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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2118 / Live: 1951 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

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17 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

Watch out sobieski and do not insult people you insolent curl.

I do not insult people.I remark on brainless, IQ-less, brain-dead morons who (apologize to our family Labrador) have no idea what the word tolerance means. Hence they burnt the rainbow. You stand for a kind of Poland which 70% does not accept. Even worse, as far as I know you do not even live here, do not pay taxes here, so you should shut up and join your redneck buddies for a cosy lynching.
17 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

Read yesterday that the police most likely will issue an arrest warrant for the organizer of the Hitlerjugend march. Serves him right. I hope they will empty his bank accounts to pay for the damage caused. What also was delightful news is that they are starting to arrest increasingly numbers of IQ-less morons who took part in the HJ march. One already got fined 1000 PLN and 3 months' jail.

Still it baffles me how incompetent the Polish police is in controlling this nazi scum.
It does not take much. Only resolve, dogs, gas, water cannons, helicopters and horses.
15 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

Did the police arrested anybody who are they?

Yes they did. It is one of your ONR buddies.

The capital court decided yesterday on a provisional arrest for 22-year-old Kamil Z. He had set fire to the gatehouse at the rear of the Russian Embassy.

Setting fire to the police guard booth at the back of the embassies of Russia, Spacerowa Street is the most serious incident during the March of Independence, which on Monday passed through the streets of Warsaw.

It burned not only shed and gazebo garbage in the neighboring building, but also someone threw stones and flares into the Russian base. People were pressing at the gate, some tried to climb the fence. Hundreds chanted obscene slogans: "Ruska to ...", applauded, did take pictures on the background of flames.

According to the police and prosecutors fire under the booth (and in the gazebo) planted a 22-year-old Kamil Z. This is coming from Warsaw University of Life Sciences student Radomsko, a staunch supporter of 4 League RKS Radomsko and activist of the local branch of the ONR.

Have been burned already five times, seems that people do not like it. Hover ruling dummies are using taxpayers money to rebuild those nonsensical installations.

The ONR nazis do not like it. The sight of the burning rainbow with these flag-carrying fascists in front of them, is identical as the Hitlerjugend burning books in Germany befoere the war.
15 Nov 2013
Travel / Ryanair cut charges. Poles to take advantage? [20]

Seriously, I've only used Ryanair twice and none of the horror stories I'd heard came true. I

Well, give me WizzAir anytime. And they fly from Okęcie, not from Modlin, which makes a big difference. Plus, their (paid) baggage allowance is much better, 32 kgs..
14 Nov 2013
Life / What's the best Polish radio station? [36]

I am listening in the morning always to RadioZet, but that's mainly because I like Monika Olejnik and love her grilling that disgusting Hofmann every now and then. For the rest I like RadioPIN. Lots of good music, news about culture and in-depth interviews.
13 Nov 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

Surreal, isn't it. They can't say **** on TV but they can blow each others brains out.

And making a story of buying a beer before you are 80, but buying a gun over the counter, hey no prob! I remember watching a documentary on Flemish TV about boy-scout camps having gun-initiating courses...Boy....
13 Nov 2013
Law / De-registering as foreigner in Poland? [5]

I would (in my Belgian legalistic mind) go everywhere to de-register. If only to get the necessary paperwork to use in the country you are going to.

But it wouldn't it be wise to keep a meldunek in Poland, just in case? With a friend or so?
13 Nov 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

This is all redneck crap to justify a society where 1. showing a nipple on TV gets you damned, filed away and shot 2. and having a semi-automatic shotgun to shoot at squirrels in your backgarden is looked upon as being manly. I do not buy any of this tea-party crap.
13 Nov 2013
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

It is often worth having a look at the LOT website, sometimes plane tickets are not much higher as these for the Intercity. And you from airport to airport directly.

Trainwise, go for TLK, cheaper as Intercity.
12 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

I see it as a proof of a young generation being without leadership and good culture and nobody trying to FIX the problem,

I have two of them here at home (well, at least sometimes) of the female kind. They did not feel the urge to set a rainbow on fire on Monday, let alone destroy the city. But I suppose they are misguided or even worse, got the wrong education? Our daughters thought it was Nazi scum, completely lacking any form of what could call human intelligence.
12 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

No. you're confusing it with the rainbow flag - a different thing.

Ah yes, of course you are right. In Warsaw it was meant to be a symbol of peace and tolerance. That is why is continuously burned down by far-right pond life. TVTrwam sees as the invasion of Satan himself. Our Labrador has a far higher IQ and tolerance as them.
12 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

What's interesting is that Smolensk doesn't feature in their narrative at all.

Could that because even if PIS they are starting to see Macieriwicz is completely nutters?
The fact that the right is starting to break up is good of course. I heard a few times from friends in journalist circles that Rydzyk is greatly irked by the support JK supposedly is giving to TV Republika (which is of course direct competition to his media group.

I was told they were a gay symbol and that's what irked some knuckle draggers.

The rainbow is used worldwide as a symbol for the gay movement.
12 Nov 2013
News / Skins vs anarchists in Warsaw [93]

And the pseudopatriots have upset people cleverer and better resourced than themselves - and most importantly with the law on their side. The moderate and normal majority will deal with it very effectively.

