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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
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Interests: Many and varied.

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28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

(Please not "Berlin in one week" or so....)

Cool not stupid.

It translates roughly to "Violence has to be repulsed with violence." and the smaller sign above the blurred tanks says "We will not surrender what is ours, invaders will be defeated."

there wouldn`t be Polish 1939 if there was no Serbian 1914 year, in Sarajevo

True if it wasnt for Gavril we'd all just go *POP* and vanish, you're like a living perpetum mobile Crow, in goes everything and out comes Serbia.

Everybody believed that given mighty France and British support it could have worked.

Given just French support it had every chance to work, 1939 is the year when Germany is still weak, the briliant victory was won mainly due to several crucial polish strategic mistakes and Russian invasion, without it pulling off a 5 week low cost campaign would have been impossible, Hilderbrand and Mannstein both agree that Poland might have bled German resources white if not for Polish mistakes and Russian invasion (which is not to say Germany wouldnt win, with the resources of Austria and Czechoslovakia and a new concept of war behind their belt it would just take them longer and castrate their army in the process).
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Ooo 10TP allmost resembles a Soviet one!

They're both built using an American christie chassis, the Soviets had a very close equivalent to 10TP, it was called BT-7.

They were both VERY similar, they were both the fastest tanks in the world throught WW2 and possibly the most manouverable, here's both of them for comparison.

Russian BT-7

Polish 10 TP

Another project was the 14tp, a 15 ton fast tank armed with a 47mm main gun that was an evolution of 10TP, there existed a mock up but i was unable to locate pictures (they're out there though) so a computer rendering and scale comparison of 14TP and 23TP against their counterparts of the period:

Now for armored cars.

Now for armored cars.

Armored Peugot cars, armed with a 37mm Pateux main gun and a 7.92mm machinegun, by the outbreak of WW2 they have been withdrawn from the army as obsolete and given to police, approximately 20 of these vehicles took part in the war as part of the border corpse and police units.

Wz28, heavily armed with a 37mm main gun, approximately 50 of these halftracked cars took part in the battle.

Modified to an all wheel drive for greater speed the Wz34, two variants existed, armed with a 37mm main gun or with a 7.92mm machinegun.

Between 60 and 80 of these cars took part in the war.

Not technically an armored car, this armored scout car was to enter service in motorised reconnesaince companies sometime in the winter of 1939, two prototypes took part in the war.

On to trucks, tractors and bikes.

Also who says only Germans had monopoly on cool propaganda posters:)
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Armored prototypes and projects.

In 1939 Poland had 5 main projects regarding armor, two of which were about to enter production, the other two were in the final stages of development.

Light tank prototype.

PzInż140 was a 4 ton tank supposed to replace all the tankettes, its final version was supposed to be outfitted with either 37mm gun or 20mm rapid firing gun, the tankettes would then be relegated to the role of light tank destroyers, artillery tractors or scrapped.

By 1939 several working prototypes were built.

10TP cruiser tank, an advanced light tank comparable, tnhis 12 ton vehicle was supposed to become the main tank of the cavalry brigades by 1941, two fully working prototypes took part in September campaign.

PzInż160 medium self propelled gun, this was an advanced project, a wooden mock up existed and the project itself was in final assesment by the army, this is the computer rendering of how the machine spg was to look (there exist original plans but they're notoriously hard to come by).


In 1939 a medium 25 ton tank project was finalized and to enter a prototype phase, the tank was originally conceived with 2 turrets (as on picture) but finally was supposed to stay with just a single turret that would house a 75mm gun.

Its OK, there's some innacuracies but i mostly have beef with their pictures, i prefer to dig up rarer ones (though they have some good ones that i use).
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Apart from about 500 tankettes Poland had 320~ tanks of varying types.


In September 1939 102 tanks armed with 8mm machineguns and 37mm main guns took part in combat grouped with tankettes into 3 armored companies, the tank is roughly comparable to the German Panzer I (though it is better armed having an actuall anti-tank capacity).


Poland purchased 100 Renault-35 from France, the first shipment of 50 made it to Poland and took part in the campaign.

Vickers 6-ton.

Armed with a 37mm cannon aproximately 26 Vickers tanks took part in combat in September 1939.


