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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 6 / Archived: 2
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
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25 May 2010
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

You're making him seem like some nutty science fiction writer


He doesn't claim to know everything about geopolitics and has admitted that he's been wrong in the past.

He's still an ignorant moron, admitting to it wont change a thing.

That being said he is an intelligent guy and has an interesting take on the world.

Is he? His view of global geopolitics is feckin' shallow for an intelligent guy.

He simply said that Poland would once again become a regional power,

I agree it might, i dont agree that it will happen through alliance with US or that there will be space wars with China.

I think Poland will for at least the next 50 years have a relationship with America for strategic purposes no matter what- that being military and technological transfer that will help strengthen it's economy.

what technology did US transfer to Poland? What military benefits did Poland reap from US?

But I am sure Stratfor (his company) is privy to information we are not.

I'm not, its just a private company not even particulary prominent in US so i doubt he knows more then you or me.

And don't forget, you guys don't really know the future geopolitics of Europe either.

No but i have a helluva more rational assumptions.

Yeah Poland may become a regional power, german population will grow old while russian economy will continue to drown in a shitter so in the end Poland will fill the vacuum but no spacewars, no WW 3, no jedi knights.
25 May 2010
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

He can't decide really, some of his arguments are even better, China has the money to build a focking huge fleet, China builds a focking huge fleet but according to Friedman China will not become a maritime power because Chineese traditionally dont like to sail.

His book about how Poland becomes an uber galactic empire was fun though, i enjoyed the bit with the robot wars.

Not to mention he misses the fact that Poland does not want to fight Germany and while there's no great love for Russian there's no drive to fight it as well.
25 May 2010
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Friedman lost all credibility when he started writing about US-Chinese spacewars when China shoots down US liberty stars (or were they combat stars? - anyway according to Friedman US will have these cool space stations and Chinese will shoot them down).

Also his grasp of geopolitics is a bit...shaky.

The Polish air force now flies some of the most modern U.S.-built F-16s in the world; this, plus Patriots, could seriously challenge the Russians

For example this, yeah we're flying epic jets, all 48 of them, how is a single battery of missiles and 48 jets seriously threaten the Russians who have a f*cking milion strong army ???

By a host of processes, a close U.S.-Polish relationship is emerging.

Rubbish, US is milking and shafting Poland.
14 May 2010
Love / Are Polish still very traditional when it comes to relationships? [31]

And Socrates, it usually is easier to blindly follow the traditions than to question them.

Especially when the traditions make for a f*cking awesome wedding as opposed to being a loner emo creep exchanging bling in some cave.

Your awesome parents would probably have been much more awesome without the institution of marriage.

Also if they had jetpacks and lightsabers, got any more brilliance to share?
14 May 2010
Love / Are Polish still very traditional when it comes to relationships? [31]

Do you work for the Catholic church by any chance? (if not i'm sure they would love to have you) :-)

Salvation through suffering, stake burning for the win.

we bought ourselves wedding rings, went to empty church and said our vows - between us and God. Then told our families that we were married. This way, my grandma didn't have to wear out her rosary praying for our souls.

Thats the lamest thing i have heard in my entire life, a wedding is supposed to be a BANG event not some emo crap in mommys basement.

I've been blessed with awesome parents but if anyone does like you guys he apparently lacks the spinal core and a nut or two.
14 May 2010
Love / Are Polish still very traditional when it comes to relationships? [31]

For example views on marrying before cohabiting

No such views.

having children

Generally after marriage.

Are the younger generation more open minded than the elders?

Duh, yes it is.

Or are they deeply rooted in religion

We're religious not conservative, those are two different things.

he did say that its something his family will probably strongly disapprove of once they know how serious our relationship is and that we are planning a future together.

That might have more with them looking at you as a woman looking for a guy to hook up as her kids father than any traditional matters.

Personally i believe single mothers should be shot on sight to avoid all the fuss and confusion but then thats just me, women are generally inferior beings and i'm not writing this because Maja forgot to peel the f*cking potatoes and left me doing it at all.

Generally it rolls like this.

