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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 18 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 May 2017
News / Poland calls on British expertise to analyse the Smolensk accident [49]

I mean, why sent samples in Britain, Italy and Spain. Its utter nonsense. Its all three NATO countries and if those who assassinated Lech Kaczynski and 95 others, used NATO resources to do that, just one single telephone call would arrange lab results.

Why would Poland allow assassins to escape? Because somebody took the money? Because somebody fear?
27 May 2017
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

Against? Me? Nothing.

I am the only one here who is objective. I repeat, we all know nothing about him. We are little people and omnipotent but not omnipresent democracy didn`t found way to show us the light of knowledge. What we have are daily political comments of brat Zbigniew and some others. Still, only thing what we know for certainty is that brat took the money. Did he deserved it or not, we just don`t know. So, there goes my contemplation.

Are you Lyzko say that you know truth?

Or maybe that pathetic jon357 knows?
27 May 2017
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

One more other Sarmatian- known as Spartak was rather naive. Desperate, brave, but, naive. On the other side, non can say that brat Zbigniew was naive. He wasn`t. Brave? Yes. Desperate? Maybe.
27 May 2017
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

often used in order to justify anti-Semitism ..... More fuel for the fodder.

Even if, that didn`t bring him glory. Only money. I mean, not eternal glory.

See, he didn`t perform worse only in comparison to Arcturus Castus. No. When it come to glory brat Zbigniew can`t be even compared to most famous Sarmatian from ancient past- Alexandar of Macedon. Even when it come to wealth, Alexander was more successful then Zbigniew. Sure, what Alexander could do with all the wealth when he died young. In that, only in that, what we know, Zbigniew outperformed him. Maybe also in selling his soul but, its questionable. Its for deeper elaboration and contemplation.
27 May 2017
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

Still, only important thing is that man took the money. Did he sold his soul for that? Well, Arcturus Castus, another our Sarmatian, also took the money and, what we know, sold his soul. But, he got glory. True, glory in the eyes of non-Sarmats but, glory undoubtedly.

Would brat Zbigniew get the glory? No, he wasn`t that important.
27 May 2017
News / Polish diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski has died [53]

To tell the true, we all know little about brat Zbigniew. So, hand on heart, one can say only one thing for him and that is - he profited a lot of from being Polish, while Poles in Poland suffered. He profited. I won`t say he did good of he did bad. He profited.
26 May 2017
News / Poland calls on British expertise to analyse the Smolensk accident [49]

Polish prosecutors ........ sent samples from the plane for laboratory tests in Britain

My Polish brothers mistaken here. Britain and English schemes are No.2 suspect for assassinating Lech Kaczynski and 95 others. Germany is No.1 suspect. Or they maybe share No.1 position.
25 May 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

public support for PO

PO is trap. That option may lead Poland into another partition. How? By weakening of strength of state institutions in situation of internal challenges and foreign pressure, what all may push into drop of confidence in state and disintegration of internal unity. Beware Poles. PO is very dangerous option. They proved that, publicly and openly.
25 May 2017
News / Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ? [30]

RISING PUBLIC MORALE AND MOOD >>>> One suitable song of Goran Bregovic. Suitable for hostile time in which we live. War-cry >>>> Juriiiiiiis...... bum bum... puc puc .....

Goran Bregović - Kalashnikov (Poznań)
24 May 2017
News / Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day- March 23rd [20]


What wants EU with its attacks on Hungary and Poland ?

Investigating on EU`s conflict with Poland, I founded an article which led me to crucial question- What is the main reason for EU to antagonize relations with Poland and Hungary? What is really behind that? What, why, really?

An article

EU deepens its own crisis with attacks on Hungary, Poland

Brussels is now threatening all-out financial war against both Hungary and Poland, among others, for alleged human rights abuses and anti-democratic policies and actions.

11 Apr 2017
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

True. Quite enough of problems bringing NATO and EU membership. So, if EU/NATO can help by assassinating Polish president it can always help, divert attention from real thing. Clever.

