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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
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From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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20 Feb 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]


(sigh) i knew it was coming before i had completed writing it but keep in mind two things: 1 that's the exception Poles choose to define themselves as the "bravest" and the "proudest" amongst all others. Not exactly a laundry list, is it? 2 are there no other instances of Czechs fighting oppressors? If not then how exactly is there a Czech Republic to this day?

It appears Poles somewhat rely on selected bits of Czech history to define themselves.

It kind of reminds me how Americans constantly reference French capitulation at the outset of WWII. Maintaining the vain myth they're all a nation of warriors and modern France and the French were borne out of pure cowardice alone- all based solely on this isolated comparison. But many peoples cling to such myths to substantiate and compound greater myths, it's not only Poles and Americans who partake in such fanciful thinking. Feel free to add your own:)
20 Feb 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

which peoples in the world aren't proud?
Which didn't fight hard for their countries and their families when they were invaded?
which peoples didn't eventually rise against their oppressors when a leader emerged and the enemy was weak?

Poles character traits? I'll nominate spiteful to strangers, overwhelmingly hospitable to friends and families.
20 Feb 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

If they have money to spend they will buy clothes and shoes from Zara or whatever boutique is "cool" at the time

zara is high end? this is news to me, i always thought it was low to mid range. regardless, i'm curious if anyone knows of nationalities known for being stingy when it comes to buying habits.

I know people say Scots are "mean" but to what proportions does this translate. I mean germans always seem to buy the nicest and best cars they can or cannot afford but have never struck me as flashy beyond that one thing- most often well dressed but usually not overstated with rather classic or conservative chic.

So which nationalities are know for not spending like sailors on anything even when they have the means?

oh yeah, if anyone hasn't said so then i'll say Poles are savvy when it comes to shopping- they put a lot of energy into comparing prices.
20 Feb 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

However I do think a good characteristic of Poles is that they tend not to over-react in pressure situations. They keep their heads and stay calm.

quoted for correctness on both points
10 Feb 2010
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

the population is definitely getting chubbier-you can see it in the coming crop of kids. but on average nowhere near the waistline tragedy that is the US (especially rural and southern regions).

There are not so many fat people in Poland now. But it's clearly that habits are changing.

Quoted for correctness.
20 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

the truth is much more empowering in the long run but changing how we think can be uncomfortable for many. People tend to identify with ideas beyond themselves. Hence romanticizing the memory of their ancestors is a means of nobilizing oneself.
18 Jan 2010
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

Tell me is there naything that Poland does that isnt the best in the world?

They'll never admit it on some days....

To answer the OP: No. It is quite far from the best and should you have the inclination to rank it so then I strongly encourage you to keep experimenting until you learn how far off your assertions are. To be blunt, buying Polish Pizza is a waste of money.

3 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Was I Polish enough, or should I polish my polishness some more? :-)

I hope you're not seriously in my #3 category

1 I hate the inferiority complex some poles exhibit

2 I hate the arrogance that some poles exhibit

3 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]


well said

Why do you imagine that Poles give a hoot about the opinion of another no-name ignorant on their history and attitudes?

No one said they do, but it seems you cared enough to respond.

1 I hate the inferiority complex some poles exhibit to the point that any criticism of anything polish is met with rabid denial and accusations that where the critic comes from is even worse

2 I hate the arrogance that some poles exhibit, behaving as though they are more important than everyone else and need not wait in a queue or even exhibit generally good manners

3 I hate the dickhead Pole (or self-appointed Polish defender) that will respond to this trying to tell me it's either a) my fault or b) excuse these two types of pathetic behaviour
30 Nov 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

1 foreigners who complain about dumb **** like how mountain dew f'n tastes in "their" country vs here.- It's FCUKING Mt. Dew you douchebags. Go find something real to complain about.

2 Polish pizza-now that's a travesty, dry, dry, dry
3 Driving culture here, however, it is improving in my opinion.

comparing transportation in america vs. poland is laughable, and because you tied this comment in with relative convenience of a country....

Really you nailed in that first statement, comparing them is laughable, so why are you comparing them?

weather......are you even attempting to suggest that Polish weather is not total crap? Your basing this argument on an unseasonably warm November? I'm almost embarrassed for you at this point.

Actually this would be about 3 years in a row that november has been unseasonably warm. Yes there's a perpetual greyness here in winter and that sucks so I agree with that point. But why would feel pity for someone because they are able to if not enjoy this weather at least not get too down about it? There's lots of crap weather in parts of the U.s. and so what?

it has nothing to do with the country's business sense.

Countries aren't people. To say a country possesses any abstract sense is childish in both scope and logic. Why go about pretending you know the least bit about how Poles all across the nation do business and with whom? You may be right in your thinking but it's hard to tell cause you're all across the board on this topic. Slow down. Take a moment to relax.
10 Oct 2009
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

I'm going to go on record and say Polish Pizza is closer to bad than good. I don't know what it is specifically or how it can be messed up so consistently but let's just say I'd rather eat the traditional food here which is fantastic.

