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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Yes, we also are leading in solarenergy and what not.
But it's all still by far not enough to power a highly industrialized economy and society.

No Azerbaidshan will help us with that either...

To believe any country in Europe could somehow do without the russian resources just don't know the facts.
And that is only now!
The future will be even more critical as the demand from the growing industrialization in Asia (China) will grow and grow and will become rivals for the same resources...

if we're dependent from Russia its over for us and you.

Just in case you didn't get it the first time...WE ARE DEPENDENT ON RUSSIA RIGHT NOW ALREADY!
And that won't change the next decades....

He said it best:,1518,426555,00.html

That's reason enough to reduce this dependence by creating an intelligent, forward-looking policy -- in so far as that is possible. After all, our energy risk won't get any smaller in the future.
Today, Europe covers 50 percent of its energy needs by means of imports -- soon, it will be 70 percent. So our policy can only be that of producing more energy ourselves wherever possible. We should also import from as many different providers as possible in order not to be overly dependent from any single provider. But one shouldn't dramatize the risk either.
Why should the Russians -- our main energy provider, breach contracts and cut off the supply? The consequences for them would be tremendous; the long-term damage for Russia would be considerable. We Finns have decades of experience with Russian energy providers -- I can assure you that we have never had problems.

Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Newsflash: Till we develop usable alternatives we all ARE dependent on Russias sources.
And will be even more so in the future to keep our economies running!

Another Newsflash: The rivals for these resources and their demand will grow too, but the resources won't.
To build NOW and try to secure them NOW is the right thing.
If you like the Russians or not is just irrelevant...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

We surely don't need someone in the EU who always tries to piss us off...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

But then went with the Nord

They are not very grateful anyhow...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

What you could not do for a 1000 years, you are trying to do with you German led European Union. But the truth is Polish nationalism is not going to warm up to you anytime fast.

Remind me again....who begged Germany to help them to gain entrance into the club?
And who became Polands biggest advocate in the EU?

Here is a list of our Polish-German alliance as it played itself out through history. The battles Poland fought when it was first born (Piast period) are:

Well...look at the the course of 2 millennia you wandered from outside of Europe now near to Berlin...can you call it desperate defense by the Germans?

Don`t tell me we`re pretty much the same. We developed our sense of ourselves in the need to defend ourselves from your relentless appetite.

The facts speak another language...YOU are the invader with a relentless appetite for germanic lands!

And for the record you invented antipolonism.

Well...I could have bet that was another Pole...
Didn't the Poles invent everything else on earth there is???
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

The Nazi party had everything outlined in that book written way before they became a powerful political party. It was Hitler and a few other Nazis in the same prison writing Mein Kampf, right?

I's forbidden in Germany! :)

But thanks for wiki:

Mein Kampf has also been studied as a work on political theory. For example, Hitler announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's twin evils: Communism and Judaism.

....but they still forgot the wehavetokillthepolishsubhumanthingie...

I have some work to do now.

Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

I'll provide a links when essential.

Well...better stop posting crap!
It's easier that way...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

It would be all pearls before pigs anyhow...I'm saving my brilliance for posters who really want to discuss not just exchange prejudices, crooked opinions and verbal farts.
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

What was your point again? 20 years means one generation. Europeans tend to live a little longer than

Well...if you had to make a point it's long lost anyhow...

The source is mine thoughts and my experience.

Than you should write so and not try to sell it as truth or facts...
You are wrong in so many counts, it isn't even funny even more but thinking and believing for yourself you can do what you want!

Someone should tell you that you can't have a real discussion with prejudices and opinions only...

That's why you don't have a sense of humour.

More crap! Should I start telling some polish jokes? Must be all true I swear...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Are you that naive or you just simulate? :-D. I'm talking about a Communistic era.

Erm...but that's over for twenty years do know that, don't you? :)

No comments. Argumentum ad hominem

Heh :)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Lack of knowledge.

But isn't the polish education to blame for that?
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Some real links, facts, stats would preferable to any "praise" or "criticism" if I'm honest.
You rather prefer purely objective statements wrapped as facts...that's just not true!

Point for point I show that you only have some pseudo blah blah for arguments which I can answer with facts...your reaction to that is more blah blah, so typical!

There must be some pseudo-psycho explanation for that too....
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

If Germans "WANT" to feel full pride they do so.
Either you want or you don't...(maybe it's different with the Poles I dunno).
All nations have some parts they are not especially proud of, does this stop the people to feel pride in their heritage? Never!

And you can watch national pride at best at international games in our times without european wars....