But f***, we have internet in our time. Plus, Serbians follow their business and that include peace between Poland and Russia. It suits us. It just suits us.
11 Apr 2017
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

Tusk survived. A bird from EU and NATO gave him advice to stay far from Lech. Its good to have friends with birds. Tusk is favorite. Lech wasn`t loved. Lech criticized EU, NATO and tusk at UN GA. Lech didn`t fit.
8 Apr 2017
Life / Moving from India to Wroclaw [53]

Moving from India to Wroclaw

You are kshatriya, vaishya or shudra?

Whatever. Welcome in visit to the land of Brahmins.
28 Mar 2017
News / Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ? [30]

He won`t answer because deep in his heart, he is ready to support even Nazism, just to satisfy some fictional interests of western European elite (ie EU ruling establishment).

In fact, EU already sponsored spread of extreme Wahhabi Islam and Nazism in former Yugoslavia. So, gregy741, dobri brate, what understanding you expect from brainwashed zombie such is mafketis???
28 Mar 2017
News / Goran Bregovic`s concerts banned from Poland ? [30]

News in case with Brega > Air Serbia named one of its A310 Airbus planes by the Goran Bregovic, for flights to Poland




Poles likes Serbian rhythm

ZPiT "Śląsk" - Goran Bregovic "Gas, gas"
28 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

Serbs were attacked and defended themselves from extremely pro-German, pro-Nazi and deeply anti-Serbian indoctrinated society. What would anybody expect? That people don`t defend themselves? Yes, Orthodox Serbs defended themselves.

Now, its on Catholic Serbs to defend themselves from that abnormal Croatian society. Rest of Serbs, if they can, would help.
28 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

What you talk is pure nonsense that follow mainstream media stance. Ignorance.

But, one is for sure. Its up to people to decide. If that left in them.
27 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

Standard Croatian is based on shtokavian and many Croats I know would not for a second accept it as "Serbian".

If they are from Zagreb, Krizveci or Varazdin, they are from real ethnic Croatia. Yes, even there Croats heavily mixed with Serbians, so that every single one of them in itself have more Serbian blood then he have Croat blood. But, now is the time that he deny that. Tomorrow he will eventually but, God forbid, we don`t need them.

But Crow has an infantile mentality that cannot conceive of any other world view but his own

No. Crow is an idiot sinner who giving best pearls to pig like you. Its a sin in itself.

The idea that Croatians have their own story simply doesn't occur to him, it's all land to be reclaimed for Mother Serbia (

Serbia never even got a chance. Dissolution of Yugoslavia was deal that needed to create Greater Croatia and Greater Albania. Rest is EU and NATO powers propaganda. It was never allowed to Serbians to unite their ethnic space. It is so because Serbs are stubborn Slavs. Its our punishment. So, it warms my heart to see that Catholic Serbians starting to rebel in what is now Greater Croatia. there is the God, after all.

Croats do have their story. They were small ethos between Slovenians and Serbians on one side and bordering with Austrians and Hungarians on the other side. When Turks arrived in Europe they were practically destroyed by Turkish incursions deeper in European inland. Then, their lords, in Austrian service, opened gates of their cities to the Serbians who fled from Turks and were able to offer so serious resistance. So, those Croats that still remained mixed with Serbians and accepted Serbian language like their own, abandoning Chakavian dialect what is their original speech. Today, in Zagroje you probably won`t found moire then 3.000 people who speak this dialect.

So, yes, Croats have their story. In real Croatia they are native people. Or they were natives there. You see, I do have understanding for desire of ethos to survive, even on the account of Serbians. As of Serbians didn`t pay similar price to Poles, to Russian, to Ukrainians. God knows ho many Serbs was assimilated living among fellow Slavs. So, its not the problem. It wouldn`t be problem if they wanted to assimilate number of Serbs who arrived in Croatia and even force them to speak Chakavian, in order to preserve Croatian ethos. No, it wasn`t that. Instead, their own elite, germanized, advised by Austrians, accepted Serbian language and sought opportunity to via that very same Serbian language spread its influence among all Serbian speaking people. Their first target were Catholic Serbs and then Orthodox Serbs. In their greed, using time when Serbians were weakened, pressured by the Turks and Austro-Hungaria, Croat elite started to spread influence on Dalmatia, Slavocnia, Krajina, etc, etc.

