The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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20 Feb 2017
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Serbian media bringing info that Polish FM Vitold Vaščikovski insist on remodeling of EU. He suggest new contract/agreement between Poland and EU.

"Nova ugovorna osnova nužna je da se spreči dalja integracija koja je u suprotnosti sa našim interesima

translation: New agreement is necessary to prevent further integration that is opposite to our interests
Source: b92/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2017&mm=02&dd=20&nav_category=1262&nav_id=1232347

Poland is unbreakable. Yes, yes. Many tried to push Poland and at the end finished sunk on Polish penis, to tell it in artistic fashion.
17 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Slavic (ie Celtic, ie Sarmatian, ie Thracian,...) migrations were for eons, on a large scale, initiated mainly by the periods of glaciations (Ice Ages). So, movements in which Europe was several times re-populated (last time some 12.000 years ago) were from Ice age refugium areas on Balkan and Crimea, along the great rivers deeper in European inland. As a rule, those movements were in direction from South-East to North and West and from East to West of Europe.

On a ``smaller`` scale, war sufferings always were reasons for movement of populations. For example, when Romans led by Julius Caesar committed genocide in Galija killing back in that time about 3 million people, for sure that scattered remains of population started to move mainly eastward. Why eastward? Well, seeking shelter among their kin people. Because East/South-East was still (same as today) under Sarmatian/Celtic control, out of Roman reach. Or take Dacians for example. When Romans committed genocide on them killing more then 1 million people, many from there migrated on western Balkan mountains, to the North of Europe and also Eastward. Again, on territories out of Roman reach, to refugee among its kin people.

Sure, there were also natural seasonal migrations. Or migrations in connection with natural catastrophes. Then, there were sedentary tribes and nomad tribes, etc, etc,..
15 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

observatory of the sun the Stonehenge... on old maps is found Sorbiodunum.

bdw, there was/is the similar observatory of the sun in back then Dacia (what is now Romania), close to ancient city of Sarmisegetusa. Same people that built Sorbiodunum built Sarmisegetusa. That people was/is Sarmatian (ie Slavic) people- native people of Europe.

15 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

King Arthur Pendragon was Sarmatian (son of a warlord) originally from Adriatic coast. He was one of many warriors that Sarmatians gave as a tribute to peace with Romans. Then, Romans sent 5.000 Sarmatian tributes led by this Pendragon (pen-dragon; means of dragons; means > of Sarmatians; of dragon people), on British islands.

So, what I want to tell you, when these Sarmats came to British islands they encountered their kin people, other Sarmats- Picts (Scots). Still, no matter all, by their, by general Sarmatian (ie Slavic) tragedy, destine of descendants of these Sarmatians was to subjugate themselves (and entire region) fully to romanziation and became embryo of Romano Brits who then gave Anglos to the Earth.

What is white in Europe, all have blood of Sarmatians (ie Slavs) in their veins.
9 Feb 2017
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

those "Serbs"

not to fall in trap of misunderstanding, when speak about Serbians in those ancient time always have in mind that ethnic name of Serbs represent remain of local variation of universal name of all Slavs- Sarmatian name, that could be preserved original or some form similar to original name of all Slavs. So, when we speak about Serbs back in 2000 years ago and earlier, we actually speak about Slavs (Sarmatians) in general.

When we are at it, for those who are interested, original name of Sarmatians is foreign given form (so that foreigners were able to pronounce) of some word/name that is related to name of Serbs/Sorbs. So, how I investigated on the net, original name of Sarmatians (people also known as Aryans/Hyperboreans) was/sounded between names/words SRBI and SRBIND. I tend to pick SRBIND as the primordial Sarmatian name. That name is in its original mentioned in old Indian Rg Vedic manuscripts. Also, it is interesting how that suffix *ND sound Celtic and we know that bulk of Celtic population also lived in what is now Serbia, same as bulk of Thracian population. So, it was SRBIND, I do believe. It must be original or closest to original sounding or Sarmatian name. Later came the softening of that original with evolution of language and with foreign influences.
9 Feb 2017
History / Origins of Polish Slavs [138]

Historical fact is that even Greeks themselves originate from Thracians, meaning from Sarmatians. That then absolutely confirms Spartan Sarmatian origin, as isolated Sarmatian island that remained in that time already deeply Hellenized Sarmatian south. It is then also clear why Thracian tribes decided to came in aid to Spartans at the famous Battle of Thermopylae, while Greeks from Athens gave every possible excuse to avoid to send help. Furthermore, if we look at case of Troja we again see that Thracian tribes came in aid to Trojans against Greeks. Here, we must say that Greeks themselves (read Thracians/Sarmatians that were finally and totally assimilated and Hellenized) didn`t consider neither Trojans, neither Spartans, neither Macedonians to be Greeks.
7 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Area of Sarmatian influence is enormous. We can only speculate how deep in past this ethos (our ethos) was formed. By Jandacek, history of Proto Slavs (ie Sarmatians/Thracians) goes in time immemorial, even possible more then 40.000 years in past, judging by linguistic analyzes. That old is our Slavic culture.
7 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I agree. All those groups and tribes you mentioned are all autochthones in Europe.