We meet, we date, we f*ck, we present each other to our parents, we move in to one another and after some time marry, then come kids, then she gets fat and flabby and i get bald and beer-bellied, after a few years i start beating the feck out of her and we live happily ever after.
13 May 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

Fine with me, I never took you seriously anyway, especially not after above remark about the US airforce.

Why? He could hold a dual citizenship, i do, its not unusual for people to have them and not everyone makes stuff up all the time like you.
5 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Which JewS? I only saw stuff written by one:

Thats because you dont look at the links you got, there's at least 4, they all agree Denmark is a racist hellhole:))))))

We may have a Jewish PM after June 9th of this year.

Must be hard for him in such a racist country like Denmark:))))
5 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

That wasn't the point. Everybody in the Netherlands knows that there were (and still are)elements in Dutch society one should be deeply ashamed of.

Well Jews in the articles i forwarded seem to think that Netherlands at large is a society that should be deeply ashamed of its rampant anti-semitism:)
5 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Actually the biggest group of Jews in NL were Hasidic Jews although the numbers were close between the Ashkenazi, Sefardic and Hasidic Jews.

Were they the ones the dutch police gave away to the Nazis out of their own accord or the one dutch people denounced along with Anne Frank and her lot?:))))
5 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

and I guess

Always, never facts always guessing:)

It's only in the 14th Century that the Jews, many of them had already moved Westward to Germany, NL and other countries, that Casimir the Great invited them back into PL.

Yeah he made that mistake but Jews were present in Poland for over a hundred years then, he just took them in larger numbers but of course you didnt know that just like you dont know anything much :))))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Evidence of that would be that the Nazis took some precautions as to not to upset the natives too much in the West as anti semitism wasn't as deeply rooted as in the East.

Which is why France had a collaborating govt that gave up Jews and Netherlands had official police willingly give them up while in Poland it was done at gunpoint?:))

Stop lying. You know darn well that Eastern Europe was far more anti semitic than the West has ever been or will be.

Why didnt the polish officials gave up Jews like the Dutch and French did?:)

Keep digging a deeper hole i really enjoy it :))))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Miguel ColombiaThreads: -
Posts: 179
Joined: Apr 20, 10
Gender: Male

Hi Brutal Butcher, nice sockpuppet account :)))

M-G (increase in anti semitism is imo due to an increase of Arabic population in W-Europe)

Why was Western Europe so very anti-semitic before WW2 then? Far more then say Poland or Russia?:)))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Wonder what the same researchers would say if they would visit PF...

Given that no one here is preaching genocide like the Dutch do they'd be suprised:))))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

And I still haven't got the link to where you got that from. But I think you made that up yourself as usual, when you can't win a discussion.

My pleasure:)))

Seems there's even more anti-semitism in Holland and getting stronger by the day :))))

From monitoring these two major media we can conclude that anti-Semitism and hatred toward Israel containing anti-Semitic content, is a common phenomenon at the internet in the Netherlands.

Wow i'm glad no one can say anything like that about Poland, would be pretty bad if we were as racist as the Dutch...
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Hm, I would find a statement like that from a high ranking figure in Polish public life far more grave than what an isolated idiot screams on the internet.

Still not seeing anyone calling for Jews to be gassed like the Dutch do :))))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

It's very crippled Dutch.

Funny, my friend from Holland claims its in perfect Dutch :)))))

that anti semitism is rampant in Poland and the US.

Find me one sentence where a Pole screams for Jews being gassed like the Dutch fellow here :))))))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

By the way, some time ago a Dutch native made a comment on an internet site, the comment was:
hou je mijl vieze joden Stuur alle joden naar de gasdouch !

I dont know what it means could you translate it for me MG, since you're Dutch and all?

Also still waiting for you to back up your claim of 70% Dutch being pro-Israeli, your link had no such information:)
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

M-G (did the Sokidoki way: just search on Google)

Looks like the Dutch are anti-semitic even on the interenet.

Nothing about 70% of dutch people, seems like you lied again, what a suprise :)))

Lets face it, Western Europe is a prejudice rife craphole compared to Poland.
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Indeed, 70 per cent of the Dutch population is historically pro-Israël, but has a resentment towards Israeli politics.

