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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

there is a difference between countries like Afghanistan and Sweden,

For women, Afghanistan is safer than Sweden.

said that around 9000 Polish women were trafficked over there

Poor babies didn't have a return ticket or 100 bucks for a bus fare.

Please don't do that. I mean take me for an idiot.

That passive phrase "were trafficked" is just another feminazi attempt to remove any and all responsibility from women for their own actions. "Were trafficked" my rear end. They were "trafficked" because they allowed the pimps to traffic them. How far is Vienna from Krakow? You probably can hitchhike this distance in less than a day.
14 Jan 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

but I think it was dictated by the recent war reparation demands coming from Warsaw.

If I were German I would hang myself and argue that the market value of the land Poland got should be deducted.
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Rich, you are simply disgusting. You've honestly made me sick right now.

Poor, dear Pailina, so you thought you can win this one with me? You see, I plan ahead before I post, and had this one in reserve. Hopefully, it will make you as sick as it made me. The cited events took place in the US and involved Biden voters.

Here is an excerpt from my book. It includes direct quotes from two reputable newspapers in bold. Italics are mine.

Now, the sickening part from Star Tribune:

The brutal rape of a 9-month-old girl in Hastings has left even police officers, emergency room doctors and courthouse workers outraged. The baby needed extensive surgery to repair her badly torn body after the April 24 attack but is now at home with her parents.

It can't get any worse than that, right? Yes, it can. From the Chicago Sun-Times:

Christopher M. Bour, 40, pleaded guilty in January to paying Natisha Hillard $500 to have sex with a 4-month-old girl, an arrangement that lasted until the child was 18 months old.

Hillard has admitted to being in the room with Bour and the baby on all but the last meeting when he paid her extra to be alone with the baby.

In Time to Kill, the defense lawyer asked the jurors to close their eyes and imagine that the raped girl was white, so I am going to ask you the same: stop reading, close your eyes and imagine that the rape victim is a 4-month-old infant.

If you ever heard a baby cry because she was hungry or scared, try to imagine now how that 4-month-old child reacted to being raped. Finally, imagine that you are the mother and that you are in the same room watching TV while patiently waiting for the piece of garbage to ejaculate and you get paid.

Those 12-year-old girls in Afghanistan that are forced to marry are lucky. Some kids are forced to marry here when they are 4-month-old.

Now, back to washing dishes and vacuuming...
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I guess you can't understand that, because you're not normal.

...and so proud of it. The gray masses out there are just useful idiots the system needs to move that grinding wheel, pay taxes, and vote.

My point is that for biological reasons women are wired differently than men. Any attempt by the feminazis and pawian to deny this simple truth is doomed to fail.

That is why women are not abstract thinkers; a crying baby is here and now. Men have to think in the abstract to find and store food and kill the enemy before the tribe dies from starvation or get slaughtered. This forward anticipatory thinking is mostly absent from women's daily routine; it's what's on the stove.

The crap I read how women don't invent because they are in the kitchen is beyond laughable. They don't invent because they are not interested or capable. Microsoft was started in a dorm by a couple of pimply guys. HP - in a garage. Facebook - the same pattern. Nobody stops women who are students, unburdened by kids and the kitchen duties, from writing apps for Android phones.

Women are physically weaker. To compensate, they manipulate, flaunt, and scream when things don't go their way. In extreme cases, they lie and accuse.

While men compete, women seek consensus. That is why they are such easy vicitims of the gurus with communes. Never in reverse.
For the same reason, they also forgive easily when men want to hang the pos. That's how the two who gave us the Brown's Chicken massacre with its seven dead escaped the death penalty. It was a woman who saw enough good in these m-f**ers to spare them. Men would want to shot the bastards themselves.

Back to washing dishes and vacuuming...
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Don`t you think so?

Couldn't agree more, pawian. The purpose of my posts here is to state the obvious: there will never be equality in the feminazi fashion because God or nature would be seriously pi**ed off if we imposed it.

Where we fail women is not in the kitchen. We fail them by not educating them early enough on how not to become victims, starting with "f**k off" as the most appropriate response in 99% of situations. Instead, we train the girls to be nice, trusting, giving, and so naive it takes your breath away. When they act on those and hop into a stranger's car only to be raped and murdered, we are shocked. I was probably the only parent in Illinois who called the State Police to find out if it is a legal requirement to get out of the car after a routine traffic stop. It is not. Or after a rear-end bump.

Just one example...Carjackings are up 135% in Chicago. I called to find out if driving schools teach kids what to do if that should happen. Nope. We don't, was the answer.

Back to dishes and who vacuums...
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

Yes, rightists and nationalsist have become very suspicious.

One suspects when one does not know. We know.
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

They only want free speech for their own,

Name one leftist speaker who was forced to stop and run for his life. Never happened. It's all the leftist scum who is doing it every chance they have. Can you spell Berkeley?