The best Polish tank in use in 1939, responsible for spearheading the first major armored engagement of the war (won by Poles) at Tomaszów Lubelski, this 7.5 ton tank was arguably the best machine used on both sides of the conflict in September 1939.

Between 140 and 160 7tps took part in the September campaign.

Next, tank and tank destroyer projects and prototypes.


I never said it was the Germans, i said it was Goebbels and yes it was started by reporters, not sure which since there were several cases, Germans at large were impressed apart from Heinz Guderian who got one of his major humiliations of WW2 at Wizna and had nothing good to say about Poles afterwards.

Lets roll on to armored cars.
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Goebbels claimed that Poles attacked tanks with sabers and foul language, the West and communist Russia parroted how obsolete and weak the milion strong Polish army was so for all our non-Polish and Polish members, let the pictures do the talking, Polish army equipment first, pictures from Polish perspective of 1939 later.

Polish armor.

Tankettes were the most numerous element of Polish armor, cheap to produce but inadequate due to their relatively weak armor, none the less heavily armed versions proved effective when Seargant Orlik destroyed 3 German tanks (2 pz 35T and 1 Pz I) using his 20mm armed tankette.

Approximately 500 tankettes took part in the September campaign, due to inadequate armor they suffered heavy losses yet the re-armed tank destroyer versions had considerable success.

TKS, at nearly 300, armed with a machinegun they constituted the major variant among Polish tankettes.

Testing of the tankette chassis prior to the purchase by the Poles sometime in the 30s.

German soldiers inspect captured tankettes.

37mm armed medium tank destoyer tankettes, an unknown number between one and two dozens were rearmed with a 37mm main gun before the outbreak of the war.

Self propelled artillery version, a dozen of these were built before the war, despite satisfactory performance the limits of this variant meant it never entered mass pruduction, the existing models took part in defence of Warsaw.

20mm armed light tank destroyer variant, between 20 and 30~ of these took part in the September campaign.

Light artillery tractors.

This weird creature was an attempt to give the tankette a turret, 2 prototypes were made, at least one was used in combat.

Next tanks.
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

I don't see any threat for Poland at all

Russia wont die quietly you know.

When you think Germany would get support from London or Paris because of the proximity then take a look at the map... how far is Warsaw or Breslau from Berlin??? A whole lot nearer...

Which is why amusingly enough the first (and for some time the only) nation to give us tangible support in Russia decides to roll would be Germany, but thats one state not EU.

There is NOBODY in his right mind

You're absolutely correct, but then again Russian govt is not in their right mind by our standards.
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

I think if America opened itself for Poles to work there now

Nothing would happen, everyone who wanted to leave Poland, left. UK, France, Germany these are today far more attractive destinations than US, no one would go there.

I don't actually understand what they fear for

Nothing, they "fight" illegal immigration, they cant actually target any large groups because their legally staying relatives will vote against the administration that did it so they target a group thats too small to matter and doesnt even add to the illegals issue.
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

this is just basic knowlegde that Poles do overstay

Yes, it also shows that US doesnt know how many Poles overstay in relation to the general populace which proves US mistreats Poles on absolutely no basis.

My uncle stayed some 4 years in NY after having travelled there on a tourist visa

My unlce was superman and farted out galaxies, my aunt was Jesus, want to exchange any more personal stories that prove nothing?

Bottom line US fvcks with Poles based on baseless prejudice and Americans themselves admit they have no basis to humiliate Poland like that.

The point here is that if US holds no statistics then it doesnt know how many Poles overstay in relation to how many Poles come in therefore there's no legal basis to the middle finger US shows us.

Personally i couldnt care less, USA stopped being attractive to us years ago but i object mistreating Poles because they're a convenient beating boy, they cant target latinoes, jews or blacks so they target the smallest of the groups and sincei it probably doesnt even create a problem in the first place they invent it.

Then they go to the news and actually say in our faces that they dont have any tangible reason to deny visas but since we're just Poles its ok.

At this point i really really hate our goverment for brownnosing those arogant rednecks.
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Prove it.

As for 25% Americans having degrees i already posted a link to this in this thread, dont be such an American and learn to read.

As for no statistics.

However according to the American security ministry (ICE) the government has no statistics allowing to calculate the amount of overstays because ICE is not able to calculate them.

