The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 6 / Archived: 92
Posts: Total: 4430 / Live: 533 / Archived: 3897
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

I seem to recall you were fluent in Russian

Thank you for your good wishes , and thank you to all of you that said such nice things...

Fluent in Russian , ha , not quite , but my Ksusha speaks very good English , and is a teacher of Russian language , so i dare say i will be fluent before too long...

No , i shall not be deserting Polish forums , and my friends here , and i have no plans to sell my farm here just yet...Who knows we may well come back here to live at some point...

Life was hard for me here , but i can,t say i was unhappy , and i value very much what Poland has taught me about what really matters in life...

The first months in Russia , living in a flat in a block , close to the city center will be hard after the peace and solitude of the Polish forest , but its only till next summer when we move to the Russian forest by a lake...

you ain,t seen the last of me...!
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

how old are you right now?

I was born on november 19th 1953..which i think makes me about 56..? But its just a number to me , i still ride my Harley with some bravado , i can still manage to rock and roll all night , long past the point when all the young ones have fallen in a heap , and i can still make love all night...if the right lady is present...and most of all i am still as stupid as i was when i was 16 , despite the experiance of so many years....

Older...but not so much wiser....

Thankfully i also look much younger than i am , so don,t get too much stick for being an old fart trying to hang onto my youth....

I mean....56 years old and just starting to settle down a bit...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

This is the guy that drives 2 KM into the woods off the nearest road in Ukrain on his own to get a decent nights sleep

Ha...yes most people think its not a very safe idea , but my thinking is...if there is nobody around for miles then you ain,t going to come to much harm...

I guess most folks would feel safer at a busy truckstop , or in a lay by next to a busy road , but these are the very places where somebody is going to spot you are all alone , a long way from home...and maybe rich...!

As the saying goes.... walk softly...and carry a big stick...!
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

All the best, wildrover! Be mindful of your personal safety in Moscow.

I lived in London for a good number of years , and survived that , Moscow is not so much different..In my experiance cities are the same all over the world , there are parts where its not safe to be , and parts where it is...The trick is knowing which is which..?

My good lady was born in Moscow , and has lived there all her life , so i shall have a great guide to steer me clear of the not so good parts of Moscow...

By next summer we will be out of the city in a national park , a nice house by the side of a very pretty lake , close to a village where all the houses are made of will be a world of difference , but yet only two hours drive from Moscow...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Remember I told you to drown her in the Dnieper and you didn't listen

No...i did not listen , and now i must pay the price....Ukraine , and in particular the city of KIEV will always hold very special memories for us....

Next time i am in Ukraine i shall visit L,viv

Is chateau Wildrover up for sale?

I have not thought about what i am going to do with the farm...i don,t need to sell it , but the money would come in handy right now...are you looking for one...?

Drop a line when you're in Moscow

Drop a line...i will do better than that , i will invite you over to Plescheevo for a beer or three...maybe even some wodka...!

Whilst i was in Poland i did earn some money teaching English , so its an option in Moscow , but i am willing to do anything...My lady has lots of friends in business , so i am sure to find something to earn some money... Eventually i hope to start a business there , when i sell a house in the UK and have some money...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

From what i have read about your exploits it's what you thrive on

Like most people i would like an easy life...but i am the kind of person who will chase an impossible dream as long as i personally believe in it....

Living in Poland was very different from living in the UK , and i am sure that life in Russia will be even more different , but i will at least have the support of somebody that loves me and who has lived in Russia all her life...That has to make it easier than it was in Poland where i was mostly alone...

I have no fear of this new challenge...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

still you've any idea of how life is in Russia? You struggled in Poland

They have a saying in Russia....THERE IS NO LIFE OUTSIDE MOSCOW....!

I have no doubts that it will be a challenge to make a life in Russia , but i will at least be with someone who speaks the language , is qualified to teach me it , and has already got a house there...She also has an income that will keep us alive untill i find a job , something that will be a little easier in Moscow than it is in the middle of a Polish forest...

Once her flat is sold , and i can sell my house in UK , we will have more than enough money for a good life in Russia , and i will be able to make my business plans come true and take people on Harley and 4 x 4 expeditions to far off places...

I am not expecting it to be easy...but i have no doubts its going to work out...

Are you taking the maluch to russia

Being completly mad....i intend to drive the Maluch to its new home north of Moscow...but i will avoid the city center where its a bit like a high speed destruction derby....Thanks for your good wishes my is life in Oz...? The Maluch will be a bit of a novelty in Russia , it was never imported there , although they have a Russian made copy called the Zaphoretz which is a bit similar...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Anyway is the russian girl at least hot?

Yep...she is definatly hot....its been over 40 degrees in Moscow for a while now...but thankfully they had a bit of a storm last night and its now cool enough to sleep at night....

Is that what you meant...?
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

And you left him alone to pursue a brave new world?

He is hardly alone...he has a wife who was a nurse most of her life, and has recently bought himself a very nice house close to my sister...

My dad and me are not really that close , he split with my mom when i was quite young , and although we keep in touch , and i visit him , we don,t have the usual father / son relationship...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Have you met her family yet

I have not met her daughter yet....Dasha is 21 and lives the other side of Moscow in the old wooden house that my Girlfriends parents built....she is completly crazy i am told , so we should get on great...she studies language at Moscow univesity and is fluent in lots of them including English...

Sadly the daughter is the only family that my girlfriend has , her parents are both dead....

Ksusha,s father was some sort of missile and rocket technical expert , his picture still hangs in the Moscow space museum...

He was one of the experts sent to Cuba to install missiles there...almost triggering world war three...!