Yes, we absolutely agree on this. But, you stubbornly fails to understand one simple thing. Some of those ``groups and tribes`` are in direct cultural continuity (note that I even don`t speak about genetics) with only one and original, to say that way, mother culture, that is Sarmatian/Thracian/Celtic culture. That is Slavic culture. That you fail to understand. Slavic culture directly, in its normal evolution, culturally and linguistically, keep to native European culture. Only Slavs preserved that direct line. Those others, no matter how ``big`` nations today, all subjugated to foreign (non-European) influences. Yes, Slavs too were influenced, sure they were but, they managed to preserve themselves in continuity with ancestral ways. In continuity for innumerable millennia. God thank you for that

And you fail to understand because you refuse it or you just didn`t sow for yourself enough of evidences on the net. Or you lost it in yourself.
7 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Most genetic foundings, linguistic, cultural evidences recorded throughout history, archeology, suggest one conclusion. Bulk of European population was consolidated along the Danubian line, from Balkan to Baltic, after last Ice Age. So, from the traditional Slavic (ie Sarmatian) lands. And what is the most numerable European ethos and most spread culture? Slavs (ie Sarmatians, ie Thracians, ie Celts), of course. They are still alive, no matter ethnocide, genocide and bestial cultural violence committed on them.

And learn this. All, I mean all sources available, no matter even their political background agree in this thing (go google for yourself), when we speak of Europe:

1 - bulk of Sarmatian population was on western Balkans, within traditionally 100% Slavic and Serbian lands
2 - bulk of Thracian population was on western Balkans, within traditionally 100% Slavic and Serbian lands
3 - bulk of Celtic population was on western Balkans, within traditionally 100% Slavic and Serbian lands

And guess what, exactly there, in epicenter, Sarmatian name survived in its local form (Serbian name). Exactly there, Thracian name survived parallel with Sarmatian name (Serbians are known as Srbi and Ras(h)ani > Raci >> Thracian is foreign pronounceable form > T-raci; also S-a-r-mati to soften local native form Srb). Exactly there on Avala mountain Celtic Skordisci founded Serbian Capital Belgrade, were able to give last stand to Romans and to initiate formation of alliance with Czech Boii (one of oldest known inter-Slavic treaties about mutual protection).
7 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I couldn't care less Crow.

you should. Same way as you care for Muslims or same way as you tolerate Irish or Anglo specifics, for example

Pick some other religion that is not so obviously absurd.

Tolerance, please. For too long we Slavs tolerated Germanic and English historical schools. Now, you should, as a Slavic man, tolerate Slavic and more and more internationally respected apprach

By the way I have thought that you are a Christian not some heathen.

heathen? heathens are to be burn Irone, isn`t it? Now, how could I admit that I am heathen. I`m not that crazy. Just joking of course.

Now, anyway, yes Serbians are Christians, among the first Christians in Europe. Just, fortunately or being cursed, as title of this thread nicely suggests, Serbians managed to preserve some crucial elements of their pre-Christian religion within Christianity, so in some Christianize form. In short, we preserved concept of SLAVA and OCILO (Serbian cross), where spiritual life rotate around cult of ancestors and Sun.

You seems to be failing for a delusion that Slaves like Celts are not a tribe but a cultural group with many tribes and many people of different origin (European).

You are mistaking there. Celts were Scythians/Sarmatians/Thracians (ie Slavs).

From Serbians (Skordisci) on Balkan/Central Europe to the Picts (Scots) on British islands all were Celts and Sarmatians (ie Slavs). It just depend from author to author, from era to era, how things were described and recorded.

Now, we are happy to live in informative age, where we have internet and we are happy that we don`t need that somebody else draw conclusions to us. We just have to have a reason and at least minimum honesty to be able to comprehend historical puzzle. No need to involve politics in that.

On basis of following what theories are floating out there.

