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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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2 May 2024
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]


I don`t deny Jewish contribution but hey, Poland is part of Slavic ie Sarmatian civilization. Those are roots. From time immemorial. Language, culture, mythology, etc. Same way Jews contributed to Serbians, too. In Serbia lived key Jew that formed Israel and he was inspired by Serbs. But we Serbs don`t have Jewish roots because of that. In general, we do respect Jews. But, we know who we are and what are our roots. That is my answer to a Jew, to Chinese, to Japanese, to Zulu, etc.
2 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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2 May 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Who controls mass media in Poland controls love for the EU and NATO. Therefore, in turn, don`t give a sh** for the lives of Poles.

Always follow the money when you have a doubts.
2 May 2024
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Jewish Roots of Poland

What Jewish roots? Poland is Poland. If Jews were welcomed in Poland at one moment in history it doesn`t creates Jewish roots in Poland. Poland is Slavic ie Sarmatian civilization and that`s about roots of Poland.
2 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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2 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Nothing strange in English when explained from within Serbian, ie Slavic language.

gaia --- srb. gajiti (to grow, to cultivate)


berry --- srb. brati (to pick)

See, no wonder old authors speak of Scots/Picts as of Sarmatians, ie Slavs, ie Serbs.
2 May 2024
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Europe was born in Greece and Rome

No, Europe and Western world is born within Lepenski Vir culture. All evidences point to that fact. Greece and Rome came much later and were result of foreign- Semitic and Egyptian, influences of natives that all originate from Lepenski Vir culture that populated entire Europe and not just Europe.
2 May 2024
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Both Jews AND Arabs are Semites, ergo, to be "anti-SEMITIC" in
theory means to hate Arabs as well as Jews.

Quite right.

Many thinks Iranians to be Semitic but that is a mistake. They are children of contact between European Whites (of Lepenski Vir culture) and Blacks of India. But Whites prevailed as it is described in Rg Veda manuscripts... ``that Black God of Indra moved against Srbinda.`` So, Ind River is kind of ancient border region of European (ie Slavic, ie Sarmatian) and Indian interests.
2 May 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

Hey people, what happened with idea of POLEXIT in Poland?


When we are at brat, I wouldn`t give up from him as a patriot. He was decent enough to publicly admit that Poland recognized Kosovo under pressure from partners in EU. He also said he love Serbs. Plus, he is very good friend of Serbian president Vucic.

Not to say he himself, being Kashub, is also a Serb. So, he still may pull Poland in right direction.

if any of you guys are ever in Poland in spring/summer, seeing Kaszuby is a must. No lovelier region in Poland :)

I will see to it, dobri brate. I will see to it.
2 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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1 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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1 May 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Best in the world, Nikola Jokic


Racow, Sarmatian finest
1 May 2024
News / When did things went wrong for Poland and what went wrong? [20]

I contemplated a lot for the critical moment in history of Poland.

I myself started investigation from the era of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Then stooped when became aware that reasons goes deeper in the past. In my opinion. So, I would continue to investigate.

What others on this forum think?
30 Apr 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

the future will be bright.

too bright, I`m afraid. Some say only bugs of Brussels have future

Please name those "greatest cultural achievements in Poland's entire history" in the last 20 years accomplished thanks to the EU.

True. Serbians did much more for Poland historically.
30 Apr 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [298]

I am especially upset to see sisterly Polke are threatened by the actions of the ugly EU and by the incompetence of my brotherly Poles. Shame

But, Racowie will be there! Don`t worry Polke
30 Apr 2024
USA, Canada / Polish TV in Chicago [2]

On the flight to Chicago > Chetnyk airlines in a twilight zone >


30 Apr 2024
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

After deeper contemplation, I find term Eastern European inadequate for use for all the Slavs and Poles in particular. I mean, what it means Eastern European. Its just geographical designation that serve to avoid mentioning of Slavs when most of Europe is Slavic and was Slavic 500 and 1000 and 2000 years ago, even entirely Slavic some 5000 years ago and deeper in the past to the Ice age. Europe is nothing but Slavialand. And no, don`t get me wrong. I don`t deny different ``ethnicities`` in Europe. I do. Just Slavs are people and today`s non Slavs, former Slavs, are nations. Its the great difference that must be respected because it has its political implications. Because Slavs stay in direct continuity with those first people in Europe, language and culture that formed what we know as Western world. Plus, Slavs were and are people positioned on inter-continental level.