Ben Shapiro makes it a point to let his opponents to ask questions first and ahead of those who agree with him.
Conservative social platforms, just like Texas, run a risk of being overrun by the leftist mob. See above.

By now, it's war. In war, you employ everything you have to win. The critical point is who fired the first shot. It was the Bolsheviks.
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Make those little boys like zombies to submit to control them.

Which wouldn't be so bad except that not every country will follow pawian's prescription for perpetual happiness. Then, we would be looking for ways to turn the zombified boys into mean killing machines very quickly.

Did you read that the US Navy is now a flotilla of love boats? Allegedly, at any given moment, 10% of those brave fighting women are pregnant and puking?

Yes, I know, they have been raped, poor babies...
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

As for "diversification" in jobs, that is just another word for racism

The level the new leftist woke fascism has reached is beyond my ability to grasp.
The question I am still struggling with is if the leftist woke fascists know that they are leftists woke fascists or if they believe in their own propaganda full of those -isms you just alluded to.

Another one is: if we delivered on everything the leftist scum wants, would they shut up and go away. I asked this question many times and never got a straight yes-no answer. Just as with gay rights.
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

as a Swabbie (cook) on the Nimitz performing her duties.

What seriously pi**es me off is that bs line with "men and women of our armed forces". I will buy it when women will have to meet the same physical requirements and are expected to carry the same load - ammo and the wounded. I think it's like 80 pounds.

Back home, I have seen two guys in a squad car, a man and a woman, but never two women. Why is that? Never mind...

Back to equality, the mops, and the brooms...
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

or not answer their race

That's one thing they never get from me: my race. None of their FB. Plus, my mother never told me so how would I know?
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Women in the army, at the police stations, and in the firehouses are a net liability and a threat to the rest of us - women included.

A decoration to keep the leftist mobs stupid happy and away.
16 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

This is how terribly unequal things are...When a guy wants to shower with the girls, the girls and their parents freak out.

If a girl decided to enjoy her hot, steamy showers with soap all over her body, not only the boys wouldn't object but even the filthiest slob would discover the benefits of being clean and smelling like a rose. Some would try to charge admission and if the price was right, there would be a line at the door.

See the difference or should I post pictures?
16 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

That equality bs continued....

In college means no kids, no kitchen, no broom, and no excuses, either. All seven were started by men chatting when not drunk. Zero was started by women. They were busy shopping for their wedding gowns, taking selfies, and relocating their eyebrows.

It must be those toxic masculinity vapors spreading via the dorm ventilation system. Yeah, that's it. That explains that 7 to 0 score.
16 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

but love rules out at the end.

No. That love is skin deep, as convenient as a box of chocolates on Feb 14, disappears during divorce and custody hearings, and turns into unimaginable hate that includes lies about daily abuse, frequent rapes, and child molestation - with none ever reported to the cops.

Women are very creative and great actresses for that every day "I love you". Showing "love" when things go bad is a lot harder. That day, all that love, flowers, and gifts are erased just like that. In many cases, the woman and her parents hire a hitman to show the obstinate guy how unloved he is.

Back to equality... Women just can't accept that their exes may actually get alimony and full custody. Not ever and over his dead body.
16 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

clear that you and Pawian love and respect your wives

A man who is not able and ready to defend his wife is a hybrid - a man-girl-child. This, of course, is a moot point where there is no crime.
16 Jan 2021
UK, Ireland / Advice about UK life insurance options [27]

The disgusting point is the arrogant presumed ownership of the state of your body

...and the way this covid theatre is being operated confirms your great point. It reminds us of the good old slavery and how the owners kept them healthy - like it or not - to be useful.
17 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

In my book, Christ walks side by side with Svetovid.

Christ has been the most influential man ever. Svetovid is a piece of wood.
Tacitus is right; you crossed the line. To compare Christ to a piece of wood is beyond disgusting and disrespectful.
So my question still stands: What is wrong with you?
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

Something isn't right in the head with this guy.

I am an atheist but I will not let any a-hole mention Jesus and a piece of wood in the same sentence as if they were equivalents.

then the Christ carved in wood on the Cross is nothing more than that, too.

BS. Christ was a real person and the most influential one, too. The US celebrates his birthday as a federal holiday.
His statues and pictures do no turn him into stone or canvas.
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

But I'll leave that for him to explain.

You are way too kind. Personally, I don't want to read any more crap from him about gods, Svetovid, or the Vatican. Such subjects are meant to close debates rather than promote them. Like, oh, my god, it's about religion! Everybody face down on the floor!

Well, since he does have a rank order going

They can ban me for life tonight, but I don't care what his rank is.
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

He's never said "Allah walks side by side with Svetovid"

I noticed that too - not only on PF - that Allah is untouchable. Somehow, Christian symbols dipped in urine are art. Anywhere else - it would be hate speech.

Svetovid was maybe just a man

The word "maybe" does not go with religious beliefs as it expresses doubt or hesitation. Why don't you make up your mind and tell us what you decided.