Most theories support thesis of Slavic autohtonicity in Europe.
6 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Things change. Slavs have more profitable option then it is EU. EU offering disaster to Slavs. Extinction, assimilation. No, EU isn`t for Slavs. In Intermarium I believe.

Intermarium would be better even for Romania and many others, too.
6 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Slavic is not a race, it used to be a one culture group of indigenous European population akin to Celts.

When you say that Celts were not Slavs you insulting me on religious level. Its about respect of ancestors and you very well knows that faith in well being of ancestors (which in turn watch over us) represent cornerstone of Serbian spiritual life. So, you deliberately mocking, provoking and insulting me. I see you are ready for tolerance of Islam but you can`t tolerate fellow Slavs (if you feel yourself Slavic) who worship once universal Slavic family custom SLAVA. So, I nicely asking you to stop with your insults. But not only you. Whole of western Europe would have to stop to mocking Slavic history. They respect Muslims, well, they shall learn to respect Slavs, too. They shall stop to stealing and distort our history.
5 Feb 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

taught the Persians to worship fire

yes, he introduced them Sarmatin solsitice.

Many opened questions in case with Nino. Some consider him to be hiperborean leader that led Aryan invasion onto black India, on the other side of Ind River. In that case Nino would be that ``Srbinda`` (citation, exact word from Rg Veda) described in Hindu Rg Vedic manuscripts. Also, this would mean that Nino and Buddha (who was white and Scythan ie Sarmatian; in Slavic languages his name means- PROBUDJENI - `awakened one` or `one who awakened us`) were part of same Aryan/Sramatian (ie Slavic) nobility.

Anyway, interesting that Alexander of Macedon later followed Nino`s conquests. Defense of some wealth flow, no doubt about it.
5 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Yesterday it was EU, today, as you wrote it is Eu. Tomorrow would be eu, until finally one day, it end its erroneous existence and that way cease suffering of all who aren`t western Europeans.

Then, Poland would still be Poland with nice truth about its history and Romania would be Romania, with lies about its history. But, one day we all may unite in Intermarium, eventually, hopefully, if God loves us all.
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

To have right on their history.

But, why you focusing only on that aspect of facts. Where is necessity for scientific truth? You don`t believe in that? You believe in progress founded on lies?

It would be much easier to have EU strong if people are let to know their own history. Founded on lies, EU didn`t have a chance. Because when you have lie, it means that you have evil intent. In case of EU that meant, assimilation of Slavs and progress of some others.

Wherever we look we always comes to a genesis of a problem. So, one can`t compare Poles to Romanians. Poles are in continuity with their ancestors. Romanians are in discontinuity. Try to explain this and you would be distracted by people who think that they need a lie. And they need lie just to stay normal, not to go crazy if face their delusions.

In the meanwhile, EU ist kaputt. No, it can`t survive on a omnipotent and omnipresent lie. With Brussels as Capital? Never

Regards from Serbia
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Fine. Nobody deny that. Just some people deny Slavic past. With that, they deny rights of Slavs.
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

But we don`t understand each other. They aren`t Slavs. What is this about is of their origin. About fundamental population in those countries back in some point of past. Then comes the crucial change (in those cases, foreign invasion) in their circumstances and populations there ended their existence as Slavs and turned to belong to other civilization.

So, when one say that they are of Slavic origin he just state simple fact. What are those ethoses today is other matter. If they feel they aren`t Slavs, they aren`t. If they feel Slavic, they are. Simple.

Why is this important? Because of scientific truth as it is. That is very important, for all the human kind. Then, same way as existence of new nations can`t be denied, nobody has right to negate Slavic history because it suits to some political elite or interests that tend to impose inferiority complex on Slavs minimizing their contribution to global human history. See, history of each Slavic ethos belong to all Slavs. As people Slavs were formed within one civilization. After all, truth about our past, protects our future.
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

The Dacians weren't slavs. The Thracians weren't slavs.

that's what crow does, he goes contrary to everything history and anthropology has revealed.

People, you are wrong. Simple, wrong. Historical evidences exactly confirms that Thracians and Sarmatians were kin, one and same people. At the same time, historical records also says that Dacians were Sarmatians. Even medieval Serbia was known as Serbia (Sarmatia) and Raska/Racia (Th-racia). See, both names- Sarmatian/Thracian is foreign given form to native original names. Please, let us not distort Slavic (ie Sarmatian) history. Ist even insulting.

