The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by 1jola  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 14 / Live: 1 / Archived: 13
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From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes

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21 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

They reinforce identity

Yes, and I also think they are necessary. Just to take Americans as an example, for no particular reason, would it be beneficial for children to learn their country was built by hard work...and genocide. To hit them hard with the facts right away, might not produce the desired effect. All nations, races,religions, families have myths or we can call them lies built in to make them proud of who they are. It would be sad if I went around thinking, damn, I'm white, Euro-trash, Polak loser.

But some historical myths are fun to talk about using our new PF sensitivity. :) We might even praise the mods soon, or at least thank them for putting up with some of us.
21 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

I forgot, yes you can. You are not a moron so we might learn something too.

...and I still don't know what "psubracie" means....

It is an affectionate term our knights called your knights. (brother of a dog).
21 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

A normal person knows what is mythic and what is not.

Do you think most Americans know the Thanksgiving story is a bad joke? If so, why do they celebrate it?

It has a lot to do with how things are said. Plus, I can criticize my wife, but I will get very upset if you do.
21 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Thanks Pawian. For the Hatians to look favorably on Poles and Germans and even favor them in their constitution of the period, the myth is not busted. :)

I hope you don't tell me that Smok Wawelski, Syrenka, and Wars i Sawa are myths.

Do you dare to touch Jasna Góra?

Especially with people fed on those myths who start to accuse you of "fabricating anti-polish propaganda" the moment you mention otherwise (outsaid of Poland that is) well known facts...

Come on, give us a try, you godless teutonic psubracie. :)

One myth at time though. Maybe how the Teutonic Knights were spreading Christianity in Poland?
21 Jan 2010
Language / -ski/-ska, -scy/ski, -wicz - Polish surnames help [185]

We ? What we ? :)

That's a royal plural.

But "zabijak" it's not exactly a killer. It's more like a pettifogger (pol.zabijaka), someone who like to drink, fight and sometimes to kill ;)

Your Polish is excellent, but your English is a work in progress. Look up pettifogger.
21 Jan 2010
Language / -ski/-ska, -scy/ski, -wicz - Polish surnames help [185]

With -ski, -dzki, -cki endings come from Polish szlachta

We've always had way more landed gentry than land available in Poland.:)

Surnames such as Uryga (latin:Auriga, eng. waggoner ), Kowal (smith) come from name of profession.

I know a guy with surname ZABIJAK which means KILLER. This is amusing in itself but took on a competely different level of hilarity when the new police cars came out a couple years ago. They are silver/grey with a wide stripe across the doors and resemble the paint scheme of a lot of taxis. He called a taxi, giving his name, went out of the pub after 10 minutes, nicely tanked, and stumbled into the back seat of a police car parked outside asking the " taxi drivers" - Is this for Zabijak?
20 Jan 2010
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

We want a nuclear reactor built to at least the high standard of our roads. We like thrills, not faggy wind power and rainbow energy. Give us radiation, like after Chernobyl. Oh, wait, that's coming too.
20 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Resentful of Napoleon's decision to send them West to the Caribbean instead of East towards Poland, the legionaries defected to the side of the former slaves and fought alongside them to eventually establish the world's first Black republic.

According to you this is myth.

The Haitian Constitution of 1805 bars all "whitemen" from ownership of property in Haiti. An exception is given to the "naturalized Germans and Polanders", who are from thenceforth to be classified as Black:

Is this a myth also, Pawian? I don't know, but you seem to, but you are not stating why do you consider it a myth. Interesting though.

BTW, the island was named Hispaniola, not Santo Domingo.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I asked some people here why they do it, as it is not done in Ireland like that and I was informed that they were just thanking me for having eaten with them.

Exactly, Sean. We say thank you for the company they have kept us, even if we didn't converse.

Some of you have been saying how well travelled you are and are implying that you know what is common courtesy and what is not.

Travelling is not enough. You only get glimpses of life which you often don't understand. You must live in a certain place, often for a long time, before you can understand things. So tell me. When an old man is trying to give up his seat to me on a bus in Beijing, is he being polite or was he told to be nice to foreigners who came for the Olympics? Is a French waiter rude when he asks "What do you want" or he doesn't know the polite form? If I open the door for a Canadian woman, am I polite or I think she is just a weak woman?
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Well, who knows, maybe I can't be fully objective about my own country and maybe
we are indeed rude people? Maybe I simply don't see it as clearly as an objective
outside observer like you, Geroge? Quite possible.

Better yet, ask George if he has a habit of giving up his seat on a bus or subway for a woman? If he is a typical Brit, he sits there like statue. Yes, British people are rude.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I like to put issues across honestly and without bias.

