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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 May 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Bets on the world`s scale started regarding clash of the USA vs Serbia (the best basketball school of Europe) during 2024 Olympics


USA men to open 2024 Olympics against Nikola Jokić's Serbia


The United States men's basketball team will open the Paris Olympics against Serbia, and likely NBA superstar Nikola Jokić,

the U.S. men will face the Serbians on July 28

20 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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20 May 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [151]

Do you mean that peace-loving org that bombed Serbia, wreaked havoc with Libia, and is now trying to finish off Ukraine?

Yes. And the same one that now goes round the globe and side by side with EU orchestrate assassinations on leaders of free world.

In fact, one can hardly say what is bigger sh**, NATO or EU.

You heard speech of Hungarian Orban today? Its epic. He warned of `EU War Hawks` >

18 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [292]

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16 May 2024
News / Slovak PM Robert Fico assassinated - How this affects Poland ? [4]

I wouldn`t underestimate situation around Tusk, no matter he remain marked as deeply pro-Brussels and pro-Eu politician. He recently opposed to some irresponsible Duda`s statements about nukes in Poland.

Plus, have in mind that Tusk, side by side with Lech Kaczinsky was involved in opposing to NATO and EU pressure on Serbians. While Kaczinsky mad scandal of it even at UNGA, Tusk was moderate and just underlined his favorable feelings for Serbs, while openly in public admitted that Poland recognized Kosovo under pressure of partners from EU and NATO. Here needs to be said that both Lach and Tusk had/have good friendly relations with Serbian leadership. Anyway, soon after scandal on Serbian question at UNGA Lach Kaczinsky traveled to Russia to reconcile and improve relations but was killed in plane crash, while Tusk survived and continued career at Brussels.

In my opinion Tusk isn`t traitor but remain to be seen how brave he is. In other words would he put interests of Poland above his own.

I believe that Tusk survived plane crash just to be warned by NATO and EU, not to deflect from official anti-Slavic policy. So he lives and serve, while tries to balance. He could be in real danger because obviously there is powerful financial circles in the world that tries to retain control over Slavic countries.

Spot this >

Assassinations of leaders in Slavic countries in last 30 years >


* Kiro Gligorov, President of Macedonia, survived attack in 1995 - tried to keep good relations with Serbia after destruction of Yugoslavia by the EU and NATO powers that pushed country in bloody civil war.


* Zoran Dindic, PM of Serbia, killed in 2003 - was seen as best bet by the NATO and EU regarding Kosovo question. It was expected Dindic would accept Kosovo separation and recognize Kosovo. When he rejected, soon after he was assassinated. Traces lead to German secret service.


* Lech Kaczinsky, President of Poland, killed in 2010 - was seen as follower of NATO and EU but deflected from official approach when came to Serbian question and also tried to reconcile with Russia. Good relations with Serbian leadership. Then, he died.


* Robert Fico, PM of Slovakia, survived attack in 2024 - was seen as pro EU and NATO but changed policy and tried to reconcile with Russia. Good relations with Serbian leadership.
15 May 2024
News / Slovak PM Robert Fico assassinated - How this affects Poland ? [4]

Serbian info media rapports about contacts between Serbian President Vucic and Hungarian PM Orban regarding situation with attack on Slovak PM, whom they consider their close friend and associate. They intend that together visit Slovak PM Fico in hospital, as soon as possible.
15 May 2024
News / Slovak PM Robert Fico assassinated - How this affects Poland ? [4]

an article

Slovak Prime Minister shot several times; New details of his condition VIDEO


He was hospitalized, and the attacker was arrested.

Reactions keep coming.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is still in an extremely serious state of health and his operation is still ongoing

14 May 2024
News / When did things went wrong for Poland and what went wrong? [20]

Gavrilo was a student. He was member of political movement Young Bosnia and he was also Serbian patriot. At a time existed many such movements in AH. Young Italy, for example. That also worked for liberation from AH.

See, AH committed genocide on local Serbians when illegally annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Dubrovnik and Dalmatia. Plus, Serbians there never wanted to be part of AH but of Serbia or in Yugoslavia with Serbia.

So Gavrilo was a freedom fighter, not assassin. See, Gavrilo didn`t go to Austria but vice versa, Ferdinand, with armed force, came to Bosnia. Not to say that Ferdinand himself was a monster.
14 May 2024
News / When did things went wrong for Poland and what went wrong? [20]

Name it as you wish. Gavrilo gave his life to the cause. He most directly created situation that led to independence of Poland, and himself was in every move motivated with ideas of liberation not only of Serbians in AH but all the Slavs.

As far as we know Mizkiewich and Czartorisky possible themselves helped in arming him. They definitely got monuments in Poland. So why not Gavrilo?
13 May 2024
News / When did things went wrong for Poland and what went wrong? [20]

Pardon? How come killing of occupational leader represent murdering?

Plus, Poland profited on it, as Mizkiewich and Czartorisky knew that would be.