Link please!:))) If there's no link (and you never provide any anyway) then i say 150 per cent of Dutch population is made of inflatable fock dolls.

2007, attacks on Jews increased by 67%, 91% of surveyed Dutch are aware of the rise of anti-semitism.

Guess its in the blood of Western Europe to persecute minorities and break alliances:)))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I've read that link too. But you seem to "forget" that the current anti semitism is not from native Dutch ppl,

Actually you didnt read the link you'd know how massively anti-semitic native Dutch were before the war.

If you did read the link you'd read for example about the chief of police who with the merry support of the Dutch people arrested and gave to the Nazis 3000 Jews from his home town, you'd read how the pre-war club did not admit Jews.

You'd read how native Dutch people make NL a country unwelcome to minorities, so its obvious you didnt read the article, go read it dont make me pull out the quotes and humiliate you further :))))

You haven't proven anything.

I just proved that NL was and is massively anti-semitic, far more than Poland which was never anti-semitic and still is not :))))

Come on, Sokrates! How stupid do you think I am, huh? And, since YOU came up with the article, let me quote something for you: "According to the survey, 7% of the Dutch population harbors strong anti-Semitic views". You didn't get that, did you?

Well the Jews think otherwise, they think that NL became to quote the article "an unpleasant place to live in as a conscious Jew".

Seem like Dutch are anti-semitic lot to me:)))

Come on, Sokrates! How stupid do you think I am, huh?

Very, your reaction is to laugh at an article and try to attack it at some pretty ridiculous avenues, if NL was anti-semitic since 1940 till 2004 i doubt 6 years changed much :)

This quote is nice:

Dutch railway employees transported the Jews to the transit camps. Dutch policemen guarded them there. There was a small minority of Dutchmen who helped hide the Jews and they deserve great respect. The numbers of Dutch Nazi collaborators during the war, however, exceeded those active in the resistance

Find me a text like that about Poland:)))

Furthermore, out of the 24,000 Jews who were hidden, 8,000 were betrayed by Dutchmen for a reward which in today's money amounts to perhaps 30 Euro per victim

30 Euro? Seems like the Dutch have a knack for business as well.

So guys you keep bytching about proof and links, where's yours? (Especially you MG, you've been so busy creating your virtual reality you failed to provide any proof whatsoever) :)))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

link/source please.
One example.

If you keep tugging i'll make a new thread where we can discuss this.

My mom's family

Ah yet again you claim that you or your family or your friends, what a nice way to not provide proof, given that you claim a whole LOT of different things you will forgive us if we just assume you're pulling stuff from your arse again to avoid something as uncomfortable as burden of proof?:)

Why even today Netherlands is one of the most anti-semitic countries in Europe!

The fact is Poland was a very friendly state where people of all walks of life had their fair shot, the West uses Poland as a scapegoat to hide its own prejudices, little treasons and uneducated morons like you think its sufficient to come here without proof and make up tall stories "dutch historian"
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I lived there myself when I studied History in Amsterdam

Suuuuuuuuuuure you did, you make pretty basic mistakes for a history student:)))

Anything true that you want to add to the story?:)

before WW2 many non-Jews lived in the Jodenbuurt as well.

Erm, no:)

A Pole who wants to educate a Dutch historian in Dutch history?

Given that you just claimed Amsterdam with one of the largest ghettos of Western Europe and Netherlands with its rampant pre-war anti-semitism were paragons of assimilation, yeah you need schooling:)))

However I asked about the sources on Jewish communists who participated in extermination of Polish people because this is what you were talking about, unless I misunderstood you, since now you are talking about Poles killed in the east by Jews. Could you be more specific, or this is another of you generalizations again?

I'm talking about both, Poles killed by jewish communists and Poles killed by Jews in service of communists but politically not affiliated (such as for financial gain or soviet recognition rather than for political beliefs).

