chapter III - Written by Kashub1410 - during the day of 10.07.2022 CE

The times of the Royal elections had begun in Poland after the oldest most direct heir to the throne had died without any male hair.

In the hundred years earlier former Jagiellonian Monarchs had guaranteed themselves support and that of their heir who was next to rule (so that it stayed in the family) by increasing the privileges and rights of Polish nobility. (Starting a tradition of full domination of the political scene in the Polish commonwealth, mainly in the Polish lands knows as "the Crown" while in the lands knows as Grand Duchy of Lithuania a political force known as the Cossacks were to starting wrestle for political power, influence and might.

Which didn't erupt entirely until the first Sweden born royalty entered the political scene.

Due to the fact that the military, royal administration and the church in Poland was heavily influenced by nobility (especially landless nobility as they were pushed in such positions due to the lack of lands to inherit, out of poverty or being the younger son)

Which is why the ruler had to enact/enforce/agree to the noble privileges and not to remove them away. In a similar fashion as the Roman emperors gave tribute to the Praetorian Guard in it's time and Ottomons Sultans cared for the position and influence of Janisseries.

The Polish nobility had such a large say in how things were run, that politically going against it would mean having the entire state and the few royal institutions that existed against you.

Which was quite opposite in Sweden, where the Swedish king had made an informal alliance with the peasentry to outweight any noble complaints to their best knowledge. The everlasting threat of a peasants uprising against the nobles gauged on by a royalty made the Swedish nobility quite careful and knowing their place.

This was sought after by a number of Polish noblemen that saw the flaws of the situation in Poland, not to say also plenty of nobility saw Sweden as a emerging powerhouse and a threat to the Baltic trade (which was important as Polish grain was sold via such trade routes) and many thought that a continuation of the union idea but now with Sweden would not only improve the political system in Poland but, also create an unbeatable European powerhouse.

What ensued later, was the horror of nightmares and tragedy which it's effects and consequences haunted Poland for centuries, which only now in modern times Poland is starting to regain her strength back and returning to normalcy.

If stories of world wars terrify you, then read no more. Cause what I'll write next will shiver your spine and create utter disgust of the times that were.

In the next chapter

End of Chapter III- Written by Kashub1410 - during the day of 10.07.2022 CE
9 Jul 2022
History / Polish patriotism - through the ages [25]

Here is one of the best patriotic songs sung by the Polish peoples army in my opinion. I like that it isn't too specific in it's text and great melody. Even tho it mentions villages and cities and fighting evil (which? Very obvious at the time) and from east to west, which was a very rare situation for us Poles to fight.

As an peaceful olive branch I thought I start with one of the most-pro Russian songs in the "album" of Polish patriotic songs.

Please add the ones you like freely!
9 Jul 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]


Russians problem is they wish for direct control instead of indirect-control.

Russia as a state has tradition of direct control or hidden (unoficially).

While states like Great Britain (later U.K) has had direct control in areas settled and expanded by British settlers (quite oftenly as a form of punishment, cleansing their own society of unwanted elements and providing havoc for others).

U.S.A has copy catted this tactic quite a bit, and China has long standing tradition of doing the same. Direct control where it's possible (China's current national borders) and indirect influence where ever possible Africa/India/Western Asia/Eastern Asia/South America/Northern America and tries to squeeze in to Europe as well. Just that Europeans what it would lead to eventually, and most Europeans are not interested in Chinese form of government.

To Poles it's only appeal is that Beijing is far away and Chinese have no clue about Polish matters, so their possibility of influencing anything unwanted is quite low.

While states like Germany/Russia has had intelligence agencies working on information on Polish society for ages, and know perfectly well how best to influence Poland (lately it seems they have become slobby, unless they want be percieved as such)

American "Imperialism" doesn't come at the cost of being forced to learn English at school (U.S.A doesn't have a national language per say, it's just the most popular one for obvious reasons. Originally it could very much been German)

While Russian state is very much convinced to force any controlled state to teach Russian, anyone will oppose it for obvious reasons (unless highly motivated, learning a language even his own is a pain and long process).

In Russian tradition the metaphorical whip is used more then the metaphorical carrot.

While anglo-Saxons tend to have a approach of "carrot? We would like you to have cake made out of carrot! Alas until you worked hard enough (most of your life) it will be carrots and whipping. But know for sure there will be cake eventually!

While Russian mentality sounds more like: No carrots for you! Only whipping! And forget about cake!

As minister of Russian agriculture I would focus more on producing quality "carrots" and "bakeries" then thinking about controlling farmers/farms.

But that's a pipe dream looking on how things are being done.
8 Jul 2022
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Ask a Jew what would happen/happened to Jews not accepting the new covenant with the Lord during the time of Moses. Then you can propose an argument that would be even worse if a new and final covenant was to appear and it was refused yet again and possible consequences of it
8 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

Amateur historian, most "Soviet" casualties were from former lands of the Polish commonwealth. Meaning Belarusians, Ukrainians and westernmost Russians.

