The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Yeah...I wonder why they prefer mean Germany to glorious Poland! Bringing goals and honor to the german Fatherland....hmmmm...*wonder wonder*

Thank you btw...keep them bringing on....:)

Cars that way ----------->
<-------- Players this way

Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Germans from more than 100 years are being beaten by everybody. Always at the beginning they looked like arrogant bratwurst and at the end their country looked like brothel. was always enough to kick polish arse ;)

Still scared of big, bad, mean Germans Luki? Oh..btw...long time no see...what took you so long from your latest banning?

MW you are just to good for us....leave us to our mud battle! ;)
I'm bored! The Poles are still my fav counterpart for some good mud slinging :)

Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

This is an extract from a Polish novel in 1926!!

Oh...from a novel...whoa! Now that is a beating argument!
What you read in a fictional novel must be true of course! Oh...and I have read they had tails and fire came out when they spoke...not to mention the hornes...I've read it I swear!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Emperor William II of Germany posed for a photo in 1902, in the garb of a monk from the Teutonic Order, climbing up the stairs in the reconstructed Marienburg Castle as a symbol of the German Empire's policy.

There was recently a reenactment with thousands of people posing proudly in the Knights garb...;)

I would happily bulldoze those shitheaps for the"Paris of the east" Warsaw which was destroyed by those pathetic krauts

I doubt Poland would let you...they know what they have here with all these world heritage sites of german origin!
Warsaw is and was ugly...Breslau and Danzig on the other hand...beauties! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

To connect the Knights to Hitler is something only a Pole with lacking history knowledge would do...

Not MY chip! ;)

PS: Just think about the good things the Knights brought you...Marienburg Castle, Thorn...lots of other castles...tourists...Poland would be poorer without them! ;)

The castle is a classic example of a medieval fortress, and is the world's largest brick gothic castle. UNESCO listed the castle and its museum as World Heritage Sites in December 1997 as Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork.
It is one of two World Heritage Sites in the region with origins in the Teutonic Order. The other is the Medieval Town of Toruń, founded in 1231 as the site of the castle Thorn (Toruń).

Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Oh pleeeeaaaaase...


One really has to wonder if the polish history is so cool and glorious how they ended up so often getting their arse handed to them...

Interesting though...Poles wanting to use the Teutonic past for their Tourism!!!

But now one Polish town is putting all grudges aside and celebrating the memory of the Teutonic Knights in an attempt to highlight the rich history of this once-German municipality and stimulate tourism in a region still catching up with Western Europe economically.

Now that is funny! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Bratwurst Boy
Germans were vastly superior in armor, horses, experience in battles and leadership....most Luthuanians were armed w/clubs and every aspect of allied equipment was inferior.


Well...alot of Germans were in the Commonwealth troops and alot of Poles fighted for the Knights.
Stop making it a national Germany-Poland didn't matter back then. It was about Power.

You shaved Europe from Germans,Turks and Bolsheviks.Glory.

Yeah...they shaved them...:):):)
(Already drunk again at this hour Southern?)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

1400- the biggest medieval battle in the world, Grunwald in which Poland being the underdogs defeated the German Teutonic knights and saved Europe


16.000 Commonwealth troops against 11.000 Knights...hardly the "underdog"

And Europe wasn't wasn't a european affair but a polish one!
And not only Poles:

Kingdom of Poland
Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

You have a distorted view of Napoleon, personally my Hero. :)

Well, he was an enemy of occupier...we have a huge building in Leipzig to remember the battle where the freedom loving people kicked Nappies ass! :)

Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig

Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Speaking about the German past, why didn't you guys win the FIFA world cup ?

I believe Müller was missed...he would had made the goal needed to get us started.

Now I'll never get the cruise trip I wanted for the summer, thanks !

'msorry :(
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

However, don't underestimate the power of the globalists

Names...we want names Seanie! :)

The people saw the problems involved and asked their government to back off.

Norway is a special case...they are the european form of a to make the life of their citizens paradisic just because they are sitting on oil.

Not fair compared to the majority of countries who have to toil hard for everything and surely not sustainable in the long run till either the oil runs out or the demand for it weakens in the wake of the growing green energy.