I think it's rather wishful thinking of some Poles about a downtrodden German me thinks, so not sorry to disappoint you!

Yes, some of Poles don't feel proud enough from the fact that they were born in our beautiful country. Yes, you can say that some of them are deluded.
And I am absolutely serious right now.

Why do you think that is?
And shouldn't you rather be concerned about your own polish pride than the pride of the Germans? :)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Same goes to Britons, Dutch, Swiss (and I'm talking about my experience from talking with the people so don't post me some articles like: "how we Europeans are in love with Germans" ;-D) ..hmm, it seems that the whole world have a crooked image of Germany and Germans ;-]

Didn't they just want to be polite to a Pole, knowing your weak spot?

Then why tops Germany so many popularity surveys?

In any case, Germany is the best overall country "brand", receiving the highest ranking among the 50 nations measured in the 2008 NBI index.

30. Poland

Germany once again fared best in the poll, with every country viewing it positively and 61% of people rating it favourably, up from 55% last year.

Shouldn't Poland top instead? :)
It seems some Poles not only have a crooked image of Germany but of themselves too....can you say "deluded"?:)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Germanize? No, I think most of us are immune for this kind of treatment ;-]
However one man can surely post a lot of crap (and I said 'a lot' not all) that may be convincing for a young people without a proper historical education.

Well, at least I don't try to explain some pseudo-psycho crap about how the Poles surely feel and think...

But of course I admit posting links and facts and infos might disturb the comfy polish worldview "We good holy saints - Germans bad beasts"...

I'm so not sorry to be so inconvenient!
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

the bad interwar Germans were not the real Germans but nazis. Now they have to convince themseves that it's true...


Sorry to be so direct but your pseudo-knowledge of the deep workings of the german soul
is just that, crap!
But if it helps to feel yourself as a Pole better who am I to stop you, you won't believe me, a lowly original German, anyhow.

Some Poles really have a crooked image of Germany and the Germans I must say....:)

...they can't feel the national pride anymore...

And some more german eye candy for the boys:
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Gdansk or "Danzig" is not a German city.

How would you call a city with 98 percent Germans citizens?

Poland defeated Russia in 1920 thanks to PiƂsudski's "lightning offensive" the first of it's kind and a precursor of the Wehrmacht's Blitzkrieg

Of course Poland invented the Blitzkrieg....:)
But where was it 1939???

Here is a map of the area around 1000AD showing the original borders of Poland

Why not go even further back?
It wall all german came and expanded westwards. All of Poland
was once germanic! :)

Germans everywhere, no Poles at all

And that's a map from 1512
Look where Poland is...

Poland in the west

Should I post a modern map too?
It rather looks like Poland looking for "Lebensraum" in the the boarder
ist near Berlin and I already hear Poles talking about "isn't Berlin a slavic stronghold anyhow?"...:)

This thread is sickening. Poland and Germany are antithetical nations. The main reason we are christian is so Germany wouldn't colonize our "heathen" pagan lands. We took baptism as a way to resist your attempts to civilize us.

Quite to the contrary...we are quite similiar...maybe uncomfortably similiar for some!

Why don't you German "friends" start your own forum instead of colonizing this one? Or is that just what you do best?

You fear one, lonely german on a polish board will all "germanize" you?
Poor sod...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

So in that case you shouldn't be upset because some other Germans are nazis (or neo-nazis). You are the individual human being, right? ;-]


Are you still talking about the topic in some way?
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

But still, it was again in Germany ;-]

It happened and happens everywhere...but it needs a highly industrialized, highly developed country to wreak really havoc with it.
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

I believe in facts and not in "what if.." version on the history.

One should know the facts first...not only some convenient fragments!

"Die Welle" must hurt all those who don't believe it can happen everywhere.
But nothing new here actually. Group thinking is totally natural to human
behaviour...always was and always will...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]


Why don't take it out of Hitler's mouth but rather trust some generalizations
and phrases?
(It was the slavic people who expanded steadily westwards deep into once germanic
territories...somehow you never mention that)

"The relation to Poland has become unbearable. My Polish policy hitherto was in contrast to the ideas of the people.
My propositions to Poland, the Danzig corridor, were disturbed by England's intervention. Poland changed her tune towards us.

They talked to us again in the language of Versailles. There was danger of losing prestige.

We are facing the alternative to strike or to be destroyed with certainty sooner or later."

instead of

"...mustkillpolishsubhumans...lebensraum...mustkillpolishsubhumans...l ebensraum...
mustkillpolishsubhumans...lebensraum...mustkillpolishsubhumans...leben sraum...etc."

