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Posts by boletus  

Joined: 13 Apr 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Nov 2012
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From: Canada, Toronto
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16 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

So Ziobro's group has only until Friday to repent. I wonder if anybody breaks ranks.

I suddenly remembered this story about behaviour of Polish writers in Lwów (Lviv) in 1939, when Soviets put pressure on them offering either very uncertain future or membership in Union of Ukrainian Writers and the Soviet canteen with food on the table. Everyone ran away from the Professional Union of Polish Writers (ZZLP) to join the Soviet organization, but its chairman, Ostap Ortwin - of mixed Jewish-Ukrainian blood.

Here is a scene of two Poles remiscening the events in a coffee place somewhere in Toronto in 1980s: the author of the book "Granica Sokoła", Jarosław Abramow-Newerly, and a grandson of Count Bielski, who witnessed those events - as they took place in his own mansion, requisitioned by Soviets.

- Don't you know what a "kajak" league is? Didn't your Grandpa tell you that?!
- No, he did not ...
- That means he was not a "kajakarz". He did not "kajał się" before the committee, repenting his crime. Because it was a necessary condition for admission to Polish section of "Sojuz Pisatielej Sovietskogo Sojuza" (Union of USSR Writers).

- A verification as during Martial Law in Poland in 1980s?
- Much worse. More like a show trial. The accused had to publicly spit on himself and cut himself off his past, repent before the whole hall, and only then, possibly, by grace of the committee, he would be accepted into the Polish section, where he had to prove that he deserved this honour. And he would be proving. "Kaja-Kaja-kajakarz".

- He "kajal się". I follow it ...
- Yes, he followed his colleagues too. Sure.

kajak = a kayak
kajakarz = a kayaker
kajał się = he did not confess repentantly (the word play)

Do you remember Maciej Maciejewski (PiS), a Vice-President of the Warsaw's Committee for Culture and Promotion? The one who twitted the following with regard to safe emergency landing of the LOT airplane some time ago?:

"The civilian Boeing was able to land on its belly but the TU154 military bomber could not withstand a collision with a birch tree ?!!!!!!" and then "and now these PO rogues will crow with delight about the great success of Tusk the Russet".

And he later continued when a press conference of President Bronisław Komorowski was announced, and who congratulated the pilot Cpt. Tadeusz Wrona of his masterly landing with a broken landing gear at Okęcie airport : "That was supposed to be a LOT conference, but that wretch had to promote himself; say thanks to your masters in the Kremlin, you clown." After a while he completed his entry: "A delay of the meritorious LOT conference only in order to promote Komorowski is a scandal."

Well, the man is no longer the Vice-President of the Warsaw's Committee for Culture and Promotion. His colleagues from Warsaw's City Council voted him out of office: 38 councilors voted "yes", 1 against, 3 abstained, PiS councilors did not take part in voting.

After that the Councillor Maciejewski stated in his usual gentle, placable and apologetic way: - I do not attach much importance to the position of Vice-President of the committee. If you want to silence me, you have to ask for help from your friend Richard C. [Richard C. is charged with the murder of a PiS activist and with attempted murder]

- I am surprised that you did not present this to the ethics committee or the prosecutor office, but you are just trying to dismiss me from the Vice-President position. This is the political chicane - he added. And he continued: - I demand to remove the word "insulted" from the contents of the resolution because the prosecutor office have not ruled yet, but the Chairman has already issued a verdict against me. If this word is not removed I will undertake appropriate legal action - said the punished councilman.

Well, this is a beautiful sample of a true unapologetic rudeness of a low life politician. Oh, by the way, he was a candidate to the Parliament but has not been elected.
14 Nov 2011
News / The quality of Polish media coverage [54]

Translated from

- I have learned nothing from the media coverage of the November 11. My picture of those events is very marred - said prof. Wiesław Godzic, a media expert from the SWPS, in an interview with He emphasizes that the knowledge he received, largely depended on a television station, which he actually watched.

- Firstly, during November 11, none of the stations decided to show video-grams and vectors with images of streets being closed. TVN did this but only a day later. A map of this events was extremely needed by people, especially those in Warsaw, who wanted to form an opinion - stresses the professor. - It was extremely important to know where was the authorized marching zone, where was "no man's zone", or which direction the police moved - he adds.