Is that why thay call you Honest George? I'm not picking a fight with you either, I was just wondering.
20 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I was beginning to doubt my gut feeling on the situation.

My mom came to visit me in the States one time and a friend of mine came over with a pizza. While we talked, he ate the whole thing without offering us any, and then left. When he did, we burst out laughing. No words were necessary.

Typical American behavior? Please, certainly not.

Just an observation. In Warsaw, when I go to see a play, I see some women who think they are royalty, and if the man they are with is not quick enough, he will be picking up her fur(sic) of the floor. They don't say thank you to anybody. They are also in the gross minority.
19 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." -- Marshall Rydz-Smigly

This quote floates around the neonazi sites to prove we started WWII along with "Judea declares war on Germany."

If the Poles are going to lay the blame at anyone's door maybe they should look at their own leaders and their forays into Russia

Yeah, we brought communism on ourselves. You are going to fit in here just fine. We expect great things from you. Welcome!
19 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I wanted feed back from Polish members as to whether or not this was normal Polish behaviour, which is what she explains it as.

Please. Let's not be ridiculous. But I have a complaint of my own. I am Polish so you know. I open doors for men or women when they are behind me coming in. This is a given for me and I was taught that way and I will not change. Men say thanks, but many women don't and plow through as if I was a porter. I don't like that, but what really burns me is when young women or girls think it is their right to be served. I feel obligated to give them a lesson in courtessy, as you should give your girlfriend and especilly the kids one.

1jola a ja cały czas myślałam, że ty jesteś kobietą! :)

I know. On the internet I can even Queen Jola. I reserve that right:) I am one mouthy chick, ain't I?
19 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Absolutely. My girlfriend is Polish and she and her kids are completely lacking in basic manners, for instance if we are invited out for a meal they simply eat and leave. No thank you's, no see you soon, they just feed their faces, invariably turning their noses up at anything which isn't meat or potato, and leave.

I'm amazed that you would want to be with someone who is not brought up to say thank you after wolfing their steak and fries. When I am finished with scanning the physical valors of a woman, the next step is to converse with her to see if she is polite, intelligent, tactful, and if she picks her nose, slurps her soup, wipes her mouth with her sleeve, I think you get the idea. I hope you will understand when she or her kids demand money from you, because that will come next.

You, having travelled widely should know that in Europe anyone, regardless of which country thay come from, who doesn't know the word 'thank you' is a brute that should be circled widely.
19 Jan 2010
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

If I were trying hard, you'd be crying by now.
19 Jan 2010
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

I don't think you can generalize when it comes to Poles and racism. We have both extremes.

WE? I'm sure you have the hand on the pulse of what goes on in Poland from your cubicle in Florida.
19 Jan 2010
Food / Schmaltz.. is it still used in Poland [21]

Smalec cooked with onions and bacon bits and spread on bread is a good way to keep you foreigners from falling over after the fifteenth vodka shot. Russians and Poles have known this for centuries. In fact, any fat food will do.
18 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

McCoy proves that Poles are in fact rude.

You haven't had statistics and probability in school yet, I suppose. That comes at higher levels of education if you chose to continue. Highly recommended.
18 Jan 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

One thing I noticed time and time again is that Poles do not wait for everybody to be served before starting to eat..

I noticed that first in France, and the explanation I got was that food should be eaten while it is still hot. I'm Polish, so I always waited and they egged me on to eat when the plate was put in front of me. Live and learn.
18 Jan 2010
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

I actually have a really good Pizzaria near me

My post was a little tongue-in-cheeck, and it is matter of personal taste what is good. I don't know the name, but in Warsaw you can eat a decent pizza in Mokotów on Puławska, across ul. Dolna, next to the dive shop. Small pizzeria, and good indeed.
18 Jan 2010
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

I'm sorry to say, but in Poland you can only get something that resembles pizza, and it is a grave sin to eat pizza with knife and fork, and should be confessed at the nearest opportunity.

Best pizza is in New York and Boston. One slice is all you need; they are the size of Rhode Island. Italians in Italy are experimenting, but have a long way to go.
15 Jan 2010

Polonius3 is much better at this, but the noun Myśl is "a thought" and Myśleć is "to think", so one who thinks, one with ideas.

There is a village in Mazowsze called Myślin so that is a possibility where this family originates.

Also Myślinów in Lower Silesia, and Myślina in Opolskie.
14 Jan 2010
News / Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport to close in September [27]

That would prevent the airport from needing to shut for three weeks

Three weekends, not that that makes my day, as I take vacations in September. This is not good news. But who flies on weekends?