Is it somewhat preferable for Poles to believe Germans woke up the morning and go to bed the evening only brooding about the subhumans in the East and how they could piss them off?

Do you need that belief somehow?
Curiously it's jewish and commie education too...

Were is the Nazi anti-polish propaganda?
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

He had his the link and the quotes.
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

...then he wouldn't begin II WW first. I call it loop of madness :)

Not necessary...the main problem still stands: The communist danger from stalinist Russia!
War was unavoidable sooner or later. Hitler decided to attack as he had the advantage...

This prevents making posts like this one, which only neo-Nazis believe. The rest of us understand this was staged. Historians agree on that.

Formulation and Execution of the Plan to Invade Poland

Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume One
United States Government Printing Office
Washington, 1946, pp. 390-400

Would that source be good enough for you?
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

BB, I have suggestion for you. There is a great history forum dealing with WWII. It is

He...I'm a regular there! :)
But thanks...

I hope you don't take it that I'm patronizing you

Just read the links...
Nobody is denying that the Nazis had a race ideology too but it wasn't the one and only and not even the most important driving force for the war with Poland!

Avoid fringe websites and don't quote from Jewish websites about Polish history, they are both unreliable. I find your views like what I would find on Stormfront and you must admmitt that neo-Nazis are not exactly credible.

I should not use jewish websites and I'm nearly neo-nazi? You should come to a decision some time...

Sorry if some of those facts don't fit into your world view but I can tell you as a German that for most Germans the most pressing questions weren't the Jews and their destruction (Germany always only had a tiny minority of them contrary to Poland for example).

The same holds true for any "subhuman" ideas..."Mein Kampf" or not.
Read the plan for the invasion of Poland again!

If this pic staged why should they stage it if the eastern people are officially just "Subhumans"?
Or does this german SS soldier helps the wounded Russian just like that?
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Formulation and Execution of the Plan to Invade Poland

Some quotes:

"The Pole is no 'supplementary enemy'. Poland will always be on the side of our adversaries. In spite of treaties of friendship, Poland has always had the secret intention of exploiting every opportunity to do us harm.

"The Polish problem is inseparable from conflict with the West.

"Poland's internal power of resistance to Bolshevism is doubtful. Thus Poland is of doubtful value as a barrier against Russia.

"The Polish government will not resist pressure from Russia. Poland sees danger in a German victory in the West, and will attempt to rob us of the victory.

Subhumans and Lebensraum did not have priority in those considerations it seems...
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Oh, come on. He considered us sub-human long before than.

Actually I come to think that it's not so true...or at least not the main point as it's made out during war- and after war propaganda.

Hitler wanted to negotiate, lack of anti-polish propaganda of the same kind as the Jews had to endure etc....

One of Adolf Hitler's first major foreign policy initiatives after coming to power was to sign a nonaggression pact with Poland in January 1934. This move was not popular with many Germans who supported Hitler but resented the fact that Poland had received the former German provinces of West Prussia, Poznan, and Upper Silesia under the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. However, Hitler sought the nonaggression pact in order to neutralize the possibility of a French-Polish military alliance against Germany before Germany had a chance to rearm.

You don't negotiate and plan alliances with "subhumans".

Fact is Poland only concentrated on France and Great Britain and did nothing to soften the differences with the german minority....
Poland surely got signs from Berlin but chose not to listen. But as I said...if Hitler had really only subhuman lebensraum in mind there wouldn't had such signals in the first place.

I think 50 years of commie history teachings with concentration on "subhuman" and "lebensraum" is partly to blame for that...but I think there was more to that!

Interesting link:
And only ONE of the reasons would be "Lebensraum" and the others could be avoided with a german-polish alliance!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Not really he had quite a good shot at defeating Russia, he failed but thats not really Russias doing, mostly it was his own fuck ups.

Maybe, maybe not.
Even if the Wehrmacht had gotten to Moskau, this country would had need another leader but Hitler to become tame and usable for the west.

When he could have brought the anti-communist, anti-stalinist, freedom loving peoples rallying behind the Reich and later working together in an alliance it would have been a good thing for Europe...but Hitler never thought that far, he treated them all as enemies, so there was no other end realistically possible.

However, Hitler's really big mistake was no having an alliance with Britain.

Well...Hitler had surely favored it too but the Brits decided otherwise...they would had kept their empire, not gone broke and dependent and look at them!

But at least we are all a happy, multi-kulti, liberal family now, aren't we!