I would not care less about the views of a journalist

The reports, according to the professor, have improved with time. - I realized how the battlefield looked like, but I still did not know who beat whom, who was beaten and whose were the tools found in the the publishing house in Nowy Świat. I waited until a journalist - and I do not care less which one: a left-wing or a right-wing one - tells me what had happened, what were the events - without dressing it in the typical personal: "unfortunately" or "as usual". I am not interested in this type of journalism. I want to draw conclusions by myself - says the media expert.

- I notice with sadness that the lack of information is becoming the norm. The information is being replaced - what can I say - by interpretation - emphasizes prof. Godzic. - I would like to get a report, in an image form say, divided into zones, lines of demonstrations, and the projected route of the march. Then I could assess whether the 300 meters between the protesters and contra-manifestation is a lot or a little - because the 300 meters in the close urban area is not the same as 300 meters on the open field.

- I want to have the pure facts and a journalist who would finger it to me where the ring of the police was broken and whether it was done without permission.

Journalists talk nonsense, they do not stay on top of the situation

According to prof. Godzic pure facts journalism is not valued much today. - For example I wanted to find out what decisions were made and on what basis - this could be at least shown at the bottom of the screen. And this demonstrates another problem of our media - we are not able to summarize. I do not see this type of skills among our journalists - they sidestep the main event and talk nonsense; you can easily see that they do not stay on top of the situation - says the media expert.

- I saw reports from the right-wing side, who said that everything was in order and march was moving along, and at the same time different reports showing swarms of people, firecrackers and a crowd standing rather than walking. I did not know where they came from and which side the groups of hooligans were supporting, I did not know which way they were marching, where did they come from and which direction they were running away. I do not have this image in front of my eyes. Nobody bothered to position himself between the helicopter - which did not transmit anything important but a community of firecrackers - and the street level. What I have seen, was shown either from the global perspective of a helicopter, or reporter being pushed around.

- Media once again has become surprised. But actually they should have been able to predict the events. I am afraid that they once again will not benefit from the last Friday's experience - sums up professor Grodzic.

boletus: I actually saw a nice, clean and stable footage of some 11.11.11 event taken at low height from an autogyro, or something of this sort.
12 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

"Donald Tusk is responsible for the Friday riots" - says Jarosław Kaczyński.

Yes, the explanation follows:

11 November - Unprecedented in the history of the world, a gigantic provocation of the occupiers and their Russian-German principals took place, who ordered savage hordes of alleged "police", armed to the teeth, to brutally attack, without provocation, an exceptionally peaceful and joyful demonstration of many thousands, spontaneously organized on the occasion of The Independence Day by the best Sons of the Nation, originating - among the others - from the All-Polish Youth, the National Radical Camp, Solidarity 2010 and the Sunday Schools Association "Kibole".

The proof that the provocation was carefully thought out in advance and prepared meticulously, is provided, among others, by handpicked moment of their attack, which occurred at the time when the demonstrators were in preparation for an ambitious social project for the martyred Warsaw, consisting of removing piles of already much worn paving stones on The Constitution Square, and of cleaning the street bins, which had not been emptied for years by the inefficient bureaucrats of the self-appointed "president" of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz (mafia's pseudo: "Barmaid" aka "HGW").

The regime provocateurs went even so far in their shameful actions as to destroy the vans of TV Polsat, TVN24 and Polish Radio and to throw flares and petards at the - hated by all patriots - Belvedere Palace and Russian Embassy, while taking advantage of complete surprise of the demonstrators, who in confusion unwittingly dropped down the paving stones and bins, as well as the combustible materials, which they had prepared to illuminate their work place. Forty of them, which is an unprecedented event in history, self-mutilated themselves on the orders of their superiors, allegedly requiring hospitalization of 29 "policemen".
10 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

Here is another circus, this time far away from Sejm. Major Generał Mirosław Różański, a commander of the 11th Lubuska Division of Armoured Cavalry in Żagań, one of the best Polish commanders, submitted his resignation from the army - only few days before the Polish Independence Day.

Although the general refuses to comment on his decision, unofficially it is said that the cause was the conflict between him and his immediate superior - Generał Zbigniew Głowienka, the commander of land forces. Sparks have been flying between the two generals for a few months now.

Several weeks ago Major Generał Mirosław Różański took part in the discussion about future of Polish Armed Forces in the weekly "Polska Zbrojna".

Referring to several fundamental problems he asked the rhetorical question: "What is more dangerous: a pride of lions led by a ram or a flock of sheep commanded by a lion?"

One can easily guess who that ram could be. The commander of 11th Division pointed out many problems, which the highest commanders do not seem to notice, and which paralyze the activities of the Polish army.

The good news is that the MOD's chief, Tomasz Siemioniak, tried to convince Różański to change his mind. Consequently, he agreed to remain in the MOD's reserve till the April next year.
9 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

Responding to a question from one of the PiS's MPs, Jaroslaw Kaczynski used a paraphrase of part of "History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks' ", a propaganda history book of the Stalinist era. As we confirmed in three independent sources, the PiS Chairman had a joke: - I think I will soon write a letter to the members, which will start with the words: "The vigilant party security organs and the heroic political committee prevented a plot, and cast out from their ranks a reptile Zbigniew Ziobro and two amphibians Jacek Kurski and Tadeusz Cymański".

Despite the split made ​​by ziobrystów Jaroslaw Kaczynski bursting with humor at Monday's meeting of the club PiS. Referring to the propaganda language of the Bolshevik party , called Zbigniew Ziobrę reptile and Jack Kurski and Tadeusz Cymańskiego amphibians - set " On " .

Clever, he tries to disarm a satirical website "Museum of IV Polish Republic", which has been mocking him for several years now, using exactly the same style. As a matter of fact they printed it as their motto of the week - embellished with their usual bunch of glorious attributes.

Motto of the week:
"I think I will soon write a letter to the members, which will start with the words: 'the vigilant party security organs and the heroic political committee prevented a plot, and cast out from their ranks a reptile Zbigniew Ziobro and two amphibians Jacek Kurski and Tadeusz Cymański.'" - New Saviour of Wolska, Steadfast and Charismatic Leader of the Resistance Movement, Miracoulusly Survived Chairman-Prime Minister-almost-President Jarosław (Hung. : Jarosláth) Temporarily-Altered Kaczynski

But not to be outdone by the MSCPmaP Jarosław TA Kaczyński, the Museum produces two important pieces of news:

November 8: - A crushing success of the Resistance Movement! The self-appointed governor of the Russian-German condominium Donaldu Tusku resigned, with all his government. Unfortunately, Elected-By-Mistake WSI Agent Lying-President Bronisław Faked-Count Beast Komorowski (Russian: Бронислав Коморовский, operating nickname: "gamekeeper") - ignoring the opinion of the multimillion multitude of the Most Righteous Wolaks nationwide - shamelessly entrusted Tusku with the mission of forming a new government.

November 8 - A gigantic scandal at the first meeting of the Sejm, "elected" in the rigged elections: despite a truly heroic attitude of the two fighters of the Resistance Movement - Antoni Macierewicz and Małgorzata Gosiewska - a function of Speaker of the Parliament was granted to the most incompetent former Health Minister, Ewa Kopacz, as a reward for invention and wide dissemination - together with Donaldu Tusku - of lies of Smolensk, as well as for creation of conditions for making of ice cream on a massive scale in Polish hospitals - whose only legitimacy to this position - as fearlessly and consciously noticed by MP Dorn - is her gender.
8 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

The circus has begun at the earnest at the very first session of Sejm...

MP Ludwik Dorn, Independent, stated that - according to Mr. Nowak's recommendation - the main advantage of Mrs. Kopacz [as a candidate for the Speaker of the Parliament], the former minister of health, is sex.

He was interrupted by shouts from Janusz Palikot from the audience: "Please stop these chauvinistic remarks, enough of this Nationalistic-Catholic cabaret."
- Please deduct the time of the Palikot's gurgle from my allotted time - said Dorn.
8 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

Oh definitely! The first time I heard her interviewing somebody I had the most negative feeling about her: a big mouth, interrupting every few seconds, putting her own words into the person's mouth. That said, the articles in "Fakty i Mity" have no justifications whatsoever. If Palikot is anybody but just the trouble stirrer he must already regret having people like Kotliński in his party.
8 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

Rżnіjmy Polaków ???*

Some professional advertising agency ignored the suggested RP initials and proposed "665" for their new name - meaning "The Lesser Evil".


Tomorrow the club of Palikot's Movement (RP) will meet to react to the brutal attack on Monika Olejnik in the weekly "Fakty i Mity" published by Roman Kotlinski, a member of the party.

