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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jan 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

And you think they don't buy them now?

Erm...they can buy what and where they want.
But the business between Russia and Germany is excellent!
As long as they pay they get their goods - that's the market laws..
You should tell Ukraine about these basics sometimes!

and it is paradoxical that it's pinning it's hopes that in future such things will not happen, on a direct gas pipeline from Russia - Germany

Not "paradoxical" - logical!
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jan 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

I don't give a damn if Ukraine really paid or not

Well...that's the core of the whole bruhaha!
You should think about it before you start to throw around your political blames...

And the german doggies will obey...

Maybe we should then just cut off our negotiated delivery of german goods? :)

Because that's what this "leash" is about. They pay good money for "Made in
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jan 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Putin admitted that it was Russia who completely shut down the ukraine pipe.
So...any comments? from his faithful German lackeys, perhaps?

He didn't had anything to admit was announced before that Russia would do it as it is their right.
You can't really expect an unpaid free ride for Ukraine, don't you?

Do they still dream that when they build their uber baltic pipe, it would protect them from anything?

Well...we would pay accordingly to the treaties so we would get our gas, it's actually a good thing for all sides concerned, ya know?

Russia is not trustworthy partner for any serious business

Remind me again...who is not paying???

Oh and Germany is Russias biggest trading partner in Europe..we make serious good business quite well, thank you!

Because if Russians shut down the pipe like this today, they can - and will - do it tommmorow. Anytime, anyplace, if only they find it advantageous for their imperialistic politics.

...or if you don't pay the negotiated price!
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jan 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516] want to say Ukraine paid???

What you can observe now is what happens when you depend only on russian gas...

Well...they have it....does Poland have something to sell?

Apropos Ukraine and the current gas row...just came about an interesting article:,1518,599796,00.html

If the author is right then the Ukraine isn't p*issing off Russia for the sake of it but they CAN'T pay...they just don't have the money!

Now that changes alot...if there isn't stupidity or maliciousness behind it but pure need than they should get help!

...The Ukrainian government and the state-controlled company Naftogaz have not been dragging their heels on paying Russia due to political motives, but rather because they simply don't have the money -- neither Naftogaz nor Ukraine itself.
The country is caught in a deep economic crisis.
The production of steel, its most important export, has already been reduced by a quarter. Now foreign currency reserves are shrinking, while inflation and unemployment are rising. Meanwhile companies are experiencing huge drops in revenues and profits....

They should have said so....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jan 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Hi, BB, ignorant as usual I see.

Ignorant? I wish...but it's really hard ignoring Ukraine warming herself with western european gas she never paid for!

The Nabucco pipeline is a planned natural gas pipeline that will transport natural gas from Turkey to Austria, via Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary

why Germany are against Nabucco pipe line which avoids Russia (goes throught Ukriane).

Ask Lukasz...

I have nothing against "Nabucco"...the more diversity the less chances to cut off dependent countries as it just happens because of the Ukraines fault.

Germany takes actually part in it already with RWE....
Problems may occure when Ukraine really joins the Nabucco project:


Ukraine Wants In On Nabucco Pipeline

Ukraine may join Nabucco pipeline bypassing Russia

KIEV, January 17 (RIA Novosti) - Ukraine's prime minister said Wednesday the government is considering bidding for a contract for the construction of a trans-Caspian pipeline to pump Central Asian natural gas to Europe, bypassing Russia.

Speaking in the Turkish capital of Ankara, Viktor Yanukovych said: "We will be actively involved in oil and gas projects wherever Ukraine's bids win. We will use our capacities and take part in projects like Nabucco."

Yeah sure...

Ukraine is mere victim of it

Maybe in your the rest of the world not paying for a product is called THEFT!

There is Nabucco, there is South Stream, there will be Nord Stream - the more diversity the less dependancy on one pipeline only the better!
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jan 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Well..I think the argument "Ukraine" will help the Nord Stream alot....:),1518,599637,00.html

...The row between Gazprom and Kiev over the price of Russian gas has started to have a knock-on effect in Europe. Many countries, including Turkey, Bulgaria and Austria, are suffering major disruptions to their gas supplies...

Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Dem Ossi von heute gefälllt es, sich selbst als ewigen Verlierer und den Wessi als ständigen Gewinner darzustellen. Verständlich - garantiert dieses sorgfältig gepflegte Looser-Image doch weiterhin satte Transferleistungen aus dem Westen ohne jegliche Gegenleistung.

Come on Borrki, I've hear that from you since I came onto this board. This is the same wrong impression you post about like your alleged catastrophe of the GDR compared to Poland.

Just look around, Saxony rivals now Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringias schools belong to the best in the country as the latest Germany wide test has shown, an Ossi is chancellor, an Ossi is captain of the holy grail of Germany - the Fußballnationalmannschaft etc.etc.etc.

Just because Poland had sucked and still suck doesn't mean Eastern Germany does so too...poor guy....either you are blaming other people for your fate or you have to denigrate them to apologize for your own short comings.

That way you will never make it...

Dem Ossi von heute gefälllt es, sich selbst als ewigen Verlierer

Wir sind doch keine Polacken!

Heulen und Jammern ist nich unser Ding...

Verständlich - garantiert dieses sorgfältig gepflegte Looser-Image

There is only one people here cultivating a "loser-image"....or should I say "victims-image"?

Half of this boards posts is about how the oh so bad Germans and the oh so bad Russians thought all the time about new ways to torture the oh so nice Poles who otherwise of course would belong to the leading country in the world!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Give them a country to live! a country of their own they will starve to death...they need the german support money! Don't tell me Poles will pay for them...
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

You should thank us. For that and for liberating your country from fascism as you call it ;)

You liberated us from farm and house! THANK YOU!

This shows very clear how Germans work,

Yes exactly....revolutions aren't our thing...we really prefer to work hard!
You should try it...
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Exactly your level of technical skills.

You know Borrka you are awfully quick denigrating other peoples achievements be it space travel or economical success as exports know...EXPORTS....selling stuff other people like to have actually pay money for...(aside from unemployed plumbers swarming the continent that is).

East Germans at least DID something with the little they had (without sitting all the time whining and blaming in the corner).
Such criticism sounds quite funny coming from a Pole who managed exactly NOTHING, sorry!

Sometimes I wonder would you have guts to post something like that on any board in Germany ?
My guess is NO!

Why should I? There aren't Pussies, Crows or Borrka's to find to answer their brain dead allegations!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Have not enough time to look for some old commie figures.

Well...I found some interesting articles to help you out:

East Germany:

....The per capita income in 1984 was an estimated $9,800 (approximately $21,000 in 2008 dollars), though the currency conversion used to create this figure is difficult to conduct. In 1976 average annual GDP growth was roughly 5.9%.[6]

Examples of products exported were cameras under the Praktica brand, automobiles under the Trabant, Wartburg and IFA brands, hunting rifles, sextants and watches....


...During the chaotic Solidarity years and the imposition of martial law, Poland entered a decade of economic crisis, officially acknowledged as such even by the regime. Rationing and queuing became a way of life, with ration cards (Kartki) necessary to buy even such basic consumer staples as milk and sugar..

But you say Poland was better off than the GDR...yeah...sure...
West-Germany was the best in the West - and East Germany was the best in the East...see a pattern here?
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Wiki would be a start Pussy because I would really like to learn more about the alleged higher living standard of Poland compared to the GDR.

I mean forget about that half of middle german industry and farming soil was stolen by Poland, that the other half was not reachable because of the wall, also forget that the Sovietunion instead to pour money in as the western powers did into western Germany they still demanded reparations and took what they could get - even if you forget about it all, it would be still news to me that Poland would lead us in any way!

(Maybe because we didn't whine all the time, blaming others but rather rolled up the sleeves and got to work?)

