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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jul 2010
History / Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals [42]

Check under section 3 Words - Others, second from above in that section.

You mean that: "haut ab"? It's common speech for: "Go away".."Leave already"....(adressing several people compared to "Hau ab")

What kind of German do you think you are? :-)

I'm wondering already!

"Poland's existence is intolerable and incompatible with the essential conditions of Germany's life. Poland must go and will go!" Generalmajor Hans von Seeckt

At the third try! :)

22 April 1866 - 27 December 1936

...couldn't find the quote though...
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jul 2010
History / Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals [42]

No, it translates as "Oh you poor devil."

Nah..."Haut" never means way!

"Haut" is either the Skin or "haut/hauen", the adjective of "beat/beating".

German commander-in-Chief of Army Group Vistula:

"All Poles will disappear from the world.... It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles."

Do you have a source Borrke? I don't trust your understanding very much...

edit: Found it...was by Heinrich Himmler...he wasn't a general or king either!
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jul 2010
History / Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals [42]

"Ach du arme Haut"

I never heard that before! I would translate that as: "Oh you poor skin!" ;)

"Dass haut mich glatt aus den Socken"

That I know :)

We can agree on your second translation for Bismarcks saying though...It's correct I would say!
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jul 2010
History / Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals [42]

I found that quite nice:

The Emperor of Germany is the king of kings, the King of Spain king of men, the King of France king of asses, the King of England king of devils.

French proverb
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jul 2010
History / Quotes of Polish or German kings, generals [42]

Bismarck was neither king nor general..;)

PS: This translation:

He also said: "Beat Poles until they lose faith in a sense of living. Personally, I pity the situation they're in. However, if we want to survive -we've got only one option - to exterminate them. quite wrong!

The original says:

"Haut doch die Polen, daß sie am Leben verzagen, ich habe alles Mitgefühl der Welt für ihre Lage, aber wir können auch nichts dafür, daß der Wolf von Gott geschaffen ist, wie er ist, und man schießt ihn doch dafür tot, wenn man kann,"

Correct translation:

"Just beat the Poles that they give up hope on life. I have every compassion of the world for their situation be we can't help it that the wolf is created by god as he is and we still shoot him when we can."

...the wolf, not the Pole! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jun 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Big tits and low IQ go mostly hand in hand...we see it in the south of europe....political and economical basket cases! Being mastered by the Germans...

But...Each to his own! As the old Fritz used to say :)
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jun 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Which German would want to spoil it's genepool with stupids in the first place? Big tits isn't everything...only good for some fun. Serbs have the same low IQ like their 500 year masters, the much interbreeding with them...

Which German would want to germanize such an empty head? We would only lose out..

You mean german warriors suffer from micropenis syndrome?

ROFL Southern...micropenis, stupids and poor, sniveling, begging buggers...Greeks better shut up now! Better start learning German now...
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jun 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

What makes you a troll BB is that you posted a minute after my long post, which you have not read.

I didn't got over the name...sorry!
That is an..erm...unusual name...I thought maybe a pen name or such? I apologize for trolling and will go back to my football thread...
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jun 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]


That's no real name, is it?

No...really...that is no name...right?

Two trolls from Germany, unfortunately one Jewish.

That Jew is from Columbia! Germany denies any connection!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

What's wrong with "Deutschtümelei"? What about "Polandtümelei" ;)

Sorry to disappoint, it's very well alive and even growing, better get used to it!

PS: When you really believe that the Nazi times in Alemania are over maybe you can work now on your habit to bring in the Nazis in every it Bismarck or an innocent movie?

But even if not, the Nazis are only an outlet for your Germanophobia anyhow...if it weren't the Nazis it would be something else so I expect not really anything from you. I just don't care a rats fart about your opinion about my Fatherland!

Have a nice day! :) Oh and here another one for the go:
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

Zurückkehren zu Hanekes Wurzeln der deutschen Sprache und Kulturtradition.

And I like that very much too! Enough of Hollywood...

Das weiße Band sei "ein erzdeutscher Film über die Deutschheit.">

Well, that might be even true...:)
I liked what I saw (not all of it tough)...very homely...the life of my great/grandparents.
Not unusual for most farmer villages of that time across Europe one would think.

<Daniel Kothenschulte nannte den Film in der Frankfurter Rundschau ironisierend ein Lehrstück, das sich "früh zu erkennen" gibt: "Zwei Jahrzehnte später wären diese bösen Kinder erwachsene Nazis" und bemängelt die Holzschnittartigkeit der wenigen Figuren, spricht aber dennoch von "faszinierenden zweieinhalb Stunden".>

But that is an opinion, nothing else, just one interpretation.
There are interviews with Haneke about this...there is nothing of that kind about this movie.
All opinions and when you think about who was going to go to war soon actually all things get another perspective.

You know, there are these guys and gals who will see Nazis are one of them!
Get a grip!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jun 2010
Off-Topic / I blame the Poles [36]

So, I stubbed my toe. How can we blame that on the Poles?

It was a polish toe? ;)
A toe on a polish body...hence a polish toe...not anybodies toe, no german or russian toe, nope, a polish toe...there, all guilty! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

no doubt about his main role in creating the first welfare state worldwide.

Not only Bismarck himself build and ruled a highly competetive and successful country, after WWII it was the new western Bundesrepublik who decided for a social capitalism aka Bismarck (not the commie GDR just for your information).

This model proved to be one of the most successful models for more than 60 years, not only in Europe but in the world! The basics of Germany's political peace and economical successes.

I suggest watch the German movie Das Weisse Band (White Ribbon) - it's all about Bismarck's proto-Nazi Germany.