- Once Kotliński could print out whatever he wanted, few people read it, but now he is a MP and it requires a certain restraint. His every word burdens our Movement. I am afraid that he will be a growing concern for us - says RP spokesman Andrzej Rozenek

In Sunday's program of Monika Olejnik, "The seventh day of the week", on Radio ZET, Rozenek said at the very beginning of the discussion: - I wanted to publicly apologize for the shameful article in the weekly "Facts and Myths". Palikot's Movement distances itself from such activities. I promise that some consequences will be drawn with respect to our MP.

After the program, Rozenek handed flowers to Monika Olejnik.

Some smelly details here:

Palikot's Movement will take place this week due to the brutal attack on Monika Olejnik weekly published by the Roman Kotlinski , member of the party

Kotliński is a former priest and editor-in -chief of " Facts and Myths " , anticlerical magazine , who supported Janusz Palikot in the election campaign and the creator of the Palikot Movement writes for several months fixed columns.

7 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

"After Cymański, Jacek Kurski and Zbigniew Ziobro went to Brussels they became sheepish (dumbfounded)
- Adam Hofman, today

"Let he takes care because he might get sheepish (dumbfounded) himself. For he who talks garbage, may become a garbage figure himself; he who insults others will be insulted back"

- Tadeusz Cymański about Adam Hofman, today
[Free translation, the original wording is hard to translate]

Let us go back the history lane to listen to some prominent assertions of Mr. Hofman:

"With the PSL is like this: these fellows had left their tiny towns and villages and reached Warsaw - they became savages and dumbfounded: they dance, they sing, and they vote […] for the same sex partnership. The peasants left their villages and they got their screws loose."

- Adam Hofman, in TVN24 interview, 2011-08-25

I just wonder what is going to happen to Adam Hofman in the near future. He is only 31 years old, but he has no real education besides political science, he has no real world profession, no real world experience, and he just lives off scraps from Kaczyński's table. All he has shown so far are his "golden thoughts". He must worry a lot, and this is why he bites and yaps.
7 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

Tonight there will be a meeting of the parliamentary club of the Palikot Movement (RP). The MPs will decide which bills they want to bring first on the agenda.

Andrzej Rozenek, the club spokesman, says that one of the first projects they consider is a law about civil partnership. They also want to cut bureaucracy and improve the lives of the poor and the excluded.

But the top RP news is: they want to change the name of their party, and they will ask Internet users to help. Preferable initials are still RP. The contest's winner will be offered a free membership card of the new party. Rush in, this is the big opportunity!
6 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

apology on their site?

Hmm, quite interesting. :-)
Well, it was fun to talk but I have to go now. See you tomorrow.
6 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

I think that is a pretty strange fascination.

Polish media, including the Rightest of the Right - Gazeta Polska, is all so fascinated by the recent events, so why should not I. See for example their recent article "About durability of the mohair-hooligan alliance", "O trwałość sojuszu kibolsko-moherowego",

We have a huge post-election hangover. Those who hoped that tens of thousands of supporters organizing patriotic framing of the Warsaw Uprising , June of 1956 the Soldiers accursed influence the outcome of the election , they need to feel disappointed. We lost . Not only because of the enemy forces . Also own mistakes . They must be carefully analyzed to never happen again . It will not be pleasant - for anyone.

It is so funny that one does not need to search anywhere else to have a good laugh.

"Gazeta Polska," summed up the participation of "kibols" (football hooligans) in the elections. It does not hide that this participation was much too small. The newspaper had hoped that the "kibols" would overthrow the Tusk's government and come to power together with Jarosław Kaczyński. Unfortunately, these people have failed.

It turned out that that alliance is not durable at all. "Leaders of the football fan movement did not fight strongly enough to influence political choices of their sympathizers - the guys from the residential housing." As a result, the guys did not go voting, and even if they went, the voted for Palikot's Movement, which represents feminists, gays and trans-genders. This demonstrates, unfortunately, some serious intellectual confusion prevailing among both people from the residential housing and those from similar environments.

6 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

Actually the capture says it all. I was not sure whether the message with image only is legal here...

5 Nov 2011
News / The Political Circus of Poland [307]

The latest poll suggests that he can count on some support.

With few more such tricks the dream of perfect unity of the Polish Right will be fulfilled.

  • A means to complete unity
5 Nov 2011
Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm? [71]

For example ''welcome to Poland the hidden gem of eastern Europe'' and then show photos of Poznan,pierogi,vodka and Polki.

