The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
6 Sep 2010

Of course they did, but at the time America wanted a quick end to theatre combat in Europe, they had bigger problems on the horizon.

You mean with Russia?

That would make no sense...
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Sep 2010

They had no water to cross so why not outline where they went wrong!?

They invaded Germany actually...
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Sep 2010

Yes, and do not forget the last words of A.H. from Austria: "... my biggest mistake was that I underestimated the Slavic..."

Yes, and the last word of Bismarck on his death bed had been "Serbia"!

I'm just asking what else there is than being "slavic".
You can't build an (working) alliance on being slavic alone and no, I don't believe Russia won't rule any federation they are in...if Poles complain today about to much power of Germany or France or whomever in the EU they for sure will unpleasantly surprised if Russia assertes his natural advantages!

But's your decision!
Your people will choose about their future....

Better not to do this mistake again so soon. ;-)

It's not our mistake to make...

(Besides from some Slavia-nuts on the internet I really have yet to learn about a party or a movement or anything in that regard. Is there a party which has "Slavija" in their program? Somewhere? And what where their voting successes?)

I do not hate I am objective as I see United States the biggest terrorist and arm dealer of the world.

Well...they are okay...
The alternatives don't look as half as good!

You do not start war base on lies but United States did it over and over again they kill innocent people while depriving its citizens from food and medicine.

Don't tell me you are all up in tears about some ragheads in some far away desert!
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Sep 2010

Poland would be victorious in 1939 if so called allies did their part and attacked Germany

Even then it wouldn't be Poland that would be victorious but the allies....

Poland was betrayed by their allies and now I do not understand why Poland join nato and is allied to terrorist state
of United State and send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, is Poland gluten to be betrayed time and time again

Of course Poland all alone by itself would make it so much more safe and secure...suuuuure!

Why do you hate the US so much?

Polish interest would be better served by mending fences with former soviet republics and creating Slavic alliance.

Do you really think there would be an alliance without the biggest and most important slavic country Russia?

And do you really think Russia would give Poland in such an alliance that much of leverage and the same big voice as in the EU?

What else (besides being slavic) would make such an alliance work? Is being slavic enough???
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Aug 2010
Language / WISŁA or VISTULA?? [46]

I said: there's PASTA in the kitchen. Go eat your sadness away.

*munches pouting*

Bratwurst Boy   
21 Aug 2010
Language / WISŁA or VISTULA?? [46]

Nothing as such, except that it's German - there are also some probs with Warschau instead of Warsaw.

It's easier on the tongue....for me...I think that should count! *pouts*
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Aug 2010
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

This show that culture and civilisation is a creation sth. new sth. what doesn`t have anything in common with nature.

And again...our ancestors had that too...they had their wood houses, their wood walls etc.
They even had already 1600 BC such a metallurgy and knowledge of astronomy that not even the Egypts had at that time (Sky disc)...

Stop reading up the Romans so much but start learning more about your own people...barbarians or not! ;)

The culture and civilisations stands oppose to the nature. When society appears, the first what people make is border beetwen them and nature. it seems the higher developed a society becomes the more they care for their environment...retracting the walls between them and back...guarding nature...;)

PRO-nature is the direction it goes!

And because our ancestors pagan beliefs doesn't need stone monuments to worship doesn't mean it was somehow "less"...

All a matter of view point it seems.
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Aug 2010
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

Yes BB indeed. Civilisated doesn`t mean good, honest, just or fair. Civilisation don`t have positive or negative meaning. It is neutral.

...and civilisation doesn't mean better bath houses or roads!

The tribes had laws too and even better gender equality...they didn't prefer to live in crowded, stinking towns and loyalty and honor counted more than political intrigues.

Civilization is an attitude and a way of life. In no way where the Romans more civilized than the tribes...The freedom loving Celts for example had been more civilized than the Romans who after long fighting enslaved one half and killed the other half.

When you want to count architecture like roads as signs for civilization then you have to count Hitler's autobahns too. That way lays madness.

It seems it's a philosophical decision one has to make for himself...what counts as civilization for one self.
Maybe we just have to agree to disagree here.
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2010
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

I noticed BB that you like to call sb idiots nazi etc.

