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Nickname of poy-yotz

joyjoy 1 | 1
4 Jul 2022 #1
I was told my step-grandfather, Grampa Shorty, was from the old country. That's all I really know about him except that he was really nice to me. He passed when I was 7.

I am the youngest of 5 kids. I was very tiny, with white hair and green eyes.
He had a nickname for me. I don't know how it's spelled, but it sounded like "poy-yotz". Can anyone tell me please what it means and if I'm pronouncing it correctly?
Kashub1410 6 | 649
4 Jul 2022 #2
Pajac (clown), with a highlander accent would be pojoc I reckon. So with your info I would check out "Górale" to learn a bit more
Cojestdocholery 2 | 1058
4 Jul 2022 #3
please what it means and if I'm pronouncing it correctly?

Sounds like ;clown; to me.
OP joyjoy 1 | 1
4 Jul 2022 #4
Thank you everyone so much. I'm 64 now and have always wondered what it meant. Clown kinda fits me as a small child. I was a bit goofy. Thank you🙏

Home / Genealogy / Nickname of poy-yotz
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