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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
14 Nov 2020
Life / Territorials - Polish National Guard [57]

Then I apologize for any misbehavior on my part towards you, most likely it was my bad attempt at humor.

I can imagine the rebellious part, me however I am very calm and have no problems or qualms doing thing I even dislike doing as long as it's part of duty and I am not burned out mentally.

Illegitimate behavior however I can easily and very strongly reject/oppose.

I was a bit worried about the Territorials only being a form of reserve. Do you know if it's a standing army or reserve army?
Mr Grunwald   
13 Nov 2020
Life / Territorials - Polish National Guard [57]

I thought we were joking around, humor has allways been my weakness as I am quite serious at times and in a very subtle way joke with people. Useally it flies right over their heads, on a serious note I do hope to find a spouse within the military as it attracts patriots (not only of course).

I remain rather pessimistic for the time being, but not without hope.

I hope for this thread to expand, as it can be useful for anyone who is curious about Poland's current armed forces.
Mr Grunwald   
13 Nov 2020
Life / Territorials - Polish National Guard [57]

I am interested to know the difference cause I am joining the army, am planning to join the professional&regular army. There are women there too, don't worry pawian.

Women aren't meant for only one thing ;)
Mr Grunwald   
12 Nov 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [72]

I heard during a cabaret from KMN that it was five beers strange ;)

Make yourself happy first, then I'll be happy! :)

Manifesting against fascism with a rainbow flag at his side only aggrevates right-wingers further and only gains popularity or support from the left *facepalm*

Right-wingers won't listen to anyone they deem to be extreme-left or quite left leaning, same vice versa with left wingers about communication from right wingers
Mr Grunwald   
12 Nov 2020
Life / Territorials - Polish National Guard [57]

It's basically an government funded and well organized militia or a regular army focused on defense only?
Mr Grunwald   
12 Nov 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [72]

Are you naive, old or actively trying to push for an agenda? The man in the picture is clearly walking, so I am guessing he was waving to somebody (you can also see him looking in a specific location and not standing on display to salute), with Live Photo function. You are able to take multiple picture while somebody moves, obviously the one taken the picture. Chose to share the one resembling the most of an despicable salute known from ww2 with origins of Roman times.

The police reactions seemed warranted as some of the young ones marching were throwing ignited materials at them, and that way had to show their readiness to retaliate with soft guns (or airguns? I am no expert on this)

You should be ashamed of yourself, through the linked video I saw max 3 ONR symbols. Rest were white and red, even the ones holding a speech impressed me this year a it was a lot less about hate and foreign topics (powers/immigration)

But about getting your act together and not only be patriotic once a year but, also in your everyday life. How to be patriotic in everyday life will be perceived rather differently I bet.

The March wasn't as large as last years which is to be excpected looking at the circumstances.

I do wish for the celebration to turn more civil and actually national, and not be seen as political. Unfortunately a lot of the people going there have soccer teen-gangs connections and mentality.

While adults and responsible people simply criticize it and look down on them instead of creating something better.

I do hope to be a part of that change in the future
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [72]

What are you willing share on this patriotic day with us?

I myself am currently working on helping the family out with the living room and have fixed the bookshelves and where their new location is going to be and had "fun" with cables&wires that had to be connected to the stereo/dvd/tv (old stuff and old cables -.-) and an old fashioned plate? I don't know how it is written in English.

Thinking about how to celebrate 11th of November and what to do
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2020


It's simply my list of preferences, there isn't an absolute must that all of them have to be fulfilled.

1. I know that perfectly well
2. Depends on my income and line of work, I could basically have a soccer team.
3. Most likely not, increase in age tends to decrease fertility, which is why I would be open for adoption. I am not planning on remarrying after a divorce either so it's a non-issue for me.

4. I am very conscious about changes for a women's body after giving birth, again I am not expecting a women to look like in her 20's for the rest of her life. I simply want to share my best years, with her best years together when married (meaning having kids, can't see myself having kids without marriage).

6. Then I wouldn't be interested in any romantic relationship with 99.9% of whom you know. I am only planning on marrying one women.

7. Trying to be clever, while being distasteful with a nip of arrogance without actually knowing what the topic at hand is about. I try not to fall in to that trap quite a lot.

