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Posts by Korvinus  

Joined: 26 Jul 2021 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 48 mins ago
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Posts: 583
From: poland
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31 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


What does that even mean

Murder is immoral. Abortion is immoral.
Or rather, do you want to believe that killing babies is neither moral nor immoral because there is no such thing as absolute moral values in the first place? Mind you, that this is of course a purely intellectual exercise. Very few leftists actually have the gal to follow their logic to its actual consequences, though every now and then you get somebody who does, at which point the average leftist intellectual acts shocked and horrified, shunning every personal responsibility from ever suggesting that "killing babies is no different from abortion".

If there is no such a thing as morality, then what is wrong with going out and killing some random people?
31 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

You keep asking that irrelevant question

See, you seem to be utterly incapable of understanding even what the argument is about. Your rationalism is limited. That's what the problem is. You cannot prove that killing people is morally wrong. You cannot prove that killing unborn child is morally right.

If somebody disagrees with you, he is either ignorant or an idiot plain and simple. If that's what being a narcissist is about you just rendered human intelligence itself immoral.
31 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

What guy?

Some random conscious guy. You seem to put great stock in being conscious. Is it wrong to go out and kill conscious person? If so, why is that?
31 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

What's with your 'random passer by'?

Some guy just walking down the street. Is it wrong to go out and kill him? If so, why is that?
31 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Are we talking about people?


Why? What is your reasoning? Is it wrong to go out and kill some random passerby? If so, why is that?
31 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Religious, in a post-religious world.

So how to you argue, in a post-religious world, that killing some random people on the street is wrong?
30 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

. Kling conscious people? This is why no civilised society has the death penalty

Do you have an argument as to why it is wrong to kill a conscious people?
For me, the reason is: because it is a sin. Thou shalt not kill.
29 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Argument over whether a fetus is fully conscious or not is a big misconception because once the process of gestation has begun we are now talking about a person in the making, whose "being" comprises its entire development.

I repeat: Do you have an argument as to why it is wrong to kill a conscious human being that is not a fetus ?
29 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


What argument? For now, I am presenting arguments, and you are responding with "NO, U".

I repeat: Do you have an argument as to why it is wrong to kill a conscious entity?
29 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

It is.

By all means, you're well within your rights to act like a boneheaded kindergarten kid who wants to have the last word.
29 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

And not a human being.

I remember when I was kid, my mother was making eggs when suddenly she found a chicken fetus in one of them.

I remember feeling this sense of sadness and regret, feeling sorry for a life that had been cut short before inception. Even my childish mind knew that was a chick in the making, not an inert clump of cells. And we certainly didn't eat that egg, even thought the egg was still mostly yolk.

Because atheists do not believe in vertical causes, because they do not believe in such things as forms and archetypes, they have no understanding that a human life is the whole extend of the existence of a person, both in space and in time. Every fetus has already plotted ahead of itself the entire gamut of the existence of a human life, so that killing the fetus is to kill the whole person.

If the essence of a being could be determined by the state of a given creature in time as opposed to the form of that being, the form including within itself the entire gamut of the possibilities of that being regardless of it's current state of development, wouldn't killing a baby or a child be less morally reprehensible than killing an adult person? After all, a child does not have the same level of cognition than an adult. One would be compelled to ask whether killing a baby should be seen as any more reprehensible than killing a pig or some other kind of animal we consume for food. After all, by any measure the pig demonstrates an higher level of cognition than a human baby. Why then do we bulk at the idea of killing a baby but killing a pig presents no problem for us? Could it be because we know that the baby is a human being regardless of it's state of development?

What makes modern abortion even more reprehensible is that the whole thing is treated as a simple matter of convenience. Modern abortion today is done purely and exclusively in name of utilitarian materialism. Abortion for serious causes, say, to save the life of the mother for instance, may be permissible in the same sense that killing in self defence is permissible, but neither exceptions undermine the seriousness of the act. One must kill or be killed in war but just because conditions like that exist in the world does not mean we have the right to turn murder into a casual matter of convenience, but this is what is being argued when it comes to abortion, and sometimes even murder as in the case of euthanasia of the old or the infirm.
29 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Yes, people did once think that science is miraculous.

Have you considered renting yourself out to Pro-Choice groups as a compelling argument for keeping late term abortion legal, Jon?

more than a cluster of cells"

Pity your mom didn't know enough philosophy to post the same argument.

A cluster of cells is a cluster of cells.

A fetus is a growing human being inside of a woman. Abortion is and always will be, ghoulish grotesque horrific murder.
27 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Doctors, policymakers, judges.

Untill you ask them why they believe murder is even wrong, if all we are is just biological machines? What grounds lefists have to declare that killing a baby or anything whatsoever for that matter is wrong or not? All this sh*it about proving that fetuses do not have a consciousness makes no difference if we take their premises to their logical conclusion. Do you have an argument as to why it is wrong to kill a conscious entity? Do you have an argument about whether it is wrong to murder a human being at all, whether it is a baby or a full grown person?
27 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

What does that even mean?

That they have brain. And other organs. You claimed they don't. BTW, all this sh*it about whether fetuses ought to be considered "human" or not, based on science of all things, is to hand the argument to lefists, since one is accepting their premises, that human beings are just defined by biology, to argue against a point that makes no sense without realizing that the entire reason lefists want abortion is to prove those premises in the first place. Lefists support abortion in order to affirm the notion that humans are nothing more than biological machines.