Pizza in Poland is pathetic, period.

quoted for correctness
22 Mar 2009
Life / How would you describe the Polish sense of humour? [66]

it's been 7 years in poland and i can safely say i will never find Polish humour funny. That isn't to say that it isn't because to many it obviously is but what seems to be considered funny here, i just find simple and stupid. To be fair though, this is something i found to be funny
27 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

big ups (i know no one says that but whatever) to Olasz and tonykenny for keeping this thing respectable-hats off to you gentlemen!
8 Feb 2009
Life / Polish Organizational Skills [83]

I've met some managers here who complain about managers from other countries who take too long to come to decisions. I've heard a lot of complaints about the French, Danish Spanish and Italians from Poles. So there's my 2p in the fountain.
18 Dec 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

If you're sick of dealing with "tossy little teachers", perhaps you should stop hiring "tossy little teachers". Although hiring decent teachers would cost more than hiring the dross, which would eat into your profit margin and we can't have that, can we?!

So true. Well said!
16 Dec 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

well i guess it's not just me then, what you guys have been discussing really irks me. what i mean is, that the vast majority of "managers" (if you can call them that) and owners of language schools here have this weird notion that as teachers we don't have options, or worse yet that we don't have to deal with any variables beyond what they perceive (usually none).

I've managed to make connections with the few good ones in the area but it's like most of them have no concept of what makes a good manager: intolerant? check unimaginative? check irrational? double check. These people see students and teachers as cash cows and nothing more. If the students are happy, then they think the lesson must just be one big party, if the students are working hard then they think the teacher is too strict.

I'm sure they have no bloody idea what it is they envision their service to be other than a means to pay for their material aspirations.

There was one complete idiot (australian in this case) running some joke of an operation, anyways, I was working for a company which wanted to continue having classes with me but didn't like the school i had been contracted through. So they asked this fool if they could sign up for his school (in essence hand him money) as long as i continue to run their lessons. This idiot actually wanted me to go through the application process and write an essay for him (really applicable to the job/sarcasm). In the end the company went back to the old school cause i told them there's no conceivable way i could ever work with such a self-important oaf. This guy deserves to have the tar beat out him just on general principal; he actually tried to argue what my name is with me-wtf?

Then there's the team at profi-lingua who have managed to spend more time and money on marketing than improving their service. Gee what surprise they're doing so poorly these days.

One of the owners was trying to sell me one the branches they closed down. He arrived at the figure of 40k zł, so when i asked him for some paperwork to verify this value he provided jack and sh!t, trying to persuade me that this number wasn't just pulled out of his arse. I told him we'd talk more when i get the accountant's paperwork and was not surprised to never hear from him again. Christ do they really think everyone is so thick?

ugh, it's 10 and i was teaching or preparing or driving from 730 to 2030- tuesdays are killer.
7 Nov 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

my cope and snuff have always come but for one occassion. i found a more local supplier though and life's been bliss ever since.
8 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

the keys here never fit the locks they were designed for

oh you just have to jiggle it up and then down or try pressing-faaaaaaaaack off!

other than that, it's lovely here.
22 Aug 2008
Life / Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland [188]

East Asian and Southeast Asian cultures look down on people with body odor, and have elevated the concept of "freshness" to one of racial superiority.

So no, it's definitely not just Western society.[/quote]
21 Aug 2008
Life / Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland [188]

To answer the question from the thread title: it's from people working their butts off! now get off yours and go work up a sweat!

seriously though, when did it become a "bad thing" to smell like a person naturally does? I use deodorant and i'm a cologne ***** and hate it if i think i smell funky but when i stop and question myself i gotta wonder why as a society we're so opposed to what is abject about us. In this way (and many others) we are completely at odds with the rest of nature.

Western society is a strange animal.
9 Aug 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

i've always found LOT to be one of the more expensive carriers but then again i have a mental deficiency when it comes to finding cheap flights. But i have never found their service to be horrid, in fact i recall the people at LOT were very helpful one time in Frankfurt when i'd done something completely boneheaded and missed my flight as a result (or was it lufthansa? hmmm).

now airItalia, that is a bad airline (personal experience)
19 May 2008
Law / How to register a foreign Non-EU car in Poland? [25]

you also have to have it "modified" to fit european standards. E.G. those headlights you got, the ones that give you a broad field of vision, well they're made for wider north american roads so you gotta get them changed or blind every other driver on the road. the whole thing will need to get ceritified so don't fix anything yet, wait till they tell you what to get fixed. then you need documents translated and then you can reregister the thing. Look for a 1 month timeframe and don't be afraid to grease some palms to get your documents to the top of any pile.
7 Apr 2008
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

I don't think this is genetically true either.

actually i've heard evidence that Poles at least have the genetic ability to handle a higher blood alcohol level without being "drunk."

I would never refer to Poles as a laid back people, more like competitive to a fault. Observe the driving culture of a nation, this is a good indicator of how "laid back" people are or aren't.
4 Mar 2008
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

because all the others have let themselves go.

that's a very good point. this thread is really really silly (more so now that i've chimed in again). Polish women are really nothing special at all when i compare a slender French girl to a slender Polish girl or a slender Iranian girl (unbelievable gorgeous they are).

It's just that most western males are now being exposed to many women who haven't let themselves go to crap in a blender. Due to population and politics, most of them happen to be Polish. But if Hungary had more people it would be Hungarian women earning that reputation. Now, when western males become more exposed to women from north africa and the middle east they'll start waxing on about those women.

*throws 2 cents in the well"
20 Feb 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

i'm thinking centre as well-wider face, higher forehead, piercing eyes. but that's mainly because the other possible candidates have a ton of makeup and have relatively narrow faces.

polski_zyd made as good a guess as anyone could
19 Jan 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

It is not about race etc... in most of EU countries imigration policy failed. some people just don't want to have this problems in Poland.

the "correct" immigrated to this thread with that statement.