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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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6 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Maybe Germany and France could shuffle from time to time, like a presidency - 5 years for Germany and then 5 years for France.

Yes. Kind of never-ending joke. But, forget it. Germans are practical. They know what they doing, even when other Europeans don`t understand them. Still, we Serbians understand well those moral heretics. Must be because they fell of from our meat, like a rotting limb, a cancer.
6 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Western European Union led by Germany, France or England. And the Eastern European Union led by one of the Slavic countries, maybe Poland

While I can imagine Poland emerging as center of, as you call it, Eastern European Union, I can`t imagine France and Germany grouping on the long run within Western European Union. Simple, France and Germany are two entirely different civilizations. But, on the middle and short run, it can work, as we see on example of existing EU.
4 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

They agreed that they both want multi-polar world. Start from that in thinking. They obviously agree. Then, add China, Vatican, India, Basil and Japan, automatically among those who support multi-polar world. Also, its not obvious yet but, Britain also agree to it, quite possible only to join as pawn in USA sphere. So, which civilizational centers/territories aren`t defined? That is western Europe with two major players: 1. Germany and France and, 2. Slavic world and rest of Eastern/South-Eastern Europe. If France and Germany wants to force EU for now, compromise would be to move Capital out of western Europe, somewhere on the East of Europe. USA and Russia would agree to it. If Germany accepts that her long term plans were shaken and disturbed, Germany may push to expand solely as unique world power (in multi-polar world read that as- civilizational center). It means that would Germany talk to USA and Russia about countries/territories that should be admitted in German sphere. We can speculate on it a lot of. Same is with France. France can also continue as unique power of multi-polar world. We can also speculate about French sphere. Considering intercontinental territorial pretensions of France and Germany, its not only USA and Russia who would be asked but other powers as well. Talks would be long and serious. Now, what about Slavic world and Eastern Europe? If EU fail as option, most probable scenario is that two major Slavic powers emerge from the situation. One is Poland as center for Intermarium and second is Russia as center for Eurasian Union. See, its realistic to think that USA president Trump coming to Poland in order to talk to Polish president Duda about Poland`s stance on this development. In any case, essentially, solution would be get in USA-Russia-Poland talks. But that, if Poland have strength (or, if you want, if its allowed) to talk as independent multi-polar center. If not, Slavic world and Eastern Europe/South-Eastern Europe may become object of trade between other multi-polar centers. It means that would Russia extend her appetites to receive new members from EU/SEE and, Germany the same. In that scenario Poland may face what Yugoslavia and Ukraine already got- division on different spheres depending on internal desires and tendencies within Poland. In any case, I just speculate but, I tend to think that these days, more then ever before, a lot of depend on Poland- on how is Poland serious state, mentality and mind-set of populace. Because, all options are on the table.
4 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Germany must be prevented to dominate because it leads to assimilation of Slavs and that bring wars. Actually, even symbolical domination of Germany and any western European country won`t be allowed in multi-polar world. So, if Germany (not only Germany) want EU to survive at least for now, Capital of EU would be moved out of western Europe. USA and Russia are about to make it happen and Vatican would bless it.
4 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

I just don't understand why she is still so popular in Germany

Because disciplined Germans knows that all this represent game. They sow demise of Yugoslavia and expansion of German sphere on South-Eastern and Central Europe. They sow how their satellites in the region consolidate (Croatia, Muslims in Bosnia, Albania). They know that there are many more regions that as they believe awaits them, in Poland, in Czech republic, Austria, etc, etc. They sow how EU serve them well, how NATO serve them well. They see how Slavic countries and Eastern Europe losing population, weakening. So, disciplined Germans knows that their is the game, higher good and they are ready to endure this with migrants. They will protest from time to time but, deep in themselves, they are disciplined, they trust in their elite and wait for the game to bring them what they also want, Germany as they want to be.
3 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Imperialism, expansionism, neo-colonialism, call it as you wish but, German involvement in destruction of Yugoslavia and formation of Nazi Greater Croatia and mind-blowing Nazi-Islamic Bosnia-Herzegovina (with exception of Serb republic there that relatively escaped that lunacy thru its autonomy), is exactly something like that. Adventurism that Germany yet have to pay.
3 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Exactly. As answer on German imperialism that set USA in very unpleasant situation with China and Russia. So, Merkel as Merkel, more or less pleasant lady is just one in line of German politicians which manipulated with media and NATO/EU collective resources for its own selfish interests, in last 20 years. Payday has come.
3 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

back on topic please

When you mentioned dobri pane, it would be very good that we see our brothers Walesa and Jaroslaw how they, hand in hand, together walk in Arkona. I would like to see that.

Does this famous Slavic temple in Arkona still exist?

It is destroyed but, statue (not original) of Svetovid could be seen nearby.
3 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

As we already see, Germany is punished for taking part in destruction of Yugoslavia. Sure, its not yet announced publicly but, it is that. Destroying Yugoslavia in deal with USA Clinton clan, France, Britain and Islamic league, Germany violated ties with Russia and China. As we see now, with changes in USA, Germany also harmed its relations with USA. For one, because destroyed balance of power in Europe and, second, because opened space to Islamists.
3 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]


Yes I heard you. You have your germanized phase from time to time. You must be clear with it, don`t confused, weak. Historical fact is that Germans were predominantly Slavo-Serbians and Slavo-Polani 500-1500 years ago and some other now extinct Slavic ethoses. So, you should refuse germanzation and stabilize yourself. I suggest you to go to Arkona and pray, found peace in your greatly suffering soul.
3 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Poland must be cured from taboo themes and one way thinking. Speaking in general about opus of brat Jaroslaw, he definitely have that `out of box thinking` approach.