Atrocities on the Poles by the Jews were an everyday norm on the streets of polish cities under Soviet occupation.
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Nope, i'm saying that the jewish quarter is a former jewish ghetto referred to it in that way in all publications, i wanted MG to respond so i could throw em in his face along with half a dozen other ghettos in NL:)

Jews alienated themselves all over Europe living in ghettos that today become "jewish quarters" inhabited by the locals, claiming that they were heavily assimilated shows just how little the guy knows about western history.
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

You really don't have a clue

Actually i do, so did 8000 Jews denunciated by their dutch neighbours:)

In the 17th century, Jews were not proscecuted and killed based on being a Jew in NL

Which is fairly pointless since Jews werent persecuted in Poland either (come to think of it they were not persecuted in Poland even in XIX century unlike in NL and France where Pogroms were a regular occurence:)

They didn't. They were living among the other Dutch everywhere in every pssbl part of the cities

Really? Last i checked they lived in ghettos, you really need to learn history buddy:) Jodenbuurt in Amsterdam stretched from Houtkoopersburgwal to Binnen-Amstel, thats a huge ghetto for something that you claim didnt exist, want it outlined on a map for you?:)))

No country has anything to brag about ... neither does Poland. It was a dark period in our history and not one country falling victim to the Nazi regime was better or worse than another.

Poland has quite a lot to be proud of as far as its conduct during WW2, polish Jews dont.
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Jews in Western Europe and especially in the Netherlands and Belgium were extremely assimilated.

Rubbish they lived in Ghettos, caught again making stuff up eh?:)

Dutch people hid 25.000 Jews, 8000 of them were cought, how many were sold by Dutch like Anne Frank? Both France and the Low Countries were extremely anti-semitic, far more so than any eastern country bar Ukraine :))))
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Anti semitism has never been as severe in Western Europe

Actually it was far more severe, there has never been a Dreyfuss case in Russia or Poland, Netherlands was a collaborating anti-semitic hellhole for example, so was France:)
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Dreyfuss affair was actually the public outlet of the severe anti-semitism that existed in France and to a lesser but still extreme extent in the Low Countries (including Netherlands which so merrily collaborated with Hitler in extermination of the Jews).

@Aphrodisiac can you read polish, russian or ukrainian?

For example recently Ukrainians published a list of soviet officers responsible for the great starvation in Ukraine 80% of them are jewish, of course Jews instatly hailed it as anti-semitism.

We know for example that Soviet groups denouncing and bringing in Poles marked for extermination were almost exclusively jewish, from the memoirs of Poles entire jewish populations of polish eastern towns hailed Soviets as liberators and went on to exterminate or abuse Poles, unless the entire polish nation spontanously decided to lie these are a pretty strong proof.

Now what language do you want links in, there's none in english since the West simply doesnt care but polish, russian and ukrainian are abundant, Russians themselves are happy to provide online publications that tell of the massive participation and leading role of Jews when murdering Poles in the east.

It was a pretty nasty affair that sickened French society for a long time in the decades before WW1.

Dont lie please, society was largely against Dreyfuss as was the media, some outstanding representatives of the nation stood up for him but the street wanted his head.
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I was talking about all Europe, not only Poland.

Well i was talking about Poland which apparently wasnt as evil as you attempt to portray it if the Jews could become practically anyone.

as I recall there were no Jewish issues in Piłsudki's war against the Ukraine/Sovjet Union.

Like hell there werent, Jews sided with Bolsheviks en masse, the majority of the Jews were pro-communist, the communist party in Poland was predominantly jewish as well.

How come that those Jews weren't generally hated, met with prejudice or discriminated upon otherwise in NL?

Like Anne Frank and her family given out to Nazis by her neighbours?:) We can discuss anti-semitism in Netherlands right here and now its a pretty large topic, just make a new thread so we dont hijack this further.

Also in Poland Jews were not generally hated and didnt met with prejudice untill they sided with the Soviets and started murdering Poles and playing little racist with their economic practices.

You cant rationally f*ck with people in their own country and expect them to love you for that, people in Netherlands didnt (seriously make a thread since apparently you have no idea how serious anti-semitism in NL was).

We may not have as many as in PL, but still we had substantial numbers of Jews, considering a small country like NL.

First of all this "polish anti-semitism" is a myth, i dont like Jews because of Israel and their policies towards Poland but even today most Poles dont give a sh*t and second of all make a thread and i'll give you a nice lesson with links and pictures in regards to Netherlands being oh so caring towards Jews:)