Boring. This has been known as CEPELIA (1949–1990), becoming "Cepelia kitsch" in later years. Four other institutions of the same name continue with folk artisan and artistic traditions. There is one such store in my city but - seeing their shopwindow - I never visit.
4 Nov 2011
Food / Tylko gęsina (only goose)!? [5]

Besides as far as I can remember gooses were running equally with turkeys on small Polish farms long before communism ended.

Very true. I even remember guinea fowls as well. Geese were also providing goose down, which was used for making cushions and featherbeds. Every farmer had to breed some geese for just this reason. "Darcie pierza" (feather plucking?) was a family affair, associated with story telling and singing.
4 Nov 2011
Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm? [71]

What chances does Poland have to attract more tourists?

Why do you want more tourists in Poland? They have already trampled down some Polish mountains, especially Tatras. Millions of tourists appear there every year. The worst situation is in the summer when relaxing in outdoors resembles shop queues in PRL. When you finally reach your selected attraction, you can only enjoy it for just few moments before being forced to give your spot away to others, so as not to disrupt traffic. On occasion, other mountains do not fare much better than Tatras.

Poland needs better tourists, better tourist management, better tourist information, better advertisement of less popular regions to disperse the crowds, better facilities.
2 Nov 2011
Genealogy / DOBZYN, PLOCK ? Need more information [15]

I am sorry, there was some miscommunication here: I really meant that both towns/settlements are equally good candidates for your search - as opposed to other places from distant parts of Poland. Both are relatively close to Płock, both used to be part of Russian Province of Płock. I really have to add one thing with respect to Golub-Dobrzyń: Golub used to be in Prussian Partition, while Dobrzyń was in Russian one. Drwęca was a border river at those times. This may have something to do with your grandmother's reference to Pomerania. And historically, dating back, both towns were subjects to frequent border wars between Poland and Teutonic Knights.

I am not involved in any genealogy project, so I have no family search experience and I cannot provide you with any standard feedback regarding availability of records. All I can suggest is based on some common sense. To start with, you may try to dig some information about the perceived size of your grandfather's "Dobrzyń". Dobrzyń and Wisłą - even though historically old - is actually very small: it currently has 2,246 inhabitants. The "Dobrzyń" part of Golub-Dobrzyń, on the other hand, has 10,071 inhabitants. Apparently this "Dobrzyń" is few times bigger than the other one. I can only assume that the similar ratio existed in 19 century.

The next thing to check concerns religion. You seemed to be implying that your great-grandfather became Catholic just of the great devotion to his wife. So what religion was he born into? This might be an important piece of information. For example, Golub-Dorzyń is accessible via JewishGen Locality database, suggesting that there were Jews living in that area. Check for example this:, or this:

I should also add that - as suggested by other posters here - the name "Dobrzeń" could also be considered as one of the candidates. My cursory search shows that there are two such places, but they are located in Silesia and Opole Voivodship - South-West, way away from Płock.

Good luck.

Dobrzyń and Wisłą

My overzealous, self-correcting editors drive me crazy sometimes: this should obviously be "Dobrzyń NAD Wisłą", not "Dobrzyń AND Wisłą". I am sure I typed "NAD".
28 Oct 2011
Genealogy / DOBZYN, PLOCK ? Need more information [15]

I know that Plock is a city but I don't know about Dobzen.

This is most probably a town "Dobrzyń nad Wisłą" (Dobrzyn on the Vistula), 32 km downstream from Płock. The Polish wikipedia has some info here:ń_nad_Wisłą, the English one has only some scarce information here:ń_nad_Wisłą

[I was about to recommend to you the Polish official site of the town of Dobrzyń nad Wisłą,, and suggest google translation of some of its selected pages, but for some reason the site crashed twice my WI-FI connection. So be warned.]

There are altogether eight Dobrzyń places in Poland, but the only realistic alternative for your search is Golub-Dobrzyń (actually two twin towns on both sides of Drwęca river) since it is not that far from Płock (85 km due North) and it used to be part of Russian Płock Province during Partitions.
24 Oct 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [225]

Situation here is quite complex, he was sentenced for death in Poland, I really don't know how looks his law status for the moment in Poland.

Pardon? The same Brzezinski, who was decorated with White Eagle Order (Order Orła Białego) (1995)?
Who received Doctor Honoris Causa from three Polish universities and from Polish National Defense Academy (1990,1991, 2000, 2002)?