Yeah....I'm losing my patience quicker than I was used to...sorry...

But I really have a problem with lazy brains...and stating that the murderous roman empire which enslaved the world and even murdered whole people for his own gain is hold up as "civilization" whereas their enemies and victims are sold to us as "barbarians".

And especially galling if one of us, whose ancestors fighted these killers, bought that victor propaganda and still beliefs these myths...

That is equally to a Pole or a Jew buying and believing Hitlers subhuman boggles the mind.
But just abit more reading or even googling would help you think otherwise...but some are just to lazy for that!

Some food for thought:

The european "barbarians" had such things earlier than the "civilized" Egyptians? Huh???
'Can't be...or can it?

Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2010
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

You are an helpless idiot if you think having the bigger army makes one more civilized!
Hitler was right then, wasn't he!
But who knows people will talk about Nazi Germany in a few hundred years similiarly...after all they had been so developed compared to their neighbours!

Have a look at might help open your eyes...

The popular view of Celtic society is that it was primitive and uncivilized. Terry Jones sets out to challenge this view. Far from being primitive compared to Rome, it was an advanced society that was in some ways even more advanced than Rome. For example, many of the roads in Gaul that were assumed to have been built by the Romans, turn out to have been built by the Celts themselves....

Decline and fall of the Roman myth
We were 'barbarians', but early British civilisation outshone the Roman version, says ex-Python Terry Jones. We just lost the propaganda war

The fact that we still think of the Celts, the Huns, the Vandals, the Goths and so on as "barbarians" means that we have all fallen hook, line and sinker for Roman propaganda.We actually owe far more to the so-called "barbarians" than we do to the men in togas.

Time to update your beliefs!
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2010
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

Comparing to Slavic languages, English, French, Spanish or German languages are on the level of little baby. No, rather on the level of microbes. With all due respect of course on all European non-Slavic languages


But still you try your best to spread your inanity in such a microbic language...what happened??? ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

BB eastern Germany even today is sh*t, people preferred to abandon it rather then rebuild so your point is moot.

Crap! People are moving because the whole towns depending on one Kombinat as common during commie times have a hard time to rebuild and restructure themselves and to build a new diverse Mittelstand. That will take another generation or two.

Also the wages and others stuff is still not on par with the West because of the high costs
of the rebuilding, but that won't take as long.

PS: At least they are not moving to another country...;)

Eastern Germany was/is being rebuild from scratch as flattened West Germany was after the war...soon to be the most modern part of Germany.

But already today eastern Länder like Saxony are leading the country in high tech and green energy! And Wessis are coming for work here..."Silicon Saxony" ;)


It's the Wessis who now want the Soli tax be scratched or used for their own holey roads instead.

Well...there will always be Meck-Pomm but they can work it out with Tourism....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

From the other hand Poland before the war wasn’t the most developed country in Europe but was richer than some countries which are today considered as “old EU” and our aim is to regain our position. It seems we are going to regain our position but it will be harder.

Yadda yadda yadda...
Germany was destroyed and partitioned also for 60 years...and West Germany had to integrate and modernize a whole country in the last 20 years....nobody was born with the golden spoon.

As our negihbour you should wish us luck, all in all it is better to have rich Polish neighbours.

Oh I do...Germany is working hard to make and keep Poland prosperous and stable.
All are profiting from that. It would be nice of you to recognize this now and then too...instead of always harking back to "the war" and enjoying germanophobe barbs.

We are going to see what will happen in the future but leadership hasn’t been given forever. I am sure that one day Poland will support some regions in Western Europe.

What is that supposed to mean?
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

It seems that on many fields Polish capital is being stronger and stronger and Germans buy more and more Polish products as we buy more and more european products.

Oh boy...get your facts right!

In terms of both the number of investors and the total amount invested, Germany ranks firstamong foreign direct investors in Poland, German direct investments currently amounting to at least EUR 1 billion, and totalling more than EUR 20 billion since Poland's change of political system in 1989/1990 (2007: EUR 3 billion; 2008: EUR 1.6 billion).