In the rest of the article they say they can only give the amount of deported Poles, without the relation to Polish populace in USA, this basically means that you deny Visas based on pure prejudice.
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Many Polish citizens have overstayed their Tourist Visa and that's why I understand the American attitude towards Polish wannabe-immigrants." It was a Polish person who stated this. Would she be lying too?

You're still suffering from what happened then.

Nope, we're suffering from being an easy beating boy, they cant touch latinos or blacks because there's an army of them, they cant touch the Jews because they're holding US by the balls so they fight immigration by attacking Poles who do not even contribute to the problem.

Nope, she was brownnosing US which our goverment does, if our politicians grew some nuts and for example said what i did above in American television, then pull out of Afghanistan or send another audible signal we'd join the "no touching" club soon enough, as it is we're not suffering for anything but lack of leverage.
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

That's a flat out Euro lie. Just like we're all fat.

63% of Americans are overweight.
For every 3 Americans one is fat, USA has the most fat people in the world.
"your regular American doesn't attend college."

That's a flat out Euro lie.

Absolutely, approximately 25% of Americans have college degrees, however public colleges in US are on the level of European elementary schools.

I'm actually doing IT for a Japanese company right now..

On rocket science no less!

And Slick, I've been to Europe several times and I've met many a European simpleton.

And then they told you how many states USA has:))
You will not find dumber people outside US, you will not find a youtube movie like that on anyone but US mr IT in chopstick composing :)))
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

That's what the immigration officer at the US embassy here in Dublin told me when I asked why it was so hard to get a Visa for my ex and why Poland could not take part in the Visa Waiver Program the US have.

Yes and Communist goverment told our citizens that they cant leave because the West is too poor to maintain guests, no documents, no proof just blank statements that reek of prejudice.

And I don't take it that he was lying.

If it was in the 90s then yeah there was a gold rush to be poor in US instead of being poor in Poland but today its just plain bull stemming from the fact that Poles became an icon of fighting illegals even though they're not even remotely an issue which means they're treated like sh*t because the US administration can get away with it and it has nothing to do with the dubious overstay claim.

Come on, "Poles overstay illegally but we dont have any statistics on that". How much more insolent can those cvnts get?
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Poles have abused the leniency other countries showed them way too much in the beginning and they now have to pick the sour grapes of this.

What countries? In western Europe Poles were never even a fraction of illegals, US holds no statistics on actuall numbers of Poles overstaying so got any particular countries?

Mind boggles how you guys parrot what was born out of prejudice in the good 60-80s when "Polak" jokes were born.
20 Jun 2009
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

If you are so currious, you can pay your attetion for reportages from NK. It seems to me that it is very difficult to find out sorrowful faces there, am I right?

Yes they're cheerfully starving in several provinces.
5 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Of course, but I mean nation states as we know them and are used to.

Doesnt matter, nation states are just a form of distiction and division, before them their existed another one, the less property the less division, we cant live in some hippy communist state of course so it will take a mental evolution of sorts, that requires current system to collapse into crisis though.

Why dropping in the first place and not changing now what's wrong?

We are not going to drop it, the first major crisis will drop it, EU is an alliance that can work only in optimal conditions.
5 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Nations are very new...

Nations in one form or another existed for as long as recorded history, before that there were tribes.

THAT is the old european way, not nation states!

That was when we owned goats, wives and not much more, right now we own a lot, we've got a civilization all the way back to ancient Rome thats about control, domination and ownership, thats not going to go away now or soon, personally i believe that EU as an idea will be dropped soon for decades, maybe even a century and picked up by a different generation with much more success.
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

But it's the natural way of things.

No its not, we're wearing pants that are too big for us, we're all still very much in love with nations, middle Germany is your example.

It's nothing new actually but rather going back to normalcy for the Europeans.

You know BB i'd give anything to meet you in real life in ten years and remind you of your post just to see your face, Europe is a healthy war and more than a century away from normality.

But it WILL happen! :)

Eventually yes but not now, Germans want to be in the saddle, French want to be in the saddle, Britain is Americas *****, Russia is inherently unstable and prone to failiure and what Poland is you will believe only in 20 or so years after it happens, one way or the other the idea of unified Europe of regions is a sound one but its a few generations ahead of our monkey mentality right now.
4 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

But in a future Europe of Regions

I'd say i hope it wont happen but since i know it wont happen its ok :)
1 May 2009
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Its a Polish pub we're talking about, he sure as hell will be going to a hospital but not the mental one:)
21 Apr 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

More or less, a living evidence of my prior claim that US is intentionally creating a nation of morons who without moral or ethical backbone or personal opinion will be easily manipulated and governed.