You must be kidding. Sentenced to death? On what grounds? He was never a citizen of Polish People Republic. But go on, explain, I will gladly learn something new. And by the way, he was in Warsaw few days ago. Easy catch!

Are you sure you are not thinking about Ryszard Kukliński?
8 Oct 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

Borderlands jokes
Colonel Wołłeyko is an archetypical hero of Bordelands jokes, a womanizer, a drunkard, a reveller, intelligent but with rough manners - something of the lesser image of General Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszewski, who once said:

"Do I - a man with gray hair - have to teach you how to deal with women? Sir, one can find a woman crying, but to leave her such? Never!"

Colonel Wołłeyko is a guest of honour at the garrison commander's dinner party. While conversing with the hostess he suddenly let go with a gigantic fart. Embarrassed, he starts making noises by rubbing the leg of his chair with his shoe. The hostess says:
- Colonel, the furniture will get destroyed but the tone will be still out of tune.

The expression: "Mebel pan zniszczysz a tonu i tak nie dobierzesz", derived from this joke, is quite popular in Polish.

Colonel Wołłeyko dances with young Sophie.
- Miss Sophie, here is a little riddle for you. What is it: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple?
- A rainbow, Colonel Sir - Sophie responds charmingly.
- Not true, an ass whipped with sticks!

Colonel Wołłeyko converses with a young lady.
- Why, Miss Sophie, you have such a beautiful dress tonight.
- And did you ever, Sir Colonel, see anything ugly on me? - She puts all her charm on.
- Yes, only master forester one time.

Colonel Wołłeyko, a known womanizer in the Borderlands, is hosted by the young officers in the officers' mess somewhere in a God forgotten garrison.
- Sir, how do you do that to be so successful with women?
- Oh, it's simple, I do everything step by step.
- ???
- Step one: I walk into a ballroom in style.
- Step two: I scrutinize the flock.
- Step three: I come up, I bow and I ask a lady to dance.
- Step four: I dance and I say: You have such beautiful eyes and I would like to fvck you very much.
- Sir, one might get slapped in the face for that!
- One might, but I more often fvck.

P.S. When said in Polish, those jokes should be said in one of those charming Borderlands accents.
7 Oct 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

Southern goes through a bunch of psychological tests. Any time the psychologist draws a simple geometrical figure: be it a square, a triangle, a circle, etc. Southern recognizes it as a vagina. The psychologist looses his patience and makes a comment:

- Why is it that you see vaginas everywhere?
- Yeah, then why do you draw them to me all the time?
7 Oct 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

Winnie the Pooh jokes

Winnie the Pooh, being a real bear, fell asleep for the winter, sucking his paw. Piglet, being a real pig, shamelessly exploited it.

Winnie the Pooh sits by the campfire and roasts Piglet. Suddenly Christopher Robin approaches:
- What are you doing?
- You know Christopher Robin, I am sick of honey.

In the Hundred Acre Wood a great boar appeared. Everyone hid in their homes. The boar walks to the Pooh's home and knocks. Scared Pooh asks:
- Who's there?
The boar answers:
- It's me, Piglet. I just came back from the army service!

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet are on a canoe trip. They float down the river, slowly and pleasantly, paddling here and there occasionally. Suddenly Winnie the Pooh knocks Piglet on the head! Poor Piglet turns around and asks with tears in his eyes - for what ... why?! And Winnie the Pooh says:
- Because you pigs always plot something!

Pooh and Piglet found a huge jar of honey in the forest and they decided to eat it.
- Pooh - Piglet says - this is too much for us, let's call Christopher Robin, so he will help us eating this honey.
- Ok, so let's do it - I'll run for Christopher Robin and you Piglet, go home and bring a spoon, for eating this honey.
Piglet goes home, gets the spoon and returns. He looks around - there is no trace of honey, only Winnie sitting under the tree with bloated belly, smeared with honey all over his body.
He asks:
- Oh, Pooh what has happened, where is honey?!
- Get out of here pig, or I barf all over you.