Major German investments in Poland focus on the automotive and mechanical engineering industries, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, banking and insurance, the wholesale and retail trade as well as the energy sector. Also of increasing importance is business process outsourcing, e.g. in the IT sector.

Main export partners (of Poland)

Germany 26.1%,
France 6.9%,
Italy 6.9%,
United Kingdom 6.4%,
Czech Republic 5.8%,
Netherlands 4.2% (2009)

Main import partners (of Poland)
Germany 22.4%,
China 9.3%,
Russia 8.5%,
Italy 6.8%,
France 4.6%,
Netherlands 3.6% (2009)

Nothing comes close to your cuddly neighbour Germany! ;)
Around 1/3 of your economy is dependent on Germany...

The other way around though:

Main export partners (of Germany)

France 10.2%,
U.S. 6.7%,
Netherlands 6.7%,
U.K. 6.6%,
Italy 6.3%,
Austria 6%,
China 4.5%,
Switzerland 4.4%

Main import partners of Germany

Netherlands 8.5%,
China 8.2%,
France 8.2%,
U.S. 5.9%,
Italy 5.9%,
U.K. 4.9%,
Belgium 4.3%,
Austria 4.3%,
Switzerland 4.2%

It will take awhile for Poland to feature in these rankings I think....but I'm optimistic! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Maybe they were already more merged then meets the eye? Especially with intermarriages on the border area.

My talking! :)

Poland's loss and Germany's gain. Germany deserves credit for bringing them on board.

Na's a bit more than just bringing them "on board"...
They were toddlers when their families came to Germany...they got entirely schooled, trained and educated in the german system.
Who knows what would had become of them if they had stayed in Poland? I'm not sure if one can guarantee their talent would had been discovered and furthered that way if the environment would had been different....

Poland and Germany are very similiar actually...also with being football crazy...Poland once had a good team too...but something right now sucks in the system...
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

I meant that when you will run out of money

When Germany "runs out of money" all other european countries (inclusive Poland) will be much to busy with their own catastrophes having "run out of money" long before Germany.

So, don't get your knickers in a knot about that one! ;)

As for me richer Germany is better for Poland because all in all we are neighbors and trade partners

And vice versa too...a richer Poland which doesn't need so much support money anymore and can buy more of our products is preferable for us too..

but honestly saying Germany in Polish eyes isn’t what it was few years ago.

Yeah...our Mannschaft plays way more attractive by now! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Germans of 2010 cheer for Polish soccer players on the German team because they are not like Germans of WWII.

Nah...Germans cheer for everybody who scores for the Mannschaft!
We are totally unbiased in that regard....he scores - we love him!!! :)
Nazi or not

Maybe we can build on those modern sentiments.

We should just merge...that way the Poles get to cheer something too! Okay? :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Curious...Poles steal our cars and their players prefer playing for us....hmmm....
Why is that so???

kind of reminds me when in WW2 Goebbels was traveling across the polish country side and noticed how all the Poles fit the ideal German characteristics more then the germans themselves ahaha

Don't tell read that in yet another novel, didn't you! ;)

They take your Euro and everybody knows that it is Polish blood. When your Euro will end ...

What then?
Then it's still again the Deutsche Mark and still the Zloty....Poles loved the Mark too...they couldn't get enough of them.
Millions of Poles left backward, poor Poland for successfull Germany over the years...and for the Deutsche Mark :)

Nothing will change actually...

BB the truth is that you buy europes symphaty.

Who cares...if it helps to win the European Song contest...:):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Football last time isn’t our strongest point but in many other sports we are stronger than ever.

Women synchron swimming?

Anny way it is good that when you see Polish flag in Wroclaw you think about football, good boy you make progress.

Germany owns Poland...we don't even have borders anymore...:)
We will leave you your flags if they mean so much to you! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [196]

Last time in heard Klose saying and I quote " I'ld rather play for Poland" .....Podolski & did Trochowski said somthing similar.

You "heard" Klose???
Or did you just read about him in a novel??? ;)

And why don't they play for Poland then....did that mean they don't want to be losing all the time?

i bet it kills them inside.

Yeah...definitely looks that way:

Klose being killed inside

Poldi being killed inside

Man...can you see them suffer! :(