So where is it? WE sure aren't getting it for free...if that was your theory, it is misguided.

For you nothing has changed, oil companies get more oil, they can sell more oil but thats for their benefit, not yours.

Iraq, while being a sovereign nation, as you say...was only allowed to remain so

Who are you to decide about sovereignity of other countries?

Combine this with a stance openly in support of the 9-11 attacks

So? America is not the friend of ME states, if i was an Iraqi i'd be cheering those jumpers who hopped out of windows since i'd hate you and your people for all the sanctions and Israel support, their support of 9/11 is fully understanble even if not politically correct, they hate you for good reasons so ofc they wont be sad when your people die.

Inspectors did declare many locations to be free of WMDs,

No WMDs have been discovered prior to or after the war, US admitted it had no tangible proof which means the country was invaded for another reason, the only other reason is oil.

The one thing that scares me is that USA is so powerfull and yet inhabited by mindless drones like you, make no mistake thats not an insult, as far as i can like a nickname on an online forum you evoke sympathy, the problem is that what you're reapiting is basically the same pro-war propaganda spewed by Bush and debunked later, your arguments hold zero factual basis.
20 Apr 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Hate to burst your bubble here...chemical weapons ARE WMD's.

Thats correct i had to look it up myself, and Iraq did have them, for a while, then it used them up on Kurds or simply destroyed them long before US invasion or demands since no proof of these weapons was found except for a few shells with traces which could be decades old.

addam also had a nuclear program (Canada currently receiving the fuel left over from this) and had employed former bioweapons experts from elsewhere also.

You mean the Osirak reactor bombed by Israelis which was not operational for years? I'm sorry but you keep issuing these general statements so lets be specific.

Iraq had chemical agents that its disposed of many years before the invasion as evidenced by lack of storage facilities or stockpiles, Iraq had a nuke programme that was damaged by Israelis and non operational for years, Iraq had NO WMD's at the time or a good few years before the invasion ,that much is proven and no amount of blanket general statements can change that.

Not only this, but a large issue with the assessment of WMD's was that Saddam failed to show evidence for the destruction of ALL of the ones he used to have, just some of them.

Saddam did not have to show the evidence, Iraq was a sovereign country and you had no right to invade just because someone refuse to show every single recording of chem agents being scrapped, its a pride thing you know and hardly justification for waging war on a country.

So if Poland gets nuclear reactors you will be entitled to invade if you think we're developing a nuke and fail to give in to insolent demands of turning over ALL the most secret military documentetion? Get real and stop being arrogant.

The UN is not a "European institution" but an institution founded by the victors of WWII

And victors of WWII are where? Gee except USA they're mostly in Europe, also what authority does UN have over countries not part of it?

Iraq wouldn't have had to worry about these things if they had not invaded Kuwait in the first place. Incidentally, the bullet holes where Saddam's army lined up the Kuwaiti officers outside their barracks and machine gunned them...are still there.

Wait wait, so now you're usurping power to inspect a sovereign country because it invaded someone nearly 20 years ago! Do you even see how ridiculous your dishonest claims are?

First you claim that Iraq was invaded because it had some mythical WMDs that were never found or proven to exist in the last decade, then you claim that Iraq got invaded because it invaded Kuwait nearly two bloody decades ago, i'm sorry but your reasoning is just preposterous.

So why did US invade? What resources Iraq has? Bananas? Fresh socks? No wait... oil!

and Afghanistan doesn't have any

The point of invading Afghanistan is to destabilize Pakistan by border incidents, Pakistan is a potential ally of China, by caussing dissent through attacking Pakistani borders US weakens the non-Islamic goverment and inspires fracture of the state that would otherwise become a powerfull ally to US main rival, China.

Afghanistan has nothing to do with Taliban rebels, its just a front for a bigger political goal in the region.

You're kidding, right? stop hyperventilating and read what I said. And yes, support and funding for hijackers is still enough to blame Iraq at least partially for what happened. If you hire a hit man to kill your wife, YOU are going to jail for murder also, not just your trigger man.

