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Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
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11 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

I wonder how that would come to pass....

Well, think about Brexit. It wasn't a thing just 5 years ago and then it happened. Or a refugee crisis. The first major one happened just 5 years ago and it created serious political divisions within the EU: Western EU vs Central EU and also North vs South. And now Karlsruhe ruling...

Each blow adds to the erosion of a structure. It won't be just one event that will end the EU as we know it but rather a series of consecutive events. The one ending the EU may not be even a major one
11 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Eastern European states sense opportunity in German court ruling

"The ECJ [European Court of Justice] warned that the block's legal order may be in jeopardy"

"Ursula Van der Leyen (...) said that Brussels was considering legal action against Germany

"Experts fear courts in other countries will also start taking shots at the ECJ"

I think I was a bit of a pessimist when I said that the EU will not survive the next 20 years. The situation is much more optimistic and it may not survive the next decade.

PS: I like the title of this thread. It is so sarcastic. Good job jon357
9 May 2020
Po polsku / Mała "wpadka" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :) [25]

Chyba zupełnie nie rozumiesz wątku.

Wprowadziłeś za to jakieś dygresje zupełnie poboczne

Spogladam na niego z szerszej perspektywy :-) Mniej emocji, a wiecej chlodnej kalkulacji i strategicznego myslenia.

i to nawet mimo że Rosja już starła się z Niemcami

Nie Rosja tylko ZSRR, i nie starla sie tylko "wziela poteznie w pupe" przez dwa lata pod rzad poniewaz ich armia byla przygotowana na agresje na Zachod a nie na obrone swego terytorium.

Bez lend lease i pomocy Amerykanskiej nie bylaby w stanie przeprowadzic pozniejszego kontrataku.

Tutaj jest zestawienie ogromniej ilosci sprzetu, materialow i surowcow oraz koszta tego poteznego transferu:

Opuszczam więc ten wątek, zaś Ciebie polecam uwadze i opiece Torqa i Ironside'a.

Na pewno nie masz juz wiecej nic interesujacego do dodania?
9 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

With all due respect but calling Duda a puppet and mentioning that Kosiniak-Kamysz is the best presidential candidate at the same time is pretty amusing :-)

There is no, or ever was, more opportunistic political party in Polish parliament than PSL [ZSL].

PSL has "100% coalition compatibility" that is it can form any coalition from left to right, as long as it benefits them, since they don't have political convictions of their own.
9 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

speaking while chewing pizza and sharing that fact here in order to torture haters

Just when I imagined that the only things you ever eat are sarma and gibanica washed down with solid amount of rakija.
9 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

This one:

Yes, this is massive. It will change the political landscape in the EU in ways many "euro-enthusiasts" cannot imagine yet. It's a great precedence which will help to undermine powers the EU institutions have usurped over the nation states over the years. And the fact that it comes from Germany is a cherry on top.
9 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Countries like Poland can use any alliance that increases their weight and independence from Russia. That is a fact.

Sure, free economic relations between European nations are beneficial.

The EU is beyond redemption though. It has been penetrated by generation '68 neomarxists ("the long march through the institutions") to the point that it became a tool of a leftist social engineering on a mass scale.

European nations should destroy this organizations and establish a fresh economic connections based on a free economic exchange and without [left-leaning] political undertones.
9 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

more favourable geopolitical positions, with no immediate threat to their security nearby

NATO, not the EU, serves the purpose of protecting member states against those threats. And the balance of power in Europe is maintained by the US first and foremost.

EU is a semi-efficient trading pact, with a strong left-leaning ideological undertone, not a military pact.
9 May 2020
Po polsku / Mała "wpadka" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :) [25]

Stalin zaczynał być wściekły z tego powodu,

Oczywiscie ze byl wsciekly bo mial inne plany. Wspieral przed II WS III Rzesze surowcami i materialami, pozwalal cwiczyc armi niemieckiej na terenie ZSRR, ustanowil pakt o 'nieagresji' (a wlasciwie nowym rozbiorze Europy). Liczyl ze gdy Niemcy zaczna wojne w Europie przeciw wszystkim to sie szybko wykrwawia i wtedy Stalin wjedzie na rumaku caly na bialo. A tu Hitler uprzedzil jego atak o kilka tygodni i poteznie zranil bolszewickiego zwierza...