....a result of exploiting large oil and natural gas deposits that had been discovered in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. Today, Norway ranks as the third wealthiest country in the world in monetary value,[10][11][12] with the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation. Norway is the world's fifth largest oil exporter,[13] and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of its Gross domestic product.[14]

They might really be better of alone as they would have to share their riches and not much to gain...compared to a poorer country which needs the support the EU can give.
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

Because of the historical ties with the Germans and the German language, puts up the federal state.

Before Luther we didn't even had a common german language ;)
Dialects ruled...

So therefor, you can't integrate 27 different people.. !

Not now, that's for sure...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

I just hope he knows how to represent Poland well as he didn't show that with the missile shield.

100 Days...Seanie....give us your judgement after the first 100 days, okay? Then we can say better if he is okay or not...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

That's too early to judge but the writing on the wall is that he will merely rubber stamp what Tusk proposes.

Well..I as a German see nothing wrong with that! ;)
He is surely an easier counterpart and better to work with than a germanophobe like Kaczinsky.
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

I just want what is best for Poland and its people, and make sure that what is polish, is kept polish, I love my country. :)

...and that you should!
Nothing wrong with that. :)

But I disagree with the belief that integration would mean loss of cultural identity.
Germany for examples lives with countless regional identities...heritage of centuries of being a plethorage of little Länder and Duchies. Countless customs, dialects, dishes, preferences, even national characteristics.

A federal Germany didn't destroy all that...we are Germans and still also Bavarians, Prussians, Swabians, Frisians etc...

So, why shouldn't that work in the bigger picture too?
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

I fear that the EU will encroach excessively into the lives of Poles and it all hinges on how 'certain things' pan out/unfold.

I'm against the "the EU will do this or that"-speak as if the Union is some faceless, monolithic monster we have no control over.

Curiosly the same people like to speak about the regional governments the same way...regular multi party free votings or not. ;)

If there are lives "encroached" by the EU it's the lives of the French and the Germans...founders and paymasters...but still most people wouldn't want to have it any other way. So it can't be that bad! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

But will that work, can a European integration overcome the national, which is needed to create such a thing ?

That my friend, is the big question! :)

I have no answer to that yet...
Some months back I would had said yes, we are able...generations after the last war...with open borders...the young generation growing up as, studying, marrying, working across the EU...

But then came the PIIG-crisis and I learned about myself that even the most pro-EU German harbors to much nationalism to be as selfless as needed to give up ones own national rights and the "we-first"-thinking! ;)

So how can we demand that from others what we ourselves aren't willing to give up?
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

Another good one, animated:

A good work...even a bit hard to follow for the longest part if one isn't so knowledgeable in polish history...but well done! :)

EU legislation overcomes with the commission, all national laws. That's why the resistance to the union is common, all over Europe specially in the Scandinavian countries.

Again...the same question...where do we want to go from here.
Do we like to keep it as not much more as a trading union or do we want to build a federal Europe?
That's a question for the next decades I think...

PS: Some people can see the advantages of a federal Europe that can compete with the powerblocs of US, China or Russia...something a mere trade union just can't!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

And here we have an interesting fact. Why did the western leaders agree to grant even more money to Poland, under the meetings in Copenhagen in 2002 ? Because of the economic development each year, which brings benefits for the union.

They already then knew, that Poland would be one of the highest developed countries in Europe because of its size, geographic and market.

One of the main pillars of the EU is to support weaker economies to spread peace, prosperity and stability on the continent.
All sides are going to be the winner because of that!

I'm not totally against the EU, I'm just making a point about Eu's authority, legally speaking.

What exactly?
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [134]

You also have a federal level in the States which shows variations.

That's exactly the current problem Seanie...where do we want to go from here?

Do we want an US of Europe? A federalist EU with much more power to the EU parliament...with a REAL president and a REAL foreign minister (not to mention the same policies for all?)

Right now many wish for the contrary...much more power to the countries, a weak real heads (they are perfectly happy with insignificant Rumpoy and Ashton as mere figureheads without any power).

There is a reason why they are more busy with ordering the size of the gherkins than to build a common foreign, defense or energy policy.

What do we want? But one thing is for sure, we can't have it both ways. So be careful if you point to federal countries like the US or Germany...they are totally different from the EU and we can't go there if the people don't want it.