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The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are.

Novichok  4 | 8478
5 Aug 2021   #121
.Now and then some tried to flee their "barracks" and tried to hide to just get away...

They probably did the same thing in Poland. That is why calling their presence "occupation" strips the word of its intended meaning. After 1945, the occupiers were Polish collaborators.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Aug 2021   #122
After 1945, the occupiers were Polish collaborators.

Agreed! In Germany they had more than enough "Mitläufer"....on both sides...
Novichok  4 | 8478
5 Aug 2021   #123

Rare but appreciated.
Ironside  50 | 12941
6 Aug 2021   #124
Germans killing Jews was in a different category than the Russians killing Poles in Katyn.

Oh really? What is the difference according to you?

One was genocide, the other politics.

That? Stop yapping! This are your moronic excuses not an argument.
a. Both were political because were created, planed and executed by a country governing structure i.e. it was an official policy.
b. Katyń wasn't a single separated incident of the Soviet extermination policy but only a one ring in the long chain of consistent genocidal policy directed towards Polish ethnicity.

If you don't know much and can't even bother to google little then you can, would you kindly shut your stupid mug you gobshite! ?

After 1945, the occupiers were Polish collaborators.

An engineer my foot. After 1945 there was no enough collaborators, gutter trash, criminals, minorities (like Jews) and some unknow creatures with fake IDs in the whole Poland to be anything but Soviet butlers. Without Soviet Army and NKVD they wouldn't last in Poland for an hour...

That slowly started to change after 1956 but mostly in the 60' and 70' when the new generation shaped by the Soviets grew up!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Aug 2021   #125
Correct, Ironside. Katyn was political, Auschwitz was ideological/biological-racial.
Novichok  4 | 8478
6 Aug 2021   #126
a. Both were political because were created,

Katyn was political, Auschwitz was ideological/biological-racial.

Correct, Ironside.

What??? He says exactly the opposite and he is correct?
His post is as idiotic as they get. Of course, Auschwitz was racial and Jews were murdered for just being Jews and there was nothing they could do to change that immutable trait.

Katyn was political. Period. If these officers had pro-Soviet political views they would be safe. Their ethnicity had NOTHING to do with what happened to them. Political views are NOT immutable traits and can be changed. Many have done just that.

If the USSR decided to pursue "consistent genocidal policy directed towards Polish ethnicity", as this idiotic post above yours claims, they would continue killing Poles after the war was over. They did not. Duh!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Aug 2021   #127
Only a deranged maniac exterminates a group of humans solely because of who rather than what they are. Jews were reared in a certain manner, some people are as they are, yet who justifies genocide except a miscreant!
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Aug 2021   #128
y a deranged maniac exterminates a group of humans solely because of who rather than what they are

Human history is full of genocide.... concentrating and obsessing on a single example (notable primarily for scale and bureaucratic approach) and bringing it up in unrelated contexts.... doesn't do much to prevent it.

If moralizing about the holocaust stopped genocide then why didn't it stop Ruanda in 1994 (or Ethiopia now?)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #129
If Katyn would had been a genocide after the official definition the Soviets would had gone for the wives and children of these officers too...just for being related to them, belonging to the same ethnicity, to the same people....

But they were after the "Intelligentsia", to destroy a possible/probable future resistance at the roots with killing the hearts and brains of it. There IS a difference! The common farmer, as long as they pledged their loyalty, had not much to fear from the Soviets....the Jews were never even given that choice!

Only a deranged maniac

It was the horrible consequence of medical euthanasia! And that was real hot stuff back then and seriously discussed by scientists...the idea to weed out the sick and the "unfitting" with pills and injections was a much thrown around and talked about idea in this time (also in the US and elsewhere in the modern West)....that's what Hitler build on I think....Auschwitz didn't spring out of the sick brain of one lone deranged maniac, I fear....
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Aug 2021   #130
to destroy a possible/probable future resistance at the roots

Fortunately mother nature knows best and human ability is not strictly tied to parentage - lots of exceptional people have average children and lots of average people have exceptional children.

But if we want to talk about genocide the Rwanda in the 1990s or the Uyghurs in China or Tigray in Ethiopia are maybe a bit more relevant to the modern world....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #131
....not many people care about these ones....probably because not many people care about Tutsi's, Uighurs or Tigrayans!

But anti-semitism is still alive and well, and many Jew-hater in the West would like to see Israel eradicated....and Israel has been a consequence of the Holocaust....deny the Holocaust and it is much easier to deny Israel it's right to exist and to fight for it's survival ("poor opressed Arabs" and all that).

It is all still connected, the very old Jew-hate and the very new...that's why it is still talked about and discussed in a way the others aren't, it's probably for many people still more actual than the others.
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Aug 2021   #132
not many people care about Tutsi's, Uighurs or Tigrayans!

So concern about genocide should be allotted according to the popularity of the group being targeted....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #133
Well....isn't it always that way?