USA bylo w o wiele bardziej komfortowej sytuacji i mogly metodycznie planowac atak. A do ataku US army na Rzesze i tak by doszlo poniewaz wielki przemysl w USA naciskal na interwencje: tracil rynki zbytu w Europie, magazyny sie przepelnialy towarami, a u-booty torpedowaly amerykanskie statki hadlowe zmierzajace do Anglii...Ameryka zawsze walczy o swoje wymierne interesy i tym takze sie roznila od wariackiej polityki furiata Hitlera...
8 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

MNore than covered by the opportunities created.

Those opportunities, of which the only substantial one is single market, could be achieved without all the numerous disadvantages of the EU membership. Examples: Norway, Switzerland.

And now the UK is 'taking one for the team' by leaving the EU which was never done before. I trust that UK will benefit from it in the long term thus showing the others that there's a better life outside of Euro-kolkhoz
8 May 2020
Po polsku / Mała "wpadka" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :) [25]

No chyba nie całe. Bardzo duża ich część jest obecnie w granicach Niemiec.

Z dwudziestu największych miast pruskich w 1900 roku tylko 4

Bardzo mala czesc. Pisze o Prusach wlasciwych sprzed zjednoczenia w drugiej polowie XIX wieku czyli bez wchlonietej Westfalii, Saksonii, Hanoveru, Maklemburgii...

Prawdopodobnie by nie przegrała walcząc tylko na jednym froncie, zamiast na dwóch.

Przegralaby walczac na Zachodnim froncie przeciwko Anglosasom tj. Amerykanom, Brytyjczykom i brytyjskiej wspolnocie narodow z ich o wiele potezniejsza gospodarka i zasobami ludzkimi oraz panowaniem nad szlakami morskimi. Kiedy USA przystapily do wojny wynik byl juz przesadzony

Jednak Hitler był swego rodzaju (genialnym) obłąkańcem

Byl demagogiem, ktory potrafil doskonale panowac nad emocjami Niemcow ale nie byl jakims genialnym strategiem wojskowym. No i byl fanatykiem, co przeslanialo mu jasnosc myslenia. Podczas inwazji na ZSRR tubylcy poczatkowo witali Niemcow jak wybawicieli od okrutnych rzadow bolszewikow ale on traktowal ich jak 'podludzi' i kazal masowo wybijac i nastawil miejscowa ludnosc przeciwko najezdzcom. Idiota zamiast pozyskac miliony dla swoich celow to nastawil ich przeciw szkopom.

  • Ac.prussiamap3.png
8 May 2020
Po polsku / Mała "wpadka" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :) [25]

Co się Pan tak martwisz? Za parę tygodni Wrocław znowu będzie polski!

Pomylil sie o kilka lat ale mial slusznosc co do istoty rzeczy.

Nie tylko Wroclaw ale i caly dolny i gorny Slask oraz portowy Szczecin znalazly sie w tych granicach, w dodatku calkowicie spolszczone co wyeliminowalo wszelkie potencjalne problemy w przyszlosci.

Niemcy przegraly wojne kiedy Stany Zjednoczone, z calych swoim potencjalem industrialno-ekonomicznym rozpoczely lend-lease oraz nastepnie przystapily do wojny. Wojne wygrywaja zasoby naturalne, przemysl, potencjal ekonomiczny i demografia. Zle przeprowadzony atak Reichu na ZSRR i walka na dwa fronty ten koniec oczywiscie przyspieszyl ale i bez tego Rzesza by przegrala, tylko pozniej, z Anglo-Sasami.