Even more that the attack on the Russian embassy was in clear violation of the Vienna Agreements which guarantee that embassy grounds (and diplomatic personnel) are not part of the country they are in and cannot be trespassed. But then these morons cannot be suspected of having which basically look as an IQ.

Interesting though that - as far as I can see - PIS kept his distance from them these years...No declarations that the kibol scum were true patriots, separate demonstration a day before....Only TVTrwam was always poisonous.
10 Nov 2013
Life / Living in Poland since 2010 and I still don't have ID. Advice needed please. [50]

This is a total irrelevance. An EU citizen can buy a house without any of that stuff

I think there is still an issue with foreigners buying agricultural land, or a second property, but I am not sure.
The OP's story is very other people mentioned here, as a EU citizen you are entitled to a 'Karta Pobytu'. They cannot refuse you "meldowanie" and "karta pobytu"

Only to get permanent residence status, you will have to wait 5 years.
Of course...if you are non-EU...the whole picture changes.
8 Nov 2013
Life / Driving license from Holland. Is it valid in Poland after 6 months? [10]

This question already popped up a few here is the relevant link:

I am very glad I have a Belgian license which does not expire.
6 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

That is still too many, but I wouldn't be surprised if many of the priests that were accused, were convicted by the media before they were officially convicted.

Seems to me you would be the perfect spokesman for Hoser.
5 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

they promote their own, very anti right, anti Church propaganda

Such as publicising paedophilia in the Polish RC? Which of course TV Trwam, Nasz Dziennik and W Sieci have never heard of.
4 Nov 2013
News / Poland to (temporarily) restore internal Schengen borders [15]

The UN, however, doesn't have a category for Central Europe.

Central Europe is a definition and it exists. Mitteleuropa exists and not only on ancient railway carriages. It corresponds in a big way with the Visegrad idea.

Central Europe connects sociologically, culturally, historically to Western Europe.
4 Nov 2013
Law / Moving to Poland - How do I get the Polish Identity Card [17]

I know that Poles and Greeks watch Polish and Greek satellite TV in UK.

But in my situation - Cyfra+ in Poland (I think these French thieves are now named N+) and in Belgium we have TV Vlaanderen (also from the same French thieves). They both originate from the same parent company, Cyfra+. But they use a different satellite.And in Flanders Cyfra+ has BBC in their package and in Poland not, because the satellite does not allow it
4 Nov 2013
Law / Moving to Poland - How do I get the Polish Identity Card [17]

(I think mine is one metre)

I always thought that UK broadcasts are on the edge or beyond of transmissions in Poland. I have a dish with a dual receiver, allowing receiving Cyfra+ and my Flemish TV (each using a different satellite, but basically the same operator). Always, since I moved to Poland, wanted to receive BBC, but somehow it always escaped me. Always got told I need dish of NSA size.
4 Nov 2013
Life / Is 10500 monthly is enough for a family to live in Warsaw Poland [136]

I will be expecting around 10.5K of monthly salary, after all tax deduction.

Why don't you consider working in Singapore, Malaysia...For sure there are big Indian communities over there....You will be disappointed by Poland...The weather is very different as yours....
1 Nov 2013
Life / Halloween vs All Saints' Day in Poland [48]

In the US, Halloween is not just commercial

That is as it may be. But it just does not fit in the centuries-old traditions of the Old Continent. Here it is just...plastic, artificial, cheap and loud. In other words, American.
31 Oct 2013
Life / Halloween vs All Saints' Day in Poland [48]

Halloween is a plastic American thing, completely artificial. Maybe in Ireland it is still the real thing, I don't know.
But the Americans have hijacked it and gave it a bad name, that's for sure. All Saints' Day here in Poland I find pretty moving. We always light candles on Powązki for my wife's and my deceased family, and later proceed to Plac Inwalidów where we lay flowers at the monument for the First Polish Armoured Division (General Maczek's boys). Because they liberated my Flemish village in September 1944.

When I arrived in Poland almost 10 years ago Halloween was not so big...mainly an expat thing....But when I see now in our local Lidl plastic devil's forks for sale....hopeless.
31 Oct 2013
Travel / Wroclaw nightclubs [20]

If you really lead such a sad life that you need such a kind of entertainment, maybe can give you some hints.
31 Oct 2013
Life / Halloween vs All Saints' Day in Poland [48]

To my infinite regret I see that every year more and more Poles succumb to the Halloween madness. I won't go as far as the Polish Episcopate which thinks Halloween is from the devil...But still I very much prefer the Polish tradition of All Saints' Day, which is for me very moving and very human.

Halloween is so commercial, shallow, utterly American. Lidl for example is selling plastic devil's forks, which in the one near where I am living are selling really hot.

But that seems the trend everywhere on the Old Continent.
30 Oct 2013
Law / Where to obtain license plate in Poland? How long it takes? [24]

Harry, when I registered my car way back in 2003, my plates were WY and ended with Y. I could only register it at Plac Starenkiewicza, not in my Gmina. These were definitely issued to foreigners.

When I changed the plates after having gotten my permanent residence, I got regular ones with no "Y" on the end.
29 Oct 2013
Law / Where to obtain license plate in Poland? How long it takes? [24]

I used to have the WY plate issued to foreigners. But since I have a permanent residence card I have changed it to a regular one, issued by my gmina.

The WY plate just advertised "hey I am not from here"