Soon my lady will have family in the UK , and it would be nice if we can visit my father while he is still alive...he is 89 now...
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

I have heard the Russians know how to throw a wedding reception which can last days - let us know if this is true.

Oh , its true....Russian weddings are legendary....always involving a lot of vodka , dancing , and usually a good punch up....

Ours will be rather quiet by Russian standards , but a few of the Moscow Harley boys will be there , so anything can happen...!
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

I can send conserves and Bratwürste!

The last time i ate that was in a forest near Kiel with a bunch of German Harley riders...that was one hell of a party....!!!

The schnapps almost blew my head off...!

Are beans more readily available in Moscow? I hope so...this is a very worrying question....nooo surely that must have them...if they don,t , the marriage is off...!
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Learn to play some Beatles tunes on the guitar,

You are spot on girlfriends daughter actually translated every Beatles song into Russian..god knows how long that took her...?

jump and do not look behind you.

Thats a great way to think of it...i shall follow your advice my friend...!
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

your story saddens me on one hand

Oh , believe me...i have much sadder tales in my life...but i have also had moments of great joy....

Everyones life is a mixture of ups and downs , but mine seems to have had such extremes of both....

I have had times so great that they make me smile ,many years later , times that most people will never get to experiance , but i have also lived through moments that most people never see in their worst nightmares...Its all part of what i am ( a looney )

I led a very crazy life , and sometimes you have to pay the price of such craziness...When i look back i am thankfull to be still alive , and have all my parts still attatched..!

Last night , after five days of no human contact alone on my farm i came across a photo of me taken in front of a crowd of fifty thousand people who had just seen me win a race against a whole bunch of top riders who had better bikes than me...Is seems like another life of another person.... a crazy crazy life....

Now its time to yet again shed my skin and move on to another life , another challenge....I am looking forward to it... It can,t be any harder than the Polish challenge , i will at least be with somebody that speaks the language , and is in fact a teacher of Russian , so life has to be less fraught than life here alone has been...

For the first time in five years i will be able to pee in an inside great is that..???
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

you will end up in Siberia

Funny you should say that....but one of my crazy ambitions is to drive there in the winter using a specially prepared Russian army truck....

Mind you , as a married man some of my less sane plans may have to be modified....??
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Thank you so much for your good wishes all of you....

There will definatly be some kind of good riddance to wildrover party somewhere in Poland...but where and when exactly is unknown at this time...

When it happens you will all know about it here on this very forum..!
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

No tears please...its for the best really....

After five years alone in the forest , its time to move on....

The five years have been a mixture of solitude , learning , some sadness , some madness...but on the whole a happy time.....

All my plans for a good life in Poland went down the toilet when i got ripped off and stitched up by somebody in the UK... The money that was going to make me an easy life in Poland went missing...rather a lot of it...

As a result , the one year of roughing it became five years of a struggle to survive...It would have been easier to give up and run back to the UK , but i made my mind up i was staying , no matter how tough it got...And it did get worst moment was ten days without food after some money went missing....

For the first year i felt very alone on my quiet farm in the the second year i got used to the third year i began to like it...during the fourth year it became normal...and i loved it....

I met and dated some nice Polish women , and a completly mad Latvian girl..but true love did not come my way....UNTILL...november last year , actually on my birthday... I had registered on some dating site , and after hundreds of contacts from stunning and too young Russian girls confessing instant love i got one message that simply said... have you found your special lady yet...? Normally i would delete most messages without reading them , but this one i read , and the picture that went with it was lovely.....I was sure i had found my special lady....From that moment we spoke every night on skype until the early hours and our relationship grew very quickly into something very nice....

After six months of daily contact we decided it was time to meet...the place was the lovely city of Kiev in Ukraine...i starved for a long time to raise the cash to repair my Jeep and fuel it all the way to Kiev , but it was worth it...My Ksusha was every bit as wonderfull as i knew she would be , and she felt the same about me... We spent nine blissfull days in the best hotel , among the parties and parades for the 65th anniversary of the ending of the great patriotic war and fell completely in love with each other....

Then suddenly it was all over.... I stood in a puddle of Russian tears as i watched the Moscow train carry her away from me... It was a long sad drive back to Poland...! We knew that there was no doubt we wanted to be together , and we made plans for her to move to Poland to try and make a home out of my hovel untill either i could sell a house in the UK , or she sold her Moscow flat...Our plans were not going so well , and i was aware that she had never been out of Russia , other than to the Ukraine , and she had a daughter at university in Moscow....Suddenly i saw the answer...i told her i would move to Russia..! We had never talked about this , but she was full of joy that i was willing to do it for her....since this decision our plans are working out better , although i don,t know yet who is going to look after my farm while i go to Russia for 90 days to marry her and apply to live there... Initially we will live in her flat close to the centre of Moscow , which will be a bit of a change from the absolute peace of the farm..but next summer we will move into a new house by the side of Lake Plescheevo , 140 kms north east of Moscow....

I shall still be around on the Polishforums...and of course you are all welcome to come and stay by the lake , and sail in my boat should you find yourelf near Moscow....

I shall miss Poland of course , i made some good friends here , and i will miss my farm , although for the moment i am not selling it , i will let a friend have it to use as a base for his paintballing...or is it ballpainting , i am not sure...?

so...if you are over Moscow way...come and say hello...i shall make sure there is some Polsh vodka in stock...!!!
7 Jul 2010
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

Perhaps we English should learn to smile with our mouths this handsome Polish guy...?

  • Polishgimp.jpg
29 May 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

This is a Pole...but not a very handsome example....

  • 0002wk0g.jpg
29 May 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Spongebob squarepants.

Nooo spongebob is definatly can tell...