Obecnie Prusy, ktore zjednoczyly kiedys Wielkie Niemcy, sa w granicach Polski i enklawy Krolewieckiej nalezacej do Rosjan.
8 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

and will take it upon itself to return the EU monies it has received

Sure, as long as the EU would cover the opportunity cost for Polish economy for all that GDP lost due to EU regulations Poland had to follow over the years.
5 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

The Potato is a joke in global circles of politics

I understand that you know closely those global circles of politics. Why wouldn't you share some insider info with us? :-)

I disagree with political direction of PiS but for different reasons than "young, educated, from big cities" or rather "young educated fools often with aspirations bigger than their talents who are trying to be worldly". They them that they are trendy and very modern and those fools will give away their last pair of pants just to please you.

PiS opponents criticize them for being "too radical" in foreign politics. I think they are not radical enough. And by radical I mean standing by the national interest in spite of those who criticize that stance.

PiS opponents criticize them for being "far right" and I point out that they're centrists/centre-right with socialist tendencies in economy. If you're looking for a true right wing, conservative formation look no further that at Konfederacja.

and Poland is loosing respect in the global community for how this election is being handled.

The so called "global community" doesn't give a damn about upcoming elections in Poland. Only those countries and organizations who are directly very interested in changing things in Poland in their favor are engaged in that political battle called elections.
4 May 2020
Po polsku / Mała "wpadka" Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :) [25]

@Torq, ich ogolnie malo obchodza Wschodni sasiedzi i nasza historia oczywiscie oprocz mozliwosci eksploatacji ekonomicznej naszego obszaru. Takze nie wykluczam tu zwyklego niedbalstwa. Trzeba ich edukowac, tak jak ZDF za pomoca akcji #germandeathcamps
3 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

@Lenka, Konfederacja has jumped from "non existent before Dec 2018" to 11 MEPS in the Polish parliament in 2019. And K.Bosak is a 3rd most popular presidential candidate according to the newest opinion polls.,nId,4469413
3 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

EU hasn't done jack **** to Warsaw for all the things they complained about

You're talking about current times, I'm talking about a general rule since Poland has joined in the EU in 2004. Not always we had a government which was defiant against the EU. And even the current one is only defiant regarding some issues and accepts the rest (since when it comes to the economy they're socialists at heart).

For example: Poland, or any other EU country, cannot have death penalty because it's against the "EU values". So even if the majority of Polish population would agree to it and majority of MEPs would vote in favor we still cannot do it.

Another thing is that the EU members cannot completely decide about their own taxing system because there's an established mandatory VAT standard rate at 15% for all the members. This cannot be changed by a country, it comes form the outside.

not following green reforms especially with coal

Yes, I have to give it to PiS government that they've negotiated a special clause for Poland but valid only for 5 years till 2025. It still feels like negotiating with a thief and making an agreement that's going to mug you sometime in the future instead of right now. Hopefully, by the 2025 we'll have a new government with a much prominent presence of Konfederacja in Polish parliament which has much tougher stance towards the EU.

Some EU countries needs to buy an extra emission allowances from other countries which produce nuclear energy "just because". It's basically a hefty fine imposed on countries with a more obsolete energy sector by those who had time and money to swap it over the decades. I call it a sucker tax

And yes, fortunately, the EU countries still have power of veto which they can used in self-defense. The "EU core" has tried to change that and replace it with a simple majority vote but it failed. Had it passed those would be grim times.

There is nothing nuanced about Polish politics

There is. You just have a different cultural sensitivity.
2 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

He was made to look like a fool by Sikorski

Ah yes, a fallen MEP and a husband of his wife. He came in angry and uninvited and started lecturing the others around him to put on the muzzle (dust mask). K.Bosak has still invited him to a debate.

Sure, why not. It adds to his credibility as a presidential candidate and will get more exposure in media. Especially since Sikorski has made a fool of himself claiming that "the EU doesn't impose directives on its members"...
2 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

@Atch, of course I do.

