Life /
To Poles: some food for thought [31]
The OP forgot the kitchen sink.
I know it's an old thread but, seriously, is this the best response you, Polish patriots, are capable.
Allright, you may feel sucessful as you have baited me. It made me rather unhappy you made that comment yesterday as it was sunday, but alas I did suceed in keeping my temper until this morning. Walked my dog, making some cofee... You should feel honored, I even decided to write on post on the computer which I rarely do nowadays as I most often just reply on my cellphone on the go wherever I am. Hope you are pleased...
This is both a complaint and a plea to my fellow Poles. I don't know why are we the way we are so please
1. The complaint is noted and I am reading your plea, you can thank dear pawian for that as he brought back the thread (I do like old threads being used again)
2. Get contact with more Poles, start going to church again. Talk it out with a priest is my best advice.
3. Oh yes you do actually as you wrote it in English, not in Polish as quite a bunch of the world is able to read this you are adding the words of bullets towards her heart... So save it as you are going to need it.
4. I am intelligent enough to understand that this is a general rant about people misbeheaving in general, especially if they aren't intelligent enough to understand that other people will view one quite negatively by bad behaviour and what the possible consequences might be. You are sadly part of that group in one way or another as I mentioned earlier in my post.
Why do we, as a nation, are like this? Why are we so racist?
Again when you think "nation" you are talking about all Poles, wether they allow it, ignore it or don't correct it or simply think it that way. The amount of generalisation you are making cause of Poles reputation abroad is quite anouying and creates a larger huge distaste of you. So to me, you are basically arguing like a lawyer.
Rascism... There are many ways as to look at rascism. The one I understand you are talking about is generally xenophobia, one only has to pick up a history book as to why Poles can be quite.... wary of ANY foreigners! This again shows the likeliness of you being a Pole diminishes further...
Rascism's origin stems from Darwin's thoughts about evolution and the concept change of "Man being made by God directly" to either "Man being made by God inderectly" or "Man coming from animals without God in the picture". Out of this thought came the worst possible versions of ideologies which based their societies on the thought of organising it without religion or directly abusing it for the purposes of political power (Soviet Union and Nazi Germany are the most known examples)
Which is again a tactic used by left side of the political spectrum, the further extreme one is the more often it's heard from a leftwinger about rascism. Which is a paradox when the leftwinger isn't a believer since the thought he/she is pushing is a result of rascism itself actually. Food for thought and possible comedy for others.
I am not going to divulge in to the topic too much as it is rather disturbing
Why are we so xenophobic?
Again... Pick up a history book. Doesn't have to be university level, teenager schools should be more then adequate enough. I suggest starting to learn Polish aswell, it would give you insight in to the mentality of the People living in those times. It's rather ambitious but, who knows? Maybe you will.
What is wrong with their skin colour that we feel the need to point them out and move away 5 seats?
That has a lot to do with several factors:
1. We as Poles in general (humans in generals too, it's just... a bit more overstimulated among Poles for some reason) are quite hypocondric, you only need to watch commercials on the TV and know a Polish family or look how kids are dressed for winter to know that. Getting cold or sick is something to take very serriously. Which also explains PiS's ability to come up with authoritiarian meassures in a rather Liberty driven society as health issues are a real concern in Poland to a much larger degree then other places. (How it's organised economically and politically we can rather please discuss in another thread)
2. Any factor of not knowing about a persons background is frightening for any human being, Poles know what to expect from a German, Russian, Ukrainian or other Poles! Tell him to talk to a person from another continent which Poland has never been in (as a state, not as in the form of diplomats) and most Poles wouldn't even have a clue as to which language to start talking in! In most cases Poles tend to be quite careful with the use of english and don't feel sure enough in using it. I was lucky growing up with several languages, so I don't have this problem. It's still real non-the less.
3. During the aftermatch of World war 2, cause of political situation and general civil war. The period after 1953 was heavily focused on having the Nazi-Germans (Germans also in general as the dictator of that regime was elected, so plenty of Poles lay the blame on the population aswell. Not only the Nazi-fringe) to stableize the internal factors which were quite volatile, even for Poland to be. The political regimes used the anti-Nazi Germans card as heavily as they could. It was seen as positive by Moscow and by larger part of the Polish public for obvious reason (one only has to know about the horrors of world war 2) not only that it also diverged away from problems with the political establishment itself but, also it's negative ties to Moscow and the enforced chains that Poles were placed under. In that way, Poles were brainfed socialism and communist theory in school on a daily basis. Then spoon fed Nazi-German behaviour from the entertainment industry and everything related to "German" behaviour as an enemy, one only had to hate the communist regime a bit too much to start copying this negatively presented image of an enemy to **** of the chainholders. Talking about, discussing Polish political opposition wether it was peaceful or militant were at first banned, then sensured and liberalised step by step as not to anger or worsen relations with Moscow. This push and tug "tactic" in the Polish society drove finally to the situation of 1989, where plenty of political parties either felt left out or cheated in the new dealing of cards. The whole mess we are in now in Poland is about that deal, some fight for it to be preserved out of fear of the possible consequences and instability while other aren't able to withhold themselves any further from ignoring the situation.
4. Also most people don't have time to think too much about all this or dig in to themselves cause of a busy life, expecting people to be perfect in every part of their life is quite... I don't know?
Why do we think we're better than our neighbours or anyone in general, when we go abroad and all we do is refuse to
Again, it's about the level of English and being put down by our neighbour states that were of the opinion that there is too much chaos so order had to be restored. It's a big middle finger to those past opressors, behaving chaotically even abroad. Also I would blame human psychology in this situation far more then anything about Polish nationality.
Why do we hate women so much? Why do we refuse to give them the right's men have?
What on earth are you writing about? You clearly haven't lived in Poland buddy
Why do we think we're so progressive and different from a Muslim country when we refuse to give them equal pay, a right to not
Oh I see, let's say what you call progress... I call regress
What you call progress: Liberty without consequences and a life full of rights and privliedges (Wake up buddy, you sound pampered and spoiled)
What I call progress: Being able to grow and improve while understanding the responsibilities and burden of the liberties that have been earned and fought for by our ancestors (biological or/and spiritual)
The Polish nobility lived a life of an utterly spoiled life and no concern for the future, you should trust people being people. Especially your enemies being the enemies they are. Grow up
As to your arguments:
1. Islam is heavily based on authority and subjecation, your willingness to debate about inviting people who were raised up by this way of life makes you comical at best.
2. again rights, I am against harassment. If the company you work for allow such practices, there isn't something wrong with the law. It's something wrong with the workplace...
3. Shaming tactics are frankly quite effective and a lot better then other possible options I can think of. How would you want people to behave towards unwanted behaviour? Beheadings? Stoning? Again, this makes it a bit of a parody comparing it to your argument nr. 1
4. Nobody is treating women as property, if women were treated as property... They would be slaves, with a number on them ordered to be sent to the man who wishes for her then thrown away and tortured publically with no fear of punishment. Read up on how ancient Rome worked and you might learn how it was when humans were ACTUALLY treated as commodities...
5. I don't know who you are, but I can hardly think of any Poles acting as if he is a "progressive" in the way you think it is. Sounds a lot more like something you yourself are
Honestly, I planned on responding to every bit of his post, but I just woke up spent two hours writing this thing. This is a waste of time for me right now. Hope to be able to write more and come back to this at a later date. Going to drink up my coffeee and be off with my day.
It sickens me to read this and I need a break to bring my health back up, toxicity is bad for your health I tell you
I had to shorten the quoting, hopefully people are able to understand which parts I quoted