The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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23 Apr 2014
USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money. [62]

Polish women are not to be trusted!

not truth. Every standard Polish women would always rather choose Serbian instead of American, if they choose between those two. Situation with Polish woman is that they are truly woman and very womanly. Serbians are dominant dinarid males and what are those who grow up in America?

mark my words. Great money don`t helps here. Eyes, moves and talk finishing this
19 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

At the beginning Poland needs to work on the Visegrad group and get some additional countries to join.

Visegrad Group is vital for the survivor of Poland.

On the short run, this with Ukraine greatly complicate situation because negotiations of Visegrad Group with Ukraine went hand in hand with talks with Serbia (and via Serbia with Montenegro). Interests of Poland was to that way secure access to the warm seas (waters), what is, as we all know, primordial condition when one regional country have plans to become bigger factor. You would note that, speaking of region, in case with Croatia, Poland can`t expect to achieve political and military points. Its German zone of control and Poland needs to hold her fingers far from political and military influence there. Only touristic interests of Poland could be eventually satisfied in Croatia, nothing else. Be advised, traditionally, whenever Poland wanted to rise her head, no matter being under the pressure of Russia or from the west of Europe, Poland relied on Serbia. Its old strategic partnership and goes deep in past, what i know, since time immemorial. It goes from time when ancient Polish warlords wanted to secure transport of amber trade from Baltic to Mediterranean via Balkan, all the way to the situation when Serbs played role of the military elite in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In any case, on the example of Ukraine we see how interests of Poland and EU/NATO leading powers differ. Where Poland needed peace, west of Europe and USA needed troubles. Old regime of Ukraine was maybe slower in internal reforms of the country but politically was more balanced between Poland and Russia. Russia tolerated formation of joint Polish-Ukrainian military force UKRPOLBAT, what on the other side wasn `t under direct NATO jurisdiction and NATO didn`t like it. When Ukraine was destabilized as country, official Kiev stooped to balance between Poland and Russia and simple fall under direct control of Germany, USA, Britain and France. Poland was automatically out of the game. Think about it.

But, on the long run, we now have clear situation. If we presume that one day Visegrad Group could turn to be new Commonwealth, Crimea in Ukraine and all regions along Ukrainian Black See coast, populated with Russian and strongly pro-Russian population, could represent main obstacle in Russian opposition to the formation of Commonwealth around Poland, from countries that exist between Russia and west of Europe, from Baltic to Balkan and Black see. See, NATO/EU pressure on Ukraine may result in situation, ironically, that on the long run, Russia (after completely satisfied with situation in Ukraine) has even greater interests to support strengthening of Poland.

In any case, i am absolutely sure, situation in Ukraine, definitely and once and for all, shows Serbia as primary Poland`s partner on the Polish way to become European power thru transformation of Visegrad Group into the embryo of new Commonwealth. Serbia (via other Serbian land- Montenegro) has direct access to the Mediterranean warm waters.

Now, let us also don`t forget Bulgaria. Way to Bulgaria, strategically and geographically also goes via Serbia. So, i expect that in days that coming, let`s say very soon, Poland start more and more to invest in Serbia and Bulgaria and to talk about those two countries in its mass media. That, if there is at least little fire of independence still live in Polish intelligentsia, elite and politics.
18 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

European country (and for those who knows history it
is clear that Poland is more western country then Germany, for exaple).

those who knows history understand that are both- Germans and Poles, in general, of Sarmatian (read Serbian) origin and, that are Russians generally of the other Proto-Slavic branch- Scythians. Key difference between these two Proto-Slavic branches was that Sarmatians were more sedentary, while Scythians longer lived as steppe horde culture. But, tribes of those two branches lived side by side in mutual interdependence until the early middle age.

/just small digression on history/

You were not able to preserve your Yugoslavia but you have a vision of a union between the Pacific and the Oder river

Yugoslavia was destroyed by the EU and NATO

Crow,please keep on topic in your own thread
18 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

When are you going to finally comprehend that Poland doesn't want to have anything to do with Russia?

what if comes to it that Russia needs Poland, no matter in which kind of situation?

Are you really and absolutely sure that future of Poland could be brighter if there is no Russia? Do you really believe that Polish so called friends from the rest of the Catholic and Protestant countries, if they ever finish with Russia, intend to allow Poland to replace Russia, no matter Poland is Catholic in its great majority? Do you really believe that its about just religious question for the west of Europe? Are you that naive that you can`t comprehend that west of Europe play against all Slavs, no matter their religion. Do you think that if west of Europe, manage to destroy Russia, won`t move to finish with Slavic Poland once and for all in order to finally destroy last memory that Slavs ever existed? or, in best case, we can expect that west of Europe, once when last Slav extinct, start to behave as modern-day USA which now hypocritically glorifies and speak nice of native American Indians and their culture, now when they are almost all of them destroyed in genocide or assimilated.

If west of Europe and USA ever get rid of the Russia, you know how would they reward Poland? With the cold knife in the back. That`s how
17 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

Russia will never, ever give up Siberia to China without a fight

i agree to it

dear Crow, will Serbian men go to fight to potect Siberia?

we have our interests there. Emotions aren`t only hings that moves Serbians.

Will you die for another country ?

everything has its price. So, i suppose, my life as well. To me i am priceless

In my opinion, the Poles put too much blood and sweat in reforming Poland, and you too should make an effort to abandon the fantasy,

i expect maximum from my private business. Still, i have emotional goals
16 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

Ppl decided by voting in referendum, that was the decission of Poles- deal with it.

my complete body and mind respect it, as long as Poles respect it.