Some in Poland forgot how to threat invaders. Or, didn`t consider AH as invading force. Maybe that. But why such a creatures have power to decide on monument about Gavrilo in Poland?
13 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

And it was the Nemanjic noble imperial dynasty of Great Zupans (Veliki Zupan, title that equals to Tzar) that taking credit for preservation of SLAVA custom within Christianity.

Polish Jadwiga is the child of Polish Piast and Serbian Nemanjic houses. Therefore, Jadwiga and her sister were most legitimate and most influential nobles born during medieval times in Europe (descendants of magnates that controlled amber trade routes from ancient times and inheritors of Serbian Empire and Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth). No wonder Rome prevented them to have their own children.

Glory to our ancestors!
13 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

Polish farmers and peasantry are healthy layer of society. Sure, not only they awakening. Its just proving how irresponsible politicians risk statehood of Poland.

Ukraine is the just the tip of the iceberg. Its about Russian respond to Drang Nach Osten and they have support of Serbian people for all they achieve in this sacred war. Its against manipulations of both- Patriarchate of Constantinople and Vatican, against the looting of western Europe.

With every new day Slavs awakening. So if war is prolonged and Poland find itself on the wrong side, Poland woudn`t need any outside enemy. Poland would be torn from within.

Think Poles. Think and be responsible.

What is not in accordance with it

All that negate ancestors.

So we Serbians keeping our common Slavic family custom from ancient times, SLAVA. We Christianized the custom. So at the day of SLAVA of the house/family (Christian saint protector), the head of family has his oldest ancestor sit on his right shoulder and he is guest during the celebration dedicated to saint protector.

We Serbians knows the Christianity is true faith of love and God, Mother and Son took not just us but also our ancestors in their protection. That Serbians preserved for all the Slavs. The SLAVA, Krsna Slava. We say, nothing without God, nothing without ancestors.

See, our ancestors aren`t pagans. They are pure and loved by our God.

This is how Racowie do the Christianity.

That is why both- the Constantinople and Rome hate us. They wanted to explain to us how should we celebrate. But, we know, without being told by them.
12 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

Let me guess...You don't like Brits, Crow...Me neither...There is something to these snakes that I find revolting...

Its the climate of the island and psychology of the rabbits.

Difficult to k ow why you mentioned them. Poland has its own intelligence service

If Poland has its own anything, Poland would have erected monument to Gavrilo Princip.

Seams to me that rabbits jumped on the back of Poland and ride.
12 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

Virus of resistance spread.

An article:

Polish PM dismisses claims of farmers wanting to exit EU



The demonstration, organized by the Solidarity Trade Union and its "Individual Farmers" branch, saw protesters carrying banners with messages such as "We farmers want to leave the European Union."

Tusk responded to the protests on X, asserting: "No one believes that it is the farmers who want to leave the Union and the subsidy system."

12 May 2024
News / When did things went wrong for Poland and what went wrong? [20]

What went wrong?

For sure, this is one of the things. Never did Poland erected monument to the Gavrilo Princip. Never. And this Serbian student from Bosnia and Herzegovina is the reason Poland got its independence and statehood restoration.

Mizkiewich told to Czartorisky, who relied on France and Polish emigres to France, that all is futile and that he needs to work with Serbs and Russians, that Serbs suffer in AH, that would they rebel against AH, that Serbia would be involved, that Russia would react and that situation may lead to the independence of Poland. Exactly that happened.

But, no monument to the Gavrilo in Poland. No monument to Serbians and to Serbia.

Without monument, there is no trace left to Polish children and children can`t learn. Without knowledge, there is no truth, no power, no orientation.
11 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

He was what they told him to say.

But official Poland did harm Serbia. Belarus and Russia are in focus now but, official Poland did harm Serbia previously. When you look what regime in Poland did to Serbia, why not to Belarus and Russia. Why not to its own population, after all. Slavs suffer in every case.

If he escaped to the USA he would say the opposite.

Look what happened and happening to Trump. Its not encouraging to all who seek shelter from the same source of molesting.
11 May 2024
News / Polish judge begs asylum in Belarus - Did pro-EU, pro-NATO option in Poland started to crumble ? [82]

Now, what he was really up to who the hell knows. He is not an idealist.

I am sure that he isn`t perfect but, he said "protest against Poland's unjust and harmful policy". As a Serbian, a Racow, I can confirm that judge Tomasz Szmydt speaks truth. Poland harmed Serbia directly and indirectly. Directly by recognized Kosovo separation and by taking part in NATO attack on Serbia back in 1999, while indirectly by failing to condemn pro-ustashe regime in Croatia. Not to mention that Poland never condemned nazi ustashe genocide of cataclysmic proportions on Serbians during WW2 and during Civil War in former Yugoslavia.

So now I begins to wonder, is affection for banderists in Ukraine by the regime in Poland just occasional and accidental or have deeper roots. Many Serbians begins to wonder is this maybe treachery of Slavic heritage and open work in assimilation of Poland into something non-Slavic and also anti-Slavic.