Moderator comment: Please keep the name calling within the bounds of normal conversation.
This also applies to puzzler.
Thank you.
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

It was by far worse than in Poland.

So it wasn't so bad then after all? God Borrka you try everything...
At least bring some stats for your posts!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Getohe, Shcllire and Beetvhone

How much vodka did you have already Pussy?
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Have seen the ruins of your Wirtschaftswunder lol.

Compared to Poland you must have felt quite intimidated...but then....compared to Poland it isn't very hard! :)
After the war you were given the most fertile land, the granary of whole Germany, wonderful old towns and the whole silesian industry - still no polish Wirtschaftswunder.

( could I forget...again the bad Russians fault!)
I wonder how much the EU (Germany mostly) will have to pour now into the polish hole till something starts to happen....(And who else will be blamed this time for every polish wart...let me guess....the Germans! No...the Russians...or both again???)
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Hehe, your world is coming to an end, kraut; my world only begins.

Says who? A Pole??? I'm shaking in my boots!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Only we don't consider the Russian space travelling to be "Polish" achievement.
You obviously DO lol.

Well...last time I looked Sigmund Jähn was neither a Pole nor a Russian so I would count him for Germany!

It was german brilliance and german engineering which brought the american astronauts to the moon...does that mean the honor belongs in truth to Germany and not to the United States???

With close universities, arrested or killed on purpose scientists we could run some great R&D project in our kitchens and coal cellars.

Oh pleeeeaaaase, cut the drama!
Yes I know the Poles have a monopol for suffering, yes...they talk about it often and loudly but you wouldn't exist anymore when everybody would had only be out for sending Poles to Sibiria or arresting or killing them. Get real!

East Germans were occupied for decades too and they still managed quite well.
(And yes people got arrested and killed too...)
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Is it you who scribbled this abhorrent bragging entry on German 'kulthur' in 'Wiki'? It's in your style, and in 'Wiki' absolutely every single one can post entries, even such a deranged hunnish animal as you.

ROFL! :)

No, my poor, deranged Pussy....that's a reality check for you (compared to your fever fantasies).

Now stop your tantrum because the world doesn't care for your "opinion" and drink another one! :)

Shcllire and Geohte

Come back when you are sober again....
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

But you made my day putting Sigmund Jähn on your list.

Well...I didn't ask for your least we had someone up there, now where is the polish space traveller?
Come to think of other Germans made it possible for the Amis to reach the moon!
Yes...we German can do it either in the west or in the east..:)

When you want to ignore the long list and people like von Ardenne, the Charitè, the Carl-Zeiss-Jena optics etc.etc.etc. I can't hinder you.

And Poles may be ruled by Prussians and Austrians and Russians for awhile but that shouldn't have stolen their brains, right? That is a poor excuse!

Quite to the contrary, a Pole could have achieved the same as a German in Prussia...Prussia never excluded someone if they seem to be an asset! They even invited the french Hugenots and the Jews to come and to work!

(And Austria was even more a multi-kulti empire than Prussia was...)
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Everyone says: 'It's so grim, boring, with no sense of humor.' But the Germans are educated to believe strongly that Goethe and Schiller are the greatest poets of all, admired throughout the world. Sorry, I prefer for example, Shakespeare, Pasternak and our Polish Wojaczek.

PS: At least we OWN a Goethe and Schiller (if I go asking for this "Wojtschach" how many people know about this one?), you instead have to run around in your neighbours countries to steal some "names"! :)

Let's see how the internet lexicon Wiki compares our people, yes?:

And now you Pusy! :):):)
But you ARE a crazy Polak so your opinion counts for horse sh*t even if you think the world listens to you, but she gives also only a sh*it as you very well know....
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I'll grab all the Bach cds I've got (I've got them all), urinate on them, throw them into the trash bin and never-ever listen to Bach again.

Be my guest!

Your true heritage is the German Democratic Republic.The Zone.

As your's was the commie republic of Polonistan??