21 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]
Yes, and I also think they are necessary. Just to take Americans as an example, for no particular reason, would it be beneficial for children to learn their country was built by hard work...and genocide. To hit them hard with the facts right away, might not produce the desired effect. All nations, races,religions, families have myths or we can call them lies built in to make them proud of who they are. It would be sad if I went around thinking, damn, I'm white, Euro-trash, Polak loser.
But some historical myths are fun to talk about using our new PF sensitivity. :) We might even praise the mods soon, or at least thank them for putting up with some of us.
They reinforce identity
Yes, and I also think they are necessary. Just to take Americans as an example, for no particular reason, would it be beneficial for children to learn their country was built by hard work...and genocide. To hit them hard with the facts right away, might not produce the desired effect. All nations, races,religions, families have myths or we can call them lies built in to make them proud of who they are. It would be sad if I went around thinking, damn, I'm white, Euro-trash, Polak loser.
But some historical myths are fun to talk about using our new PF sensitivity. :) We might even praise the mods soon, or at least thank them for putting up with some of us.