Are they sentient?

Who gives a sh*it about whether a fetus is sentient or not? What difference does that even make? The fetus is destined to be a human being. Disrupting the process of its development is the same as killing the person, because we, as religious individuals, do not believe that human beings are mere biological machines and we do not believe human births occur by "accident", and that ought to be the end of the argument.
27 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

their is no brain

As far as I know, embryologists say that a fertilised human ovum becomes a proper human organism after around 2 weeks of the conception, when the clumped cells are no longer clones of themselves but differentiate and specialize to form an interdependant whole. At that point, dividing the clump would not result in two smaller clumps, but rather in death.
27 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Not not conscious at all. Not a person.

There is no real difference in terms of cognitive abilities between a first-trimester, second-trimester, third-trimester, or even a born baby in the first nine to twelve months. Sure, inside the womb the baby is asleep, whereas outside it is awake and screaming, but in terms of memory, thought processes, intelligence, etc. there is no difference at all. It is a purely instinctive creature at this point, which is why we do not have any memories from this period of our lives.

So, if you claim that it's okay to kill unborn babies because human life that isn't conscious yet (but will be in a matter of months) is worthless and " not a person", then you automatically claim that it's also okay to kill babies before their first birthday. Also, patients in a coma are no longer human persons and can be terminated at will, even if there is still a chance they might recover.

Of course, pro-murder zombies operate on (ironically enough) baby-logic, where hiding something from sight (in this case, inside the woman's belly) makes it "not real", whereas taking the same thing outside magically makes it real again. Even though it is no more and no less conscious than it was before.
21 Apr 2022
Life / The Pole, as an example of a perfect Russophobe, in a spherical vacuum [42]

to get Katyn out of Polish DNA

To forget history?

We did not forget the Partitions in XVIIIth century and Russia claiming the Eastern lands.

We did not forget the Katyn massacre in 1940.

We did not forget the Red Army "support" during Warsaw Uprising in 1944.

Lastly, we did not forget the Red Army "liberation". And Poland betrayed by its allies and enslaved by the USSR.
18 Apr 2022
Life / Do Russians and Poles get along? [53]

Chess champions

They're good. Usually.

"After the Russian army slaughtered civilians in town after town, they want Ukraine to surrender? To genocide? To go quietly to the grave to spare Europe some anxiety and higher gas prices until Putin attacks again? Go to hell.." Garry Kasparov
16 Apr 2022
Life / Do Russians and Poles get along? [53]

Russians are amazing people, Chess champions, Novelists like Ayn Rand and so on. Their imperialistic state is the problem. Making an analogy, Rural US is amazing. Large city in Soy York/Commiefornia USA is bad and USA deep state complete evil. And no, I don't wanna Russia to become a retarded soycial like in the west, I mean, what is the difference between jailing people who call a war, a war to jailing people who call a man, a man?
4 Apr 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [180]

Lotnisko w Łodzi sprzedane. Znany miliarder Elon Musk wybuduje tu... kosmodrom

Pytanie czy ma wystarczająco dużo funduszy by chociaż postawić wychodek w tym miejscu zanim rozkradną jego fundusze
26 Mar 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [180]

Wiersz ze ściany w publicznym szalecie:

Na lenina szklaną trumnę,
Na putlera czoło dumne,
I na r*sjan w całym świecie,
Ale nie na deskę przecie!
10 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

I toured Russia before the wall fell and live in Poland. Socialism is the AIDS of nations. It is like fungal root rot eating the whole civilisation out from the inside.

Russia, 1983 : "People they come from all over the world to learn about our intellect and mathematical achievements. They all know the great scienmagism of our society is advancement and science."

Korvinus, 1983 : "You're living in a schizophrenic dream world. People come to visit your country because it is a horror freak show that makes them feel better wherever they live that isn't here. Your culture is the queef from a mile high pile of unwashed jockstraps from the Karl Marx fat camp. KGB agents come into your homes at night and enjoy farting into your open mouths while you sleep."

Russia, 2022 : "People they come from all over the world to learn about our intellect and mathematical achievements. They all know the great scienmagism of our society is advancement and science."

Korvinus, 2022 : "You're living in a schizophrenic dream world. People come to visit your country because it is a horror freak show that makes them feel better wherever they live that isn't here. Your culture is the queef from a mile high pile of unwashed jockstraps from the Karl Marx fat camp. Government bureaucrats come into your homes at night and enjoy farting into your open mouths while you sleep."
9 Jan 2022
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Have you ever watched the carbon emissions that come off a jet plane ?

Just buy a Tesla bro, that will offset the 700 million Panjeeps who burn their trash consisting of mostly plastic
9 Jan 2022
Life / UFOs in Poland [51]

It may be side effect of how their propulsion works, or whatever.
If the premise is aliens exist and they've been watching us for centuries, thousands of years even, without making contact then you need to accept the fact that we are a zoological study to them. The earth is nothing more than an ant-farm where extraterrestrial teenagers come on class-trips to learn about a primitive life-form and their basic behaviour. Like David Attenborough commenting on chimps using sticks and stones as tools, they spy on us in bemusement over our quaint technology and ooga booga socialization. They aren't coming to cure cancer, save us from nuclear annihilation, make us immortal, give us lightsabers, teach us a magic language that unlocks the 5th dimension, or take us to another inhabitable planet when we're done ******* up this one. We are the apex predator on the safari park ride in the galaxy's theme park, and that's it.