Then, historical evidences confirms that once all Slavs were known as Sarmatian. Therefore, today`s Romanians are Slavic in their origin. Not only then, actually.
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

the mind boggles..... what would infantile nationalist fantasies look like for you?

boggle, boggle. Your lack of historical knowledge leads to eye boggling. Your complete body must be boggling.

But, I will teach you.

So it seems you're the second "waste o' breath" poster on PF, totally horse-blinkered and absolutely incapable of logical dialogue.

Your logic is reversed, not mine. In your world some things are connected exclusively with Anglos or some other western Europeans. Everything may serve them, satisfy them, suit them,... politics, history, everything. See, we Serbians absolutely don`t give a sh** for your habits. See? We want that Poles give priorities to our interests, not to Anglo, not to Russian interests. Its because Polish and Serbian interest goes hand in hand.

Great job on putting up the Saxon horrorstory graffiti as example for the country's entire past!

yes. Nation was born from Roman genocide on native Slavs (ie Sarmatian) and tragedy goes on. Its very hard to abandon sense of horror, tragedy and darkness. Its deep in people there. Even when they fight for good cause, there is always that hint of disruption.

Only return to innocence, to Slavdom, may help. Only that may awash evil that Romans delivered on ancestors of modern day Romanians.
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

would be better off if it got Romanised!?

Poland, Serbia and all Slavs (ie Sarmatians) were happy to avoid destine of Dacia. No, not that Poles were not put to the sword but, fortunately, one can hardly compare Poland to Romania. Onslaught what was unleashed upon Sarmatians of Dacia is comparable only to the massacres in Galija, again committed by genocidal Romans, again on Sarmatians.

Your Slavic obsession is ridiculous.

I merely talk facts.

I'm sure no-one in Romania is dreaming about getting re-Slavicised

one never know. Why wouldn`t they? western Europe crumbling. There is the chance now
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

As always, small-minded people don`t understand.

Its alright to protest against corruption. But, would this be enough? You know, Romanians are of Slavic (ie Sarmatian) ancestry and look at the name of their president. Its Klaus Iohannis. Look at Romanian personal names. Romanized. All are absolutely Romanized. Every trace of Slavdom is erased in them. Erased in genocide and ethnocide. Look at the name of country.

So, what Romania need is revolution. A real and true rebellion. They need more fire if wants to purify their violated reality. Simple impaling more people isn`t enough. They need crucial changes.
4 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Forget Romania. Right now, Romanians burning Romania. As if they would like to purify themselves from sickness and malformation that Romans granted them, devouring screaming Sarmatian souls of once proud and free Dacia. By the Christ and by the Svetovid, look what befall them
2 Feb 2017
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

With increased Poland`s demands that Russia needs to give back remains of Polish presidential plane, we are closer and closer to answer on question- is it about assassination. Assassination organized by NATO and EU.

How is this so?

If NATO and EU stays behind assassination, traces of explosion should be inside of plane remains. So, if pushed hard (to give plane back to Poland), Russia wold reveal this evidences. Russia must do this while control remains of plane. If Russia give plane back these evidences would be destroyed. So, we should soon expect Russian conformation and then, for sure, new international investigation.

Sure, maybe, it was truly a tragedy. Then, sooner or later Russia would give plane back, after is international investigation concluded and results published in public.
1 Feb 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

The only place i ever hrard this commonwealth idea is from you crow. When i show it to other people they start laughing

Proudly, on this forum, I was first to speak of it. Mentioned that under its two names- New Commonwealth and Intermarium (historically, second originate from first). At that time, on the net you could read similar things about Centroslavia. Anyway, years later, newly elected Polish president Duda spoke of Intermarium just after he was elected. He announced it as kind of his aim. I was truly happy about it and had hope. Still have. Duda? Don`t know anymore what are his hopes. Political hopes I mean

He doesn't care about plans or what not he doesn't care about Poland or any other country. He only cares about Tusk.

Yes, he is true Chameleon. Controversial sometimes but, at the end, always clear in his actions.

See, Irone, you and myself, we maybe don`t agree on all topics but I do believe that we agree that Intermarium represent necessity. Intermarium, from Baltic to Balkan and Ukraine. Exactly that Intermarium, as Pilsudski himself suggested. Vigilant same way on its geographical western and eastern neighborhood. Sure, today we may add- worldwide neighborhood, considering that world globalize in few leading civilizations.

You must admit, its rather sad that we, in our countries, at the moment don`t have any political party/movement that openly speak of it, fight for it in its program. At least, I`m not familiar with non of it. So we live this reality that we live and only God knows what would happen with us and with our hopes.