PiS have outmaneuvered the dummies in "total opposition" (POKO), who prayed for the trendy virus to arrive in Poland in false hopes that this will help them to gain a few extra points before the elections. Right now the presidential candidate from POKO - whose only "political quality" is that she is a woman - has a single digit result acording to the newest opinion poll.

At the same time PiS have overcooked the quarantine and people are tired of this nonsense. That's why they're pressing fo May elections - in spite of upholding restrictions - because they're afraid that PiS, and A.Duda may lose vox populi due to upcoming economic crisis. A. Duda is still leading with a result of over 50% acording to survey.

Konfederacja didn't fall into that trap with G. Braun lecturing PiS leaders in a parliament not only about quaratine but also about JUST 447 and also their stance on abortion. The popularity of Konfederacja's candidate - Krzysztof Bosak from National Movement - is growing and he has 3rd best result among candidates*.

It needs to be taken into account that most Poles, including me, don't want to participate in postal elections and prefer to have a normal elections in the summer. Poles are showing a middle finger to the government in a healthy response to a ridiculous trendy virus restrictions imposed on them.

The current political situation in Poland regarding upcoming presidential elections may be too nuanced to be understood by a foreigner or even an expat living in Poland I'm afraid. It is very interesting though.

1 May 2020
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

The fact is that Poland won in an international arbitration court in Stockholm.

Now Russia's got two choices: to pay and end this case or not to pay and create precedence. A precedence which will be used against them in the future not only by Poland by anyone else who deals with them. Gazprom will also show how unreliable as a partner they are, that's hardly what they need right now under American sanctions over NS2.

This way or another Poland will still take back that money at the end. It can be deducted from the last payment at the end gas contract with gazprom which ends in 2022.

But I believe gazproim will pay that fine, after a traditional (for Russia) period of psychological games. Yes, they are unpredictable and they like to use gas as a political weapon but at the end of the day they realize that they're just a huge, armed pertol station for Europe. And they're only singnificant source of income comes from selling gas and oil and crude minerals to more developed countries.
1 May 2020
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

@delphiandomine, you are wrong, as usual. Even a broken clock is right twice a day but not you. You're an extraordinary person.

"Poland's PGNiG lodged a lawsuit to an arbitration court (...) The Stockholm court said the amount Poland had to pay for Russian gas flows was overstated (...) This means that the Russian company will be required to pay back to PGNiG an estimated $1.5 billion"
29 Apr 2020
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]


Russia, is just playing their old psychological game invented decades ago by Stalin, who played it with naive Allies and won on most occasions.

It's an effective combination of deception and brute force ("one must emulate both: the fox and the lion"). They're trying to bend the rules and push the boundaries as much as they can before they meet strict resistance. Before losses become higher than gains. Unfortuantelly for them Poland knows their methods better than anyone else.
29 Apr 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

in significant price increases, something that will very much hurt the rural classes.

Another nonsense. According to @dolphiandomine grain price increases will hurt Polish farmers. Poor farmers will now be able to get more money for they produce, if they wish to sell it. In their best interest is to get less money for their work. It's called "delphianomics"
24 Apr 2020
Life / What is Poland going to be like in the 2050s? [72]

Old people need care constantly which will increase Poland's retirement home

I don't think so. Unemplyment is not a problem in modern Poland, a lack of workforce may be. People are more skilled, more qualified and more ambitious, even now most of low paid jobs are being done by Ukrainians. Not to mention in the future.

Native countries will have to take care of their aging workforce, which they used to produce value for their economies. Poland will not a be a haven to some old farts from Germany and Western Europe :-)
24 Apr 2020
Po polsku / Apel o pojednanie z Rosją [30]

To jest wątek z kwietnia 2010 roku - sprzed DZIESIĘCIU LAT

Ale na czasie:

"Jakóbik: Rosja apeluje o zbliżenie z Polską. Czy to skutek wojny cenowej na rynku ropy?",30bc1058