Ok i'm sorry now you're just lying like holy shite, no one from Iraq was ever connected to 9/11 in any way so we're back to square one, the only reason for invasion being control of the oil.

looked like it came from a Neo-Nazi group, blaming all sorts of things on the US

And then US came in under made up casus belli and destroyed the country, murdered its leader, wrecked its infrastructure and took over its major resource, in fact US acts far more fascist than Iraq ever did at this point.
18 Apr 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

What we know-Iraq *used* to have them, (openly) and for years after 1991, failed to demonstrate what happened to them; amongst other UN sanctions they continued to flaunt

No we dont, there's no proof that Iraq ever had WMDs of any nature, it had chemical weapns yes but they were not WMDs in nature, there was never any proof that it had WMDs and Bush administration used exactly the same general blanket statements as you do here to justify illegal actions against a country invaded for a completely made up reason.

Iraq was still thumbing its nose at the inspectors, and even blocking them from entry to some locations...

Naturally, USA was enforcing inspections via European institutions as means of political pressure and to assert dominance over Iraq, Iraqi goverment defied these attempts in the only way it could, by not admitting the inspectors.

then the spark occurred when over a short amount of time multiple primarily American civilian targets had been hit,

Iraq has never killed thousands of American civilians, this is another blanket statement designed to avoid burden of proof and still give your absolutely general argument some sense of credibility, it has none.

We lost our sense of humor for such things-and Iraq was not only openly hostile to the US but hinted it had something up its sleeve.

The invasion happened purely as a means to control and strip Iraq of a strategic resource, namely oil, every argument put up by US was simply an excuse to start this conflict.

Iraq never hinted it had something up its sleeve, its the US that continously knowingly lied about Iraqi capacity to justify its war to the general public.

When they say they found really doesn't prove anything.

It proves everything, together with the fact that US never had ANY tangible proof of Iraq having WMDs this proves that United States invaded a country for no ethical or logical reason other than controling its immensly valuable resources.

The oil story is completely off the mark, and is basically a canned answer at this point, as it seems to be tossed out every time America has an interest ANYWHERE. Yet we do not get the oil...we have to buy it like everyone else.

Of course you have to buy it, Iraqi oil does not automatically go to the people, it goes to oil companies which use your immense ignorance and stupidity to earn money off you, THEY get cheaper oil not you.

Also its not a canned answer, US has different goals in different theaters, typically these goals are unethical or downright evil but Afgani discussion is for another thread.

US has showed with Iraq and Afganistan how cynical and unethical its policies are, if the scene shifts and Poland becomes a target of opportunity US would not hesitate.
26 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Nearly every smart mind in the world thought there were WMDs in Iraq. Bush just took that and ran with it.

No Randal, people openly contested the fact that there were WMDs in Iraq, in fact many openly stated that US wants to seize Iraqi oil, Bush as president does not run on gossip and heresay, he has access to the best information and alitics out there, he knew there were no WMDs, it was all about oil and militarizing USA.
26 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

We Americans were so stupid, that Poland allowed us to put in a missle defence system that might not even work to prevent a buffer zone between Russia and America in case of a ground war.

I believe that there's a hidden agenda there, USA has a long term policy of confrontation with Russia and this shield is something along the lines of personal insult rather than actual piece of working hardware.

Poland has some things to lose, some things to gain but ultimate bucket of shit will fall on US, Russia in the future will be more accomodating to Poland since it will be busy with Ukraine, US though might lose a lot due to Russia creating a block with China if you piss it off enough.
25 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

I admire your perception of temporary - it's actually not often I have met a Pole who has been able to take such a long term view of things

Give it 10 more years in case of Poland, US has been steadily cretinized since WW2 so someone actually sat down planned and carried out a process of making the nation into a bunch of sheep for a better part of a century.

No, we just know we have the most nukes on earth so who needs violence?

You actually reinforce my point by making such remarks, the target since WW2 was always not Vietnam, not Korea but US citizen who's been made progressively more stupid, less aware of social and political realities and more susceptible to manipulation.

Current Americans have a reputation of stupid and are stupid as a result of a long and drawn out process which i believe is a deliberate one, just compare yourselves with Americans from the civil war era, the intellectual gap is epic, someone actually made an effort to turn you into a nation of morons.