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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 4 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 3 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 3493 / Live: 2626 / Archived: 867
From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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2 May 2024
History / 20 years of Poland in the EU. [314]

Hey people, what happened with idea of POLEXIT in Poland?

The support for EU still seems to be well above 70%
30 Apr 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [473]

I read somewhere that those that did have COVID were at higher risk of blood clots too.
28 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

I haven't observed or experienced this "fact" during my education.

I do understand where they are coming from but they are misguided in my opinion. Don't take into account many factors, the fact that not every kid thrives in highly competitive environment etc.

Lenka is intelligent and logical, so I personally doubt that she was a bad student.

Thank you. I wasn't a bad student but I could never be ar*ed to apply myself properly. I started to be better in high school and uni thanks to implementing strategies better suited to my needs (e.g. a big game changer for me was writing on loose pages in uni that I could sort into subjects later. I was always notorious for forgetting my specific notepad in school and then I couldn't carry on taking notes until I rewrote the missing notes etc. One year my friends rewritten few notebooks for me just because the teachers were so obsessed with them :) ) Not to mention at that stage I had greater impact as to what I'm learning

Everybody knew what were the best schools in my city and all the smart kids wanted to get in.

It's quite funny really. When I was in primary school we had a school that was always in competition with us. Both schools wanted to be on top. The other schools had a bit better area (only slightly as they were like 2 streets apart) and the approach of making 'better classes' with smarter kids. Mine didn't. Yet for all the years me and my siblings went there we kicked their asse* in sports and a learning competitions.

So there's "selection" taking place later on.

Of course there is.
And I do believe it was better if it was done at 16. Kids rarely know themselves yet, can have a clash with certain teachers etc. How many times did we see kids downmarked by teachers?
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [755]

It also means that Poles have no right to self-defense

No, it means we treat seriously the possibility of accidental shooting and chance of the gun being stolen.

But FFS it's none of your business. Go hug your guns and leave Poland and Europe alone
28 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

This makes me think you were yourself a bad student.

You can think what you want. I was the lazy student that hears 'if only you applied yourself you could have straight As". Never had a problem with the material as such. Never was even close to be left behind at any year.

I just strongly believe in education and it's great powers. I also believe everyone should be given a shot and 70% shouldn't be disregarded.
28 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

smart kids artificially limit their potential -

Why limit their potential? They have all the resources they need.

70% of idiots could feel good?

Not feel good but reach their potential. Why does the potential of smart kids is above the potential of the less gifted?

are not that much different.

Besides the prestige. Which means more money, being able to hire better professors, having better research facilities and being attractive to students with better results

In Poland, at 14 (just year after Kania's cut off point) kids choose secondary school and at that stage the more gifted get swooshed together and the same goes for less gifted. No interference
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [755]

Nobody calls 911 unless it's an emergency.

You are correct but it doesn't mean you need someone with a gun. Again, Polish police uses guns very sporadically. It's for years less then 200 times a year.

You skipped over the issue of government monopoly

Government doesn't have a monopoly. People can get a permit. It's just much more complex than USA. And Poles like it that way
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

publishing a book and staying anonymous are not mutually exclusive

Maybe she revealed a bit more about herself in the book. Maybe she just doesn't want people here to read it. Maybe it's not your f business.

So 7 billion people knew but a dozen more would be a calamity?

No, only few selected people knew that it's her book. Others might have seen it, read it but didn't know Atch.

Ale jesteÅ› upierdliwy.

Idealne podsumowanie
28 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [755]

Following your logic

Again, cars are useful on daily basis. Guns are not.
And yes, we do license who can use them, same with guns.

not a local library or a priest?

Because I needed different services. But no, I didn't need police for their guns.
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Did I miss anything?

She doesn't want us to know. And who can blame her?
One idiot already used every scrap of information he has to track it and another can't let it go after hearing no.
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Why are you so obsessed? She said already she is not going to give the info.

Another one of my interests is dolls' houses and miniatures

Can I ask what appeals to you in those?
I'm very practical (to the point it can be a vice) and I think that's why I like renovating, building flatpacks etc. That is also why I like furniture restoration/ flipping.

I am devout however of any artistic talent and any crafts don't interest me at all.
27 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Another one of my interests is dolls' houses and miniatures.

That seems to be a thing in UK and USA. Never seen anything like that in Poland.

I can say it actually looks nicer than my real life kitchen!

Because you don't have to cook in there :) all stays nice, clean and perfect

My brother and sister in law are into building their own miniatures.

  • IMG20240312WA0000.jpg
27 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Just post the title of the book you say you found

He suffered amnesia on top of all that so he can't remember lol
27 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

What is better - parents pushing kids out to schools

Definitely better that way.

and then suddenly find studying fascinating.

Maybe not fascinating but enough to get themselves a trade.

Nobody is talking about throwing anyone "into the world with nothing"

You are. A 13 yo with limited writing/ reading and basic maths, with no trade, most likely not very involved parents thrown into the adult world... Makes sense....

For the people I'm talking about,

For one, it's a big, huge assumption that the kids t you are thinking about would be the ones to quit. Most kids at 13 find school an obstacle in real life. I knew plenty of intelligent kids that would jump at the opportunity.

Whil there is place for manual labour don't try to pretend it exists in abundance. And factories are definitely getting out of those people reach

1- you don't have to be gifted to learn how to be a plumber, hairdresser etc.
2- I think you are really overestimating parents. The amount of times I heard people calling theirs 5 and 6 yo ' not academic ' and not giving any support to give the kids a chance.

salaries should be higher but as long as there are hordes of women willing to do the job for peanuts money,

Easy solution - guys stop doing the jobs and pay will increase! Great solution Torq!

And then we go into legal stuff- kids labour, who gets the salary, what protection you have in place to protect those kids from things they shouldn't be involved in etc...
27 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]

, over 13, should continue learning but it should no longer be compulsory, and should be considered a privilege not a right.

What a load of bollo**.
1- it would encourage parents pushing kids out of education to start working.
2- some kids are late bloomers and find interest in learning later.
3- there is the option of joining vocational school and learn a trade, much better then throwing them into the world with nothing.
4- bad economically as the less educated the workforce the less mobile, adaptable etc.
5- work is becoming more and more automated. There is less and less work for simply manual work.
26 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

Now how the hell would I know that Mary Smith is Atch? How would I know if Mary Smith is real or fake?

You wouldn't. But some people here are constantly investigating posters.

She also might not want to have comments from people from this forum under her book.