3 Oct 2011
Life / Mishmash facts about Poland and Poles [181]

Brave deed on Kolyma
How a student of Vilnius Noble Institute exiled to Siberia for taking part in the Polish uprising became the outstanding Russian scientist
By Mykola KHRIIENKO, Republic Yakutia, photos provided by the author

  • Grave of Jan Czerski in Kolymskoye, Arctic Circle
3 Oct 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

Jokes about mathematics, mathematicians and teachers of mathematics
There is a big group of jokes and anecdotes related to mathematics and its creators. Some such jokes are sophisticated and refined; that is, of which only mathematicians can laugh (others simply do not understand them), but there are also jokes available to everyone without any academic preparation in this area. Their repertoire is much richer than many a layman might think - much richer than proverbial absent-mindedness of most mathematicians.

Mathematics, being a queen of sciences, is international by definition; therefore it is hard to trace which jokes belong to specific Polish sources. I selected some and translated just few of them from this site:

Anecdotes about some Polish mathematicians

Hugo Steinhaus (1887-1972, Lwów, Wrocław) was once to give a lecture, but only two students came. There then arose the problem whether it was worthy to have it for such small audience. Steinhaus said: Tres faciunt collegium (three makes the council) and the lecture was held. Next time there was only one student in attendance, except Steinhaus, who started his lecture undisturbed. Then the student interrupted: But there are only two of us? Steinhaus responded - God is present always and everywhere.

Alfred Tarski (1901-1983), logician, was born in Warsaw in the family of a wealthy merchant, Ignacy Teitelbaum. In the age of 22 he changed his name from Jewish to Polish. When he later asked his father for some financial assistance he was told: Go with that to an old Tarski.

Jokes from number theory
This one is a bit hermetic.

- What is a relationship between lunches in a cafeteria and the Fibonacci sequence?
- Each dinner is the sum of the previous two.

Jokes (with the beard) about engineers, physicists, philosophers and mathematicians
Warning: This is professionally biased set. A winner is not always a mathematician.

If you feel like having a chat on a commercial flight when asked by the neighbour, "What do you do?" answer: "I'm a lawyer." If you want peace and quiet reply: "I am a mathematician."

A mathematician and an engineer attended a lecture on physics from Kaluza-Klein theory, relating to processes occurring in the 9 -, 12 - and higher-dimensional spaces. The mathematician is visibly enjoying the lecture, but the engineer is frowning and looks very confused. After the lecture, the engineer asks the mathematician whether he understood what the physicist was talking about.
Mathematician: Yes, I just imagined it myself.
Engineer: But how can you imagine anything in the 9-dimensional space?
Mathematician: Well, I just first imagine this in n-dimensional space, and then I assume that n = 9.

A mathematician, physicist and engineer, got the piece of wire fencing and a task, to enclose the greatest area. The engineer fenced in the elegant square. The physicist has calculated the best ratio of the circumference to the area, so he arranged the chicken wire in a circle. However the mathematician arranged the wire along some crude inelegant curve, went inside and said he was outside.

X comes to a doctor
These jokes have numerous variants, they are based on both word games, and situational humour sometimes, but there are usually two characters - a "baba" (a village woman) and a doctor. Sometimes, however, there are more doctors, another person rather than a woman, also animals, such as (żaba=frog), etc. A close relationship of verbal humour with the Polish language, and often some link to Polish realities makes most of the variants of this joke not translatable into other languages.

However, the mathematical version of "X comes to a doctor" is readily understandable by anyone having some basic level of mathematics.

An element comes to a doctor and the doctor cries out: Police!
[During communism dissenters and protesters were called "elements"]

A quotient comes to a doctor and the doctor asks: Where's the remainder?

A number visits a doctor and the doctor says: You're first!
[In Polish prime numbers are also known as first numbers]

A number one visits a doctor and the doctor says: You is not first!
[See above]

A cone comes to a doctor and the doctor says: Why are you so "ścięty"?
[Wordplay: "ścięty" means feeling down, but also truncated in Polish]

A sine wave comes a doctor and the doctor says: Do you have your period again?

A set comes to a doctor and the doctor says: You're finished!

A distribution comes to a doctor and the doctor says: Are you normal?

A "i" comes to a doctor and the doctor says: You imagine something!

3 Oct 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

Well, I'll try to shed some light on the nature of Polish jokes. There are many categories (I once opened a thread here about Polish Highlanders' jokes). Abstract jokes are in its own league, and there are many levels of abstraction. But they all involve visualization of a scene being described and a word play, of course. Repetitiveness can be also used to a good effect: by its mundane nature, one is able to convert a not-so-funny story into a hilarious joke.

I will start with this one.

