The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 1768 / Live: 384 / Archived: 1384
From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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22 Oct 2011
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

You can tell me not to and I can go ahead and ignore your demands, you being Serbian in no way affects that I am also a free spirit. I am suggesting how you can formulate your thinking before you go about with poorly formed responses. The kind of thinking you were entertaining invites others to do so as well- road to destruction. Pick your words carefully and re-evaluate how you approach the question I posed.
22 Oct 2011
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

It is absolutely not. More importantly it only confuses the question to which I put forth.
You can think what you want but the problem is that you are thinking what you "want" the facts to be and not what they are.
15 Oct 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Here's what happens when they adopt the modern eating habits of the English. It ain't as much genetics you dipsh*ts hope it is, it's diet and walking (exercise) as much as anything. I present exhibit A:
2 Oct 2011
Love / What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do? [153]

She flies through all the food and drink in the fridge whether hungry/thirsty or not. Waaaaaay too quickly just so I end up with nothing.

Fcuk that noise and take control of the food source my man!
My suggested remedy is purchase only that which can be enjoyably consumed if prepared in a meal e.g. onions, garlic, peppers, ginger root etc. Then get your hands on some quick recipes and prep it quickly and eat it just as quickly.
2 Oct 2011
Love / What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do? [153]

Get up to fetch my beer, come back and it's gone

that's something that'd get sorted out with a quickness.

Mine has a peculiar problem/habit with her voice, she has two volumes: inaudible and an "outside" voice. I don't know when she regressed into this but I constantly either have no idea what she's saying or have to restrain myself from shaking the sh*t out of her and shouting "USE YOUR INSIDE VOICE!"
2 Oct 2011
Love / What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do? [153]

she tries to tell me what i'm going to do every day and then gets enraged and claims i think i'm a king when I tell her to ask and not tell.

she seriously doesn't think it unacceptable to come and say "i've changed my mind, i don't want to cook this or that, you're going to cook this or that."
23 Sep 2011
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

I can't see why anyone from developing countries would want to stay there except for a foot-in to the rest of the EU. Why are they interested in Poland? What's it got?

Use your imagination. Don't only ask what it has, ask what it hasn't as well.

Maybe there isn't a war in Poland, maybe that could be attractive to someone who lives in such an environment. Maybe 6 pln/hour isn't much but it's a damn site more than 100 pln/120 hours. Maybe there's a chance to sell knock off crap here at an inflated price no one will pay back in their country. Maybe the law isn't looking for them in Poland (rightly or wrongly)... there are loads of reasons.

To many Poles, London is the promised land, to me it's an over crowded sh*t hole for the most part- it all depends on what you know and what you like.
22 Sep 2011
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Sorry but chamstwo by Pakistanis in MY country needs some special treatment.

Well if it is YOUR country then it does beg the question of whether or not that is your responsibility to shoulder...

In a weird way I agree with you though. In nature, if one group of apes tries imposing themselves on another group of apes, well they get to sort it out. In Western culture (yes I know it's nature but it's one with complicated enough social mechanisms to draw some kind of a blurry line), elements from within seem to choose the side of the imposing group while hamstringing the locals through various measures (Nigerian rapist with no spouse or child recently won the right to stay in UK as deporting him would violate his right to a family-wtf).

It is a peculiarity that while obviously not accidental, eludes me as to what the underlying purpose has been for its government backing. Nature doesn't take it's course, rather a weird situation exists where the minority keeps taking the p*ss in bewilderment that the reprimand that should be there isn't.

Basically what I'm saying is that in any environment, I like the thugs I know better than the thugs I don't (and I don't like that it has become legally less acceptable for one group to do the same as another).
22 Sep 2011
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

^Who honed his craft in Poland with Polish trainers and Polish training partners. You don't get anywhere in this sport without having tough training partners. Think of this as something you just learned without having to experience it. You're welcome
20 Sep 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

In some situations I see genuine politeness and regard that I wouldn't see elsewhere. In some situations I see active disregard and a spite towards others (strangers) that I wouldn't see elsewhere. Poles are most polite when they have something to gain through it, like everyone else. Poles are rudest when it works to their detriment- that's the part that is most odd.

The thing is, Poles like to turn most things into a p*ssing contest, even manners, it's part of their competitive nature.
4 Sep 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

yours are as good as mine but parking has got to be high on my list.
Lines are supplied in order to aid in this process yet a large minority simply can't be bothered to help make that a smooth process for everyone else.
1 Sep 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Three things:1) Service2) Staring3) Unrealistic jingoism/narrow mindedness/black & white thinking (it's all linked)But as mentioned, "hate" is pretty strong. More like "very annoying aspects

Wow all three of those were in spades today.

The staring is something that really is ridiculous. If you meet their gaze with a smile they act all p*ssed off like they're looking for a fight. I'm starting to smile and say hello more, it seems to scare them away. Seriously, you stare at people back home and it won't take more than half a day and you'll either get a lecture or you'll get in a fight- one or the other.

Here's one I was reminded of today: people who look for confrontation in mundane aspects of life. I held a door open for someone and they seemed to take it as my way of insulting their mother- WTF is wrong with this society when holding a door for someone doesn't warrant a kind response?
10 Aug 2011
Law / Poland on its way to Greece? [64]

I don't know enough about what created the situation in Greece to say. Suppose Poles go on working and reduce their purchasing of electronics and throw away fashion, would that contain the beast?
9 Aug 2011
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

petty and competitive, noble and trustworthy- everything depends on the situation as it seems these elements belong to every national character in the world. There is only the question of how these traits are expressed, not whether or not they do.
8 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I mean whether you allow your baby to sleep on it's side or back or front can have a huge impact on them.

expand on that if you can please and thank you.
8 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Chins seem to have a tendency to be less pointy here as well. Is that my observation or has anyone else noticed this?
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Firstly, there are a lot more black people in the world than those you see on American TV

Which is why I think the term is kind of a misnomer...

If you would read the entire thread you would see that some weeks ago I made it clear that in my opinion it is surely hip-hop

No offense but I wasn't going to read the whole thread nor was I aware you had defined the term and everyone agreed or not. I just wanted to get some people to give their interpretation.

Now about that stereotyping...
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

So are Poles embracing "ethnic problems" then? I realize it's popular here but I think it's just because of its pervasiveness in American and English media sources and well, dumb kids are dumb. It's monkey see, monkey do with them.

I don't get it. Are we only allowed to answer "yes" or "no" to the thread title and nothing else? I think the moderator may have stymied something relevant...well at least debate-worthy to some of us:/
8 Aug 2011
Life / New Polish generation prefers black culture? [145]

Which culture?
Hip Hop, Thug or "Black?"

Are they all the same thing or are there differences? That being said I'll own up to that as stereotyping but I am not prepared to admit it's unfair as of yet.
8 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

i've noticed the following in men here:

Wide forehead all the way up to the crown (you never see someone with a "pointy" crown here)
A very flat back of their head.