And yes, Slavs ie Sarmatians. Let us remember that.
29 Apr 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

more on English separated from Serbian language ...

recite --- srb. recitovati
verve --- srb. vreva (bustle)
deep --- srb. dubok
source --- srb. srce (heart), srž (core)
yes --- srb. jes (read yes)
barn --- srb. ambar
I am --- srb. Ja sam (read ya sam)
swinery --- srb. svinjac
stomach -- srb. stomak
plot --- srb. plot (fence)
perplate --- srb. preplitati
place --- srb. plac
plate --- srb. plato
batch --- sr. bačva, read bacva
acumulation --- srb. gomila
bush, ambush --- srb. žbun
28 Apr 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

Spot this >


srb. BALEGA (dung of domestic animals)


I begin to feel sorry for you. I don`t know how to look at you. If you are English, I know you are Serbian, and looking at you as you, like a vorm, try to escape from that fact. I am staggered by the realization what Romans (themselves mix of Egyptians and native Serbs) have done to Europe. What chaos they created for the good of selfish few.
28 Apr 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]


You are certainly free to refuse to trust your own eyes and ears.

Europe is nothing but Slavialand. In fact, Europe is Serbia. That is what pains you. The political dimension of this info about the English language.
28 Apr 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [253]

English isn`t that strange. The language was a few years ago completely deciphered by the Serbian language. Primary words of English all originate from Serbian roots. What does this mean? It means that if you exclude the development of English in the last, let`s say 1500 years- especially Roman influence, you get pure Serbian language out of English. English separated from Slavic languages, not that long ago. Most certainly at a time of the so-called Arthurian era, when natives were heavily influenced by the Romans and when Romano-British identity was born. Not only British natives, but all nativ es of Europe, are in fact of Slavic origin. To be most precise, they are Serbians in origin. All who are Whites. To say, the ethnic name of all Europoids is Serbian. Srbin, Sorb, Sjarbin, Swed, Swab, Wend (as Germanics call Lusatian Serbs > Srbin > B transitioning into W > Srbend > Srwend), Venet, Spaniard, Sporadi, Sar, Sarum, Sorbon, Sarmatian, Serbidodunum, Siberia, Sarnizegetusa, Srbind, Srbinda (Sanskrit, only ethnic name of White people mentioned in ancient Indian Rg Veda manuscripts, 4000 years old) etc, etc, etc.

But, why is said that English is separated directly from Serbian not just some Slavic language? Because, after the Ice Age was finished old Europeans (ie old Serbs) migrated (from Lepenski vir and Vinca cultures) along the Danube River and that was the main route for re-population of Europe after the Ice Age (during the Ice Age civilization didn`t exist in Europe except in Balkan. Balkan was Europe. Rest of Europe was mostly 2 km thick ice). For humans and animals. So, the ancients formed backbone of civilization on the line Balkan-Baltic. Then, ancients (Serbs) moved western and eastern and even more to the north, as climate allowed gradually. Obviously, bulk of the ancient British populace (Serbs) originated from the Baltic (traveled by ships to Britain), rather than traveling along the Dogerland (an old land connection between continental Europe and Britain). That is why language was so preserved in the Romano-British era. If the bulk of the populace traveled by the Dogerland, the British version of Serbian would be more different, the same way as other Slavic languages differ from Serbian and among themselves.

So, here is what is English > nothing but vulgarized Serbian language > ultimate origin of the word >

dream --- srb. dremati (state between sleeping and being awaken, light sleeping)
secret --- srb. sakriti, skriti (to hide)
child --- srb. čeljade, read cheljade
stone --- srb. stena (hill)
verification --- srb. vera (faith)
creep --- srb. akrep (a freak)
allow --- srb. alaliti (to give)
arrogant --- srb. rogat (horned)
wassail --- srb. veselje
vary --- srb. varljiv
land/lend --- srb. ledina
bestial --- srb. besan (furious)
beaten --- srb. prebijen
bungler --- srb. bangav
turf --- srb. trava
weeping --- srb. vapaj
check --- srb. čačkati, read chachkati (to poke around)
chaste --- srb. čast, read chast
thunder --- srb. tandrkati (to bang)
path --- srb. put
part --- srb. parče, read parche
dive --- srb. daviti se (to drown)
dim --- srb. dim
decent --- dostojan

etc, etc, etc... you can decipher every basic English word from the Serbian language. That is why Tolkien studied Serbian language.

See here for more info >

28 Apr 2024
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

This sounds like a venereal disease.


Mocking? Don`t you, two?

Well, I read your posts sometimes. And especially that one with a monkey-sounding nickname is a hater of Poles. So just when I try to bring sanity to Polish-Russian relations, at least, firstly, here on this forum, the monkey-sounding nickname starts to mock my efforts. He likes to encourage Poles to fight against Russians. He would like to see the suffering of Polish and Russian children. Hater.