11. Desires to have sex without imagining/wanting the consequences of it (children), it's rather off putting for me that anyone has some sort of addiction (I had a lot of them in my youth and strive to reduce them as much as possible, so having somebody close in my life which rather add troubles in that department rather then help out would be very damaging for the relationship long term)
Mr Grunwald   
11 Nov 2020

Apologies to @Polonius3 for not addressing the thread

What I am looking for in a female as a Polish man? All right, here comes the list:

1. Noble heritage or at least knowledgeable/understanding about what's it about and doesn't treat it solely as a status thing, which can be quite revolting for me when treated as if I think of it like that. *wife*

2. Open for the thought of having several children, if not her own then at least adoption after having a few of our own. (I always wished to have a brother as a kid and wish to have a large family) *wife*

3. Under age of 26 *wife*

4. Physical attractiveness: can have looks in body between 5 and 8. The more she doesn't seem like "wife material" the more important the looks become. *girlfriend*

5. Preferably Polish, but not a must. More importantly that she won't be an extremist (communist, Nazi, Fascist or left-wing radical)

6. Preferably Catholic, somebody to improve my faith with or at least open about it and not atheist or dogmatic black/white perspective *wife*

7. Intelligent, but not an intellectual show off. *wife*

8. Economy is of no concern (poor/medium/rich) *girlfriend/wife*

9. Willingness to do something together compared to playing mind games *wife/girlfriend*

10. Have similar interests *girlfriend*

11. Isn't pushy about sex (especially if pro-abortion) girlfriend/wife
Mr Grunwald   
10 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

What "partisans" is he talking about? Is he truly spitting on AK?

What co-operation are you talking about? Poland had no alliance or secret deals with Nazi-Germany, if anything Poland secret services were in a state of Cold War with Nazi-Germany, not to mention trade restrictions/conflicts.

If you are thinking about Tesin/Cieszyn then it happened cause of pettiness from Polish authorities, not cause of any will to co-operate with Nazi-Germany. If anything Poland was prepared to liberate Czechoslovakia from Nazi-Germany which the Czechoslovak military formations created (badly equipped however as priority was given to the Polish army, so it was more of a political move and economy of Poland at the time wasn't much to brag about even tho most of the budget went to the army)

Piłsudski was wrongly seen as an Austrian agent by many, especially the west. So many then wrongly thought of those that was his followers as pro-German. They were simply anti-Russian and anti-Soviet cause many of them lived and grew up under the tyranny of Tsarist Russia, and fought in the Polish-Soviet war.

Poland (independent and free Poland) never chose to ally herself with Nazi-Germany or Soviet Union.
Cause a heart cannot be chained by force, no matter how much one tries.

Clearly you have no clue about Poland when you write something like that
Mr Grunwald   
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

This ain't about you, drink some Rakija to clean your brain and post about it in Serbia thread. I'll write there in due time
Mr Grunwald   
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

My opinion about Biden:
From a catholic family +
Irish ancestry +
Grew up in U.S.A +
Able to calm the most left wing parts of American society +


Seems clueless about any part of the world except
U.S.A, which could lead to terrible international relations for U.S.A -

Might look at Poland as Republicans ally and not an ally of U.S.A -

Might try to influence Democrat party politics on other states internal politics -

Seems dishonest -

Values crowd support over own values -

Part of what many on the right call "deep state" meaning political dynasties and connections with top bureaucrats and the 1% -

As a pleaser of crowds, might try to please the military faction within U.S.A to start conflicts (skirmishes/war etc) cause he will be reducing their income -
Mr Grunwald   
8 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Cause Wessi's had a hunt and political dogfight inwards towards Anyone with Nazi ties to the ww2 regime, while in Ossis had to accept anyone to gain as many possible members in to the Party while maintaining an authoritarian rule and mindset, the collective thinking of placing loyalty to a party above all else is strikingly identical in totalitarian ideologies. So an Ossi, basically only changed color from black-white-red to basically just red. While an Wessi had to undergo distancing from family/friends/political parties tied with Nazi connections.

I haven't heard about any "washing" in eastern Germany yet, which would explain weird affiliations popping up from time to time.
Mr Grunwald   
5 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Poles don't hate German, just what being German can potentially lead to. So there is a need for distance, which is why there is still a border.

Germany has come a long way from being authoritarian, which is a huge step in the right direction to improve relations.
Mr Grunwald   
1 Nov 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

We are able to shape ourselves like an artisan blacksmith shapes a blade, knowing what your ancestors were able to perform leads to the thought that you also can do it.

I was under the impression that proponents of socialism rather want the small businesses to be addicted and bound to the state (not talking about degree here) leading them to be less competitive and self thinking about what they need to do.

Prime example is the state of affairs of French farmers, having the need of economical support at every turn out of fear of another revolution in France where there won't be enough food on the market. Not to mention the state of affairs of Polish farmers and food in 1980's

Which is why I am a strong supporter of farmers being as independent as possible, so that they can grow as much competitively quality food possible in Poland. Poland has after all has strong agricultural traditions, food should be our medicine.

There is a delicate balance between treating animals like products and thinking they are like human beings.

They are first and foremost animals, with their own needs. You can't treat a cat the same way like a dog, as they communicate differently.

There should be as little taxes as possible for any farmer in Poland, a farmers job is mainly to provide food to the local market, take care of his family, be part of the local community and help those who need a job by letting them practice on their fields.

States main responsibility is that nobody disturbs the farmers from giving the fruits of his labour to his neighbors which is why Christianity is important to maintain in rural Poland. As one is supposed to treat your neighbor well.

A farmer who hates himself, or generally is full of hate is a threat to the stability for the whole community.

Which is why priests and teachers locally should not be instigating or escalating conflicts near farmers. Petty fights for influence and power in the community can only lead to a bad path unless it has good intentions. Conflict is natural, while war is destruction.

The goal should not be experimenting with the community, but building it up. Especially in these COVID times, a start of settling in local communities, avoiding huge populations in big cities would be the first step. I myself intend to settle locally in Poland, I have yet to find the most suited place yet
Mr Grunwald   
1 Nov 2020

That might help with the writing in English, speaking however is far more difficult to learn from books and a teacher. Unless he is American or English of course.
Mr Grunwald   
31 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I do not call family "others"
And my surname and coat of arms were given to my family and lineage by merits not gold as I do not and never intend to have some kind of title that would belittle my brothers or sisters. Wether they are such by faith, blood or language.

Those merits were confirmed several times through history, so I won't question them. I have yet to confirm them myself in my duties, no matter where I am.

So far I recall one of my family members interest in our family history, went to Kalisz if I recall correctly and came in contact with an old lady which still remembered my grand grand fathers milk factory (not sure if that is correct in English) about how clean the place was and how people loved working there.

Then it was grabbed and looted in late 1940's, also on my grandmothers side estate was taken from them. Everything lost, thrown out on the streets.

You talk about taking wealth from others, I rather build it myself so I prefer nobody butting in on anything I do and share it with those who deserve it. Cause I use my eyes, even tho I am justified to call out for justice to the heavens. I prefer to build my own future, even at the cost of isolation from others. Which is why my relation with the almighty is so important for me, I have enough of people stealing from me or any of my family members.
Mr Grunwald   
31 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

It's based on a lie, it lies in human nature to climb the social ladder. Saying the ladder should be taken so that everyone can walk on it won't help if a chimney is blocking smoke coming out of the house. And if there will only be people tearing down ladders instead of making and using them then the house will burn down, I for one am not a pyromaniac and prefer peace and quiet while helping people instead of lynching mobs running wild looking for targets guided by intellectuals who are too smart to understand why we need boundaries. Pushing those boundaries to make a larger painting is quite different from throwing it in the fireplace.

One is progress, other is regress
Mr Grunwald   
30 Oct 2020
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

@Bratwurst Boy
Actually this beats Brandt's "Kniefall" that would remind of the Teutonic oath which was broken.

This act from the Bundestag is a far stronger message and might be far more convincing
Mr Grunwald   
30 Oct 2020
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

I am actually quite impressed, even surprised that the AFD didn't vote against it but, abstained.

This is a really good step forward to mend the relationship between Poles and Germans, as almost all of the Bundestag were for it

Reminds me almost of the Hungarian-Polish friendship decision
Mr Grunwald   
29 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]

Poles are just simply tired of governing Ruthinians, Lithuanians or any nation east of Poland. So Poles have given them the middle finger while thinking: Fine, don't want to do anything with us? Have your freedom, see how that works out! We are going our own way in our own country without all of you guys if you refuse to listen! We want to build, drink good tasty beverages and taste delicious food. For once we have common interest with the Czechs about that
Mr Grunwald   
29 Oct 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

I can only guess, about Possible victory in 1410 against Teutonic Order, Polish king accepting Protestantism in Prussia.

Germans had a lot of grudges thanks to Hohenzollern family for connecting themselves to Teutonic order and Prussia. Adopting their conflicts and ambitions to HRE business and opening up for conflict with Sweden which started a new tactic of razing towns and villages during the religious wars in HRE... Which then "Lisowczycy" scouts adopted and used in Russia during times of troubles if I am not mistaken.

Swedes making a mess and pushing their nose where they shouldn't just so they can be pro-active before a possible attack. Just like Japan during ww2.

Otherwise, what reason other then political expansion is there for conflict between Germans vs Poles or Poles vs Russians?

*silly me*
Of course, Polish food and women
Just don't share this with everyone ok? Most people aren't able to handle it long term without getting addicted
Mr Grunwald   
26 Oct 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [137]

In Poland it's the foreign minister who administrates Poland's relations abroad, not the church. The church in Poland has the responsibility of Poland's moral compass, not the state (That the state is heavily influenced is another matter which I am positive about the church does as long as it's about morality)

Why are you having such difficult time to call German speaking people brother or sister in faith? Cause of Croatians who are using the church whenever possible for political gain?
Mr Grunwald   
25 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Anybody who is eligible to vote in Poland is able to read here what we write, no matter which party they belong to.

I simply ask to lower the tension, I know this is a hot potatoe and I am strongly on one side of this fence and no, I am not naive when it comes to PiS. I can't remember any economical policy I would support that they have suggested

It's just a matter of degree, freedom to choose which milk you would like to drink from which type of cow is not the same as having the butcher operating cows to take out calves cause they didn't have enough white spots to be łaciata