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The word Murzyn in Polish culture

pawian  226 | 27817
8 Nov 2023   #1
Murzyn is a traditional Polish name for black people, regardless where they come from: Africa or America. It has been used in hundreds of various contexts.

Here is the name used in the context I have had no idea about until now:

Mike Tyson`s passion is pidgeons. He has come to Poland to buy 100 pidgeons which are unknown in the US - namely, murzyn polski variety - Polish blackman pidgeon. Amasing!

Funny that the bird is half black, half white. :):):)

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Nov 2023   #2
Polish blackman pidgeon. Funny that the bird is half black, half white. :):):)

Beautiful one, indeed. Pity I don`t like birds and don`t understand why people get so passionate about them. :):):)

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Miloslaw  22 | 5198
8 Nov 2023   #3
Pity I don`t like birds and don`t understand why people get so passionate about them. :):):)

Just weird...... or drunk..,...
Alien  26 | 6523
10 Nov 2023   #4
There are, or at least there were, "murzynki" cookies. For me personally, they were too chocolatey.
10 Nov 2023   #5

Pigeons aka sky rats.

the bird is half black, half white.

I've never seen a pigeon like that. I don't like them but that is a stunning bird.

"murzynki" cookies.

There's also a cake with a bit of a rude name called "Cycki Murzynki"
mafketis  38 | 11257
10 Nov 2023   #6
I've never seen a pigeon like that.

Neither have I. I sometimes go to a peasant market on Sundays with a section devoted to pigeons and they have a very weird looking one with a puffed out chests.... a little googling revealed ir (ora very similar one) is called garłacz (blunderbuss)
10 Nov 2023   #7
garłacz (blunderbuss)

That is a weird looking pigeon! Never seen one like that either! Apparently, there are over 300 species of Columbidae, the family that pigeons belong to.

a section devoted to pigeons

They sell them? I've met 3 Poles over here who absolutely love pigeons. One of them was an ex-neighbour of mine who built a huge enclosure for them in his garden. Unfortunately, they attracted rats and a couple of foxes. Another neighbour reported him and the local council came round and told him to dismantle the enclosure and get rid of the pigeons. He had to drive them a long way away to stop them coming back. He was absolutely gutted that they had to go.
mafketis  38 | 11257
10 Nov 2023   #8
They sell them?

Sort of a buy/sell/swap thing as far as I can tell.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #9
the bird is half black, half white.
I've never seen a pigeon like that

Have you seen Michael Jackson? He was like Polish murzyn pidgeon.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #10
There are, or at least there were, "murzynki" cookies

Sorry, not cokies but regular cake.
The first pic shows standard little negr cake, the other - little negr under the feather quilt variety.

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Alien  26 | 6523
10 Nov 2023   #11
, not cokies but regular cake

There are also round chocolate cookies that come in packets.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #12
that come in packets.

That is inhumane, really. That is why I had no idea about it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2023   #13
There is a famous poem by an equally famous poet about the little black boy called Bambo. Polish children read it in kindergartens and stage theatricals about Bambo, their black friend from Africa. The last two lines read: what a pity jolly Bambo doesn`t attend our school with us.

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Miloslaw  22 | 5198
10 Nov 2023   #14
The first pic shows standard little negr cake, the other - little negr under the feather quilt variety.

They look very nice.
Joker  2 | 2447
11 Nov 2023   #15

They paint the kids in blackface early over there. Its for good reason. They dont want to have anymore pink babies that look like little Pawianska.

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Alien  26 | 6523
11 Nov 2023   #16
what a pity jolly Bambo doesn`t attend our school with us.

Bambo finally came to Poland to study, Bambo's grandfather was so happy about it that he fell out of the tree (the one Bambo was running away from). However, Bambo complained to his father, who was a Nigro leader, that he had to go to university by car and his Polish friends took buses. His dad replied that if he continued to study so well, he would also buy him a bus....

Ps. Bambo came to my parties several times, which were famous throughout the university. He always came in a white suit.
amiga500  5 | 1537
11 Nov 2023   #17
ni*ggaa or nighah o.k, nig*ger something else entirely. it's all in in the spelling and pronunciation.

oh wait some far left woke idiots in poland are debating wethter the word murzyn is ofensive. lolzo get a life.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Nov 2023   #18
in poland are debating wethter the word murzyn is ofensive.

Yes, part of those protesters are black who feel they are not treated seriously in Poland - like the proverbial Bambo negr.

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Alien  26 | 6523
11 Nov 2023   #19
like the proverbial Bambo negr.

"Koniec murzynka Bambo" No, they want to finish off Bambo. We will never allow this. Long live Bambo.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Nov 2023   #20
We will never allow this. Long live Bambo.

Yes, Alien. We, people of the old generation, are so fond of Bambo that we will defend him to the bitter end.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2023   #21
Female negr radish: my fave winter veg - it is healthy, spicy, crunchy, firm, durable.

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14 Nov 2023   #22

I've never tried black ones but I'm not keen on radishes.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2023   #23
They are really hot and spicy. Like Scary Spice Mel B.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Nov 2023   #24
In communist times, during the acutest economic crisis of 1980s, we used to comment on it in the circle of uni mates: Poland is 100 years behind murzyns. It meant we were so backward compared to non-communist European countries.
Alien  26 | 6523
18 Nov 2023   #25
Poland is 100 years behind murzyns. It meant we were so backward compared to non-communist European countries.

In fact, in this case the saying was taken literally. We were 100 years behind not Western Europe but African countries.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Nov 2023   #26
In 1970s we had a tomcat called Murzyn. You can easily guess he was all black. I remember I played cruel kid games with him - wheelbarrow and bell. I was a nasty monkey boy then. Tfu!!! Shame on me!
Alien  26 | 6523
21 Nov 2023   #27
wheelbarrow and bell

Did he survive it?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Nov 2023   #28
Yes. But after a few months my parents sent it to an acquainted family in the countryside for reasons still unknown to me. I missed him so much and never forgot my feline friend - I compensated myself for that loss in my adult life - we have 3 cats now (again), two of them black.

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