Two dairy cows sit on a telegraphic pole and gossip. Suddenly a herd of wild drills flies in. A leader of a herd asks:
- Which way to Africa?
- There - responds one of the cows, pointing south.
The cows continue to sit on and gossip, when suddenly another flock of wild drills fly in.
- Which way to Africa? - Asks the leader.
- Over there - answers the same cow, pointing north.
The wild drills depart.
- Why did you show them the wrong direction - asks the second dairy cow.
- And why do you think we need so many wild drills in Africa? - calmly answers the first dairy cow and goes back to gossip.

Is it funny? This is definitely different type of humour. It all depends on audience and their state of mind.

This is not that abstract...

A guy stands on the ledge of the eleventh floor, with the intention to jump, but then he changes his mind at the last moment, but - unfortunately - he trips. On the way down he cries:
- God, let me live through, please - I will not drink, smoke, curse or lie.
He fell, got up,cleaned up a bit, then said:
- A man in shock says such stupid things..

2 Oct 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

I know what you mean but it's not what I meant.
Think more "Hmmm" slightly smiling, eyes slowly closing, fingertips of both hands pressed together...

I knew what you meant. I just could not resist.

In the process of growing up, a person's sense of humor changes as well. I no longer like "Polish, German, Russian" jokes - unless .... There are some exceptions, like this one:

English, Irish and Scot drink beer in a bar. Three flies dive into their mugs.
English: Pushes away a mug in disgust and asks for another beer.
Irish: Fishes and throws away the fly and continue drinking.
Scot: Fishes the fly, looks it in the eye and says: Give it back you thief!
1 Oct 2011
Life / Mishmash facts about Poland and Poles [181]

On your next visit to New York do not forget to see the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. Last time I was there I concentrated on their collection of Impressionists and brought home a bunch of lovely reproductions.

The museum has quite sizeable collection of things related to Poland - I googled 491 items in their catalogue. This includes books, engravings, photographs, decorative arts, sashes, tankards, etc. Not all items have images available in the catalogue. I am presenting just few of them here.

Bona Sforza (1493-1557), Queen of Poland
Cameo by Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio (Italian, Parma or Verona ca. 1500/1505-1565 Krakow (?))

Ceremony of the Contract of Marriage between Vladislas IV, King of Poland, and Louise Marie Gonzaga, Princess of Mantua, at Fontainebleau
Etching by Abraham Bosse (French, Tours 1602-1676 Paris)

Tadeus Langier, Zakopane
Gelatin silver print by Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (Polish, 1885-1939)

Shaffron Belonging to an Armor of Duke Nikolaus "the Black" Radziwill
Steel, brass, gold. paint by Kunz (Konrad) Lochner (German, Nuremberg, 1510-1567)

Backplate and Hoguine (Rump Defense)

(for Jerzy Herkules Radziwiłł)
Steel, embossed, etched, and gilt by Kolman Helmschmid (German, Augsburg, 1471-1532)

Kozioł, bagpipe
Wood, brass, horn, goatskin
Late 19c. Poland

  • Backplate and Hoguine (Rump Defense) (for Jerzy Herkules Radziwi)

  • Kozioł - Polish backpipe
30 Sep 2011
Life / Mishmash facts about Poland and Poles [181]

Is this portrait a lost Leonardo?

This portrait of Bianca, La Bella Principessa, an illegitimate 13 years old daughter of Ludovico Sforza, a great patron of Leonardo da Vinci was recognized by the Christie auction house as a 19th-century pastiche by an unknown German hand and sold in 1998 for £11,400.

This year, Martin Kemp, emeritus professor of art history at Oxford University, has identified the drawing as a missing sheet from a 15th-century vellum volume devoted to Sforzas, which is in possession of National Library in Warsaw.

Recalling the moment they opened the volume, Kemp says: "Yes, lo and behold, we could identify that there was a page clearly removed. The stitch-holes matched, the vellum matched. It is indeed 1496, it is indeed Bianca and indeed for her marriage

If he is correct the portriat could fetch £100m as a Leonardo. There is an opposition to the claim, especially from Christie, who is fighting off a compensation claim by Jeanne Marchig, on whose behalf they had sold it.

  • La Bella Principessa torn out from a vellum volume in National Library, Poland
29 Sep 2011
Life / The nature of Polish jokes? [125]

a kind of beard stroking

Actually this means: "This joke has already grown its beard that big"...