Popular people count least popular in the West, we still rule the news and the social media.

I'm sure there is somewhere in the world a mass murder going on right now...and we will never know...because nobody in the West is truly interested (at least not enough to do more than just shrugging).
Ironside  50 | 12941
6 Aug 2021   #134
His post is as idiotic as they get

Dude I know that English is your second language but if you dare to make any sort of a argument in that language I would expect you to be very careful what you say and be precise in what you write.

The way you put it in your post is not only idiotic is gibberish, as if an idiot was talking about issues he hardly understand...

Also you pride yourself on being an original poster that cuts through the convention like a hot knife through the butter. Here and there however you are strangely conventional, not challenging or original at all you simply regurgitate already digested issues.

Yes Jews succeeded in installing in the USA their take on their exceptionalism when in comes to the WWII. If you share that view you should be saying it directly. Not hiding behind some lame created by you categories that make no sense or rhythm.

I have explained to you why both happenings were political. That should end the argument or you should try to challenge my take on that. However because you can't you choose another way, you called-my post idiotic.

Really? You dumb fraud, you really have no shame or dignity or a pulse for that matter. Some dope zombie from the ether.
geez ...what a twat!

what you should have said that an ideology behind it or a motivation for those acts were different. Still it doesn't make one mass murder a genocide while the other murder is something else. that is an illogical nonsense. If you condone it you should be supporting the law that introduces so called hate crime...

Illogical inconsistency is your forte, oh what to do? you pride yourself to be both consistent and logical!

the Soviets would had gone for the wives and children of these officers too.

They did! If they could put their hands on them they send them to Gulags or Siberia...Granted after 1941 they somewhat changed their policy towards Poles but before that date.

The common farmer, as long as they pledged their loyalty, had not much to fear from the Soviets

Hmm not really, they went after Polish farmers in te Soviet union in the 30' too. It wasn't even their fight with kulaks but that was so called Polish operation by NKVD.

You were saying?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #135
....there are alot grey areas where things overlap, Iron....then the intention counts, I think.

If the Soviets did go after the polish farmers because they were Poles then it would have been genocide, but then you could call the ethnic cleansing of Germans in the new after-war-borders that too...where to draw the line?
Novichok  4 | 8478
6 Aug 2021   #136
... they were after the "Intelligentsia", to destroy ...resistance at the roots with killing the hearts and brains of it. There IS a difference!

Perfect. Hey, Iron, did you read that?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Aug 2021   #137
Obsessing, Maf?? Justifying it is as bad as ignoring it!
Novichok  4 | 8478
6 Aug 2021   #138
If they could put their hands on them they send them to Gulags or Siberia...

Another idiotic post I will not waste time reviewing in detail.
Some things do not need to be said. They are self-evident.
BTW, how far is Gulags from Siberia?
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Aug 2021   #139
Justifying it is as bad as ignoring it!

Who shoehorned it into this thread? Who is uninterested in talking about other genocides (including those going on now)?

What about the Porajmos?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Aug 2021   #140
Anywhere near the Poconos?
mafketis  38 | 11137
6 Aug 2021   #141


"the Romani Holocaust-also known as the Porajmos, the Pharrajimos ("Cutting up", "Fragmentation", "Destruction"), and the Samudaripen ("Mass killing")-was the effort by Nazi Germany and its World War II allies to commit ethnic cleansing and eventually genocide against Europe's Romani people during the Holocaust era"

Ironside  50 | 12941
6 Aug 2021   #142
hen you could call the ethnic cleansing of Germans in the new after-war-borders

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #143
For whom? There were only women and children left...

My grandmother took the "trek" with four little girls, my mother was only 1 year old.....what karma had she to work off? The "wrong" ethnicity?

I told ya,'s a grey area....the Germans were targeted because they were Germans...many still wasn't a Holocaust!
gumishu  15 | 6228
6 Aug 2021   #144
.what karma had she to work off?

karma works with incarnations - what karma did the Polish children have who died in Warsaw uprising - don't you think it's a valid question too
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #145
I don't believe in Karma at all....

Chancellor Kohl once talked about the "Gnade der späten Geburt"....the "mercy of a late birth" has more merit....we were lucky enough not to be born in this time in these places, thats all.
gumishu  15 | 6228
6 Aug 2021   #146
I don't believe in Karma

if you don't believe in karma you must think in categories of injustices - are you going to weigh now all perceived injustices the second world war brought
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
6 Aug 2021   #147
Why? Iron and me were discussing which mass murder would count as genocide and which not....

Or you are looking for justifications for mass murder....that is a slippery path, it could end in a Holocaust and many people thinking the victims deserved their fate!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Aug 2021   #148
I mentioned the Roma in a prior post.
jon357  72 | 23482
6 Aug 2021   #149
I don't believe in Karma at all....

Wisely so. The bad guys get away with it all too often.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
6 Aug 2021   #150
Or as the Germans like to say: "They hang the little guys and the big fish get off scot free!"

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