Ach, so they were trying to make union with Poles but just didn't have other means? Poor Russians- such good intentions...They just invaded Poland, killed Poles, forbade them speaking their language but that's just lack of other means... :D

For most antagonisms among Poles and Russians say one great thanks to the Christianity
16 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

back in time of Russian Tzars something like `modern-day democratic process` didn`t exist and, nobody didn`t ask anybody. It was same in time of communism. Chaos.

Now, you have domination by the west of Europe covered with hypocritical democracy, while is in reality, everything dictated from few financial centers. Plus, you now have mass-media.
16 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

The only fantastic situation requiring Polish - Russian cooperation that I can think up is the Chinese army fighting Russian troops

see, that`s a good example. Poland would sure want to see China stooped, if some new Genghis Khan move on Europe

Not for me to tell you that. Keep Poland safe!

you believe in negative choices. Poland was sometimes in history dominated by Russia and now is dominated by the west of Europe. Right now, assimilation of Poland, germanization, anglo-saxonization and americanization is assured. So, Poland historically (since fall of Commonwealth) just changes her masters. That`s what you want for Poland?

My dear Nathan, if Poland has true friends on the west of Europe and in USA they would allowed formation of new Commonwealth, as Pilsudski suggested. No, Poland don`t has friends. Poland has masters. Now, new regime in Ukraine has same masters.
14 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

The situation around Silesia? I live in Silesia, there is no threatening situation here. If ppl will manage to make referendum (which is doubtful imo) ppl will decide what they want to do. That's all.

yes, Poles are famous by their nerves.

Yeah, like this going to happen...I can see Poland asking for help then Russia helping us and even givng us her land just like that...Crow, wake up, you are obviousl sleep walking :P

call me naive but, i think that Russia and Poland need each others.
14 Apr 2014
News / Poland and Russia in military alliance - Is that even possible? At least temporary? [69]

perhaps when the retards awake and release NATO is a rogue and dangerous alliance some steps might be taken to at least have neutral relations.

i think that would situation around Silesia lead to the at least temporary Polish-Russian alliance, when NATO/EU finally openly betray Poland on the behalf of Germany. Hopefully, if that happen, process may finish with formation of Lusatia as independent Slavic state, formed from territories that are today, what i know, partly in Germany, Czech Republic and Poland, while in return Russia could give Kaliningrad region to the Poland.

This could consolidate Slavic west.
1 Feb 2014
Genealogy / I have Jewish DNA, but only know of Polish ancestry . [120]

Then she's Poliyshe Yiddishe, not Poliyshe goyishe.

whatever. In any case, what he know about himself is Polish ancestry. So, let us hold to the facts, no matter what he thinks about his DNA.
30 Jan 2014
News / Parliament in Poland clears way for nuclear plant [78]

Merged: Poland adopts nuclear power program

Poland progress. Nice

Poland adopts nuclear power program

Warsaw Business Journal


The Polish government has adopted the country's nuclear program, the Economy Ministry announced in a statement.

"The Program ... sets forth, among others, the schedule of building two nuclear power plants and preparing a regulatory and organization framework for those investments," the statement read.

The program stipulates that by the end of 2016, the location will be chosen, the construction of the first unit will start in 2019 and will be completed by the end of 2024. The second of the currently planned power plants should be ready by 2035.

28 Jan 2014
Genealogy / I have Jewish DNA, but only know of Polish ancestry . [120]

I have Jewish DNA

does something like it even exist? Isn`t Judaism religion? saying that i don`t deny right that somebody see it as ethnicity too but, to say that it has its own genome isn`t realistic to me.
25 Jan 2014
Travel / Best places to visit in Poland [87]

If i visit Poland this year i would start with Warsaw, Manifestacja- Polacy na rzecz serbskiego Kosowa, 15 lutego 2014 (sobota) - godzina 17:00, Ogród Saski - Róg Marszałkowskiej i Królewskiej
20 Jan 2014
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Merged: Should Poland get out of EU and NATO and initiate formation of new Commonwealth ?

here it is. Direct question. Now tell me. Shall we Eastern Europeans and Slavs from Baltic to Balkan and Black see take our destine in our hands or shall we stay eternal younger partner within EU and/or NATO?

What Poland say? What would be? Is there hope for us who wait for the voice from Poland, for us who think of Poland as of important country?
19 Jan 2014
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [142]

oh, my friend. Welcome in the realm of this forum. Why are you always nervous

As for Pan Bismarck, he was brat, decent Sarmatian, deep in his stomak. His last word on his deathbed was: ``Serbia``
19 Jan 2014
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [142]

But the fact is that the South Slavs have a more common recent ancestor with the Germanic people than they do with East Slavs and some West Slavs.

sure, sure. i already told it here. Germanics originates from Slavs in wide sense. But, if we were to be precise- Germanics originates predominantly from the Serbs. Now, face that fact

Of all the Slavic people, Poles from northwestern Poland have the highest frequency of the I1 haplogroup. They are the most Germanic of all the Slavs.

and again you are right. Poles do have legends about their Sarmatian ancestry and, modern day linguistic nicely explained that Sarmatian name represent foreign version of the Serbian original.
19 Jan 2014
News / Does Poland support the idea of Slavic unity? [142]

Everyone is from Africa....

let`s go even deeper. We are all star staff. Star staff that has became aware of itself. Everything is star staff: humans, animals, plants, rocks, fire,...

Now, what differs all that star staff in the universe? Intelligence. Intelligent life that evolved in different cultures and civilizations