No, that's why deranged and insane people make me lose my cool.

How I see things, you should have wife and at least two girlfriends.
2 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Ahh i understand now.

I also understand brat Walesa but, I also understand brat Jarosław. Jaroslaw lost his brother Lech who happened to be president (very brave) of Poland and, Jaroslaw knows that Lech was assassinated. He also knows that Lech was assassinated from somebody within NATO, what forcing him and entire Poland to silently accept molesting. So, in turn, as even act of sacrifiction, in political and personal sense, Jaroslaw insist that Poland at least remember and stay reminded. Possible even by the logic- `My brother Lech died serving Poland, was assassinated by our so called NATO/EU partners and you [Poles] truly don`t give a sh** for his death and care only how to feed your stomach. So, I will continue to remind you until you understand.`

I've never heard about this incident before.

Oh, it was most cruel episode in recent Slavic diplomatic history.

But it seems absolutely shocking and disgusting to do that to Lech Wałęsa at the airport.

Why is that shocking to you? I mean, its unpleasant but, shocking. No, its not. At least they didn`t burn him alive, what was/is regular measure proposed for Slavs by Drang Nach Osten.

es, there must be something very strange about the Anglos.

Yes, some of them have stinking fingers, as brat Walesa was able to confirm.
2 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Everyone except diplomats are searched at airports.

What are you talking about. Brat Walesa nicely described what happened. They got him naked. Man, I traveled but I never got naked. Its not normal procedure.

There is always a reason for that.

Yes, they wanted to see him naked. And, behind that desire is necessity to penetrate their fingers in person`s holes. I can only imagine suffering of brat Walesa at that point (no, i actually can`t).

That (and probably the reason for the routine pat-down) is probably more to do with vodka than anything else.

Its not vodka. Those are consequences of cruel raping, bodily and mentally.
1 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Oh no, it's 1939 all over again. The sky is falling. LOL!

Poland`s strategic position is impossible when defend on two fronts- western and eastern but, if we presume that Poland have secured her eastern borders, western side can be defended. Not only defended but actually pushed forward, if you understand me. Plus, if Russians support Poland instead to stab it in the back, things change dramatically.

I was talking about creating this strategic situation. And what modern Poland doing? Making mistake.
1 Jul 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

No, no rakija, unfortunately. Brat Walesa was `searched` at London airport, back in 2013. They harmed him. Do you even know how they `search` you i those occasions? They make you naked and take gloves, put their dirty little Anglo fingers in every hole in your body. That`s what they done to brat Walesa. It was practically rape. Raping. See, it was traumatic experience, psychically and bodily. No wonder that brat Walese still walk like a zombie. Hay man, he is dysfunctional. Who wouldn`t be. Such a things can seriously disrupt every man.

"They got my suitcase and pulled out my pants and socks; everything was visible," he added. "It was embarrassing."

Lech Walesa 'will never return to London' after being searched at Heathrow
30 Jun 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

better start prayin' now, kids, AND HARD!!!

Simple prayers won`t help here. If Poland wants to live and prosper, official Poland needs to have closer as possible ties with Serbia and attract it in Visegrad Group. That would present Poland as serious in the eyes of partners from very Visegrad Group on which Serbia has serious influence. Plus, having Serbians as allies means safe Poland`s eastern borders and much safer western if Germany just try something. With Serbia involved around Poland, Germany would think twice and even trice before tries open war, because they know that would Russia (and China) immediately respond against Germany with final violance what would led to total destruction of Germany.

Parallel (!) with it, Poland have to have best as possible relations with USA, Vatican, Russia and China. All this would prepare ground for Poland to form Intermarium when historical moment come or to say, when options such are EU and NATO become obsolete.
30 Jun 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Let us have understandings for brat Walesa. Few years ago our brat was raped at London airport. So it is possible that he didn`t lost his sanity but he just suffer consequences of that violence committed on him. He would come back to himself, I am sure.
30 Jun 2017
History / Film "Wałęsa" - historical reality vs myth - controvercies [103]

Chairman Kaczynski

At least Poles don`t have that ugly nasty granny for queen that scary little children. Actually, entire wagon of UK`s ruling politicians are bunch of imbeciles. Moron after moron, stupido after stupido and, let`s face it, wh*** after wh***.
29 Jun 2017
Life / Polish-Canadian wanting to move to Poland - trying to start a new life, make friends, combat depression etc. [10]

RedTerminator13, dobri brate, once when you are in Poland, you should in any case come to Serbia, for some time at least.

You would love nature and people who love Poles. See, people here all went thru struggle. As one of our internationally respectable psychiatrists said on symposium held in Romania few years ago- ``Serbs wouldn`t be normal if they are quite normal, considering all what they survived.`` You know, all that economic and political pressure from EU, their mass media hysterical propaganda, evil meddling in internal affairs, their sick collaboration with Islamic league and all that. Plus that horrible NATO bombing in 1999, to put cross on myself when I remember (one don`t wish to have nightmare on it). Anyway, what I want to tell you, when we are at mental struggle; person can survive, win over all circumstances and continue his/her life.

God bless you, man, on your voyages.