You are spouting crap again!
Nothing surprising here...and again you get your facts wrong.
The "Das weiße Band" was about the time before WWI. The only one from this village soon going out to kill for Kaiser and Fatherland was the narrator, the "good" teacher. Should tell you something...if you would have a braincell left in your easy peasy black/white world of thinking!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

tell me that state school is good and progressive and I will call you freakish mass production of an misconception

True too...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

I don't quite understand what Bismarck meant when comparing the Polish to the Iroquois.

Show me where he did please...I can't find something!

Given the cannibalistic tendencies of the Prussian sate I think the comparison works better in reverse:)

Sure, calling the most advanced, most modern state in Europe "cannibalistic" is a thing a Pole would do! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

Well, Bavaria was to poor and broke and the North German Confederation was the forerunner of unified Germany and led by Prussia too.
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

Prussian state it was a freakish state its a pity that Germanic states were consolidated by this ugly monstrous modern state - totalitarian state

Another example of polish school teachings??? ;)

For a more correct insight I would advise this book here:

By 1947, Prussia was deemed an intolerable threat to the safety of Europe; what is often forgotten, Clark argues, is that it had also been an exemplar of the European humanistic tradition, boasting a formidable government administration, an incorruptible civil service, and religious tolerance.
Clark demonstrates how a state deemed the bane of twentieth-century Europe has played an incalculable role in Western civilization's fortunes. Iron Kingdom is a definitive, gripping account of Prussia's fascinating, influential, and critical role in modern times.

...Iron Kingdom, Christopher Clark's stately, authoritative history of Prussia from its humble beginnings to its ignominious end, presents a much more complicated and compelling picture of the German state, which is too often reduced to a caricature of spiked helmets and polished boots.
Prussia and its army were inseparable, but Prussia was also renowned for its efficient, incorruptible civil service; its innovative system of social services; its religious tolerance; and its unrivaled education system, a model for the rest of Germany and the world. ...

Yup! :)

...From the military and agricultural innovations of Frederick the Great to nineteenth-century high academic politics to Bismarck's social-security system, this magisterial and remarkably well-written history of Prussia traces back to the eighteenth century the region's surprisingly tolerant and intellectually rich culture. Clark, a Cambridge historian, suggests that the world is poorer for Prussia's absence.

"Freakish" huh? Your education seems to have been freakish...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

but so is Kulturkampf and his anti-Polish

The Kulturkampf wasn't anti-polish! But to modernize Prussia and make it a seculare nation all modern countries are today, where state and church are separated!

The German term About this sound Kulturkampf (help·info) (literally, "culture struggle") refers to German policies in relation to secularity and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, enacted from 1871 to 1878 by the Chancellor of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck.

It wasn't easy but he did it and Prussia profited from it. He nearly got killed for a German, not a Pole btw.

On July 13, 1874 in the town of Bad Kissingen Eduard Kullmann attempted to assassinate Bismarck with a pistol, but only hit his hand. Kullmann cited church laws as the reason why he had to shoot Bismarck.

I know I'm repeating myself here but I really wonder what is taught about Prussia, Bismarck and other german history in polish schools...maybe they really have horns and tails in their schoolbooks! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

Amusingly enough he probably did, why? We'll never know.

Where you there?
The man was dying FFS, had his family around big is the chance that he would
especially one of the Balkan mess mention during his last breath.

Would you sigh "Germany" when you die??? ;)

Just like Prussian kings before him the guy had a pathological discipline streak,

Nothing pathological about discipline....only upringing and education!

a nation where 2 people have 20 opinions and it still actually works was something a guy with his mental profile could not understand or cope with.

I doubt they lost much sleep over Poland! ;)
It was always more about France or Russia...

PS: Bismarck’s Speech to the Prussian House of Deputies on the ―Polish Question‖ (January 28, 1886)

The belief that we could become accustomed to the Poles, and the desire to test the difficulties of the situation, gained credibility from the fact that in Silesia we lived with a million Polish-speaking subjects without any difficulty. [Also contributing to this belief was] the memory of the era before 1806 during which time the nationalistic passions were not so clearly in evidence. There was a socially bearable relationship between Germans and Poles, a complex social intercourse with Poles here in Berlin and in society.

This kind of naive trustfulness was suddenly disturbed by the Warsaw rising of 1830 and the emergence of a Polish question, in a European sense, in which other nations were involved and which has never since then wholly disappeared.

He didn't hate Poles but wanted to keep Prussia on order as every nationstate with strong minorities did...and does.
Poland did the same.
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2010
History / Poles as Iroquois of Europe [42]

You shouldn't all believe what they tell you...

I'm fairly sure Bismarck had NOT Serbia on his lips the moment he died! ;)
Also we found out in this other thread that polish princess Wanda was all made up and did
not drown because of a Teuton.

There is alot of fairytales in polish history I fear ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Jun 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]


Nazi propaganda widely used Bismarck's ideas for their purposes, and that is what i meant.

What ideas would that be he got from Friedrich or Paul or Otto?
I really hope you don't think about the welfare support insurance for aging laborers Bismarck introduced...
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Jun 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

This is a poster of Nazi propaganda. Nazi propaganda widely used Bismarck's ideas for their purposes, and that is what i meant.

Erm....that is Hindenburg on that poster, not Bismarck!
Not every prussian moustache makes a Bismarck, you know? Even a intellectual challenged Serb should know that!

That is an election poster btw...only Hindenburgs (he was the president of Germany at that time) death freed the way for Hitler's coup for power.

If you ever take the care to have a look into a history book you will be surprised to learn that the old prussian Hindenburg hated and mistrusted Hitler and waited till the last moment to appoint him.

But the whole bruhaha in the Reichstag made ruling impossible and something had to give.

But then I doubt you will ever read a good book at go back into your corner and be ashamed!

PS: For your information:

Hindenburg, Paul von:

Bismarck, Otto von:
