The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by aphrodisiac  

Joined: 15 Apr 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jan 2013
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From: Poland, Szczecin- the best city ever
Speaks Polish?: yes.
Interests: lots

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9 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

Also language reflects national character(German precision where every word means only one thing etc).

that is something I would agree with and I think there is a social theory re: the influence of the spoken language on the persons patterns of thinking, values etc. Language carries much more then just words.

On the other hand languages which become international(like English,Spanish etc) lose their complexity because they have to be spoken by non-native folks(colonies etc).So they sacrifice the edges.

yes and no. I don't know Spanish, so I cannot comment really, but I know that English used to have cases in the past. Whether colonial politics was the only reason for the change is not for me to say, but I think that the changes happened before colonial times.

I am not buying your IQ theory though:)
9 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

Because no other Slavonic language has inflections, genders, or tenses.

good point and I had explained it in my previous post. English is EASY to learn because of other language influences. It is a relatively easy language to learn in comparison to other languages.

most people have become far too ethnocentric.

some are as a result of post-colonialism sentiments, but to be fair there are some Poles who are very ethnocentric as well.
9 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

your weak educational system made you unable to meet and learn foreign cultures and languages. And you have to somehow explain to yourself your weakness.

good point, I can actually post all the names of the posters who represent such an attitude, but most PF members know who they are anyways.

I'm afraid that what you say is unfortunately true. You need no Freudian therapist to discover it once you've visited this forum.

agree with everything you said:).
8 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

I think all polish people are simply ashamed to post here, because they realize that their language is simply tracking them down so much.

poland, with a normal language, and not polish, woruld have been 200 years ahead now...

well, you have a point there that many Poles still have a problem with speaking other languages in comparison to other nationalities, but this is changing and the young generation is much more exposed to languages, internet, so I think that it would not take 200 years to be ahead. Then again, what is wrong with the progress that Poland is making right now. Not all the progress is good mind you, but the lack of language skills can drag the country down. To what degree it is difficult to predict.

Polish is a Slavic language and many Poles understand many other Slavic languages, just like English is much better spoken in countries where Germanic languages are native languages- it is just easier since they share a lot of vocab and language structure. Even learning English for an Italian is easier then it is for a Pole.
7 Apr 2010
Language / Polish in 4 Weeks CD-ROM [46]

you can't export or send/etc. selected files from iTunes, can you?

I think you can- I did it via Skype a long time ago.

Just checked, I don't have it anymore on Itunes and the CD were stolen by my former student:((((((((((( Sorry.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Why didn't you expand westward? Were scared or something? If so, then why mention Ukrainians at all. Say simply:"I, Borrka, want to be a German and my people be German-like". That's nice and I have nothing against it. But to put it the way you did is wrong in my opinion.

you know what he would say if Ukraine had a German economy? Germans are primitive peasants who should be invaded by us, civilized Poles, so they can be saved. I understand that this attitude, however childish and immature still prevails among some Poles posting on PF. Really strange and unrealistic in my opinion.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

There are multitude of claims (joking or not) about bringing culture and intelligence to wild Ukis running in the forests.

nah, that was just propaganda to justify the expansion.
31 Mar 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

"Eye sea meny diference tipes uv stoodents in skule this tirm.
I du think divarsity iz besikly a good thing thow...."

that is pretty bad but I can still understand it, so it is possible that the person is either dyslexic or has had really poor education.

Thanks for sharing
31 Mar 2010
Food / Traditional Polish Soups. [85]

In Poland it's traditionally served when King Polkagamon comes to lunch.

Polish parents had to revive the tradition because of him lol
27 Mar 2010
History / MAP OF POLAND IN 1880'S [95]

I just posted a youtube link that I thought is interesting.

I love it.
24 Mar 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [267]

(ahh sorry I forgot most of them are not Polish even most of the time it is doubtful if they have any connection with Poland other than racist propaganda).

That is true, although there are some exception the the rule. People of PF say what they would not say in real life. I am glad that you are having a positive experience in Poland and I would not worry about those racist, most of them are unfortunately mentally disturbed I think.
23 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

not only Poles- it is part of the human nature to blame everybody but yourself. Some like to point fingers more then others.

Also, I did not see that Darius really addressed my post, so I need to do my own research now.

I was hoping for more factual reply, but I am addicted to facts.


what gives you the right to be a gate keeper in Norway?
23 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

so please tell me why are you ranting on Polish forum about immigration problem in Norway- give me one good reason how it relates to Poland?????????

BTW, all those problems exist in other countries with a % of immigration, so this is nothing new to me.
In my opinion you are just looking to spread more hate, because a normal, balanced, rational person would be able to see that those problems are part of immigration process. In my opinion you are trying to be more Norwegian then you really are.

A son of Polish immigrants is criticizing other immigrants in order to fell better about yourself. Petty in my opinion, but I have seen it many times. Of course I could be wrong, still, I dislike racists and you are one.

You are too focused on those issues, I would say obsessed.