So you can save your "guilt" trippin,
Read a book and learn something instead of spreading propaganda
8 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

I am at work, and after reading first link I see your only using it to fill your post. Removal of buildings that were put to glorify oppressors is not removal of graveyards.

Your trying act as if removal of Hitler statues from a graveyard for fallen German soldiers is the same as destroying their graveyard.

Shame on you! Tfu
8 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

He views Poland (just like his entire ex-KGB circles aren't communistic, in their eyes evil cause they don't champion for the poor and the working class)

So he provokes so as to show his collegues how bad and evil Poland is...

His fault for not heeding to the lords warning to not say or support those who claim to fight for the poor (cause they abuse the good of mankind) while also not champion for the cause of tyrants (abusing the dark/bad side of mankind) for political gains.

Lukashenko does both, tries to be a champion of Belarus and it's people, fights for an autocratic Belarus and supports Putin the tyrant.

6 Jul 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]

Your behaviour tells us this quite well, it's the only think to conclude.

If you go around yelling fresh meat is so good, fresh meat is so good. Then when somebody offers you fresh meat and you answer that you don't want to eat fresh meat, nobody will take you seriously
6 Jul 2022
News / Up to 80 Polish fighters killed in Ukraine [63]

He isn't naive, he advocates for Poland to be controlled by Kremlin for a very long time. He sees the Kremlin gang as a better option then the Washington elite/swamp, he is a fool. Nothing more
6 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

Sweden as well as Denmark were virulently anti-Nazi

I am glad you confirmed that you don't think or claim that Poland had been member of the axis powers, just like how you wrote the post I commented seemed to make me think that you think it (I do have had the pleasure of hearing that the younger generation thinks Poland was part of the axis due to the fact that most camps were in Poland, and general historical ignorance. I am glad it's not the case with you.)

However what makes you think Sweden was anti-Nazi? They were the most pro-Nazi Scandinavian country until defeat at Stalingrad, trying to be Neutral yet having very good relations with the Nazi-Germans.
5 Jul 2022
News / Lukashenko - removes graveyard - AK resistance fighters [51]

Wprost added at 10:00 today that Lukashenka hasn't only dececrated a graveyard for AK Polish resistance fighters but completely removed it by digging earth over it with tractors.

Memorials are one thing, but graveyard?

Lukashenko be dammed for all eternity!
5 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

@Bratwurst Boy
English speakers, which is why I wrote it in English on a forums regarding Polish matters/topics since it's

Poles already know their history.

I must disagree on that one, most Poles remember what they had to memorise to pass examinations, knowing one's own history is a bit of a stretch...
5 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

Beginning of Chapter II - Written by Kashub1410 - during the day of 05.07.2022 CE

After the battle of Grunwald and several conflicts later with the Teutonic Order, Poland established itself as the major power in the eastern part of Central Europe and the western part of Eastern Europe. It's influence was strong among the Baltic peoples and the relationship between the elites of Poland and Lithuania grew steadily closer, at that moment both nations saw co-operation and communication as a way of gaining victory over major foes.

It began a golden age for Poland, trade flourished (most knowingly grain being sold to Western Europe) and it's military might increased. In the west the threat was reduced as German states had more then enough problems on their own and preferred peaceful border with Poland at the time and Emperor of the HRE (Holy Roman Empire) seemed vaguely and distantly interested.

However pagans being pacified and converted a new threat began to show itself on the horizon. The Ottomons! The band of people united under a family tracing it's lineage to their ruler named Osman was most noteably supported by Turks, which were filled with religious Zeal and aimed to subjegate all lands on their path due to their proclaiming of following a prophet called Muhammad. Poles knowing that there will those pretending to be Jesus or a "next prophet" after him knew fairly well that they had been lead astray and tried to lead as many as possible away from God.

It had to be stopped, just as Slavs used to be under pagan rule in Eastern Europe, now those not flying the Polish banner of the crowned white eagle on a red background. (You might ask: but isn't Polands flag just white and red? Nowadays that is true, however back then it was the royal coat of arms of the Piast dynasty. The first rulers of Poland).

As Novogrodians, Muscovites, Pskovians and other Ruthinians based around certain cities had their own problems and fight with the mongol horde who turned to Islam.

There were southern Slavs under threat of this new rule of Osmans lineage who tried to build up again the Roman Empire, which Christianity triumphantly destroyed and made to cease it's existence on the pile of history. Yet megalomaniacs were marching on after capture of Constantinople, there was a joint effort in liberating the areas with a crusade, jointly with the Hungarians. Yet due to a lost battle at Varna, the initiative turned from offence to defence for a long time.

This lasting threat from the Ottomans would later on make the priorities of an emerging Prussian state, Imperialistic Austria and Tsardom of Russia seem ignored and eventually disasterous.

One of the main reasons of those three powerhouses to cut up Poland like a cake was it's political system, which was introduced due to the fashion of the renessance and last male heir eventually dying out. For that reason elections were introduced! But that's for another time!

End of Chapter II Written by Kashub1410 - during the day of 05.07.2022 CE