In a day before Austria annexed Dubrovnik, some 140 years ago, there was registered imagine, five (5) Catholic Croats (outsiders-, comers from Zagreb) as minor minority among rest of Catholic Serbian populace (Dubrovnik was never Orthodox- only part of Dalmatia that never was Orthodox, while rest was Eastern Roman influence; rest of Dalmatian Serbs gradually with time accepted Catholicism, forcible or by economic incentives, but genocide never happened in Dalmatia, even not in WWII, thanks to Italian and not Croatian occupation). Then, they after Austria annexed Dubrovnik, new Austrian administration registered all resistances as Croats. Serbians were erased. Yes, they sent their letters and complaints even to the Vatican but, help didn`t come. They were sold Catholics. Catholics that must stop to be Serbs and exist as Croats. It was the deal.

Kajkavian dialect or something is spoken by the people of Zagreb and further north, right?

Kajkavian is reason for another Croat dispute. This time with Catholic Slovenians. Kajkavian is by most prominent Slavic language experts dialect of Slovenian language. So, there, in Kajkavski speaking regions Croat elite tried to assimilate Slovenians.

Only Chakavian is Croatian language. Practically an extinct language.

Unlike the Serbian language or the Dalmatian dialects, their own dialect was never influenced by the Turkish or the Italian language.

Serbian language of Dalmatia was not influenced by the Turks but by the Italians, by Venetian Republic.
27 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

Among Slavic linguistic experts that spoke of Serbian language is prominent Slovakian expert Pavel Jozef Safarik and let me also just mention Slovenian expert Jernej Kopitar. They gave opinion that all what is Shtokavian dialect of South Slavic languages is Serbian language. Croatian language is of Chakavian dialect.


Speaking area of Serbian language in 1842, by Slovak Pavel Jozef Safarik (note: entire Dalmatia included)

And that's how the wars started. Congratulations!

No, we didn`t start them. They were imposed on us but still, thank you. Resistance was fearsome. Western and Eastern Romans, Republic of Venice, Italy, Austria, Turks. But, we won. Then, we were outplayed by the politics, intrigues and schemes. For now. But, as we see these days, both Catholic and Orthodox Serbs in Greater Croatia shows their existence. Even our Islamized brothers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in greater and greeter numbers shows sympathy with Christian Serbs.
27 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]


Oh, what you know about anything in the region?

We speak of region where in one decade people live as proud Catholic and in other, they are proud Orthodox. Then comes the Islam. Central Serbian state collapsed. But, all the time people is Serbian. Then comes the foreign influences. Attempts to form new nations around religious centers.

Split? Dalmatia? Adriatic? Always defended by Serbians. By Serbians won for Slavic world. It was never Croatian. Now is time of Croatia. Tomorrow? I already know. How I know? Because people from Split never sincerely felt to be same people, as people from Zagreb (real ethnic Croatia). They call them pejoratively `purgeri` (from German Bürger) what in its final extent refers to germanized nature of people in Zagreb and surrounding areas (real ethnic Croatia).

It is by foreign schemes that Split is now confused. German and Austrian manipulations (play on antagonism) with Catholicism against Orthodoxy. For now. So, it is glad to me that people in Dalmatia already awakening these days. Greater Croatia will be oblivion. What would then those who worked against Serbians? When we are back in our full strength? Nothing from Adriatic to Danube won`t be accomplished without Serbians. We are overlords and natives there. Its ours. Our lands from forefathers.
27 Mar 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

I knew you would move this discussion on the field of ``Greater Serbia``. What else you can say. Its how mainstream media prepared you to react when topic on Serbian rights is opened. That is western European ``gift`` to Serbians. So, that global public even don`t get a chance to understand what is this all about.

When we are at dissolution of Yugoslavia, it is Greater Croatia and Greater Albania that was/is being created/creating, not Greater Serbia. Serbia was for Yugoslavia. If it didn`t work Serbia was for peaceful dissolution of country. Others wanted war and others jeopardized rights of Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim Serbs. Great effort and great money has been invested in weakening of Serbians in every possible way, even by attempts to create new nations from them.

But, soon enough Catholic Serbians would deal with Catholic Croats. Nobody can`t prevent right to unity of Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim Serbs. People would speak for themselves, when foreign factor is silenced and internal allowed to appear and, with strengthening of Serbia in any sense. Serbian lands will be free.