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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2118 / Live: 1951 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

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29 Oct 2013
Law / Where to obtain license plate in Poland? How long it takes? [24]

Actually I have a well-serviced bike, thank you very much. Private plates are plain stupid. What's wrong getting a standard plate on your car? So much cheaper, but without the possibility to show off of course.

My car has a regular Warsaw registration and that is just fine by me.
28 Oct 2013
Law / Where to obtain license plate in Poland? How long it takes? [24]

I'm not sure how popular they are in RSA, but in Poland they're very very rare though becoming a little more popular.

I see them often here in Warsaw, and all of them 1. look egotistical 2. look nouveau-riche first class 3. look stupid 4. deserve to be fined by the police on a permanent basis
28 Oct 2013
Work / Is it hard to get a work permit in Poland? [43]

Maybe :) But it also sounds as real-estate marketeer language :) (or something what inyourpocket might write). No, I find £ódż scruffy, dusty, rundown, chaotic. Piotrkowska does not impress me at all. Pilsudskiego? What is so marvellous about that street? I am always glad to be on PolskiBus back home to Warsaw in the late afternoon.
28 Oct 2013
Work / Is it hard to get a work permit in Poland? [43]

I find £ódż very scruffy. OK, Manafaktura is a good go...but it seems to be a city in permanent stay of decay. I am there very often for my job (nope, no teaching involved), using public transport frequently and somehow the people on the buses and trams look somewhat "rundown"...sorry English is not my native language, hard for me to describe it. In Flemish we would tell "marginal people". Also very hard to pinpoint a real town centre. Piotrkowska is just that..a 5km long street. Maybe the nightlife is OK, though I hear from colleagues at work it is not entirely safe, and many bus & tramlines are "dubious" after nightfall, when the pondlife appears.

Nope, not my city at any given time.
28 Oct 2013
Work / Is it hard to get a work permit in Poland? [43]

Being £ódż, I guess it is or Infosys or Nordea. In this case did they take you on for your language skills, in this case Arabic? In that case I should not worry too much.
28 Oct 2013
Food / PIZZA & KETCHUP served only in Poland? [159]

A particular bugbear of mine is frozen chips. They're so rife that a lot of the post-89 generation don't know that real ones can exist.

Although there are quite a few "Frytkie Belgijskie" who a very decent job. There are two ones near ul. Szpitalna here in Warsaw who are really good, and there is Renesans on ul Francuzka in Saska Kępa.
24 Oct 2013
Law / International student from Poland traveling to Norway on Karta Pobytu? [54]

like the OP...

OK but then he is a Nigerian "studying" on a dodgy Polish private "university" - which name he does not want to tell - and pretends he will "visit" Norway as a "tourist".

I wonder why he is not "studying" in Africa somewhere. Boy, these private "universities" in Poland do make a healthy profit like that.
22 Oct 2013
News / E.U. Funds 2013-2020 for Poland [33]

Maybe it could be instructive to walk across Plac Zamkowy here in Warsaw these days. There is neat little exposition about for which amount and percentage the EU is funding projects in Warsaw. And that's only Warsaw. Very instructive.

The Treaty of Rome ensured stability and economic growth for over 40 years. It ensured peace in Western Europe. It ensured that historic antagonists started to work together.

Btw I cannot wait for the moment the UK will leave. Good riddance and not many will regret it. De Gaulle (although I am not a big fan of his) had it right all the time, blocking UK access. Though I guess Scotland will come back.
22 Oct 2013
Travel / Travel by bus/train from Warsaw to Gdansk without prior reservation? [18]

Generally train tickets in Poland are not for a specific train, but for a specific route and time.

This is not completely true. Przewozy Regionalne and TLK belong to different operators, and their respective tickets are only valid on their own trains.
And if you with a TLK ticket want to board an IC train, you will have to pay extra, because the pricing is different.

The fact that conductors have mobile terminals does not mean that you can pay there by card.

I already paid often by card on an IC.
21 Oct 2013
Travel / Travel by bus/train from Warsaw to Gdansk without prior reservation? [18]

If there are free, not reserved seats, conductor will book for you one of them. They have mobile cash terminals, connected with the reservation system.

Hmm...I didn't know this. Although on regional trains (Przewóż Regionalny) such as between £ódż and Warsaw you can only pay cash.
20 Oct 2013
Travel / How does wizz air compare with ryanair? [32]

A refueling stop is also common with a lot of airlines,

Pilots already reported that Ryanair puts pressure on them to take the minimum qty of fuel. And there are confirmed stories of Ryanair planes having to land on another airport in Spain because they were flying on fumes.
20 Oct 2013
Travel / Travel by bus/train from Warsaw to Gdansk without prior reservation? [18]

Really? Has that changed recently? My Mrs took a PolskiBus a couple of months ago and bought her ticket on the bus with no reservation. I've never actually taken a PolskiBus and hope to never need to.

PolskiBus does only accept online reservations. My wife returned from a trip to Białystok last week, and wanted to catch PolskiBus, but despite the fact that the coach was half-empty the driver told he could not help her.

I do like the company though, I take the coach to £ódż often and cannot complain about them. I have never used them long distance.

Furthermore Harry, travelling by Intercity (as to Gdańsk) requires a reservation, TLK in 1st class as well, and TLK in 2nd class as well on certain routes.

Though you can of course buy a ticket from the conductor - but then it could be you have to move a few times during the trip if other passengers want to take their reserved seat.
18 Oct 2013
Travel / How does wizz air compare with ryanair? [32]

But Wizzair's prices for hold luggage are a lot cheaper than Ryanair's.

Exactly. Wizzair allows 32 kgs of hold luggage, which is a lot more as Ryanair. Also never heard stories about them like about Ryanair, e.g. planes having to make emergency landings because they ran out of fuel.
18 Oct 2013
Travel / How does wizz air compare with ryanair? [32]

Having said this, I'm totally against parents with children boarding first -

I am actually in favour. If only because then you can take a seat far away from them. I have nothing against children, but nothing is so torturing as a crying baby in the seat near you.
17 Oct 2013
Travel / How does wizz air compare with ryanair? [32]

Wizzair is a fantastic airline for those that can't abide infants.

Strange. I am flying with WizzAir on the Warsaw-Eindhoven route minimum once per month. They always announce to parents with small children to come forward on the gate check-in. Great airline though, not comparable to these Irish gangsters.
17 Oct 2013
Genealogy / How can I find out where someone is buried in Poland? [3]

If you would know which parish she lived in (if you would know the street or dzielnica she lived in, it should be possible to find the parish), and the contact the local priest. He should be able to check his records - even if it was from before his time.
17 Oct 2013
Work / How to study Information Technology, work and live in Poland? [6]


Foreigners studying in Poland (Polish universities are looking for them)

It is the demographic low. Universities are looking for and recruit volunteers abroad

Mid-October, and there's still ongoing recruitment for a free study at the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski. Meanwhile, on the private universities with tuition of 3.5 thousand of euro per year stakeholders were most than enough.

Finding eager to study in mid-October in times of demographic decline is not unusual to private universities. Those tempting promotions, tuition reductions, etc. But so far it has not happened on a large scale in the public schools. Especially in Warsaw's free stationary studies.

Very interesting article, and in many ways it confirms what Delph wrote previously. Polish universities are actively looking for foreign students, Africans being an an attractive target group. And yes they will "monitor" the new "students" as to ensure they do not come here as to get entrance to the EU.... Btw I wonder what kind of students UKSW will attract?
16 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

Interesting article this morning in GW, concerning how money was spent on the referendum.

How much does it cost a referendum in Warsaw? PiS has issued the most, PO - the least

Nearly 400 thousand zł gave PiS. Guział - the initiator of the campaign gave 200 thousand. Least gave PO - 70 thousand.

A few days before the referendum in Warsaw 800 thousand of Varsovians found leaflets in their mailboxes with President Stefan Starzyński or two mortar rebuilding the city on top and the slogan: "They dreamed of the great Warsaw". For the printing and distribution paid PiS. It cost 112 thousand zł,34862,14784556,Ile_kosztowalo_referendum_w_Warszawie__PiS_wydal_najwiecej_.html#TRLokWarsTxt

PIS: 400.000 PLN
Guział: 200.000 PLN
PO: 70.000 PLN

The worst of course is that the taxpayer had to fork out 3.000.000 PLN for this referendum.
Question: Where did Guział get his money from? He initiated this joke, so I think it is only fair he should pay the bill.

Good thing is that PIS has a hole in its bank account and nothing to show it for.
14 Oct 2013
Life / How can I change 100 PLN bank notes for smaller currency? [17]

The funny thing is that Biedronka, not accepting card payment, often lacks coins to pay back.
Other issue is - and I am living here well over 10 years - what to do with the 1gr, 2gr, 5gr coins...Our daughters are collecting them in a big vase...for some new sneakers I guess :). But honestly speaking they are pretty useless.
14 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

some jobsworth has decided he's going to get himself a great story to tell all his friends

Nope. Once again I do not agree with you. I abstained from the referendum and as you should know I am anti PIS.
Bus this guy was doing his job and got intimidated for that. I despise that kind of behaviour from HGW's court entourage.
Yes they should have paid, every one of them. Shame on them. From what I know from my friends in Wilanów, she and her entourage acted as Louis XIV's court.

"Who can touch me?"
Not the way to go.
14 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

Nope. She should have taken out her purse, and pay the meagre entrance fee to the park by herself , which I think is 6 PLN ?
Setting an example never hurts any politician. Arrogance and being mean does, big time.
This has nothing to do with processing fees etc. It is about being a decent human being, not being mean.
14 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

I am sorry but I do not agree with you on this one Harry. Wilanów is not a city institution but depends on the Ministry of Culture. I know quite a few people in Wilanów and they all confirmed she behaved very arrogant, extremely impolite and her entourage tried to intimidate the staff big time.
14 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

I only hope PO will take a lesson from this referendum. After all HGW is known to be very arrogant (I remember an incident when she refused to pay entrance to Wilanów - the guard denying her entry is still a local hero at the palace) and not to be in touch with the average Warsovian. As GW ( not a paper to support PIS) today wrote, she knows Warsaw from her office window and her limousine. The city is plagued by ill planning, wholesale. Lot of space for improvement.

Which says that the voters of Ursynów wanted nothing to do with this referendum. The only interesting thing was the vote in Srodmiescie - has Warsaw also got the problem of a significant amount of working classes living there?

Highest frequency was in Wawer, where HGW lives.
As for Śródmiejście, I actually do understand them. It is blocked by various projects big time, and this due to laziness/incompetence of the administration. Always the same term "brak dokumentacja". Means some imcompetent lazy git at the city found it more important to drink tea as to review documents.

Typical example: They are now re-laying the Rynek Starego Miasta. Only they started to do this in the midst of the tourist season. Coordination, planning ?
14 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

The funniest thing of it all is that the lowest frequency was in Ursynów, where Guział started it all.
Second most funny thing is that PIS is now accusing everybody else of using "Byolorussian tactics" and that tens of thousands city workers influenced the result by not voting.

And third funniest thing is that these accusations come from Kamiński, who was using in PIS/Samoobrona/LPR times CBA to spy on "unfriendly" journalists. Definitely Byolorussian tactics.